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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kalani Solle

Kalani was feeling something that she was not used to feeling. It made her stomach feel all knotted and she did not like it. Some might call it 'guilt'.

At first, when she watched Krone snatch the water Gem's ring, she felt bad for the girl. However at the same time, she knew that it was probably for the best. As Gem brides, they have lost their freedom; one might say they are as good as dead. There was no need for such a frivolous thing as "love". If only Krone had simply taken the ring and left it at that. Unfortunately for Kalani, that was not the case. She was frozen stiff as her dear husband placed the dreadful band on her finger. She dared not look at the girl, but she knew that she was crying bitterly at the loss of her treasure. Krone's strangely gentle kiss sent a shiver up Kalani's spine and his warning afterwards only made it worse.

"Now if you, Kalani, give that ring back to her, both of you will be flogged. If you, little one, steal the ring both of you will be flogged."

Not only was she forced to wear the engagement ring of another woman, if the woman ever got it back, regardless of how she obtains it, Kalani will be flogged as punishment. Based on the limited time she has spent with the water Gem, Kalani knew that the girl did not fear any consequences so she would have the guard this ring well or else suffer. It was a nasty game Krone was playing, but Kalani was only a pawn. Hopefully, she could come to some agreement or alliance with the girl. It would also be nice if the girl gave her name as well so she no longer had to be referred to as 'the girl'.

Kalani solemnly followed the Drakken up the stairs and down the hall into his chamber. When he motioned for them to sit, she sat on one of the chairs provided. She gazed her eyes toward the fireplace. The flames brought her a mix of warmth and nostalgia which made her miss home. She wondered how her parents were doing without her.

She didn't have much time to dwell on that as Krone has formally introduced himself and asked to learn more about them. Much to Kalani's dismay, the girl still refused to cooperate. Kalani wanted to scold her or scream or do something at least. Her sympathy for the girl has quickly evaporated. For Pyrus sake, why does she keep putting herself in this situation? Why does she have to be so stubborn? Because of her stubbornness, she was not only risking her life but Kalani's as well. Did she not get this? There was no point in fighting back. It was stupid, reckless, and nothing was going to change years and years of history. Especially not a few shed tears or sarcastic remarks.

Kalani used all of her mental strength in order to restrain herself and continued to stare at the flickering flames to calm herself down. She made a mental note to always try to speak first or at least somehow get the girl to learn to bite her tongue.

"She is overwhelmed and bitter by these sudden chain of events, Master Krone," Kalani replied in attempt to defuse the crisis. "I hope you can forgive her attitude. If it is not too much to ask, perhaps you should give us some time alone to talk before we continue this conversation so I can see if I can convince her to behave in a more pleasant manner. Only if you allow it, of course."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by my Lalia
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my Lalia The Master of Hugs

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Raya T'mivus

Raya was a little unnerved on how sure the Drakken was about her not running. How could he knew that she wouldn't? He just got here not long ago, how could he know that something would hold her Here? Sure he could request such information from the guards, but he had not done so.

"Donโ€™t be surprised, Raya."

She was less surprised and more confused as none of the other Drakken Lords would have let her go. She hated how he spoke in a calm fashion as if she was a scared animal that he needed to tame before it either attacked or fled. When he grabbed her hands he was oddly gentle as his large thumbs traced her palms and fingers. It was almost like he was trying to decode her by simply touching her hands.

"You're an Earth Gem, aren't you."

Raya lifted an eye brow but that was all she showed of her shock. She was always told that Drakkens were mindless brutes that only wished to make war and take their pleasures from any female they came into contact with. Never was she told that they had some that were quick witted. Why? Why was she never told? Why did they leave her unprepared? Maybe if she was warned of some of the Drakkens being smart and manipulating, she might of.... she might.... she had no idea, at least she wouldn't have been caught by surprise.

"You spend a lot of time outdoors, in the woods, there's still a bit of tree sap between your fingers. Frasier. And-- tsk-tsk, what's this? Untrimmed fingernails? Well, you'll learn to take better care of yourself I'm sure. These are some strong hands, you must have brothers."

Was he commenting on how she looked? He couldn't even see her! Stuffing down her small amount of anger, she bit her lip. "What you say is True my Lord... How you know such things is... amazing." She said coolly as she looked up at her husband. Her voice was a mixture of anger and slight surprise, as it was hard to keep those two emotions from her voice.

Once he turned away from her, he called forth the other bride and basically did the same thing to her. She was pretty, much so than her. But then Raya spent most if not all her time in the forest and didn't have to look good for anyone. Did she want to look pretty? No, not really as it was hard for earth Gems to charge as the earth only change slowly unless forced. Great, that was something to look forward to.

Tirza R'Miva

It was easy to see the curiosity in the eyes of the Drakken as he looked at her closely. Why he was doing so, she cared little. All she knew that he was planning something, what exactly? She didn't know. When he agreed with her, she smirked and her mouth opened to say something smart. But before she could get the words out Praeth had his lips by her ear.

"There is a banquet this evening in which the nobles showcase their prizes. To be frank, you are the only one I believe would misbehave at such an opportune time, thus I will give you this now as entertainment, should you misbehave, you will keep it for the night. Behave and I will release it from you, you lose the moment someone finds out what exactly you are using to entertain yourself. Be careful of the games you play."

His words rolled out in tone that was slightly confusing to Tirza, but before she could comment she inhaled sharply as she felt his gift he left her. Oh he played dirty! Her cheeks flushed as the water played across her body, she bit the inside of her lip as Praeth turned. She was slightly hunched as she tried to think through the pleasure. Keep it together Tears! Oh dear Gods!...... Straighten up! Straighten up, don't give him the satisfaction! She thought as she straightened her back.

He went on to say some other things, but she couldn't focus as she tried to calm her body and mind. But it was hard as, yeah, she never had this happen to her before. She glared at Praeth when his eyes met hers but they changed from a glare to a sultry stare.

She smirked when he gave her a chance to show off her element. "Of course my Lord." She said in a strong tone, showing no sign of translated waves of frustration she was feeling. But now she had to think, she wanted to impress, but if she used to much energy she would become weak. That was something she was willing to do before Praeth gave her the entertainment, but now if she used too much energy she might not be able to control herself.

Lifting her fingers to her lips she whispered then blew a kiss towards Praeth. The air moved and obeyed and upon reaching the Drakken she knew he felt her kiss on his lips and a whisper in his ear even though her lips weren't currently moving. (Whisper: We both can play a mean game)

She smiled and dared to send another kiss. She showed very little signs of her frustration, though in her head she was screaming.

Krone the Scream Taker

Naturally the little one didn't sit, that much was expected. She was in a panic after losing her beloved ring, obviously she loved the person who gave it to her. All Gemminite girls should of been taught that until they were twenty-one they shouldn't attempt to get Gem boys attention. How foolish of her. She was so naive, pretty, but she lacked for sight. And things only seemed to get worse for her when she went on a temper tantrum.

Krone's expression of curiosity and malice didn't change as he studied the girl.
No regard for herself or for her fellow bride sister. She rather die than submit, because someone else in her home land. She won't respond to physical pain as much as she would rather endure that. No, I need loyalty, even if its out of fear. He thought as he studied the little one.

Just then Kalani spoke up and once again she was trying to defuse the situation, but it was far too late. He had already made up his mind and nothing the little fire Gem said could turn him. How did he know her element? Simple, as he saw her look into the fire with a longing and her eyes showed a slight spark. Fire Gems were usually easy to spot, as they always seemed to have a look about them. The harder ones to tell apart were the other three, but he could tell who water Gems were as he himself had power over water. Water attracts water.

"My dear, I know how you wish to cool the situation. But the little one..... the little one must learn." Krone said slowly in his deep voice that was oddly pleasant to the ear. His eyes showed slight disappointment as he sat forward in his chair and placed his elbows on his knees.

"Cullonus!" He called though his voice wasn't loud when he did so. The chamber door opened and a large Drakken filled it's frame, the Drakken was scarred and battle worn but still held a fierceness in his eyes.

"Yes my Lord Krone?" asked Cullonus, his voice was like he had swallowed rocks.

"This little one here refuses to give me her name and I have a feeling that there is someone in her home land. Pray tell, whatever you know about her." He said softly while pointing at the little water Gem. The softness of Krone's voice made Cullonus fidget for a moment before looking at the little harshly.

"Her name is Kaelira Isrilen, a water Gem. Was said that her little Gem man tried to beat a Drakken. They could of killed him right then and there, but the Gem guard that was with them convinced them otherwise. As far as I know my Lord, the pick is still alive." Cullonus said the last part with a wicked smile on his face, that betrayed what he knew was about to happen.

Krone smirked and nodded before looking at Kaelira. He had her now, she would comply or risk losing the one she loved. Though Krone had to wonder why she was holding onto this useless hope of seeing him again. Her lover would know that he would never see Kaelira again, and would know that she would be deflowered by one much better endowed. Sure the male Gem would mope and cry for a while but he would move on. Krone had seen it before with his father's brides.

"So Kaelira... If you wish to keep this male Gem of yours alive and of sound mind, you simply must submit. Or don't....... and get to watch me work first hand. I am not called the Scream Taker for nothing." He explained calmly though there was an edge to it, a sharp edge that cut deep.

Standing slowly he went over to Kalani and gently took her hand and motioned for her to stand. He was giving Kaelira time to think about what she wished to do. As he waited, he gently stroked Kalani's cheek with slight amusement in his eyes. "You have been well behaved, because of this I won't let this hurt too much." He said as he dropped his hand to the base of her neck where her neck met her shoulder. To her it would of felt like he pinched her, though he didn't. There he placed his Mark of ownership, as he knew that there was a feast soon and he didn't want anyone to take his brides. Especially since all those attending were young and foolish and power hungry.

Young Fools.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Kasari's trip could be considered anything but comfortable. She had been taken away from her home and thrown into a carriage, certainly not designed with comfort in mind. At first she had struggled but her rage quickly dissipated to tears of despair, tears she shed silently out of spite for the Drakken; she would not allow them the satisfaction of her pain. The Gemminite gained control of her emotions before the carriage reached the mountain pass, forcing a blank stare into her features as two of the three Drakken men escorting her climbed into the carriage with her. The mountains were cold, each of their breaths escaping in little white puffs the closer they got to their destination. From what she had been told Drakken weren't very fond of the cold, having come from a desolate land scorched by the heat of the sun. This fact became clear as the Drakken men got more and more irritable, never complaining but visibly more tense and voices more sharp.

Because she was a Gem of the fire element the cold didn't bother her in the slightest, her body temperature had always been a little higher but it had a way of shifting to keep her warmer in the colder months of the year. Unfortunately for her it was this lack of reaction to the environment that brought upon the "wrath" of her captors. Needless to say she would have bruising around her neck and biceps later on from their rough handling. Upon arriving at the place known as Shadow Worth Kasari found that the men inside were no gentler than her escorts, not that she had been expecting much else. She was brought to a room with many other girls like herself, taken from their homes with little to no warning to become the wives of the Drakken scum. The thought made her grind her teeth but she maintained her emotionless demeanor. Perhaps if she faked lifelessness they would throw her aside and send her home, little did she know it wouldn't work out in the least.

Standing in front of so many strange men made her feel uncomfortable, much of her skin was visible due to her lack of preparation. Her outfit was in two pieces, mere cloth to cover her bust and some flowing skirts to allow for free range movement; Kasari was quite active at home. Even her shoes were thin enough that she could feel the rough ground beneath her feet. Amidst her discomfort, Kasari had spaced out, being taken completely by surprise when the guards gripped her tightly and brought her before a pair of Drakken; one female the other a blind male. Silently she wondered how such a creature could survive amongst such treacherous beasts, the thought that he had somehow managed to earn brides unnerved her. She kept her gaze forward but watched the blind Drakken's interactions with the Gem beside her. From what she gathered this girl's name was Raya and that she was Earth Gem with brothers... How this man knew such things escaped her, but then again it was very possible that the Drakken were given information about them to better intimidate the girls. Whatever it was, Kasari was not going to act so easily impressed.

Released from the guards' grip, Kasari stood boldly in front of the man while shooting open looks at the Drakken woman with him. She kept her breath even, standing firmly in place even as the man drew creepily close to her. "What makes you so sure that my elemental abilities are based in fire?" She tilted her head curiously, purposely not answering his question. Before she received any sort of reaction, Kasari felt a familiar presence snake his way around her right ankle. Without looking she knew that the beast wrapped around her leg was a desert lizard she had named Leo. She thought he was among the family members she would never see again, but it seemed as if the creature was much cleverer than anyone had given him credit for.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Raxacoricofallapatorius
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Raxacoricofallapatorius god of shenanigans

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Tyrai Hellsong

Having grown bored of watching Torin familiarize himself with his new wives, Tyrai turned her nose in the air with a haughty look and took to wandering around the great hall, careful to distinguish herself from those Gems. They were so petty, either with tears in their eyes or putting on a rebellious front or some other display of sorrow and angst. She stood apart from them, elegant, her polished horns and cascading golden ringlets shimmered in the torchlight. Unlike the Gems in their tattered clothes and hasty beauty preparations, she was clean and dressed in a gown tailored specially to her figure, crafted with deep scarlet silk edged in pearl white. The family crest was embroidered into the intricate design on her bodice, and the thick black ribbon encircling her tapering waistline was knotted artistically behind her back so that the loose ends fell like delicate tails to the hem of her skirt. She had removed the heavy cloak but her long neck was still graced with a fur stole. She felt like a queen amongst beggars, and she might as well have been.

