Avatar of vietmyke


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1 yr ago
It is certainly not 'optimal', but it *is* doable, depending on what you want to do with it. You could go swords or valor bard and play them more like a warrior with some magical ability
2 yrs ago
One might say your villain arc has begun. Embrace it.
2 yrs ago
Man do I love watching the circus


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You get a hug. You get a hug. You get a hug. Everyone gets a hug

I know I said I'd do it earlier, but just because there are so many characters applications, I think I'll start writing Leah's thoughts/relationships starting with the accepted characters- I did a double take at the sheer amount of characters on @Ti's post
<Snipped quote by CaliforniaState>

@vietmyke, of course! You know for a fact that Lisa tends to burst into the gym/training grounds at least 7 times a week loudly challenging Ms. Eusebia to sparring sessions! And of course, we all know she bets next day's dessert on the winner.

There's probably a scoreboard somewhere in the room, all in good fun of course

@Deja I think Kasp would give Leah a headache lol, but he might stumble in on a sparring session or two
Leah Eusebia Clearwater

As the granddaughter of the famed Eusebia Clearwater and a former Illuminaire of the House of Eusebia two years in a row, this capable 5th year and telekinetic has a lot riding on her shoulders this semester.

@Frettzo looks like a workout buddy to me 😎
>But not the girl with all the artificial hands

How quickly Corrine and her metal hands are forgotten lmao.

*Leah with her gauntlets*

Did someone say metal hands?
<Snipped quote by Ti>

4 is absolutely fabulous in every sense! I cleaned up some of these funky ones with variations. The extra arm is still in there in some of them, but in others it's not. And then, the last one, which I liked a lot, but the anatomy was a bit off as @vietmyke pointed out.

so pretty :O the right side of these sets I love
@Ti 5 and 7 I love 😭

8 looks really good too, except for the angle of the lower body, unless I'm just not looking at it right
@Force and Fury I like #6 with the magic fantasy equivalent of a vape pen
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