Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

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granted. you are arrested shortly after because you were banging her head into the ground, killing her. have fun in prison, if you don't get the death sentence, that is.

I wish for a bowl of strawberry ice cream.
@Luna *pooooooooooooke*
@cqbexpt Your turn (finally) ^.^ Sorry to keep you waiting so long

Also thanks for finally asking about E'nasha's name, I was wondering if anyone was ever going to give me a chance to introduce that little tid-bit.
E'nasha Williams

"Um, trees aren't exactly vengeful, but I think I can see what you mean." E'nasha couldn't help but laugh at the thought of trees rising up to fight for their fallen 'brothers', although Baulder's own laughter also seemed very contagious. For a moment she wondered why she didn't go out and talk to people more often. This was fun, and she didn't feel weighed down at all as she spoke with Baulder, unlike pretty much every other encounter she had with people in general.

She was brought out of her thoughts as Baulder asked about El'kan. Now this question wouldn't have seemed strange at all, if Baulder hadn't seemed so nervous while asking. "Well, we're both from the same small village back in Yarosmere, and we've been living together ever since we found out that we both could use mageblood, traveling here to the college together. I guess, he is like a brother to me but we're not related by blood at all." Baulder's last statement confused her slightly, she'd never heard anyone say anything about their names being similar before, and again he seemed so nervous asking.

She smiled kindly as she continued talking, trying to defuse some of that nervousness. "I don't mind answering your questions, that is part of conversation after all, right? And as for our names, I guess they do sound kind of similar the way we say them, but our full names are completely different. I'm Emmika Nash-Williams which is shortened to E'nasha, and El'kan is really Ellin Ka-Rovis. The compound names are a traditional way of keeping track of lineage in our village, and I have no idea if any other people in Yarosmere or even the rest of Tiien do this or not, but it works fine for us." E'nasha listened as Baulder started listing off things they could do together, some of which sounded fun, some dangerous, and some.. Baulder-ish?

"I'd prefer to stay in the college if we could please." She smiled awkwardly as she spoke. She'd had enough of randomly-appearing monsters and such since she'd gotten to the college, she wasn't about to go out and invite another encounter with one. "Where in the college haven't you been yet? I've been pretty much everywhere already, maybe there's a cool place I could show you, or we could just wander around for a while. Honestly, tipping over a golem sounds like it might be fun, but I don't think making one of those things angrier than they already are is a very good idea... " She trailed off as she thought. She wasn't very good with swords, or weapons in general, maybe some sword practice would be good for her. It could be fun and educational at the same time. "Sword training sounds interesting. I don't really use weapons much, if I have to fight I normally try to use magic to trap or disarm my opponent before they can get to me. Maybe you could teach me something?"
@Kafka Komedy well, even if you think Ash doesn't do anything interesting, it's still a good post. Concise, but gets just enough of the character's inner monologue and actions to move forward without feeling unsubstantial. Good job.

@Major Ursa Should I wait for you to post the FP's next move before my next post, or can I just go on and assume that Nina's plan works?
@Luna posted
You know you can control Sans too right? Might help the story move along faster.
(Edited out b/c my phone made a double post)
At that Sans' mind blanked. No. No way. "um... yeah i'm not gonna let you do that to yourself kid. that machine hasn't been used in who knows how long, and even if you can figure out how to work it, it's never been used on, uh... living humans before."

The way Frisk always seemed so neutral about everything, Sans had no idea if he was getting through to the kid. "i'm not gonna let you kill yourself kid."

"Wouldn't you need like, a time machine or something like that? What's the DT Extractor gonna do to 'pierce the veil'? While I don't think it'll kill you, I don't think this'll have the effect you want it to either." Chara sighed as they finished speaking. Frisk obviously wasn't going to leave without trying, and honestly Chara wanted them to try. If this weakened Frisk enough, Chara could take over.

It's never too late to destroy everything.

Gaster wasn't sure what to think. He'd been trying to get himself out of the void for years, but he'd never been able to because... well, it didn't really matter at the moment. Frisk was onto something, but Sans was refusing to look past the potential risks while Chara, who Gaster had just noticed was there, simply lacked the knowledge to see what Frisk was seeing. While the DT Extractor's main purpose was for the study of the human SOUL in the first place, it was also the only precursor to Gaster's own teleportation/time machine because of the inherent ties between Determination and time itself. The DT Extractor is, in a way, a prototype of the very machine that caused his exile to the void, and could be his way out.

Gaster went over to the console, half covered in dust from the years of non-use, and started messing with the calibrations and settings. If Sans wasn't going to help Frisk, he would. The machine started to him quietly as he turned on the main power, also turning on the unnaturally bright fluorescent lights in the room. There was no way to know yet if they would run into the same problem here as he always had in his own, he could only hope that it wouldn't be a problem.
@Luna I have posted.

Frisk can hear everything Chara says, as can flowey and gaster when they know Chara's there. For Sans and everyone else, it really depends on the situation.
(Everyone still has their memories right now.)

Normally, Sans wasn't too worried at this point in the "game". Frisk had befriended Alphys, and could now go do... whatever it was that happens to free everyone from the Underground. Sans still didn't really understand that part yet. But, this time seemed different.

Frisk hadn't seemed to want to Leave the Underground anymore after befriending Alphys. So when Frisk tried to sneak away from the group, Sans followed them, all the way to the true lab. Gaster's old lab. He'd done pretty well at hiding, but, Flowey was there talking to Frisk. He stepped out of the shadows as he saw Frisk explain thier plan to the flower, walking towards the two slowly.

He made sure that Frisk had noticed him there before speaking. "heh. kiddo, it's not like we haven't done this before. but, that was only possible because the barrier was broken, right? that, weakened the veil between the void and reality enough for me to reach out to Gaster and pull him back into existence. what's gonna make it work this time?"

Gaster always found it hard to concentrate on single events anymore, he'd seen them all before, but he also had no interest in simply watching something happen without being able to do anything about it. He felt so useless like this, seeing everything but unable to be seen or heard by anyone else... well, anyone but Chara, that is.

But Chara didn't really count, because they were in the same situation as him, unable to be seen or interact with the world except for Frisk on special occasions, the same as him.

He did like watching, as useless as it was to do so, it was nice that he could see his sons whenever he wanted to. Papyrus was currently with Alphys and Undyne, helping Alphys return the Amalgamates to their homes, and Sans was... missing.

Gaster looked around for a moment, finding Sans in his old lab along with Frisk and Flowey. He seemed to have stumbled across a new situation. Frisk doesn't normally ever try to go back to the true lab after... well, ever actually.

He watched in his usual forced silence as the scene played out.

Chara had been following Frisk around as usual, trying to see if they could break the little pacifist facade. No such luck this time it seemed, however it was somewhat interesting that Frisk didn't immediately go to break the barrier once again.

They watched and followed Frisk as they went back to the true lab, and could barely contain their laughter as they heard Frisk explain the new plan. "Hm, the bag of bones has a point. This will never work with the barrier still in place."
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