As Tyrai pretended to wander aimlessly, though never far enough that Torin was out of her sight, she took careful note of everyone present. Many of the Drakken had already spirited their chosen Gems away to their chambers, no doubt eager to plunder their new prizes. Some of them apparently couldn't wait that long, and she scoffed in the direction of one warlord who'd even neglected to remove his hood in time to grope one of the little wenches. He might get away with treating a lowly Geminite so indecently, if it had been her she'd have made him regret it. No wonder the animal had to seek a wife among foreigners, no self-respecting Drakken woman would settle for anything less than being treated like royalty.

Turning away from them, Tyrai found herself standing face-to-face with a particularly brutish looking fellow. He towered over her, face split into a yellow-toothed grin. His breath was something foul, not to mention the rest of him. Disgusting. A large masculine Drakken like himself would certainly be attractive if he took care to brush his teeth and take a bath more than once every five years, and if his face didn't look so stupid. "Where'd they catch a pretty thing like you?" he tried to touch her with a grubby hand and she slapped it away. His expression darkened instantly and he seized her roughly by the arm. Tyrai threw up a hand toward his face with a burst of flame that singed his dirty beard and eyebrows. He was startled enough that he let go.

"How dare you!" shrieked Tyrai. She lifted her skirts and fled back to Torin. The now enraged Drakken stalked after her.

Torin Hellsong
Raya T'mivus Kasari Liesma

He smiled. The girl's apparent feistiness was mildly amusing. Even her voice was like striking a spark on steel. He answered her question with another one of his own. "Are you going to prove me wrong?" He slid a hand behind her ear, running his fingers through the silky locks. He would never know what color they were, would never see how they framed her face or flowed over her shoulders, and he would never care about those things. Colors, images, they were long lost to him. They didn't matter. But fire, he knew fire without having to see it. It was familiar, like an old friend. Even if one could not perceive the light of a flame one could always feel its heat. And Torin did, he felt it far more clearly than any visual signal could have revealed to him.

"Who is your little friend?" he sensed the presence of the lizard at the same moment she had. He heard the scuff of its foot on the stone, felt the disturbance in the air at the flick of its tongue. If he had not been so focused on the space that the girl occupied he would have felt Tyrai's struggle before she cried out. As it was, all thoughts of the two Gems were swept aside the instant her cry reached his ears. He whirled around just as she came rushing back and clung onto his arm.

"Torinโ€ฆ" she held tightly to him, glaring at the perpetrator as he lumbered up to the pair. He was almost a head taller than Torin, and by the tremors in the floor the younger Drakken guessed much heavier as well.

"This your wife?" he demanded. Torin, ever-composed, gave a slight shake of his head in answer. "Then give her to me."

"Torin, he hurt me!" Tyrai said, sounding both accusatory and pitiful, as if she were a child who didn't understand why someone would treat her so roughly.

"I'll pay what you ask," the brute's tone suddenly changed, softening his words in an effort to get what he wanted. "Name your price."

"What is your name, sir?" A barely-noticeable breeze brushed passed the brute, too light to move much more than a single hair. Torin gauged the other Drakken's equipment. No armor, just a thick coat open at the front. There was a dagger tucked into his belt, anything else hidden under his clothes Torin could not sense. Otherwise, he didn't appear to be armed so long as he didn't count the massive curling horns mounted on the other's skull. Head-butting was an archaic practice, something only children did in games, but if he'd wanted to there was little doubt he could've sent Torin sailing through the air with a toss of his head. Given the context of the situation, there was little chance of that happening.

"Gron Omber." He waited while Torin appeared to be considering a monetary figure. He waited almost a minute and began to fidget, unable to tell what Torin was thinking since his eyes were masked and face expressionless.

"Torin..." Tyrai whimpered. Torin suddenly slapped her across the face, not hard, but it stung and she let go of his arm, cowed.

At last he stepped forward, and Gron gave him the same yellow-toothed grin, forgetting that it wouldn't matter even if he stuck out his tongue at Torin, who stopped less than two feet from him. "You want my sister so badly?"

"Yes. As I said before, name your price."

"Very well. Gron Omber." As Gron nodded and reached for his purse, Torin raised a hand, curling his fingers into a fist and stealing the air right out of the brute's lungs. If Gron had been expecting an attack, he may have been able to counter it with his own magic. But his mind had been lulled into thinking this was a peaceful dealing, and he didn't fully understand what was happening until Torin wrenched the dagger from his belt and drove it upward beneath Gron's sternum then stepped back just as quickly to avoid the spray of blood. With his lungs collapsed, Gron was unable to even cry out, and the attack was over before he even realized it had begun. Belatedly he clutched the gaping hole in his abdomen, vainly trying to quell the crimson flow. Torin had pierced his heart.

As the brute fell to his knees and continued to bleed out, Torin considered the dagger, weighing it in his grip then deciding it was worthless and tossing it away. It clattered on the floor just beyond Gron's reach, and his eyes followed it, then looked back at his betrayer. Torin had seemed to have forgotten about him, and was more concerned with the spattering of blood on his hand and sleeve. He drew a handkerchief from one of his pockets to wipe it off. Gron sank lower to the ground, wheezing now as if he were trying to speak. Torin cocked his head, altering the air current to amplify the sound for him. "Whโ€ฆWhy?" The word barely escaped his lips before he slumped facedown on the floor in a pool of his own blood.

"Gron Omber? That is your name, is it not?" Torin laughed at the cleverness of his joke, and suddenly anyone who had not yet taken notice of the killing did so now. "I'm sorry," he said, still laughing and sounding very unapologetic, "I drive a hard bargain. I didn't think you'd accept it so readily."

Tyrai approached him once more, but before she could express her thanks he grabbed her by a horn and pulled her head down. "Damn you!" All the mirth vanished from his countenance. "What did you think was going to happen, strutting around by yourself like a whore. I should have let him have you for the evening, maybe you'd learn your lesson. From now on do not leave my side unless I give you permission. Is that understood?" She tried to nod, but his grip was like iron. He pulled harder. "I said, is that understood?"

"Yes my lord," she whispered, tears welling in her eyes, "I apologize." He let her go. She sniffed and hid her face in her hands. Torin put a hand on her head, gently this time, and she took this as a signal to regain her composure. She dried her eyes on her sleeve and took a couple of deep breaths.

Meanwhile, Torin had turned his attention back to the two Gems. The moment he'd turned away a pair of guards had stepped forward to watch them. Now that he was finished, they went back to their posts. "I do beg your pardon, I haven't introduced myself properly. My name is Torin Hellsong, and this foolish maid is my sister Tyrai. Tyrai, this is Raya and this other one won't tell me her name. Perhaps she'll feel a bit more open after she's eaten something. There is a feast prepared for all of Shadow Worth's guests. Please, come with me."

The four of them were escorted by Torin's men to the banquet hall, where some had already gathered. They had to walk past the corpse on the way, but Torin seemed unconcerned. He knew someone else would clean up the mess. Retaliation was unlikely, no one would bother to prosecute him for protecting a family member, especially a female Drakken.

Their seating was arranged so that Tyrai sat on Torin's right and Raya on his left. He allowed the girl who refused to give her name to sit on Raya's other side and briefly wondered if she still had the lizard, then decided it didn't matter. If she was to be troublesome he didn't want to deal with it while he was eating dinner, and he trusted his guards to keep a close watch on her. On the table were scattered a few appetizers, with the main course yet to be served. There was a platter of assorted fruit within reach. Torin trailed his fingertips over each piece before choosing one, a plumlike thing with deep blue skin. He brought it to his nose and tested the ripeness, then held it out to Raya. "Have you ever had one of these before? I believe they are native to my country. Is it to your liking?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RomanAria

RomanAria ๐•‹๐•™๐•– ๐•Š๐•Ÿ๐•ฆ๐•˜๐•˜๐•๐•– ๐•Š๐•š๐•Ÿ๐•˜๐•ฆ๐•๐•’๐•ฃ๐•š๐•ฅ๐•ช

Member Seen 25 days ago


โ€œY-you s-seem nothing b-but g-generous a-and fair, m-my lordโ€ฆ I w-would be y-your friend, i-if you w-would l-l-let meโ€ฆโ€
The girl listened to what else he had to say, only to blush and nod at the Drakkenโ€™s request. โ€œI w-would be h-honored to p-perform for you, m-my l-lordโ€ฆโ€ she mumbled.

In truth, her heart and mind were in turmoil. All sheโ€™d heard of the Drakkens had been of their uncivil behaviors and brutality towards their wives. This man was nothing like what Asta had told her the Drakkens were like, all sharp horns and violence.

โ€Miry, I understand you will likely wish to take it to see your sister one last time. You may do so of course, but be careful not to slip from my sight; If my memory serves correctly the one who has your sister is called Edoric and from what I know of him I believe he would not hesitate to steal you away simply to butcher in front of Astaelin.โ€

โ€œO-of course, my l-lordโ€ฆ I d-donโ€™t intend to t-talk to her again, th-thoughโ€ฆ Sh-she doesnโ€™tโ€”she didnโ€™tโ€ฆโ€ Angrily she wiped at the tears that sprang to her eyes. โ€œW-we agreed th-that it would b-be b-b-best if w-we n-never t-t-talked a-again.โ€

She was snapped out of her thoughts by the man asking her if she wanted to sit down. She did, nervously, only to spring back up with a cry as she watched Amaryllis sling dirty floor-water all over their new husband.

โ€œA-Amaryllisโ€ฆ w-why would you d-do s-s-such a th-thing?โ€ she asked nervously. Then she glanced at the Drakken and paled at his murderous expression. โ€œM-my l-lord, l-l-let me h-helpโ€ฆโ€ Her voice was barely more than a whisper; she was terrified of possibly angering him.

Sheโ€™d spent long enough around her sister that she knew how to infuse heat into her wind powers, and did so, gently swirling a warm breeze around the Drakken man in an effort to dry him. She felt a little dizzy as she did and wincedโ€ฆ how long had it been since sheโ€™d trained her powers, again?

She noticed a smudge of dirt on his face, from where the cloth had impacted the man, probably. She walked over nervously to stand right in front of the Drakken, and rose up on her tiptoes and wiped the dirt off of his face. Her legs were wobbling with nervousness and she lost her balance and fell against him.

Blushing furiously, she jerked away from Zakroti, fearing that heโ€™d snap at her, mumbling all manner of apologies. It was almost comical, in actuality.


Kai spoke before her mind caught up with what Krone was saying. โ€œI will never submit to you, Drakken scum! You took everything; my homeland, my people, my family. I wonโ€™t give you me. I will never, ever submit willingly. There are many Gems here who submit willingly, sure. But there are fighters, too. And if you try to bring our people, if you try to steal our people and bring them here asโ€ฆ as leverage, wellโ€ฆโ€ she flashed a razor-blade of a smile. โ€œWeโ€™ll destroy you. You think Astaelin was the last rebel?โ€ Of course she knew who Asta was. Sheโ€™d become something of a celebrity among the more rebellious Gemminites. โ€œThereโ€™s a whole army of them. We tolerate the reaping because we have to. But step out of line, take more than you are entitled, and we will destroy Drakka, or die trying.โ€

And then she finally comprehended what had been said.

"So Kaelira... If you wish to keep this male Gem of yours alive and of sound mind, you simply must submit. Or don't....... and get to watch me work first hand. I am not called the Scream Taker for nothing."

As fragmented as her heart had been before, it shattered now, and she froze in horror at what sheโ€™d just done.

Her stupid, stupid, stupid self. Ridian was going to die, all because Kai had been too stupid and mule-headed to take a hint.

But she couldnโ€™t very well undo what she had just said, now could she?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 25 days ago

Zakroti watched Amaryllis with no small degree of amusement. He guessed what was coming from the way she looked at him after she had cleaned the floor but feigned ignorance. Best to let it play out. As such, he feigned a surprised grunt as the cloth hit him in the face, splashing him with the water. The cold that stung his face brought back memories, one's that were hardly kind either. Slowly, he raised his hand up to his face to remove the rag Upon hearing her words, he managed to suppress the small smile he was tempted to crack and merely stared at Amaryllis with a blank expression for a few moments, before raising his eyebrows and turning his head to the side slightly in an exaggerated expression of agreement, nodding.

"Not to worry, Amaryllis, accidents happen." He placed the cloth into the pitcher slowly and cast a sudden glance to the glass in his hand, then cranked his head sideways as he heard Miry speak and felt a gust of air carry across his face. So, she was trying to channel warm air around his face to dry him off it seemed. He gave a friendly smile and for those short few seconds a sliver of kindness came over his eyes "Thank you."

He paused for a few moments in thought and felt nothing but pity for the girl. She had been dragged away from home and forced to marry him because her sister had dared to stand up against the Drakken Lords. Astaelin had been an unbelievable fool to shoot an arrow at a lord without due consideration of the potential consequences to herself and her little sister but then all young people made rash decisions. It was part of being young to make rash decisions that weren't exactly the best long term. (You know that all too well) At least somebody had the balls to stand up and do something.

Miry though apparently had none of her sisters tenacity, none of her bravery or forwardness. He couldn't tell what exactly it was a result of, though he guessed to some extent that Miry had become used to hiding behind her sister. Perhaps she had never really had to defend herself and in the absence of her sister isn't entirely sure how to be assertive. She was tearful at the parting of her sister, that much was obvious, and the agreement between the two never to speak again clearly made this an horrific ordeal for her. In some respects he felt

His thoughts were interrupted by Miry falling onto him and then jerking away. "It's quite alright, Miry." Zakroti asked as he quickly ran his eyes over her and noted that while he would have initially deemed the action impossible she appeared to be even more frightened than she had been before. He let out a light chuckle as he watched her apologise profusely for her apparent offence. "You can relax, Miry, I don't hold it against you. You didn't do it deliberately and I am not carrying a pox so you can touch me without looking as though you think you will be killed for it." He flashed her a kind smile again and he lifted his hand up to wipe the remaining dirt from his face. "Are you alright? The fall didn't hurt, did it?"

