Avatar of vietmyke


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1 yr ago
It is certainly not 'optimal', but it *is* doable, depending on what you want to do with it. You could go swords or valor bard and play them more like a warrior with some magical ability
2 yrs ago
One might say your villain arc has begun. Embrace it.
2 yrs ago
Man do I love watching the circus


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It had been a while since the platform had been in such a pitched battle, it's time in the Envenomed had thus far consisted of mostly short lived skirmishes. It was heavy drawn out fights like this that Echo was originally oriented for, and found itself right at home despite the chaos. In fact, the platform's constituents registered a series of feelings and synapses that could roughly be translated to the human equivalent of enjoyment, or perhaps excitement.

The Endoform quickly dipped into cover as the gunship's nose mounted cannons turned on it. At this distance Echo wasn't too worried about being hit, but the suppressive fire from the cannons were likely doing exactly what they were meant to be doing. Keep its head down and prevent it from firing. Luckily for the Endoform, it didn't need to use it's own eyes to fire back. Interfacing with the rest of the squad's HUDs, including its parent Warform, Echo was able to peak the barrel out of cover to return fire, though the awkward angle hampered the humanoid form's ability to reduce recoil.

The Warform on the other hand was having a bit more trouble. It was hard for something so large to just take cover, so larger units like the Warform used mobility to protect itself along with hefty armor instead of bunkers and cover. Mobility that was currently hampered. Even as Echo's short range beam cannons shot down missile after missile, one got through its defensive net. An HE missile exploded nearby, scattering heat and dirt as the concussive force buffetted the heavy walker.

Minor damage report: .50 caliber crew mounted machine gun damaged. Ocular sensor 2 operating at 82% efficiency. Intrasegience paint damaged. Armor integrity holding.

Not everything was going well. Of course, not everything was going poorly either. Over the comms, Salvatore reported that he was preparing to fire a procured rail gun, seizing the opportunity, the Warform also leveled it's heavy beam cannon- now fully charged. As Salvatore fired, Echo fired a split second later, adding a high intensity energy beam to form a one-two combo.

Fire report: Main cannon recharging.
Interesting idea!

Report: Warform damage sustained. Damage to Anti-grav generator 3. Mobility compromised. Mobility at 60%. Overall integrity 85%. Beginning repairs.

Repairs was a slow process. Given the materials on hand, Echo could restore all of its sustained damage, but not in a time frame suitable to the mission. Instead, its Endoform began chucking hunks of metal and electronics suitable for repair material into its main hold for fixing later, as the Warform shifted to its legs for movement. Pausing, Echo lifted up the hefty gun and carbine the power armor trooper had been using- just as well, the trooper was practically the same size as the Endoform, meaning little adjustments had to be used in order to utilize the two new toys. The Endoform slid the weapons onto its back, kneeling down to appropriate the rest of the corpse's ammo before moving on.

There wasn't enough time to do much more however, as the enemy regrouped and began a counter assault, this time moving in with a gunship. Rasch commanded the squad to commandeer weapons to take out the flying craft, not wanting to risk the Warform to further damage- undoubtedly the mobility it provided the squad was too important to risk in what was ultimately a minor skirmish on the way to the objective.

Command acknowledged. Warform beginning defensive maneuvers.

The Warform, while now without the enhanced mobility of its anti-grav drives, was still mobile, at least enough to keep it out of the direct line of fire. It's legs began propelling it out of the immediate area, it's short range beam cannons stopped firing, retasking to shoot incoming explosives out of the sky instead of engaging ground targets. The relative low caliber of the gunship minigun was less of a threat to an armored target, but the Warform kept moving regardless to prevent significant damage. It's heavy beam cannon began to cycle it's charge once again, waiting for an opportune time to strike.

The Endoform was significantly smaller and quicker and thus sprang into action to commit to bringing down the gunship. As the rest of the squad brought repurposed rockets to bear, Echo placed the grav maul behind its back, changing out for its new acquisition. The platform had not fully analyzed the weapon just yet, but whatever it was, if it could put a dent in the Warform's heavy armor, it would certainly be able to deal with the comparatively lighter armor of the air frame.

Leveling the heavy carbine at the gunship, Echo aimed for its weapon racks, firing a series of quick bursts before relocating to another piece of cover and firing again.
Galahad Caradoc

Perhaps Galahad should not have been surprised that his party's goals fell in line with one another so much. Granted, the reasonings changed from person to person, but more or less they all agreed that the blight needed stopping. Such was likely the reason they'd been gathered by Leonhart in the first place, but still, it was good they at least agreed on that much. It was about as much as could've been asked of an adventuring party cobbled together in the last minute by the king.

