Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

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@Nevix I kind of get the feeling that Kaivor and Onyx would be a good pair, seeing as they both like reading? idk just an idea

@WilsonTurner So, hope this is ok for a cult member? I like the idea of him being able to spy and spread information under a merchant's cover.
@Guardian Angel Haruki thanks.

searched through the OOC to find this again:
Team Cool/First Group, Lost Group

-(Leader of this group, kind of hard to deal with...currently running around half naked)
-(glasses dude you will probably meet later, or sooner, who knows?)
-Lalita "Lali" Emmerson
-Nina Sari
Team Hot/Second Group

-Xaria Morelli
-Rodney Colton Smith (Leader)
-Elijah "Eli" Sylvester Collins

<Snipped quote by Kafka Komedy>

Hmm it could be a little bit in her nature

don't overthink it. You'll get pulled into the action soon enough, so no matter where you start you won't be there for long.

from her bio, Lalita seems like the type to plan ahead. Maybe she could have gathered some supplies and then just holled up somewhere for days on end and is just now running out of stuff so she has to go out and get more? Or she could be trying to figure out a way back to the surface, or looking for all her teammates?

I don't know how contrasted that would be with Nina, but maybe she approaches fighting the monsters differently? Nina tried to avoid fights, but would kill every monster that she did encounter. Maybe Lalita just doesn't care if the monsters find her or not? Or she'll hunt them down?

Hope this helps a little.

@Major Ursa is Lalita part of the newer group or the one that Nina's in?
In OUATale 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Guardian Angel Haruki jacksepticeye reference?

I wasn't sure what to put for personality or bio, so I wrote it as if it were actually Alphy answering. Hope that's ok.
Made a second Gem to sort of contrast with Nadia. Nadia is shy and meek, and Onyx is imaginative and courageous and likes to mess with people.

Also, outfits:

~ ♥ Nina Sari ~

After Nina introduced herself, she got the feeling that she was being watched. Probably that "company" that Ash had mentioned earlier... Well, no time like the present to start keeping her facts straight. She listened as Ash started talking, noting when he paused. So they both had noticed already, this skele-rabbit was sharper than he seemed.

Better to hide your talents. Any prior knowledge she showed of anything could be used as evidence against her... So don't just play dumb, be dumb. "Wait, a city? I had no idea there were so many people here... How big is this cave system?" She made her voice and body language timid, following a couple steps behind Ash as they started walking. With what he'd already told her as far as their plan, acting perpetually scared was probably her best bet for the moment. She needed to seem harmless.

As Nina followed him, she started thinking over her "story", getting a rough idea of how she'd answer questions about herself and what she'd been doing while on her own. She might have to adjust parts of her story, depending on if Ash said anything before they could actually talk to each other again, but that wouldn't be too hard hopefully. She would blame the deaths of the monsters on another human, like Ash had sugested earlier... probably one of the guys on her team that she knew was alreday dead before they all got separated, so that he couldn't be found and disprove her. She sighed internally, she couldn't even remember the guy's name, and now she was going to blame her own mistakes on him... She herself would claim that she'd never been in a FIGHT before until Ash found her, and once he realised that she couldn't possibly have been the human going around and killing monsters -she didn't even have a weapon for cristíes sake!- he decided to take her in. They'd have to figure out a reason why once they got a chance to talk that out later.

As she was thinking she had unconsciously pulled her lucky charm out of her pocket, running her thumb over the smooth face of the obsidian. Once she noticed she was holding it she put it back in her pocket, but not before smiling to herself. Some people thought luck was imaginary, but considering her own past -both long ago and since she's been here in the caves- she was pretty sold on the idea that some things were just completely up to chance. It's up to you to make those chances better or worse for yourself.

So let's improve our chances, shall we? If they're going to be watched, might as well talk about something completely unrelated to anything whoever was tailing them would care about! "Hey, Ash? do you believe in luck? Or things like Karma at all?"

~ Isa Nikolai ~

Isa smiled, noticing the small slip-up in Dorkle's words as he spoke. Sometimes this awkward little monster could be so adorable. She was glad he was her friend, but she would be lying if she said she never had entertained thoughts of him being anything more. "Thank you Dorkle, I will be." She started, in response to his worry, "You be careful, too. Putting up flyers is a really good idea, but depending on what you put on the flyer you could inadvertently cause panic."

Isa nodded to System as the skeleton added that she would help Dorkle with the flyers- however she was unable to say anything before a Rabbit landed in front of them- and started rattling off ideas. She was sure he meant well, that much was obvious, but honestly what he said probably sounded better in his head. "We can't just barricade the paths. Even if we had enough Guards to do so, that would only cause unnecessary panic, cause problems for people going about their daily routines, and probably wouldn't do anything to help capture the human. They're smart, at least from what I've heard. They probably won't fall for such an obvious trap, and locking everyone down would only create even more inconvenience."

Continuing with a slight lift in her voice, she crossed her arms over her chest to show that she was still being serious. "As for humans being able to breathe underwater, I'm not sure. I've heard that they could fly, spit fire, and even control your actions with nothing but their minds. But, you have a point- most monsters don't know what a human looks like. Even I'm not certain how to tell if something is a Human or not. Does that book have a picture that you could put on a flyer or something? Even a generalized drawing of a human would probably help."

When the Rabbit called up to his companion above, Isa's gaze followed his to find a monster trembling like a leaf as he watched them talking from above. "Ah, shoot." She mumbled to herself before calling up to him. "Hey, I wasn't being serious about the whole 'humans can breathe fire' thing. Just patronizing your pal here. You're perfectly safe in the city, it's the lake and forest where you've gotta be careful. I promise, we're not gonna let any human into this city."
@Demonic Angel

I'm sorry, but that's a lot of chocolate.

Angel, treat her nice. or else.
@WilsonTurner are you going to have the cult in this version? I remember I was gonna make Nadia's dad be part of that and I wanna know if he still can be.

Luna I'm tired of hitting trees.

Waaaait did I miss something between you two?

Luna is MINE. MINE, 'YA HEAR!?

*Glomps @Luna and cuddles like a teddy-bear*
You are now my Luna-bear. No-one else may have you unless they ask nicely and give me chocolate as compensation.
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