Zakroti turned his attention back towards Amaryllis and looked at the floor, before running his eyes back up Amaryllis "It looks much better now, doesn't it? Perhaps I should ask you to clean the floors of my estate too, my... Servants would be glad of an extra pair of hands to bear the load." He flashed Amaryllis another wry smile. He was quite clearly taking enjoyment at her rebelliousness rather than annoyance.

"You should really watch yourself, Amaryllis. I trust you do wish to return home one day and you are doing a remarkable job of convincing me not to let you go." Zakroti gave a small chuckle before pausing for a moment to let the words he had just said sink into both girls. He glanced to Miry for a moment, realising that even if he did let her go, her sister would still be in the hands of Edoric. He wondered precisely how she would explain it to people regardless; Would they simply believe she had run away rather than been dismissed? No, she probably wouldn't even explain it and would just meekly agree with everything the local constable said to her, whether it was true or not.

Was it cruel to dangle the possibility of freedom before their eyes? He supposed he was being somewhat misleading in commenting that they might return home. After all, they would not be released soon for certain, his grandfather would gut him if he ever tried to do so and unfortunately for the two girls Zakroti was nothing if not pragmatic. The pair had a value to his plans for certain even if he wasn't exactly satisfied with the value they had... but then again he wasn't outright lying. He had no desire to kill Miry or Amaryllis and their usefulness to his family would in time fade with age, such was the nature of looks and wombs. A waste of the prime of their lives, certainly, he had his suspicions that even Amaryllis could have, if she had desired, snared most Gem boys should she of cleaned herself up a little, but it was better than what most gems could hope for. Returning at age 40 was better than returning in a coffin or disappearing into the abyss of memory, that was for certain. 20 years was a long time, to be sure, but their situation could be far worse.

Yes, brides didn't tend to last long after they finished being pretty and giving children, if they were lucky enough to make it that far. None had ever returned home from what he could recall (Again, he made a mental note to find some information on the subject when he returned to his estate), but just because something was unprecedented didn't make it impossible, even if the... disposition of certain lords meant those who past their age would meet a gruesome end to satisfy their needs.

Zakroti cast a subtle glance to the floor, letting sadness creep into his face for a moment and claim the smile that formerly lay across it, replacing it with a solemn and almost forlorn gaze. Some met a very gruesome end indeed. He masked his face and by extent his emotion as best he could by raising the glass up to his mouth again to take a short sip from it, taking a moment to harden his face again behind the glass. He wasn't trying exceptionally hard, it didn't much matter whether the girls saw him give a momentary mournful glance but he wasn't inclined to give Amaryllis anymore ammo to use against him than she already had.

Speaking of which... He snapped his head straight again, steeling his gaze again and turning his attention back to Amaryllis. He lifting the damp cloth and slung it at her head in retaliation. It was almost a soft throw and the cloth hit her head without even so much force as to make her stumble forwards, more as though he was playing with her than attempting to punish her or even cause her some discomfort.

"Sorry about that. It just slipped." He repeated to her with an amused smile on his face, raising the glass as if in toast before finishing the contents. "A very slippery cloth it seems." He steeled his face again a moment later and continued with a fake seriousness to his voice "Now, are we done with the antics for the evening or do you have more entertainment planned for me? I must say you have done very well in making what I feared would be a boring trip rather amusing. Perhaps I will pay more mind to the pair of you than I planned after all."

He glanced up to the clock on the wall and gave a sly smile as he raised from the chair and crossed the room towards the door "Come on. Onwards to the feast with some haste. Don't want to miss the spectacle." He raised his hand as he approached the door and the metal latch creaked as it swung backwards the wooden door swung open to let him pass, humming a rather sombre piece to himself which echoed down the hallway.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by OldManWong
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OldManWong Senile Scholar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago



"We both can play a mean game"
Praeth had the intention to block anything sent at him, but he foresaw the outcome from Tirza's preparation in using her element and decided to humor her. The kiss on his lips was laughable, he was not unused to contact, rather, it was nothing new. Attempting to fluster him with a straightforward kiss was difficult to say the least. The words whispered in his ear, on the other hand, brought a thin smile to his lips,
"Play all you like, but I assure you, it will not take more than 4 hours before things become unbearable for ones who are trained, it will become torturous throughout the night. I would watch your demeanor carefully for this coming event~" Praeth muttered aloud, whimsically as though he was talking to nobody, although Tirza knew very well who he was talking to.

Praeth leisurely walked back to his cloak, donning it over his shoulders as it settled along his back. His voice took on a matter of authority, it was leaps and bounds different from his cooing voice mere moments ago.

"We will be going to the banquet now, I expect all of you to be on your best behavior. I give the three of you free reign within the banquet hall, but the safest place is beside me. Wander, and your apt to run into trouble, which would trouble me rather greatly."

As Praeth carefully placed his imposing mask over his eyes, the three girls could feel a tingling sensation along their right forearms. It was not uncomfortable, but something that had simply no words to describe. If they were to look, it would appear as if something was being literally painted onto their wrists with a watery dark blue ink. It was only a few inches along the wrist, but it showed a dragon coiling itself about the circumference of the forearm. It was the same seal Praeth had used when he had submitted his request to the Court. The mark lay just under the skin, the faint colors having notable contrast between the skin and the dragon, yet it was not so loud as to beckon one's gaze.

"It's a technique of the far East aptly named the 'Water Tattoo', it involves staining the skin with water and is practically impossible to remove without removing skin itself. That is your 'mark', flaunt it or hide it, that announces that you all are mine."

Without a second glance, Praeth opened the door without a sound. His attendant, Averus, seemed intent on Praeth's face, but his excited features slowly switched to one of disappointment. It seemed not even his attendant had seen his face.

"You'll have to forgive me Averus, it's too risky. My features could betray my origins for any native Drakken older than I."

It pained Praeth to hide his face from his own subordinate, but he felt it a necessary measure. With a swing of his hand, Praeth instructed Averus to bring up the flank of the three girls, his glance behind his mask requesting that his brides follow him. Curtly, with a demeanor akin to the words "let's get this over with", Praeth made his way to the banquet hall with his brides and attendant in tow. He was already mentally consumed with what was to come, the floor echoed beneath his feet and he soon came to the doorstep of the banquet hall.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Nadia Parnel

Nadia softly let out a breath she hadn't known she was holding as Praeth moved on to speak to one of the other girls beside her, although she jumped at the sudden volume of the girl's voice. So her name is Araxie, and she's a water gem... Nadia felt a small stab of guilt for not trying to talk with her or the other girl before, perhaps they didn't mind or they understood but she decided to try and talk to them on her own soon, or as soon as would be possible.

She was caught up in her thoughts enough that she had missed Araxie's demonstration of her power, although she heard Praeth's response, specifically the part about them needing to train their powers. "To make things clear, I want the three of you to be able to use your elements to protect yourselves. Physically, none of you will be able to match a Drakken, it is a mere truth, but you might just be able to take one by surprise with a certain level of expertise." Wh-what! Take down a Drakken, on our own? After the initial surprise of the thought, Nadia started to think through it a bit more calmly. It's not impossible, sure, but she herself was so small that she'd almost certainly end up hurting herself more than she could harm any Drakken, even if she could get them by surprise.

Praeth spoke, effectively taking Nadia from her thoughts once again. "I will explain my current position to the three of you as to avoid blindsiding you all later. The attendant that selected you all, he is my one and only subordinate- don't be fooled, I am not lacking in capital wealth- but the entire Drakken country abhorres my very existence as of now. In turn, I have enlisted the tradition of brides to solidify my power, thus you must never forget your position and be cautious in everything you do. As the three of you are the foundation of my current standing, many people will target you all when they realize they cannot target me."

Amazing how so much can be said and conveyed in just a few sentences. Not only was the reason that Praeth had secured three brides given, but also the fact that they actually were more important to him than most brides would be to their new husbands. The thought of someone attacking her to get to Praeth scared her a lot, as it should. What he said next sort of solidified the fact that what he just said was true. "So, I'm afraid even if you have skirted your training in your element until now, I will ask that you work hard to strengthen your elemental technique." Nadia wasn't too bad at using Fire, but she was very afraid of hurting herself, so she hadn't pushed herself much whenever she practiced with it. She wanted to say something about it, but Praeth moved on to speak with the last girl before she could get up the courage to even open her mouth.

Araxie had been loud and almost tripping over herself in excitement, but the difference between her and Tirza was extreme. Tirza was pretty, but the way she spoke didn't seem like it was her own voice she was using. "I guess it is...... My name is Tirza and my element is Air. I must say my Lord, you really got it real easy with those two. I'm not too difficult, though my people would say otherwise...... But I guess you will find out if I'm trouble or not." As it stood, Nadia couldn't tell if she would get along very well with her. She didn't understand what she meant by Gemminites thinking she was trouble. Maybe people just, didn't like her?

The next thing that happened was really confusing, Nadia didn't really know what was going on, but soon enough Praeth was back to speaking to the three of them again, telling them about a banquet they were attending with all the other nobles and their brides. He told them to be careful what they say, and that Drakken nobles were good at tricking people, before then saying that they were leaving. Nadia had no intention of wandering from Praeth, where did she have to go? She was about to follow him when she felt, something, across her wrist and she pulled up her sleeve to see an image of a dragon coiling itself around her wrist.

Nadia was about to ask what had happened when Praeth explained. "It's a technique of the far East aptly named the 'Water Tattoo', it involves staining the skin with water and is practically impossible to remove without removing skin itself. That is your 'mark', flaunt it or hide it, that announces that you all are mine." She pulled her sleeve back down, it was only long enough to cover the mark halfway, but as she looked at it she figured that it wouldn't be noticed if one wasn't looking for it.

Now when she followed after Praeth and they all left the room, she noticed a bit of a change in his demeanor. It seemed like he didn't really want to go as they walked, and from what he said earlier she understood a little why. They got to the Hall, and she paused in the doorway. There were not too many people there yet, but the number of place settings promised so very many more. Unsure of what Araxie and Tirza were going to do, she kept following Praeth, after a moment reaching out and tapping on his arm to get his attention. She held her hands in front of herself and looked down as she spoke, still not able to bring herself to look at him. "I h-hope you don't mind if I stay by you? I don't really like being around a lot of people."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 7 mos ago


Ama, having said and done her piece, was now looking at the window on the far side of the room with a blank expression. How she wished she could simply escape from here. It was obvious that both her sister bride and new husband would annoy the hell of out her. She nearly jumped when she heard something fall and looked to see Miry pulling away from Zakroti, blushing furiously. Had... he done something to her?

Ama's sight blurred for a moment as anger rose within her. What was he doing to such a small girl! She didn't have the power to resist him physically or mentally! She was like... 12 years old and he was nearly twice her size! Ama closed her eyes, trying to forget about it. Her mother always told her that her temper would get the better of her. She needed to mind her own business and just do what she'd planned. She probably wouldn't know the girl very long anyway before she died.

A small smile appeared on Ama's face at the thought of darkness enveloping her. At least then she wouldn't have to deal with all of this. At least then she would have some peace. But, she'd already had these thoughts. It was time she moved on.

"It looks much better now, doesn't it? Perhaps I should ask you to clean the floors of my estate too, my... Servants would be glad of an extra pair of hands to bear the load." The brute told her. "You should really watch yourself, Amaryllis. I trust you do wish to return home one day and you are doing a remarkable job of convincing me not to let you go."

Ama's stomach jerked as she chuckled, a bright smile held on her face. Return home? She had no hope of ever returning there. She knew the stories. Once they outlived their usefulness, the brides were often killed and very few were ever sent home. Besides, even if he did let her go home, she wouldn't want to succumb to him just for that. She'd rather die than bare this man's children much less bed him.

She looked back at the other wall once more, staring at a painting of a cliff over the ocean. If only she could escape somewhere like there. Somewhere without Drakkens or Gems or... anyone. She could just be Amaryllis and live her life in peace.

She felt the soft cloth hit the back of her head and looked over to see Zakroti smiling at her. "Sorry about that. It just slipped." He repeated to her with an amused smile on his face, raising the glass as if in toast before finishing the contents. "A very slippery cloth it seems."

"Slippery, indeed, Your Grace." She returned, her expression blank once again. She would have been angry had she just... not cared. He could dump the contents of a garbage bin over her head and she wouldn't care. It was odd really, the sort of things she'd get angry about.

"Now, are we done with the antics for the evening or do you have more entertainment planned for me? I must say you have done very well in making what I feared would be a boring trip rather amusing. Perhaps I will pay more mind to the pair of you than I planned after all." He told them, continuing. She was going to say something in return but he raised his head and spoke again before she could get it out, "Come on. Onwards to the feast with some haste. Don't want to miss the spectacle."

Right... She thought sourly as she followed him. She'd have to find a quiet corner to sit in until the end of the evening. Some wall that maybe she could blend into a disappear forever.


Ara waited as she watched what happened between Tirza and Praeth. She watched as he moved towards her, doing something she couldn't see. When he returned to his former position, he addressed Ara and Nadia as well.

"Ah, just to make sure we're all on the same page, there will be a banquet with all the other nobles and brides. I expect all of you to behave at your utmost and be cautious of what you say. Drakken in general may be savages, but the nobles are fairly skilled in trickery, it is something I can barely keep a grasp on myself, thus, neutrality and caution is among the best policies."

A banquet? So, ne-neutrality? and caution? She wasn't sure she understood what he said but she figured that if she stuck around him, she couldn't get into too much trouble. Besides, she wasn't one for crowds. She would just feel... small.

She watched with the same curiosity she'd had with Nadia when he asked to see Tirza's powers but her face fell as it happened. She didn't even... see anything. Was that really the girl's powers? But... what was it? She felt like she'd been sorely left out of the loop and felt a strong dislike for this Tirza woman growing inside of her. She didn't exactly know why, but she irritated her.