"We are united in our goal, father." Galahad stated plainly, "Reasons differ, but in the end the goal is what matters."

The older Caradoc snorted. "All I see are sellswords and cutthroats. Unorganized. Unfocused."

"Are you upset that I'm not at the head of a column of Edren Knights? Most that fight are not soldiers, father." Galahad reminded him. As it stood, Galahad was one of a handful of Edrenians he recalled seeing at the dinner at Balmung. "You can't expect them all to serve out of a sense of duty."

"And what of your sense of duty, boy? Have you no shame? No sense of honor?" the patriarch's voice began to grow increasingly hostile as dinner went on, spurring Galahad's mother, ever the more even toned to speak up on their behalf, whispering into his ear as she patted his hand in attempt to placate him. It had little effect, and as the spittle increasingly flew from his father's mouth, Galahad found himself growing increasingly agitated.

"I'm the only one in this family doing something about the trouble our people face." Galahad growled harshly. "Our people are starving, our homes are being razed. Yet I'm the only one looking to stop the problem. You sit here on your ivory throne-"

"Insolent welp!" Artorias spat, hands slamming on the table as he stood up. Almost to match him, Galahad too stood up from his seat, electricity from his materia subconsciously crackling in his palm. "You dare to lecture me? You who sits next to, breaking bread with my son- your brother's murderer?

Galahad felt himself grow cold, as though all of the light and life in the room had suddenly disappeared. His eyes turned granting Izayoi a confused glance. "... What..?"

His father snarled at him, pointing an accusatory finger. "Your companion that you so staunchly support butchered your kin, butchered my son. And until you return to me with that Demon's head on a platter, you are no son of mine."

"Out of my sight. Or I'll see you all hang come the morning."
Sara 'Rabbit' Lin

"I think they're mad!" Sara giggled over the squad comms as she brought her Aug back around and into the fight. They were all well within range now, and the base definitely knew they were there. Out of the corner of her perception, Sara heard the telltale whine of an alarm. The light rail gun had gotten a bead on her. Without missing a beat, Sara threw her machine into a sharp dive, the ground rapidly rising up to meet her. In the distance, she heard the rumble of the cannons, and her cockpit shuddered as the cannon shells flew past her.

Pulling up on the controls, Sara flew low to the ground, passing by High Impact and into the cloud of dust it had just kicked up to further mess with the tracking of the weapons. As the heavier mech took care of a formation in front of them and started getting to work on the fortifications, Sara finally put herself back on the ground, turning towards a small team of MA's attempting to flank them.

"Redknight gets Snow to cover her- so I guess you're stuck with me." Sara teased her fellow Bifrosti, as she casually flicked a few switches on her control panel and targeted the oncoming MA's. In one hand, the Chevalier leveled it's autocannon, the other hefted it's rocket launcher. Pulling both triggers, Sara let loose a storm of autocannon shells, punctuated by a pair of rockets fired in quick succession into the small grouping of machines.

As the dust cleared, the Chevalier leaped back into the air, it's powerful thrusters sending it screaming back into the sky. "Pretty sure we've gotten their attention now."
Sara 'Rabbit' Lin

Sara contented herself with a merry little hum as the group approached the target base on foot. She much preferred traveling by air, but she'd be an easy target- and would give away their position as well. Not that one could consider their little assault team "stealthy", given their assembled AUGs. The scouts must've been lax about security however, as the team was able to get the jump on the enemy MA's with little difficulty. Redknight and R-18 handled the MA's at the front handily, and as HIGH IMPACT began to rush towards the base, Sara was quick to follow, kicking the Chevalier off the ground with blue-white blasts of thrust.

"This is where the fun begins." Sara chuckled as the Chevalier screamed into the air. Whizzing past their lead elements, Sara settled into her seat as her AUG began to line up targets for her. She sighted in on the nearest gun emplacement, a heavy cannon battery, likely meant to defend against the type of attack they were performing. A hit from one of those guns would put a real damper on their assault, and while Sara doubted their tracking capabilities, all it took was one lucky shot. A red diamond appeared onto the battery, indicating that she had target lock, and Sara thumbed her missiles and a pair of heavy Halberd missiles streaked from her wing racks and into the target. For good measure, Sara followed it up with a short burst from her autocannon, the thundering 'BRRRT' crackling through the sky before impacting their target.

