Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

Most Recent Posts

@agentmanatee Totally coming back to this. And I'm gonna fight to help keep it alive this time!

Basically I just made her personality and maybe a few skills more apparent. She's not helpless, just uncertain of herself.
k, this is a little late b/c I'm about an hour past needing to sleep already but:
I'll post tomorrow once I am home from school. RL has just been a little over-the-top the past few days. Sorry about making you guys wait so long.
K, posted. If there's something wrong with it I'm sorry, point it out and I'll fix it asap.

E'nasha's heading towards Leith at the end of the post, kinda staying away from the fighting.
E'nasha Williams Lyn's Hunt

“I apologize in advance for this but I want you to be able to keep up with me.”

E'nasha managed to get a confused sound out before she was pulled into Keri's arms as the Vampire carried her, running up the trees she had just grown to trap one of the creatures and jumping off the tops. Well, that's one way to get a head start, and scare the hell out of the poor girl you're carrying. E'nasha held onto Keri as she kept running, a little dizzied by the speed they were going so that when Keri finally stopped and put her down she couldn't stay standing, ploping down onto the ground as Keri spoke.

E'nasha watched as Keri turned back and yelled into the forest, taunting the creatures before running off, leaving her alone. She picked herself up off the ground and looked off in the direction Keri had gone for a moment, pondering whether or not to try and folow her to help and shaking her head as she decided against it. "Ok, you go deal with ninja-monsters. I'll just..." E'nasha spoke out loud to herself, ending the thought in a sigh. Keri'd said to go left, but was that her left or E'nasha's? Picking a direction, E'nasha cautiously walked forward.

She walked for while, and after a little bit decided that she'd probably gone the wrong way. Vampire senses weren't so strong that they could smell something that far away, right? Turning around, she hurried back in the direction she came, and kept going once she'd passed the place where Keri'd left her. Continuing on, she found what Keri must have been talking about, because there were at least three people on the ground and- oh look Keri's been thrown into a tree.

Of the people on the ground, the girl closest to where she was seemed like she was dead from afar. Going over to her, E'nasha recognised her from her herbamancy classes as she checked for signs of life. This girl's name was... Summer? E'nasha didn't know she'd been holding her breath until she let it out in relief at finding a faint pulse in the girl's neck. She should be fine with some sleep, hopefully.

Looking around, E'nasha started towards the next closest person, watching the fight on the other side of the clearing carefully in case someone noticed her and decided to pull her into the chaos as well.
I suppose this is both an "I'm alive" as well as a "please help me" post. I'm sorry I haven't done anything with E'nasha since... January(?) I get lost in this IC easily, and honestly have no idea what's going on other than Keri got E'nasha away from the Cosh for a little bit and then left her in the middle of the forest. If someone could please give me a rundown of what's going on in Lyn's hunt right now I can get a post up getting E'nasha back into the action somewhere.
@Major Ursa Alphys and Flowey/Asriel are my first and second choices
yay! things to read! also,

I'll maybe post soon-ish? If I don't fall asleep on my keyboard, that is.
I have no idea what OUAT is... but this sounds awesome!

Count me in
My post isnt as good as it could be. Im currently writing during the breaks I get in my chior's concert.

(Plus I kinda wanna get to the fight too )
~ ♥ Nina Sari ~

Nina jumped to her feet at the sudden voice behind her, whirling around to face the monster and her hood falling away from her face as she did. The few monsters that had been around when she first hid there had all dissapeared after a while and she'd ended up zoning out, thinking about how she'd ever get back home.

"U-um, I..." She had started to try and lie, but no matter how clueless this guy seemed- who cant even pronounce 'human' correctly?- he would already know just by seeing her face that she wasn't a monster. Instead, she smiled coolly, bluffing her confidence. "Yeah. Right in front of you. Congrats, you found me." She wasn't sure what would happen next, but she took a fighting stance either way.

~ Isa Nikolai ~

"Oh, hey System." Isa never had trouble with remembering people's names, even if they only ever spoke once before. It was a good skill to have as a royal guard, it helped the people to trust you if you could call them by name. "I'm fine, but I should probably be leaving soon.. How are you?" She glanced at Dorkle, wondering if she should stay to tell System about the danger, or if he could take care of it.
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