"Play all you like, but I assure you, it will not take more than 4 hours before things become unbearable for ones who are trained, it will become torturous throughout the night. I would watch your demeanor carefully for this coming event~" Praeth spoke once again. Wait... had Tirza not shown her powers? Things would become unbearable? Ara's eyes widen for a moment. She... didn't much like pain but she also felt she probably deserved it. It was her own fault for being so terrible...

She watched with a sudden sadness in her eyes as Praeth once again pulled on his cloak and mask. She nodded as he basically told them to stick close to him. She hadn't really planned on leaving his side anyway.

Ara jumped slightly at the sudden tingling feeling she felt at her wrist and looked down to see a mark slowly form there, a dragon. She looked up from looking at her wrist as Praeth explained, "It's a technique of the far East aptly named the 'Water Tattoo', it involves staining the skin with water and is practically impossible to remove without removing skin itself. That is your 'mark', flaunt it or hide it, that announces that you all are mine."

A small smile grew on her lips. Was that... pride she felt? Good... It was almost as if with the mark he'd given her, everything had been solidified. She was someone important now. She meant something. She followed along behind Praeth silently, not wanting to upset him. She listened with mild curiosity as Nadia asked him if she could stay with him. Wait... Did she need to ask permission as well?

"S-Sir... I was hoping to stay with you as well." She spoke up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NarcissisticPotato
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NarcissisticPotato Dirty on the Outside, Fluffy on the Inside

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Atallia Faeron

Almost as soon as she felt the air in her lungs withdrawing, the ceremonial knife dropped from her hands as she clutched at her throat. Her fingers grasped, digging into her pale skin as she urged her lungs to gulp down at least some air. Finally, the man who was meant to be her future husband liberated their lungs and allowed them to breath again. Inhaling a deep, much-needed gulp of air, Talli stepped back and found herself pressed against a massive Drakken. When she looked up, he extended a dark grin down at her before shoving her back into the frey.

As she turned to look at the other girl being stripped, she suddenly felt arms grabbing her and lifting her above the ground before lowering her down so her back was exposed to the knife-wielding psychopath. Talli didn't have enough time to turn her head around to her comrade before the screams begun and she visibly cringed away, knowing full well that the same fate awaited her as the back of her dress was tore open. Worrying about her own fate was the last thing on her mind as she had to sit through the sheer terror of the other Gem. Although she barely even knew this girl, she knew that she didn't deserve to go through something like that. Letting her eyes shut, she tried to force her mind to blank but as the adrenaline suddenly kicked in, she found herself having to sit through every single horrid moment of the girl's torture. Finally, the girl quieted to a muffled groan of agony and Talli knew that she was presumably up next. Her mental preparations were no match to the sheer amount of pain that shot up through her back, burning its way through every nerve in her body.

She screamed as soon as the tip of the knife cut down into her soft skin and didn't stop screaming until the Drakken above her withdrew the knife. The entire time, her body thrashed, trying to escape from the cursed torture this vile creature was inflicting on her. That only deepened his cuts, drawing even deeper screams that undoubtedly pleased the bastard amicably. Finally, her drew the knife away from her and it was then that the adrenaline dissipated and Talli found herself able to retreat to that secure stronghold in the back of her mind. The dull thump of the knife beside her nor the warm drips of blood down her back registered with her as she was quickly dragged to her feet and her last few shreds of dignity where tore off. Her hair, which had previously been pinned up, had dislodged and now hung down around her face as a distant part of her felt her husband-to-be tighten a collar around her neck. The fire inside her urged her to lash out with something foul or at least curse the bastard but most of the words were lost in her throat. His punch did little to her already detracted form as she simply missed a breath.

Beside her, Talli could hear her companion condemning the Drakken then unleashing a wisp of flame upon him. Subtly, her head raised as she watched the sudden blast of flames, a dance of pure, elemental power that awoke the unbroken wisps of rebellion inside of her. The gold in her eyes burned away to a red-hot flame as her features were replaced by that of a cold frown. Her lips moved but she didn't seem to be able to issue up the power to speak her mind until finally, she raised her chin and defiantly eyed him. Although her voice was small and weak compared to the other Gem, she didn't waste words. "I will kill you." She promised as her pale skin began to heat uncontrollably.

The guards didn't even have time to remove their unprotected hands before her skin erupted into a blaze that covered her entire body. It barely even lasted a second as it dissipated and she returned to normal. Whatever power she had summoned to use the magic was clearly a bit too much for her as she collapsed forward, her structure no longer supported by the powerful Drakken guards. Falling to her knees then flat onto her stomach, it was clear that Talli was out for the count. Strangely, the cuts on her back had sealed over with the intended scar now residing where there was just a bloody mess before. Her dragon was exposed as well, its sharpened maw raised skyward in silent defiance as she curled in on herself subconsciously, seeking warmth and protection.

Prince Rynek Darion

โ€œLiena Orhhneaht, if it please you my lord... And your senses are sharp, for I am a daughter of Naia.โ€

Rynek liked this one very much. Admittedly, he wasn't an overly big fan of the yelping ones that could barely even control their rivers of tears. No, Gems who knew their purpose, who knew that resistance was pointless, they suited him amicably. Just at that, he felt the gentle touch of her nimble fingers settling across his broader ones. In a simple manoeuvre, she danced out of his arms and turned, willingly pressing herself against him before meeting his eyes with a grin hovering across her features. Whoever this little water Gem was, she certainly knew how to captivate.

โ€œAnd by what name may I have the pleasure of calling you?"

The lower half of his face which was exposed to her suddenly lightened to a placid grin. She was crafty, his little Gem. "Ah my dear, we wouldn't want to ruin the surprise, would we? I have appearances to keep up and if people thought that I suddenly show all my cards when a beautiful maiden bats her eyelashes at me, it wouldn't be long before they begin to exploit it." In a single movement, his surprisingly gentle hands captured hers and held her tight. Still holding her gaze, he regarded her momentarily as he cocked his head to the side. His eyes themselves stood as a dark contrast to the gentleness of his hands. His eyes could never lie and in them, the young Gem would undoubtedly find the lust, anger and sheer, unbroken power that made up the Prince of Drakka. Although all his other features hid it well, his eyes told her that he wasn't exactly lying when he had said that he would have taken her there and then.

Breaking the contact between them, he looked up to watch the nobles and their new wives sauntering from the ballroom and into an adjoining room. Feast, did they say? Delightful! Chopping off body parts usually made him hungry and tonight was no exception. Letting a gleeful smile grace his lips, he released his new bride from his grip. "Stay close, little one! These bastards are greedy fuckers that would steal your grave if you gave them the chance! Stay with Yax and Vax; if they're not too busy comprehending the universe then they'll keep you safe." Both of them gave him a blank look which he responded to with a thumbs-up.

As they turned and walked in the direction the others were walking in, they eventually stumbled upon the mangled body that he had spotted earlier. Good ol' no-eyes was at it again, eh? "Yax, did I not tell these idiots that although the Scream Taker was a crazier bastard than no-eyes, no-eyes was still dangerous? I didn't? Huh... Guess I'll just need to shout it louder next time!" Grinning, he regarded the bloody body at his feet before unceremoniously planting a kick in its side. "Sorry ol' chap! Better luck next time! You had it coming though; I thought I clearly said that I wanted to fuck her?"

Shrugging, the cloaked man looked to his bodyguards who returned the same blank looks before he continued on, hopping over the dead man's body with considerable effort. When they approached the room, he took note of a higher up looking guard standing in between the two guards already present. He seemed to be looking for someone. He appeared to be the commander of the fort and by his best guess, the cloaked man predicted that he was looking for them after hearing a story about some bandits making off with one of his poor guard's hands. This was a wonderful opportunity for him - his family had always been particularly vexed over said commander as he seemed to have a mind of his own and took his own personal cut from the border taxes imposed on traders passing through the mountains. He was a problem that had to be dealt with and Rynek had a wonderful solution. Turning, he eyed the young Gem trailing behind them before drawing her off to the side.

"My dear, I believe it is time that you show me what you're truly capable of. Some of my brothers choose to impose their will on their little brides but I prefer to offer them a choice; to let them shine so beautifully. So here is my choice." He whispered as he flicked his cloak open before withdrawing a mean looking dagger and pressing it into her hands. "Your people hate violence but it is a necessity. Violence offers you a choice, my love. A choice between suffering a cold and terrible fate... or grabbing fate by the balls and telling him to fuck off. Oh, and the armpit is usually the best place."

Stepping away from her, he turned and rejoined his guards before approaching the entrance. "If you want in, you're gonna have to leave your dogs outside." The commander spat as soon as he saw the cloaked individual. Frowning, the hooded man turned and inspected his two men before turning back to the older Drakken. It was fairly obvious what he intended - divide and conquer. Sighing, the cloaked individual raised his hand to his face and gently massaged his temples.

"I will admit, they're stupider than dogs, but I've never seen a dog split a grown Drakken in two with a single cleave before." Extending a bored sigh towards the commander, he shook his head again. "But if you insist, I suppose we must be on our way. Don't want my prized pooches to freeze out in the cold, after all! Here, take your slut back." With that, he grasped Liena's arm roughly and shoved her towards the armoured man.

The commander caught her with ease before drawing her off to the side, his eyes still clinging to the three rough looking men. Technically, the Gem was his now and he wasn't about to waste it. "On with ya then! And don't let me see you around here again!" Although he was focused on them, his hand had already found its way to her ample behind which he squeezed rather painfully. Unlike her previous owner, his touch was in no way pleasant.

"Don't you worry, Commander. I'm sure we'll meet again. Fate works in odd ways, after all."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by OldManWong
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OldManWong Senile Scholar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago



Classical piano sonatas and somber ballads echoed through the mansion's empty halls. The expansive and intricate structure that had once been lively and grand, took on the appearance of decrepit and hollowed shell. The vacant and musty rooms- the arenaceous surfaces of the walls, the floors covered in a chalky film, the untouched yet dusty, the lifeless corridors and abandoned overgrown gardens. The bleak features of the extensive house were only accentuated by the bitter rain that pattered off the ornate roof. The exquisite ring of piano keys resonated with the rain, and coupled with the downtrodden mansion, it took on a haunting and surreal splendor. The road entrance leading up to the circular carriage-way was composed of the Falkasius insignia, but the sign had been cracked and scattered about, as if in disdain. The homely and worn 'Welcome' mat had been cast aside without any sentimental value to the compound's new inhabitant. The state in which the estate had fallen in within a mere few weeks was but a mere ode to the vast workforce that had once been tasked with the estate's upkeep. The Falkasius estate was truly placed in a prime location, its prior builders were careful not to mar the breathtaking beauty of nature.

Within the vast mansion, was a comparably vast ballroom, 3 story tall windows were perched along the wall, overlooking the vista that was home to a clear lake. Upon the unkempt performance stage of the ballroom sat a piano alone in the center. It was illuminated by the grey, cloudy sunlight that peaked through the impressive windows. Hunched over the piano was a lone man. If one were to look at him from far away, his build would almost seem normal, but he loomed over the piano with an imposing size difference. The man played the piano with surprisingly nimble movements, but he suddenly stopped, his head swiveling to the side where he stared at the top of the piano. A young Drakken woman, no older than he, lounged upon the piano as if it were a couch. Her appearance was exclusive to the man alone, her weightless movements taking on a dream-like quality.

"I learned this amidst the northern nobility. This instrument specifically resonates exquisitely with the rain, was it, perhaps, to your liking?"The drakken man spoke to his nameless counterpart with an air of subtlety.

"Why does it have to be so grim, brother? Why can it not be a ravishing waltz or gleeful ode?"

"Do not blame me for such a tone. What is a morning horizon without a sun? My life has only reached its beginning yet I am without family or friend. I will tell you, that horizon is a somber blue, it is humbling and mournful."

"Blue horizons are that of a sky that has yet to await its graceful sun. The time of your happiness has not yet passed, brother.โ€

โ€Why is it, sister, that you attempt to comfort me despite the fact that I had betrayed your trust?โ€

โ€The only one that thinks of the notion of betrayal is you. I blame you for nothing.โ€

โ€I see, so instead of resent, I receive your pity. I cannot decide which of the two is more humiliating; the hatred of loved ones, or the pity of the dead.โ€

โ€Brother, do not request water then think it poison. It is impossible to hold conversation with such persistent whining. Perhaps you merely must shake away your pit of self-pity.โ€

โ€It is not as if you have an-โ€ The man began to retort bitterly but the phantom before him turned her eyes towards the open doors to the halls where the manโ€™s attendant stood. With a giggle the woman spoke.

โ€I suppose he has become impatient with your incessant speech towards nothing. He was kind enough to listen up until now.โ€ The man opened his mouth in indignation but closed it as the phantom left his vision.

The attendant bowed slightly, lowering his head before announcing to the man at the piano,

โ€œMy Lord, the carriage to Shadow Worth has been prepared.โ€

"I h-hope you don't mind if I stay by you? I don't really like being around a lot of people."
Praeth felt a light tap that barely registered, but he had managed to face Nadia before she began to speak. Smiling helplessly ever so slightly at her meekness, He leaned forward so that his face was closer to hers. With his long index finger, he pressed her chin upward with a soft but firm push, his clear, pale eyes practically reflecting Nadiaโ€™s own wide eyes as their gazes locked.

โ€Look me in the eye when you speak. I have taken you from your comfortable home and forced you into a world where your very life will depend on me in constant peril. At least allow me to give you my respect as my equal. Qualms aside, I would not mind your company in the least, Nadia.โ€

Praeth muttered with a soft voice, as if attempting to soothe her. He cast a glance towards Tirza, checking her current state before looking towards another voice.

