Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

Most Recent Posts

@13org SO IT'S YOU!

"hey Suley. Completely off-topic question: were you born or hatched?"
"From what I know, most Dragon lore says they're hatched, but then I have no idea about this universe. how even do the hybrids work if dragons are egglings?"
"and if you were hatched, did your mom have to sit on your egg like a bird?"

"Soron, do you know?"

<Snipped quote by Vesuvius00>

if this happens it will piss Suley off to such a degree that...I don't even know...Like I know sulley but this is like....I actually have know clue at all

which "this" are you referring to? her death? hiding her problems? or turning on the group?
Suley is the only one she's actually interacted with on the right level for him to be able to learn anything at the moment, so he's the best hope for stopping any tragedies right now. Though, like I said, I'm going to do this all more slowly than I had planned to do because of starting it up sooner. I say during the battle the trigger will happen, but it won't start to be a problem until after the fight's done -like a few days after even.

"1 User and 7 Guests viewing this page"
...wth. there's always guests lurking (hope you all like this story btw) BUT 7?!
Omg guys, we're popular!
okay, so I've made up my mind. I'm not gonna feed Alexis to the basilisk, (never seriously planned to do that in the first place, though it was a fun idea to toy with) or even purposely put her anywhere near it... unless I change my mind again later because drama, but I won't intend for her to be put in danger of death.

BUT: because of this, I really wanna do something with her plot before I had originally planned to do so, which means she might be in a bit more danger of death during normal IC stuff until another PC catches on to what's happening. But since i'm starting it early, it'll go slower than I had planned it to. I still need to tell @Rai what this plot actually entails, so all I can say here now is that I intend for Alexis to not be able to deal with it on her own. She's going to need support right up until the end, and spoiler warning: (highlight the 'blank' area to see spoiler) There will be death. Lots of it. Whether Alexis is one of the bodies is up to how good her relationships are with other characters, and if they can figure out what's happening before endgame. What's happening (or is going to happen) is something that will cause ALL of Alexis' fears and regrets to surface at once, and the person pulling the strings will cause that all to kill her in some way. Alexis will never be able to kill this person, they're too strong, they know her too well, and she'd never be able to forgive herself if she harmed them. Alexis wants to save this devil, and they just want to make her suffer as much as possible before they'll let her die. Something is going to happen in this battle to start Alexis' plot along the tracks, and once the train hits full speed she's going to begin falling apart. She'll still be a useful teammate and will help the party until the end, though depending on how things play out she could try to hide what's going on once she knows, or suddenly turn on the group towards the end, or she could spill everything and beg for help or advice on what to try and do.

@Rai I know I may have already told you enough in PM for you to figure some stuff out, like who exactly this threat is, so please don't say anything here. I'll get more explanation up for you in PM as soon as I get over my current writing block for this one pre-IC scene I'm writing for Alexis.

Also, since it's relevant to everyone now, what with battles happening and whatnot: (@Rai please tell me if any of this seems out of line)
<Snipped quote by Vesuvius00>

Zargoth: "Something my creator didn't need to know..."

Me: Alexis watch out for your creator giving you to a Shark Dragon. Or drowning you into a lake...

Maria: "All things are relative in war. And it seems like this will be a bloody one."
Zargoth: "You mean what's going on with the Cult?"
Maria: "Yes."
Me: "Alexis, I hope you can read the invisible message. It seems like my characters cannot find it."
Maria: "Or care about what you type with invisible ink."
Me: "I have my reasons."

Edit: I will finish my post tomorrow since I am somewhat tired right now. :P
However, I finished with the Sunfire Team, they are taking their sweet time to get out of the Village since yeah... Something caused Heather to FALL on her face. Oh wait it was the Nickname that Maria gave her. :P

All I need to do is Zargoth and his daughter's part. :P

"I can't see anything there either... sorry."
"I'm not going to feed you to a shark dragon. or any dragon for that matter."
"What?" O.o "...Sharks?"
"We're nowhere near the ocean though..."

Just a note:
the color code 2E2C2C will make text 'invisible' here on the guild.
@Landaus Five-One
"I, uh.. I'm gonna try to ignore the black dragon for as long as I can. Being around him doesn't seem like it'll ever be a good idea."
"Good call. maybe."
"AH! Don't talk to me, you're crazy too!"

<Snipped quote by Vesuvius00>

*Soron appears behind Vesu-ves with a blade to the throat*

"Attempt to feed her to the Basilisk and I can garuntee you death..."

"Soron be gentle and kind..." Glares at Soron for a moment before bringing his attention back to Ves and Alexis, finally removing the blade with an audible "Tch..." before walking away.

"Besides you currently have no attachment to her, I do. So let my simple yet fully intimidating smile be warning to what will happen should you attempt to off her." Gives Ves an eye smile akin to that of Gin Ichimaru from Bleach before chuckling and walking away*

....I got nothin.... o.o

"Aww, you're both so cute!"
"But are you sure you want to try and intimidate me like this?"
"Because I don't think you do."

"come at me bro. I dare you."
@Vesuvius00 Haha. Something tells me your late for a Basilisk supper. :P
However, your the main course. >.<


"Really Alexis?"
"Well what else am I supposed to say?"

"You're not really gonna feed me to a Basilisk, are you?"

"I dunno."
"I can try."

"Someone please save me from this crazy lady. I think she may actually be serious."

"Don't worry so much! You're safe, I promise."
"For now."
call me whatever you like, so long as it's not "late for supper"

I'm gonna add that to my list of nicknames, vesu-ves sounds so cute!
@Landaus Five-One So is fear of the dark a hereditary thing then, because I thought Patricia is scared of the dark too, right?

To make the country and city different in my head (since they're both Vrondi) I've been calling the country just 'Vrondi' and the capital city is 'Capital Vrondi': in the style of how people back in ancient wherever would refer to the Roman empire and then its capital, Rome.

"we're going to Rome" = going to the country/empire
"we're going to Capitol Rome" = going to the city in what is current-day Italy
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