"Good effect on the first gun. Redknight, R-18, following you in. Coming around for another pass." Sara called over the comms. Pulling back on her controls, the Chevalier flew up and away from the target base, reestablishing itself as Sara took her AUG into a lazy orbit around the team's AUGs.

Perhaps it's time in covert ops, that favored rapid decisive strikes over pitched battle, or perhaps it was just the sheer length of time since it had been on a dedicated battlefield, but the Echo Platform found itself almost surprised by the amount of effective return fire it faced. Not to the point of causing the platform to rethink its tactic, but enough that it finally understood the stakes of the fight. After a long period of time of frankly, never getting hurt, the fact that something was now punching through it's vaunted armor caused a stir within its constituents. A mixture of fear, curiosity, and most of all excitement, as a general consensus began to ripple through its many organisms mimicking an effect almost equivalent to the effect adrenaline had on the human body.

The first burst from the enemy weapon tore into the head of the Warform, warped metal interfering with one of it's ocular sensors, though not entirely disabling it. The hit to the leg joint would be problematic later on, but at least for the moment, Echo had eschewed standard locomotion for the agility provided to it by its anti-grav drives. The power armored soldier was faster than Echo had anticipated, and more mobile than it's bulk suggested. Within moments it had closed in with Echo, in a move that was either incredibly foolhardy, or clever- perhaps both. At this range, Echo couldn't bring the power of its main cannon to bear without potential damage to itself or it's allies.

What Echo did have over the power armor trooper was bulk however. As the Power armor soldier leveled it's weapon towards the Warform's head, the top of its faceplate slid forward as Echo's Endoform leaped out of the Warform's "skull" and into the air, even as the Warform continued forward in an attempt to more or less ram through the trooper with its bulk.

Acknowledged. Engaging target. Echo's voice echoed through the comms as it's Endoform fell from the sky onto where the power armor trooper was, gravity maul raised over its head in both hands. "Alert. Applying banter. Nail, meet hammer." As it landed, Echo brought its weapon down with earth shattering force as it sought to bludgeon the power armor soldier to if not kill the thing outright, to at least stagger it for more follow up attacks from the rest of the squad.

The Warform itself brought itself back around as well, weapons still firing at other targets as it moved to interpose itself between the power armor trooper and the rest of his squad, seeking to isolate him from support.
I've already decided in my head that Sara's voice is basically the medic from starcraft/2. Or maybe the banshee is more accurate. For better or for worse lol
Sara 'Rabbit' Lin

Sara laughed softly as another offered to join them: one Mr. Snow. She was somewhat familiar with the man, they'd run a few missions together before, and he probably frequented one of the many bars in the area- not much else to do on Bifrost after all. She didn't know him very well, but first impressions had marked him as a bit of the sleazy type: not necessarily a womanizer, but not not a womanizer. Sara made it a point never to involve herself with the merc type to much anyway, they were quick to disappear. Fleeting and fickle were the mercenary type, either following the money to greener pastures, or meeting an untimely grave- though here she was, now a merc herself, so what did that say about her?

"Only if you promise to keep those SAM sites from taking a shot at lil' ole me." Sara replied to the man with a wink over the comms.

The rest of the team, Sara didn't know much about. Redknight reminded her a bit of a younger sister- if said younger sister was extremely violent, and perhaps a bit unstable. All in all, better to have the her on their side rather than the other. Of course, there was always more than met the eye, so maybe Sara would be surprised. R-18 sounded like one of her folk- if at least by birth. The Bifrost accent was distinct and hard not to notice. It wasn't difficult to tell that R-18 was the type to say exactly what she thought, and didn't much give a fuck if you had a problem with that- which suited Sara just fine. Bifrostian bluntness was a signature trait of theirs after all.

"Thanks Valk, suuuper helpful!" Sara called out to their resident AI, her eye roll practically as audible as her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Banter said and done, it was only a few moments later that they reached the drop zone, the Chevalier's engines spooling up as Sara watched the others launch. Sara settled into her seat as the catapult launched the Chevalier towards the surface, though rather than impacting the ground like the rest of her compatriots, her AUG's powerful engines burst to life well over the ground, touching down with a soft thud instead, or as soft as one could expect a massive war machine to land. Though, with how the aptly named 'HIGH IMPACT' landed, it didn't seem stealth was something they planned on maintaining. Hard to be stealthy with a near dozen AUGs anyhow.

"Rabbit, on station. Lead the way." Sara called out in her best radio voice before addressing the other team, "Crashing a party is only fun if they can't call for help. Happy hunting."
I am also lurking. You've caught me.
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