"S-Sir... I was hoping to stay with you as well."

Praethโ€™s helpless smile simply widened, however slightly. His eyes meeting with Araxieโ€™s, his face took on a kindly appearance,

โ€œIโ€™ll implore you, Ara, not to call me sir, but by name. Unless you would prefer I call you madame.โ€

He added a showy lisp to the word โ€˜madameโ€™. In many ways, Praeth looked down upon himself harshly. Looking towards the brides, it was almost as if he begged to be seen as their equal. It was not that he looked up to them, but rather, envied them. The compassion and emotions that had so quickly diminished within himself were still present even on their faces. He began to become caught up in his own musings, as if trying to put what he felt into his own words and explain his thoughts to himself.

โ€™Perhaps it was the first corner, maybe even the second corner of the world that I had lost the ability to truly feel. How unfortunate, that I am left to gaze at my own brides with envy. Come death, I am sure every god I have encountered thus far will force me to grovel at their feet in my wretchedness.โ€
Praeth simply smiled bitterly at his own thoughts, the mask generally overshadowing his expressions. Without further ado, Praeth opened the doors to the banquet halls. He had not avoided his studies of the nobles he would see here, thus he was already jaded towards their antics prior to finding a mangled body, or the Guard Commander confronting a hooded figure. Praeth had instantly sensed Rynekโ€™s overwhelming fighting prowess but could not identify the man. Shrouding his own presence, Praeth passed by the confrontation and headed towards the banquet tables for food. He kept Araxie and Nadia within an armโ€™s length but only kept an eye on Tirza, believing she was slightly too pre-occupied to go causing trouble but not wanting to force her with him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Kisari chuckled silently to herself at the Drakken's response, her muscles relaxing from their tensed state. "No, I suppose I won't." She motioned the lizard, instructing him to climb to her shoulder with a swipe of her hand. As smart as the lizard was, she feared his distance from her, preferred to have him close in case she had to defend him. "Leo, a travelling companion from home. They're a difficult breed to find in the wild, and rumor has it that when they're old enough they can spit sparks at their foes." Kasari cooed fondly at Leo, running two fingers over his horned head and down his spiked back. For whatever reason the rough feeling of his hide was comforting, left her feeling less loss than when she arrived. He reminded her of all the aimless adventures they would set out on together, exploring for days at a time. His presence alone made this nightmare feel less terrible for a short time.

Any and all warm feelings quickly vanished as the male Drakken's female companion came running back to his arms. It was a strange sight for Kasari who had previous thought that all Drakken knew and loved fighting, so why did this one look like a frightened child. Spoiled rich kids are the same everywhere I guess. She thought to herself as she held back a cynical scoff. Soon after her arrival another brutish man made his appearance, demanding the woman in exchange for money... Yet another reminder of how barbaric the Drakken race was, but it wasn't the girl's attitude or the brute's assumptions of the situation that disturbed her... It was Torin's reaction. She watched while the guards loomed over as Torin stole the brute's breath and plunged a dagger through his chest, kicking the corpse aside as if it were no more than a chunk of meat... Though now she figured that's all it was. But his rage did not end with the brute, and instead turned on the woman, grasping her by the horns rather roughly.

So caught up in her disbelief Kasari nearly missed what Torin was saying, introducing himself and his... Sister? Kasari tried to retain her composure but she couldn't fight the shiver that ran down her spine. The woman he had smacked across the face and threatened was related to him? That wasn't a good sign to her, it meant that if either she or the other Gem Raya did anything wrong he wouldn't hesitate to harm them how he saw fit. Not that she had expected anything else from a Drakken but this particular one had given off a different kind of vibe until moments ago. She contained a heavy sigh as she followed Torin, Tyrai and Raya to the dining hall. Kasari hadn't realized how hungry she was until she saw all the food laying out on the table for everyone's enjoyment. Stomach rumbling, Kasari took her seat on the far side of Raya, glad to put a little distance between her and Torin. Holding Leo in her lap, Kasari watched Raya and Torin out of the corner of her eye, wondering if it was alright for her to go ahead and eat. Fearing trouble right off the bat, Kasari cleared her throat politely. "M'lord Torin?... I'm...." Kasari's face burned with embarrassment, kicking herself internally for not being able to ask her question. Instead she smiled despite his lack of eyesight. "My name is Kasari. Kasari Liesma." She trailed off, turning her eyes to the lizard curled up in her lap.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by my Lalia
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my Lalia The Master of Hugs

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Krone the Scream Taker

Krone turned slowly around to face the little water Gem. Weren't the water Gems noted for being wise? It would seem that his little bride missed that memo. Once facing his bride he stared at her for a moment, his eyes hold bitter disappointment and a bit of sadness. She didn't know that she had condemned this male Gem of her's or her people. She was too naive to think before speaking, that was something he was going to have to train her to do. How unfortunate.

"Did you hear what she said Cullonus?" He asked, his voice calm and nearly purr like though his eyes showed his disappointment.

"Yes, my Lord I did." Cullonus said, his voice dripping with malice and slight amusement.

"Then you know what must be done, send the message and make it swift. Also get two scouts ready to go into Gemminia to search for this male Gem." He said as he looked from his bride to Cullonus who placed his right hand over his heart and bowed his head before leaving the room and shutting the door.

Once the other Drakken was gone, Krone looked back at Kaelira and took a step towards her. Reaching out he gently placed his hand on the nape of her neck and placed his brand, just like what he did to Kalani. Though he was planning to make it hurt for her, he didn't. He only made hurt as much as Kalani's, as he knew she would be in agony later, not physical agony but more mental and emotional agony. Slowly dropping his hand from her small, neck that he could easily snap, he motioned Kalani to stand next to Kaelira.

"My dear, I am afraid you do not know what you have done. And because of your ignorance I pity you.... Drakkens don't pity others, but you are the first to have done so. Congratulations." He said, though he said congratulations in a slight mocking tone. His eye held no emotion though which caused most of even his own kind to be careful of him, as it made him harder to read. "I will offer you one last chance to submit and save your male Gem.... If you truly love this male, then you will listen and do as I tell you. Or this Gem will die most unpleasantly." He said knowing that he was giving her one last chance to make at least part of what she had done right. "Now there is to be a feast, this is where the other Lords like to show off their new pr..... brides. Some like to steal other brides or play mind games. Drakken nobility are notorious and smarter than the average Drakken, so stay close to me or risk the pain of another Drakkens snare." He explained not waiting for Kaelira to answer, as he was sure she would jump at the chance to redeem her little male Gem.

He motioned for both girls to follow him, he knew they wouldn't run as he also had two of his guards bring up the rear. This was for both keeping the girls from running and from keeping them safe from the others that would wish to take them.

Krone walked with the same iciness that he had earlier. Upon reaching the banquet room he took note of who was all there. All young fools who barely grew into their horns, none had honor. But then it seemed that their generation lacked many things. He knew that he might receive jabs (both physical and non-physical) because he was the oldest.

Finding his seats, he noticed that he was next to the Hellsongs. He looked at the female Drakken and raised an eyebrow, she was pretty enough, but he thought his own Drakken Wife was far prettier than this child. Why her brought her was intriguing, though her brother had to have known that she would be far more trouble than his Gem brides. Not unless he was planning to use her as bargaining chip to further himself in Drakken politics.

He seated Kalani on his left and Kaelira on his right. He wanted them close to keep them safe. He was in no mood to lose them or for the political bull that would soon arise. He had far more important things on his mind.

Raya T'mivus

Raya watched her new master and how he flirted? Was that flirting or was he playing a game trying to get into their heads. She was unsure, which probably meant that he was in her head already. This was troublesome, she didn't wish to be played or have him in her head.

She wished that she was in the forest again, with her feet in the dirt and twigs in her hair. Even though this fortress was carved into the mountain, it didn't feel right to her as if her element was muted. She felt slightly disconnected from the Great Mother which was rather unnerving for her. Never had she been disconnected from her patron goddess. Was it because she was on the border of Gem and Drakken territory?

She was pulled from her thoughts when the female Drakken came up to her master with a large male Drakken following close behind. So it would seem that Drakken females weren't treated much better than Gemminite brides. That was rather surprising to say the least.

Everything that happened next was fast and before see knew it a Drakken was bleeding out infront of her. She watched as the dark maroon blood slowly seeped across the floor. She was use to blood, as she hunted while in the forests but it was only for food not pure sport. This was just barbaric.

Raya was pulled from her thinking again when Torin finally introduced himself, his sister then her and the fire Gem to his sister. He seemed to do a slight 180 from his angered state he was in just moments ago. He then told them to follow him as there was to be a banquet or something of the like.

Once entering the banquet hall her eyes grew wide as she had never seen such a large room before. She was use to the natural large spaces in nature but not one constructed out of will. It seemed so wrong to her.

Sitting she stared at the food before looking over at the girl who was her bride sister. She wondered if she felt disconnected like she did or if her element was still strong, or maybe she was over thinking it.

"Have you ever had one of these before? I believe they are native to my country. Is it to your liking?"

Raya looked over at Torin and at the fruit he was offering her. She was unsure if she should take it or not. Deciding not anger her master she took the fruit. Her fingers gently brushing his, it felt weird to now belong to him. But she knew that she was going to have to get over it and quickly.

"I lived in northern Gemminia, we didnโ€™t often get imports from Drakka. What we got was from the forests or the land we farmed..... Pleasantries were of little use for us or for my family anyway." She said coolly but pleasantly as she looked from the fruit to the masked Drakken. He was large but seeing the others that entered he wasn't that big, at least in the brawn department. He was tall but all the others were built for battle.

Raya looked over at sister bride when she finally gave her name. She smiled slightly before passing her the deep blue fruit to her. She had heard her stomach just moments before. She would eat soon, earth element Gems were the givers of Gem society, so they were usually the last to receive anything but they were fine with that.

As the Lord's and their prizes entered the room, she took note of the other brides to see what condition they were all in. Some were better than other, while most looked nervous or scared. So far she felt lucky.

Tirza R'Miva

"Play all you like, but I assure you, it will not take more than 4 hours before things become unbearable for ones who are trained, it will become torturous throughout the night. I would watch your demeanor carefully for this coming event"

Tirza nearly growled at his words, as she knew full well that this was going to end horribly for her. She would endure it for as long as she could, but she would make him lift this... this water from her or he was going to regret it.

She tried to listen to what he said next but her frustration was taking most if not all her concentration. Before she knew it he had motioned them to follow him. She took two steps and nearly fell to her knees. Walking made it worse, so, so much worse. How in the names of the gods was she Going to make it to make it to the banquet hall?

She prayed to all the Gem Gods for help as she didn't want to fail now. Her pride wouldn't allow it. Huffing once she began to walk again though she stopped every third step for a second before moving again.

The way the other two girls clung to Praeth made her roll her eyes. They were so afraid and needy for his attention it was all rather sickening really. But then they probably needed his protection more than she did.

She was suddenly pulled from her thoughts when they passed a Drakken guard. He was standing normally as Praeth, Nadia and Araxie passed, but as soon she made her way pass his nose flared and his eyes narrowed on her. She could see the slight excitement in his eyes as he watched her pass. Oh Goddess! He can smell my arousal! Damn Drakken husband! Damn him! She thought as she made the air around her only stay with her. This was to keep the other male Drakkens from looking at her.

Though she knew that she would at some point take the wall of air down as it would weaken her. When that happens her scent would be overwhelming to all the Drakkens around her. She hoped that Praeth was up to keeping the others away from her.

She suddenly wandered if Praeth could resist such a smell. Drakkens worshipped a god called Sorrak and from what she knew that God loved women and if he smelled a woman's arousal he couldn't resist but take her. And from what she was told all Drakkens held the same trait.

So she decided to find out, she made the air carry her scent to Praeth. If he denied the air to reach him then she would send it to a noble and Praeth would either have to give her up or fight for her. And from the what she knew of her husband, he didn't like losing what was his.

Either way this was going to be interesting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kalani Solle

Kalani stood up obediently as Krone took her hand and motioned her to stand up. She did not meet his eyes as he gently caressed her cheek, his hands were as cold as what she expected his heart to be like.

"You have been well behaved, because of this I won't let this hurt too much."

Kalani then felt a light prick on the back of her neck. Though she couldn't see it, she knew that it must have been his mark. There was barely any pain, but she could feel the weight of it. They were her new chains and never would she ever be free again.

She watched with a blank expression as Kaelira continues to say reckless things. At this point, Kalani knew that this girl was beyond saving. Krone would have to punish her horrifically and only then she might finally submit. Nothing Kalani said could help, nor could she even try to protect her.

On the other hand, Kalani was a bit surprised by the gentleness Krone has shown her the entire night. She has heard many horror stories about Gem brides that are tortured brutally or even killed by their Drakken husbands. If those stories were true, then perhaps she was lucky to have Krone as a husband. In addition, despite the fact that Kaelira has been exceptionally disagreeable, he has yet to do anything to harm her and has given her many, very generous chances. As long as Kalani did not step out of line, everything would be alright.

That was at least what she was thinking with her mind. However, her heart, while still afraid, could not help but feel unsatisfied with this domestic kind of life. Fortunately, Kalani was an expert at ignoring her emotions. It was a necessary skill she has mastered over her childhood when dealing with her parents.

She followed Krone closely as they made their way to the banquet. The room was filled with Drakkens and their brides. She wondered how the other Gems were doing with their husbands and maybe their sister brides. Some Gems still looked scared while others looked as if they were trying to kill someone, both of which were normal and understandable, but it was weird to see how some Gems already seemed attached to their husbands. When they made their way to their seats at the dining table, Krone had her seated at his left while Kaelira was on his right. Despite the fact that this was supposed to be a banquet, the atmosphere was tense as if all the Drakkens were trying to size each other up. It was enough to make Kalani lose her appetite and she definitely did not have anything to say to anyone here.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

Member Seen 1 day ago

Lienna Orhhneaht
Prince Rynek Darion

"Ah my dear, we wouldn't want to ruin the surprise, would we? I have appearances to keep up and if people thought that I suddenly show all my cards when a beautiful maiden bats her eyelashes at me, it wouldn't be long before they begin to exploit it.โ€

So her new husband, or his name anyway, wouldnโ€™t be won over so easily? Fine, then sheโ€™d have to play his game. In a fluid motion, he released her, taking her hands gently - surprisingly gently - in his and holding her secure. His grip was like a sinew lash; flexible, but firm. Of course, his eyes told her different. In his eyes, eyes the colour of ice that burned like fire, she saw his lust; his raw, carnal power. It was a dark enough look to send the bravest Gem man running.

And Lienna found it exhilerating.

At once, her fear left her. The trembling in her gut remained, though she could argue that it was the strange excitement she felt, and not fear. Like standing on a towering cliff over raging waters, and feeling the wind rip at her, trying to push her off. It was the feeling of looking over that cliff, down into the foaming waves below, and moving to jump.

Her husband released her, apparently not concerned that she would run. Of course, after the warning he gave her, she wouldnโ€™t have even if she wanted to. She had to smirk; her husbandโ€™s guards, and the way he interacted with them, would be funny to anyone. She remained at his side, trailing with her hands folded in front of her, but her shoulders square and her head high. She spared the body on the ground a glance, forcing herself to tear away her eyes after a moment. The bloody image would remain with her for a few minutes, and she predicted that it was likely to return when she slept. Again, though, her husbandโ€™s comments drew a morbid smile to her lips. If things kept going as they were, Lienna allowed herself to believe that it wouldnโ€™t be too hard to live with this Drakken.

As they neared the dining room entrance, she saw her husband eyeing the guard that stood there. He pulled her gently off to the side, and began to whisper to her.

"My dear, I believe it is time that you show me what you're truly capable of. Some of my brothers choose to impose their will on their little brides but I prefer to offer them a choice; to let them shine so beautifully. So here is my choice. Your people hate violence but it is a necessity. Violence offers you a choice, my love. A choice between suffering a cold and terrible fate... or grabbing fate by the balls and telling him to fuck off. Oh, and the armpit is usually the best place.โ€

As he spoke, he opened his cloak and pressed a deadly-looking dagger into her palm. Lienna stared between her husbandโ€™s eyes and his โ€˜gift,โ€™ and she quickly tucked it in one hand behind some of the folds in her skirt. She said nothing, simply nodded, and followed her husband to the dining room entrance. There, the guard and her husband had a short, acidic exchange, ending in โ€Here, take your slut back.โ€

Lienna was roughly shoved in the direction of a guard, her husbandโ€™s tone contrasting with the relatively gentle manner heโ€™d been treating her with so far. Of course she knew it was an act; the dagger clutched tight in her fist reminded her of that. Almost immediately, the brute had his hand on her rear, groping her rather painfully. There was no ounce of tenderness in his touch, nor restraint. She was stuck standing next to him, one of his hands gripping her tightly by the arm and the other by the rump, until the last of the guests cleared into the dining room. Once they did, the brute wasted no time in abandoning the door and pulled her away, down a scarcely traveled passage near the grand chamber.

Immediately, the guard was on her. He hoisted the girl up, and when she struggled, pinned her to the wall with her feet dangling a foot from the ground, pressing the flat of his forearm against her throat. His other hand wandered, roaming up her dress. Her head cracked against the stone wall and for a second, she saw stars. Her face began to flush from the pressure on her throat, and the struggled to hold herself up, grasping his arm and forced to drop her dagger.

The guard eyed the thing as it clattered musically to the ground, and Lienna swore that the sound could he heard from the dining room. The brute against her huffed, glaring at her with beady black eyes. He pressed harder to her throat, causing her to squirm. โ€œSo, you thought you could cut down a Drakken, you little whore?โ€ he growled. There was a sick edge to his voice, a smug amusement. โ€œWell, it makes no differenceโ€ฆโ€

She heaved for breath, but it only came in harsh sputters. Any sounds she uttered were halting yelps, and she could not hope to cry for help. Who would help her anyway? Would her husband come to claim what was his? Or was this what he had intended? To send her against a guard and see if she lived, like some grotesque fox fight?

No, came a ringing thought, Think, girl. She was a water Gem. Water Gems were known for their wisdom and observance, and so she observed.

Her husband would not just off her to some stranger - heโ€™d been too gentle. Lienna knew that beneath his facade lay raw power and lust, but even so soon she doubted heโ€™d want anyone else taking his prize. She focused on the guard, who bore more embellishments on his armour than any other guard sheโ€™d seen here; he must have been an important figure. Captain, perhaps? And her husband clearly wanted him dead, or wouldnโ€™t mind it. No, she truly was on a mission.

An eerie calm swept over her then, and while Lienna still struggled, she had a plan. She was a smart girl: sheโ€™d figured her way out of collapsed caves, detached ice floats, and punctured canoes before, and she could handle this.

Heaving as much breath as she could, she turned her wide eyes to the beading ones of her captor. Tears brimmed them from her lack of air, but she did not weep. Instead, she forced a look of lust to her face.

โ€œYouโ€™re s-so stro-ong..โ€ she stammered, halting through her ragged gasps of air. The guard ignored her, so she tried again. Looking down the hall each way, she croaked, โ€œDo y..you think my h-husband ca-an hear us?โ€

This halted the guard in his tracks, and he paused his groping to glare at her. โ€œI doubt it, but what do you care, little bitch? He can hear every thrust I take between those pretty legs of yours for all I care!โ€

Lienna heaved a great, spurting breath and continued. โ€œMy hu-usband, heโ€™sโ€ฆ Heโ€™s weak. See how he relies on those brutes of his to protect him?โ€

The guard halted a moment, and grinned a lopsided grin. Lienna saw that he was missing a few teeth. โ€œPompous little thing, ainโ€™t โ€˜e?โ€ the guard grunted, following the phrase with a guffaw. โ€œI wonder how the little punkโ€™d fare without his dogs, eh?โ€

She forced a smile. โ€œPo-orly, my lord, Iโ€™d be wont to th-think.โ€

The guard pulled away from the wall, allowing Lienna to drop to the floor in a coughing, gulping heap. The guard drew his blade, and for a moment, Lienna thought he would turn it on her. Instead, he slashed it at the wall, showering the floor nearby with dust. โ€œPuny thingโ€ฆโ€ he grumbled angrily. Lienna wasnโ€™t sure if he referred to her or her husband.

Slowly, she rose to her feet, and reached to hesitantly caress her captorโ€™s chest. Her rear was still sore from his rough handling, as were her legs and one of her breasts, but she ignored them. When he did not push her away, she grasped a leather strap, one of the two securing his armour over his shoulders, and pulled gently. His eyes snapped to her, and to her surprise, he bent so that she could whisper to him.

โ€œA weakling like that does not deserve a Gem prize, does he?โ€ her voice was low and sultry, and she fought to keep her face as close to his as it was. The guard grunted, but did not pull away. Lienna smirked. โ€œNo no, it is someone of your undeniable power who should have whatever he desires.โ€

Without warning, she kissed his cheek, slow and deliberate. His skin was greasy, and she almost revolted at his scent, but she soldiered on. The guard didnโ€™t seem displeased, if his hands on her rump were any indication. He raised one of her legs up, holding her against him as he groped her. Lienna continued her kissing, lowering her lips at every touch, down over his jaw, to the soft flesh of his throat. As she went, she made her breathing heavy, and though her heart quickened, it was only from the immense risk she was taking.

โ€œOh now, a horny little lynx are ya?โ€ The guard laughed. โ€œโ€˜Ts been too long since one oโ€™ you lot did your part for a man without whinin', too long.โ€ Lienna forced a little moan, and continued her work.

As the guard hiked up her skirt, Lienna continued her act, reaching one hand behind her and calling water to her. Her goal was to form herself a razor-sharp icicle and use it as a replacement to her lost dagger. However, she had no idea if water was nearby; another moment of trying only confirmed her grim suspicion that there was none to be found in the immediate area. Her mind raced with her pulse as her captor suckled the crook of her neck in a messy kiss. What would she do now? Her dress was all but over her hips and his teeth were grazing her neck, and her only backup weapon was no longer availableโ€ฆ


Another calm broke over her, much like the one sheโ€™d experienced with her husband. Her kiss on the guardโ€™s neck intensified, and he shifted with intent to goโ€ฆ further in their relations. She could feel his pulse growing heavy in the arteries of his neck. The taste of his hot flesh was revolting at best, but she forced her mouth open nonetheless. And, within a moment of her captor making his move, she made hers. Her people hated violence, yes - but after the treatment she and her mother faced by her village, she had no great love for her people.

So she bit him.

Naia save her, she bit him.

She bit as hard as she could, drawing as much of his flesh beyond her teeth as she could manage. Her teeth sank deeper than she expected, and her mouth was invaded by a sudden and powerful gush of blood. The guard cried out and pulled away with a jerk, leaving Lienna to fall against the wall with a considerable chunk of his jugular in her mouth. His blood sprayed every surface he aimed himself at, and his cries and curses of โ€œBitch! Whore!โ€ became gurgles in seconds. He lashed out at Lienna as he fell, but she dodged his clumsy grasp and pulled herself to her feet, skirting out of his reach. He grasped his throat as if he could force the blood back in, but it was no use. Lienna spit the wad of flesh to the side and choked and sputtered on the iron of the manโ€™s blood, head swimming, heart racing as she watched the doomed man die at her hand. His screams reduced to croaks, sobs, and murmurs, until his breath stopped completely, and the grotesque fountain that was his throat stemmed its flow with the manโ€™s stopped heart.

Sheโ€™d done it. Somehow, impossibly, sheโ€™d taken down a Drakken. She was drenched in the creatureโ€™s blood; it stained her front, from her mouth, over her chest and down the front of her dress, dying the white fabric in a dazzling pattern of flowing and splattered red. No surface within several metres was safe, as blood coated the walls and pooled on the floor of the corridor - the hall, and the Gem, hung heavy with the scent of it. The taste lingered, but she did not dare swallow. Her breath came in heaves. She fell against the wall, unable to peel her eyes away from the ruined mess of a man sheโ€™d left on the floor. Her knees wanted to buckle, but she forced them to stay firm. Gradually, she calmed as logic flooded her mind. She had no love for this man. No pity, not after heโ€™d violated her so. So why should she mourn him?

Her head snapped toward a sound down the hallway, distant laughter and sauntering steps. Other guards, likely. She was surprised when they didnโ€™t come running, but of course, sheโ€™d seen a man slain in the claiming chamber and no passerby bat an eye. Still, if they caught her here, with a dead man at her feet, she saw no way to make it out alive.

Hastily she stood, straining to keep her steps quiet as she ran toward the dining room. On her way, she stooped to retrieve her husbandโ€™s dagger, the blade somehow nearly untouched by the blood of her victim, save for a few specks of red. Within seconds she was at the dining room, unguarded as the dead man had left it, and rushed inside. She forced herself to slow to a quickened walk, and searched the room for her husband. Finding him wasnโ€™t difficult, as he had two enormous guards, who rose a head above the crowd. She followed the living beacons, collecting stares as she edged through the crowd of beaming Drakkens and weeping Gems. She expected to be pulled aside by another monster, but oddly enough remained untouched; perhaps onlookers were too shocked by the sight of a blood-covered Gem to think to interfere?

She approached her husband from behind, settling at his right side and dipping her head. Regaining her composure, she acted as if she werenโ€™t bathed in the blood of one of his brothers and patiently held the dagger out for her husband to reclaim. Inwardly, her jittering guts continued to quiver, but still she almost beamed with pride. Her hands involuntarily shook and her leg bounced, but she did not feel fear; her jitters stemmed from the rush of adrenaline pumping hard and fast through her veins. Hopefully the gods would forgive her crime, but as she rode the euphoric high of victory, she couldnโ€™t find it in herself to care.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Raxacoricofallapatorius
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Raxacoricofallapatorius god of shenanigans

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Torin Hellsong
Raya T'mivus Kasari Liesma

He listened as she spoke, but the way he never moved his head from side to side almost made it seem like he was ignoring her. The opposite was true, and whenever the buzz of conversation threatened to drown out Raya's voice a slight change in the air current ensured that every word reached his ear safely. "Ah, I suppose fresh produce is expensive to get across the border, especially since all trade routes must pass through Shadow Worth. I manage a handful of trading companies and while we occasionally receive goods from Gemminia they are for the most part non-perishables. Fabrics, raw silk, wool and the like. Every few years I'm able to get a shipment of a particular kind of wine that I believe originates near your homeland. I normally save it for special occasions but once we return to my estate I think I shall open a bottle for the three of us."

Though he was modest in the mention of his business in trade, the truth was that Torin was the head of three mercantile enterprises, the primary sponsor and beneficiary of six leather and fur trading posts, and owned a weaver's guild, four major weaponsmith guilds, and more or less controlled a dozen other arms dealerships. He held significant control over all the major trade routes. The economy was something he'd become interested in after losing his sight, now instead of waging his own wars he profited from others' either by selling to or withholding from certain noteworthy warlords, and taxing the goods. It was the Hellsong House's first source of income and the main reason the family hadn't gone under after the sudden death of Torin's father. Of course, Torin chose to mention none of this to his new brides on the grounds that in spite of his wild success the extent of his influence was something of a secret. Of course the "handful" he'd mentioned earlier publicly represented him, but everything else was managed under several pseudonyms and layers of varying authority. Thus the general consensus that the Hellsong's continued wealth and prosperity was some sort of trickery on Torin's part, and they were't wrong.

The other girl spoke up just then, finally admitting her name. He smiled, genuinely this time. "Kasari Liesma." It sounded exotic on his tongue. He was pleased that his original judgement of her had been fairly accurate, in fact she had softened far more quickly than he'd anticipated. He didn't appear to notice when Raya passed the fruit to her, though he too could hear her stomach growling. "Please, both of you, help yourselves to whatever is on the table. Tyrai, darling, I smell warm mead beyond you, do pass it this way."

Tyrai Hellsong

She'd been lost in her own thoughts when Torin interrupted them, asking for the mead. Instead of giving it to him, she filled both their goblets and then pushed the flagon to his new brides. If Torin had been born with the element of water he might have been able to handle pouring his own drinks sightless, but it was one of the things he could only do well with an immense amount of concentration. Given that he was likely focusing his energy on the two women in addition to the general feeling of the banquet hall, Tyrai simply decided to save him the trouble. As she finished the task someone sat down beside them. She recognized Krone immediately and allowed herself to be relieved when he sat one of his brides between himself and her. Still, she gave the girl a disdainful look then leaned over and spoke into her brother's ear. "The Scream Taker has just seated himself near us."

"So charm him. He would make a powerful ally." Torin murmured back and Tyrai blanched at his suggestion.

"He's already got a Drakken wife," she hissed, "I won't be forced to compete with another lady of my standing, and he'll already favor her above all the others. The very idea leaves a bad taste in my mouth."

Torin pursed his lips but let the matter drop, and again she was relieved. He'd been so strict with her ever since they left home, and although she knew it was necessary for his image. Being so young made him a potential target for anyone who underestimated his power, and while she had confidence that her brother could hold his own, she knew avoiding any unnecessary confrontations would just beโ€ฆ wellโ€ฆ easier. She touched her cheek where he'd struck her, remembering the last words he'd spoken to her before they arrived. "Once I have secured whatever Gems the reaping has to offer, make a point to wander a little from me. Not far, but enough to attract some attention." She realized at the time he'd meant all along for her to drag some blundering idiot back to him, what she hadn't reckoned was his intent to kill in cold blood with such deliberate malice and so little provocation. Part of it she knew was just another display of power, but the other part was borne purely of his Hellsong bloodlust.

For now at least he seemed perfectly content to make small talk with his new wives. He took a long drink from his goblet before going on to ask questions about their homes and families, finding out what their backgrounds were like, and then talking about how their new lives would be different. "You won't have many duties in my household," he was saying, "But there will be plenty of ways for you to amuse yourselves. I anticipate that you will live comfortable lives. If there is anything material your heart desires, within reason of course, I am willing to provide it so long as you cause me no strife."

He certainly had a way with words, Tyrai knew that very well. In a way she was jealous of his Gem brides, since they were guaranteed a good husband unlike herself. She caught herself frowning at the table in front of her, then shook her head slightly. She knew well enough Torin had his own motives for allowing her to come, however much she wanted to believe it was her idea. She couldn't help but wonder if her next husband was one of these sitting around the banquet tables, though she seemed dissatisfied with the possibilities presented to her. Not so the food though, and she plucked a ripe red pear from the center of the table and took a bite.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Come Fly With Me!

Member Seen 8 days ago

Edoric look at the sudden display of feisty courage and clapped, "Oh so you two won't be as boring as I thought you ladies were."

Oblivious to an attempt to kill him, he danced around the two before coming across KO'd girl's limp body. As much as she looked beautiful on the ground sprawled out like a very derpy squid, she couldn't attend the banquet as said derpy squid. He put his long fingers on over her mouth and after one near silent incantation, the Gem began to stir. Smiling, he ordered his men to keep her pinned to the floor, now like a slightly less derpy squid, perhaps it was more like a derpy octopus?

"Ahh, goodie. Now that this has gone over somewhat well, I guess that we should prepare for the party, no?" Edoric snapped his fingers and once more his guards picked up the second, more conscious Gem and turned her limp body around. The Drakken faced the raw. bloodied back of the girl before being handed a hot iron by a guard, "Unfortunately for you, your wounds are still open and thus require proper medical attention."

Edoric pressed the burning hot iron against her back at enough points to cauterize the entire wound without burning the skin around it. He guessed there was significant pain involved with this judging by the painful noises. Once again he artfully traced the gashes on the Gem's body. Up, down, around the bend to the left, to the right and up again. Maybe he really should have perused a career as an artist.

"Done!" Edoric gleefully shouted out, holding the slightly bloodied hot iron in the air like a sword, earning some applaude from his men. Slapping the cold end softly against her exposed ass, he congratulated the Gem "That wasn't too bad now was it?"

Either he didn't see or didn't care about the pained expressions of the Gem's face, both were equally likely. As his men dropped the girl on to the ground, Edoric picked up the girl's arm and held it in his hands. He took a minute to gaze upon her body before more magic came into play. With the help of a bit of ink, he created a tribal-like tattoo on her arm as the real marking of his ownership over the Gem.

"And that will be your true mark of my dominance over you. The carving was just so I could have some fun. I used to do it on pigs, but my chef told me not to ruin the ingredients. So I started practicing it on his family instead. How did I do?" Edoric leaned over to the other girl after one of the guard loosened their grip so their commander could make the same markings on her arm with a new bottle of ink.

"And done once more!" Edoric clapped his hands as his men started to trickle out of the room, "Now, lets get you two into something nice for the party. Unfortunately the weather here does not permit nudity very well."
He glared out the window and growled before handing over the ceremonial daggers to a guard who walked out. Seconds later, two more guards came in with what seemed to be dresses and placed them on a hook on the wall before leaving the room empty outside of Edoric and his two new Gems.. Assisted by magic, Edoric levitated the dresses in front of their desired owners, having them swirl around ever so slowly, "Now, please put these on and do tell me your name. Unless you want me to make up names for you two, Bunny and Sheepy."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by my Lalia
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my Lalia The Master of Hugs

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

City of Larden - Capital of Drakka

Larden a city of trade, politics, and war. It's the heart of Drakka and it's a holy place. The temples for the gods are as old as they are beautiful, so grand are these temples that they fill most of the skyline of the city. The only thing that rivals them in grandeur is the royal fortress, but even this feat of architecture does not try to overwhelm the temples.

Anyone new to the city would be overwhelmed by the way the city honors the gods and how everything ran so smoothly. Drakkens are not know for being peaceful, but the capital runs so smoothly and without much trouble that most would think that this was no Drakken city. Order is kept as to respect the gods, anyone causing trouble, no matter what their status, will be first thrown into prison, if they continue to be troublesome they are sent to be tortured.

Every cobblestone street is clean, every alleyway uncluttered and every building beautiful in its own right. With the city looking like a jewel in an otherwise barren landscape, it was hard to believe that the Drakkens were a violent race. But there were parts of the city that showed this violent side. The statue of Drun with his arm out stretched holding the head of an enemy long extinct, or the large whipping post in the city square, or the slave market. All those places and a few others showed the savagery of the Drakken species.

In the royal fortress of Thederus sat the King. He was listening to his advisor's from the select few from the court. He was intrigued by a message received just an hour before. The message came from Shadow Worth through the Mirror, a special bowl made of star metal filled with spring water. As far as anyone knew the Drakkens were the only species to have come up with this form of sending messages. Though messages could only be sent by those with the water element, and only the major fortresses had them.

The message was from the Scream Taker about something he had learned from his Gem bride. It was troubling, as it meant that the Gemminites were growing bold and stupid. Had they not have this peace for over 2000 years? Why now bite the hand that was protecting them? "Bring the Gem ambassador here." The King ordered as he sat straight in his throne. His eyes were like fire as he thought over what to say about what he had just learned.

The Gemminite ambassador entered the throne room with his two guards. He walked like he knew what to expect and that he was equal to any Drakken. The King had at first thought the Gem as stupid, but he proved to play a mean political game which earned him some respect. But now he was in hot water as the King had many questions.

"You summoned me, Great King." The Gem said with respects as he bowed to the Drakken King.

The King eyed the Gem for a moment before slowly leaning forward, his aura growing darker as he did so. "Tell me ambassador, do we not provide protection to your southern borders?" He asked as his voice dripped with mocking kindness as he eyed the Gem. The ambassador raised an eyebrow at the question, he had no idea what had brought on this line of questioning. But he kept his stern and his back straight, he would show no ounce of fear or worry.

"Of course my Lord and you have been most generous in doing so." He said in a polite tone as he could see that he was walking a fine line.

"Then what, pray tell, is this I am hearing of your people building a rebellion? We have never invaded your lands or taken what you have not offered. So why are your people upsetting the peace?" The King said in an angry rushed tone before saying peace in a more gentle tone with his eyes showing great disappointment when moments before they were burning like fire.

"My Lord, this so called rebellion is just young people, who know nothing. A simple misunderstanding that's all." The ambassador said quickly and calmly, seeing that he had to defuse the situation and fast.

The King huffed once as stared at the Gem, his lips twisted into a smile that looked completely unnatural on his face. "Just. A. Simple. Misunderstanding... Huh, and the arrows shot at my men who went to the last Reaping? That was just a mistake?.... No, I think not. The King said while shaking his head before continuing. "There has always been girls that resisted the Reaping, natural really. But never had there been a threat of rebellion. Some of my men maybe overly aggressive, but that's natural also.... Aren't the girls that aren't chosen taken back to your homeland? Aren't the girls that are defiled given compensation? We take take steps to make sure that none of my people get the smart idea of sending independent raids of your country. SO WHY ARE YOUR PEOPLE UPSETTING THE PEACE! It was your ancestors that made this deal, that accepted the offer for the protection that they needed that you still need!" The King raged as he was now standing out of his seat, he looked like he was ready to kill. But before it came to such a thing, he suddenly became dead calm, before sitting again.

"No, no this is not a misunderstanding, it is a declaration. A declaration of rebellion and war... Leave now Gem, before I let my men rip you to shreds. Tell your court that this was all caused by the few, now you will all suffer. Let us see how you fair with no protection of the southern borders. A war on two fronts."

The ambassadors heart sank and for the first time he was fearful. He was not afraid for himself, but for his people. They had no hope of winning a war, they were never fighters even the ancient times. They depended on their ability to use words to get what they wanted. Now their culture would be dead, after years of peace, even troubled peace, it was now over. Bowing to the King the Gem quickly left with his two guards, he would not wait to see if the king would truly let his men kill him. He was sure it would happen.

Once the Gem was gone the King looked over at one of his advisor's. "Send a message to the Scream Taker, tell that he is attending the last peaceful Reaping. The next one will be when we take their country... Also send a message to the fortresses guarding the Gemminia border, tell them to come home and ready for war!" A sick smile came to the Kings lips as he sat on his throne while drumming his fingers on the arm. So long there had been peace, so long they had enjoyed the pleasures from Gemminia. Now those pleasures will turn into treasures, as every Drakken Lord tries to gather as much wealth and land as they can.

The Gemminites better pray for mercy from their gods, as they will receive none from Drakka.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 25 days ago

Zakroti entered the Banquet hall flanked by four of his 'blackguard' so named for they were clad in black armour and wore cloaks of sable. It was not uncommon knowledge that they served as his bodyguards and that there were indeed more than four. "The Usurper is shadowed" was a common word of warning against would be assassins and true enough he was. Unlike many Drakken, Zakroti wasn't in any hurry to fend off attackers personally when he could use someone else as a shield. After all, better the Blackguard die than him.

They varied in height; The tallest of them was some 6 foot ten and a half inches while the smallest was around five foot ten, just shorter than Zakroti himself, but was far less muscled. Although the face was covered, it was obvious that this smaller being was not a Drakken by his build. By now, people had learnt not to question this...

Zakroti paused before his allotted seat and the smallest of the blackguard knelt down to look under it, before switching switching the glasses, plates and cutlery with the seat opposite. Zakroti didn't trust anyone at this banquet and he wasn't about to find himself assassinated on his first visit to the Wroth. That would be most disappointing. Once he was satisfied that we has not to be stabbed through the arse by someone hiding underneath the floor boards, he sat down in the chair slowly and ran his eyes along the table, pouring himself a glass of wine and handing it to one of his blackguard, who opened their visor and took a sip of it before nodding and handing it back to him. He took a cloth from the table and wiped the end clean, spinning it around before drinking from it.

Would it seem paranoid? Perhaps, but one could never be too cautious at these events. He himself had killed Drakken through such low cunning and so he knew how easy it was to see ones self choking on a glass of wine. Zakroti felt the wine trickle down his throat and let out a somewhat pleasured sigh, glancing towards a chair on the far end of the room as an obese Drakken lord with wiry black hair slumped down into it, his new bride standing close to him with a look of abject terror in her pretty green eyes. She had fiery ginger hair that fell in locks around her shoulders, but her nose was crooked and it took him a moment to realise that it was broken. He noted a small maroon stain on her white gown and her red cheeks and quickly put the events together in his head, instantly any minor tinge of guilt he felt for what he was about to do evaporated. The bloated Drakken lord glanced across to Zakroti and tracked his gaze over to the gem next to him, letting out a grunt

"Lord Zakroti, if you like my girl we can arrange a trade." Zakroti was under no illusions, underneath those thick layers of fat lay muscles with the strength to cleave a head off in one fell swoop. He would tread lightly here.

"Ah, Lord Jorug, she looks as though she has given you a spot of trouble." Zakroti gave a faux friendly smile as he said that, turning his head towards Jorug himself and swallowing his pride "She seems pacified now though. Perhaps after the banquet you can give me some advice? One of mine has been rather... shall we say, disrespectful towards me. I have my ways but of course, mine would leave them horribly disfigured. Yours seems to have resulted merely in a stain..."

"You just have to know where to strike, Zakroti..." Jorug gave a sadistic grin as he took his glass from the table, staring at it for a moment as if trying to discern exactly why it had already been poured for him. Zakroti glanced to it himself but quickly diverted his attention back up to Jorug, careful not to let his mask slip as he silently willed the Drakken to drink it. Jorug tilted his head before shrugging and raising the glass to his lips, downing it in one. Zakroti exerted some effort to prevent himself from giving a sigh of relief "That's the trick. Out of sight, out of mind. The nose was not my doing, she slipped while I was taking her."

"Ah really? What happened?" Zakroti said with feigned interest, taking a sip of his own drink

"She slapped me when I touched her. Silly girl. So I had my guardsmen-" He motioned to the bodyguard beside him, who gave a curt nod towards Zakroti. "Give her a quick beating, then I broke her in. I do it to all mine on the first night, lets them know they're-" Jorug let out several coughs and then struck his hand against his chest. Zakroti ignored him and merely nodded politely to what Jorug was saying "-That they're mine. Anyway, she wrenched herself from my grasp, fell and struck her no-" He broke into a coughing fit again and dropped the glass to the table. Zakroti gave a feigned look of surprise and glanced to the fallen glass in mock surprise.

"Lord Jorug, are you alright?" Jorug's bodyguard asked as he took a step forwards, moving his hand to his sword and scanning the room quickly

"I'm fine, it's just-" He coughed once more and braced himself against the table. After he finished his coughing fit, he raised shakily from the chair and gave Zakroti a curt look "I think I have had too much... I should retire."

"Ah, we'll finish this another time then, Lord Jorug. Perhaps you can show me precisely what you did?" Zakroti said and the bloated Drakken nodded hastily as he shakily crossed the room, one hand on his gut and his other pulling his sobbing bride along. As the trio vanished around the corner, Zakroti let out a wry smile. Jorug would be dead within the course of the next hour. The bodyguard would take the blame for it due to the 'evidence' he had paid to surface during the investigation. The bodyguard was son of Lady Lilah and had been given to Lord Jorug as part of an agreement of sorts, if the bodyguard was blamed for his death relations would become far more heated between Lilah's immediate relatives and Jorug's immediate relatives, destroying the possibility of Lord Lysanders marriage to Lady Karala which would allow Zakroti's cousin to marry Lord Lysander which would cement an alliance between the Unalim and Karstagg families.

The girl would be inherited with Jorug's lands, though he doubted her new husband in Jorug's uncle would have anything better in mind for the poor thing. Best not to dwell on it. If he wondered what would happen to all the gems in this room, he'd be able to fill a book and most of it bad. He poured himself another drink and watched the red liquid as it poured into the glass and splashed against the sides of the interior. Then he slowly lifted the glass and sat back in his seat, running his eyes over the other lords in the room.

There was Krone the Scream Taker, one of the few Drakken in the room Zakroti had a genuine... Fear wasn't the word. He wasn't so much scared as Krone as he suspected Krone was simply a bigger threat to him than most of the others. While most Drakken did possess some level of low cunning at the very least, Krone was one of those Zakroti suspected of being more dangerous than that.

There was the newcomer Praeth. He watched him with mild fascination for a few moments. He was a mystery and that made him dangerous, a possible spanner in the machinations of his plan. From the looks of his brides he wasn't one of those who relied simply on brutalisation for success. Another danger.

A tap on his shoulder drew his attention and one of his blackguard pointed silently across the room, to a bloodstained girl who came into the room. Zakroti's eyes widened slightly. She'd killed. He wasn't sure who but he could tell by the way she postured herself that she had done it of her own accord. There was no remorse, no concern or even fear. Noting his lords expression, the blackguard reached for his blade instinctively but Zakroti placed his own hand against the mans wrist to stop him. There was no point in starting a fight.

Zakroti grimaced. There should be true punishments for this. Drakken were fools.

"You share my thoughts, though." The smallest of the blackguard said and Zakroti nodded slowly

"I believe so Vain. More proof, as if any were needed, that I made the right decision."

"And the sooner, the better." Vain gave a grim nod, reaching up and raising his visor to reveal a set of emerald green eyes set deep within his face. It was apparent he was not a Drakken. His face was too pretty for that.

Zakroti turned his attention back to the blood covered girl and stared at her blankly for a moment before turning his attention slowly towards the Lord that she had sat down next to. His face had been covered but the two guards by his side told him it was someone very important and not to be messed with. A warlord for certain. He looked around the room to count the missing faces, attempting to piece the identity together.

"Affirmed. Do not harm her, I would rather not cross the Warlords this early on. As much as I would love to dispense some prompt justice, we cannot. At least not yet. Pass along the orders we discussed earlier."

"Shall I revise Kil's list?" Vain asked, and Zakroti merely nodded in response. Vain lowered his visor over his face once more and then slipped away from Zakroti and the group, striding off across the banquet hall and fading into the crowds of people to deliver the new message. The pair of them had been 'friends' for a very long time now. It was an interesting little story but one he didn't really care to run over in his head again. He could spent a decade running over the histories of those in his service or company. He had to be vigilant at this banquet. In fact, he would have to be vigilant from now on if he was bringing these two brides back with him. He would do well to ensure that any interactions between the pair and his wards were strictly monitored.

Not that he expected his two brides to try and harm his wards or anything of the sort. He just wasn't entirely sure how they would react to their presence. Best case scenario the two groups would treat each other with indifference and ignore each other.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by OldManWong
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OldManWong Senile Scholar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago



Praeth strode through the hall at a slow pace. His appearance was known to Drakken nobility as the murderer who lacks that integrity to ever remove his mask. Thus, many eyes were on Praeth. He, in turn, carefully watched the nobles that stood about the hall, almost waiting for a confrontation. His body was relaxed despite the charged atmosphere, unlimited composure amidst overwhelming pressure. Praeth confidently walked without the slightest falter in his step, that was, until his breath hitched and he felt blood rush to his head. His entire body became taut, but the moment passed as Praeth realized the unnatural current of the air about him.

Is she being serious?

Casting a slightly condescending glance Tirza's way, Praeth could only shake his head helplessly.

Well, it's not like I have to be agitated by such a smell. What bothersome quipping...

Praeth raised his hand and waved it fluidly, his motions appeared neither quick, nor slow, yet somehow along the way the fact of his hand moving from point A to point B accomplished itself before it could be processed by the minds of those watching. A thin blade of water appeared from the tips of Praeth's fingers, they were not wider than a needle, nor much longer than a standard blade, yet they dispersed the air about them as if they were a shockwave, spreading out the air and aroma about him.

It didn't take long to see the confident composure suddenly falter, it was only a second but she knew that he could smell her. This was his doing, if he wanted to do this to her then he too was going to have to suffer the consequences. The look he gave her put a small smirk on her face as he shook his head. He no doubt thought she was being annoying, and she was. This was one of the reasons why she was considered trouble by her people, she did things to either get some sort of revenge or to just annoy people. Usually the two went together.

Tirza's eyes suddenly narrowed when she felt the air being dispersed about him. So he would rather others catch my scent? He would rather have others lust after me! Fine! She thought as anger and frustration clawed at her. She quickly looked around the hall and took note of a rather large Drakken. He seemed frustrated, either from his bride or lack thereof. She wasn't even sure he was a Lord or noble, but he seemed like a good one to turn on.

She commanded the air to take her scent to the other male. As soon as her scent reached him, his eyes snapped in her direction. He took a moment to think, but her scent was strong and made the Drakken forget reason. He began to follow the group, like how a wolf stalks it prey.

Tirza smiled inwardly, if her husband wouldn't give her the release she desperately wanted and needed, she would try to find it else where.

Preath, at the current time, was extremely aware of his surroundings; accordingly, he sensed that Tirza had changed her focus from his cloaked back and rather, the air undulations went in the opposite direction, he also sensed the large Drakken following the group. Praeth was not stupid, he understood exactly what had just happened, only, his lack of foresight to his and Tirza's actions was almost laughable. He was a fighter; likewise, he never truly thought about other's future actions unless he was reading for an attack.

I see. So she had intended to cause trouble from the beginning, understandably, she does not yet understand where misbehavior will lead her.
Annoying. I have engaged her ire I suppose, and she intends to engage mine.
Consequently, a sleepless night may teach obedience where I cannot. This is becoming tiresome...I suppose I should rid myself of this fellow Drakken before he does something I can't forgive.

Praeth's face darkened behind his mask as he continued to stride forward a few more steps, then stepping back and to the side of his brides, he swung his arm and body in one fluid motion. A blade of water slid from his palm and extended sizably until it was just short of the Drakken's neck. Again, despite appearing neither quick, nor slow, the fact that a blade had appeared at the large Drakken's neck, in a nearly non-existant time-span, remained. In one swing, Praeth had dispersed the aroma about the Drakken as well as threatened him.

"These are my brides, it's best you not pursue them, lest you wish to make my state livid. I am not so forgiving when I have been wronged, brother."

Praeth appeared as if he was ready to go all out in a heartbeat, everyone that looked could sense that he was prepared to kill on the spot should the Drakken continue to pursue him and his small entourage of brides.

Tirza began to notice that her breathing was becoming a little laboured and that the pausing every couple of steps was no longer working. Oh, it was going to be an ugly end for her and she knew it. She could feel the eyes of the other Drakken on her and a part of her wished he would just reach out and take, she didn't even care if others were watching, if it meant it got her the release she desperately wanted she would welcome it.

She wasn't paying much attention when Praeth suddenly turned forcing her and the other girls behind him. She smirked knowing that Praeth had "cleaned" the air of her scent. But since he was not looking, she gave a sultry stare at the other Drakken. She knew how to get the attention of the other Drakken without the air pushing her scent to him, plus Praeth would never know. If her husband did happen to look back, she would simply play innocent. She was really good at playing it, in general she was a good liar and fooled even the best inquisitors.

The Drakken stared at Praeth for a moment before looking over at Tirza and licking his lips. Even though he could no longer smell her, he knew that she was in need. He looked back at Praeth and narrowed his eyes to a dark glare. He was unafraid of a fight, but didn't want a bride, he simply wanted some tail.

"I am not looking to steal your brides, just one is.... aroused. I suggest you satisfy your whore, or risk losing them all.... The others all have small armies with them, while you have none.... So either do something about this whore or lose her." The Drakken said harshly as he was trying to control his urges. It was hard thing for Drakkens to do, especially if there was a "willing victim" at hand.

Baring his teeth and growling he turned and walked away, frustration plain in his steps. It was like he was fighting not to turn back and take the one he smelled.

Tirza was slightly disappointed, as she desperately wanted to do something about her current situation. She wasn't sure she could hold out for much longer.

Praeth's body relaxed slightly and he continued towards the table, though he felt the increasing amount of gazes from the surrounding Drakken, he did not fret the future consequences, he would take the events as they came, a method that required delusional amounts of confidence in his own strength. He was ever wary of those around him, but he awaited their actions before he acted in turn.

Rather than focus on the surrounding Drakken, Praeth focused on Tirza. It did not even take his analyzing glance to know that she had already expended energy she could not afford to use in her current state. Her games would most likely reach their end in the next ten or twenty minutes given the best case scenario, on the other hand, Praeth couldn't have her collapsing.

I suppose this won't do for much longer. I could release her, but the problem will continue. I could 'satisfy her', that would leave her content enough to atleast behave, I'm sure, but I cannot merely just leave and I have 2 other brides to care for. I could worsen the treatment but that would simply drop her in a literal heap of lust. I see, perhaps a merit system then. Damn, I haven't had to cater to someone like this in years, I am truly out of touch.

Under his mask, Praeth's features took on a vicious scowl, but it was hidden by the shadows of his mask and clock. Tirza felt the water evaporate from the surface of her skin, although the sensation settled down, the desire that had been built up did not depreciate in the slightest. Praeth had once again stood amidst his brides but while they neared the banquet table, Praeth lowered his head ever so slightly so that his chin just barely grazed Tirza's ear.

"Now that you have had a taste, behave and you will be released when you have returned to the privacy of our chamber. Continue your games and I will ensure your sleepless night. There are many levels of carnal treatment, of which, what you had just experienced was but the first level among many. Continue to tempt my ire and you will writhe in your sleep until every nerve in your body begs for contact, more than a starving Drakken begs for food." Praeth spoke with his slight stoop. His tone was more warning than anything. Of his brides, Tirza was by far the most troublesome, which caused Praeth's attention to be slightly monopolized by her and her antics. He felt almost ashamed for the neglect and intended to turn his focus entirely from Tirza should she begin to behave.

Tirza suddenly took a deep breath, she was unaware that she was holding her breath. But once the water that had covered her evaporated, she felt her body relax though a part of her wished to be touched. Oh she felt dirty for thinking that, but the desire that had built up in her demanded to be satisfied. Though it could wait, unlike just moments before.

She was trying to control her breathing , when Praeth suddenly whispered in her ear. She could hear the warning in his voice, a part of her new that he wouldn't hesitate to make her wither with desire but deny her satisfaction. But another part of her wished to test him. She always regretted not listening to the little voice in her head, but then most said she didn't have one (which was probably true). Cocking her head slightly, so that she could look at him, she gave a sultry smile. "Of course my Lord, I will behave." She said with a slight purr, whether she was telling the truth or not, she wasn't even sure.

Praeth was unable to read whether she meant her words or not, simply nodding firmly and stating offhandedly, "As I said, refer to me by name, not title." with a mutter he pulled out four chairs total at the banquet table and sat, allowing the brides to place themselves where they wished.

"Eat what you like, but it doesn't have to last you for the night, I will have foods delivered to the chamber as well." Praeth's mood had been slightly tightened with the many Drakken eyes watching both Praeth and Tirza. His frustration was ebbing but his brides, who had just heard him speaking in an optimistic manner, could read his anger.
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