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1 yr ago
It is certainly not 'optimal', but it *is* doable, depending on what you want to do with it. You could go swords or valor bard and play them more like a warrior with some magical ability
2 yrs ago
One might say your villain arc has begun. Embrace it.
2 yrs ago
Man do I love watching the circus


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Galahad Caradoc & Ranbu no Izayoi

As the party returned to the lodge, Izayoi shot Galahad a pointed look, inclining her head towards the roof access. When both of them made it to the small terrace atop the building, she turned to face the dragoon, her mien unreadable.

”Well, then?” She asked, her voice quiet. ”What your father said is most likely true. I do not recall killing a Caradoc during the war, but I would not be surprised if it had occurred. Knowing this, I offer you the opportunity to seek vengeance. It would be remiss of me not to.”

One hand fell to rest on her sheathed blade.

”This is the easiest opportunity you will have. Prior to this, I have not so much as touched a sword since the war’s end. I have not been weaker in the field since I was but a girl. If you seek to exact restitution, take it now or face a far greater challenge in the future. I do not intend to stay in this state.”

”Right to it, huh?” Galahad sighed, his grip around the haft of his halberd tensing. Lying didn’t seem to be in Izayoi’s wheelhouse, she was at her weakest, and Galahad was still young and strong. If he truly wished to avenge his brother, now was the time.

”I don’t even know how he died.” Galahad grunted bitterly, ”He was a healer, not a fighter.”

Were they to come to blows, Galahad wasn’t exactly sure how it would pan out. Izayoi was a duelist by nature, suited to killing people in exactly this sort of situation. Galahad, while having seen his fair share of bloodshed during the war, was at a disadvantage in this sort of combat. Dragoons were trained to kill dragons after all, not people, as the large reach of his halberd might have indicated. Still, Galahad wasn’t a stranger to a fight, his mind briefly running through ways he might be able to fight the samurai and come out alive.

”I guess there’s no sense in asking if you have any remorse. It was a war after all, and strictly speaking, we aren’t exactly friends.”

”I have made my feelings on the matter of the war excessively clear.” Izayoi confirmed with a nod. Her thumb slid up against the hilt of her sword. ”I will not apologize for a single death I was responsible for five years ago, but I do carry remorse for the situation. You may not believe that I regret that they were necessary, but the matter was life or death in our case.”

It felt almost freeing to admit that to someone again. Isshin had known of the matter, but Izayoi had never brought it up more than a few times when the guilt grew too much to bear, not wanting to burden her spouse overmuch with her own problems. But either way, one of them wouldn’t be leaving this conversation alive, barring a miracle.

”If the gods dictate that this is my final sentencing for my crimes, better I die by your hand than your father’s. My sole regret in this matter is that he will derive some measure of satisfaction from this.”

There was a moment of quiet, only still wind between the two. Galahad let it stand for a moment longer, the only sound breaking the silence was the creaking of metal as his gauntleted hand clenched at his weapon.

”I wasn’t old enough to understand the politics of the war. Just old enough to fight in it.” Galahad admitted quietly, ”As was my brother. The fool had barely come of age when the war started.”

The great halberd lifted off the floor, Galahad deftly, but slowly turning the weapon in his hands before he brought it down onto the floor with enough force to pierce the stonework and lodge the speartip into the stone.Not exactly turning his back to the Osprean, but turning away, Galahad took a few steps away, leaning against the railing staring at the mountain ridge that separated them from Osprey.

”I’ve come to understand some of the burdens of leadership.” Galahad awgrunted tiredly, ”The needs of my people have to come first.”

”Perhaps I’m a fool for this- but we have to stop this curse first and foremost. To do that, I need strong allies, and frankly, I don’t trust the other parties to get anything worthwhile done.” Galahad said, his tone even, with a hint of bitterness, obviously attempting to calm itself, ”If and when we’ve put a stop to it, and I find the need to avenge my brother, well, hopefully I’ve improved more than you have by the time we’ve finished.”

Ah. Galahad was reasonable. Something she wasn’t. At the very least, Izayoi hadn’t chosen poorly when she’d nominated him to be the party leader two nights ago.

”A part of me is disappointed that this will not be my final judgment.” Izayoi said calmly, removing her hand from the scabbard of her sword. ”Though I suppose I ought to thank you for giving me leave to continue pursuing mine own vengeance. As I said before, so long as our interests align, you have my sword. And I believe we’re both very aware that they’ll likely stay as such.”

She turned towards the direction Galahad was facing, following his gaze. Home wasn’t so far away now. Or what was left of it, at least.

”Still, in the event that our interests are no longer mutual, my offer to you remains open. I trust we can keep our matters professional otherwise?”

”You are, perhaps, worryingly candid about what amounts to a duel to the death.” Galahad commented uneasily, ”But yes, things will remain as they are.

”I have little to live for these days.” Izayoi replied blithely, turning to head back down into the lodge. ”If the gods decree that I am to die, better it be at your hands than Valheim’s, much less your father’s.”

In SPIRITUM 9 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Dead Cruiser how goes things? Any updates?

For the rest of us, I plan on getting us started relatively soonish!
In SPIRITUM 9 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Alrighty folks, just cannibalizing one of my old servers, but here's a discord
In SPIRITUM 9 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Dead Cruiser sounds good! Seems like the training squad will be a veritable guerilla unit of its own. Nice art nowadays is indeed a pain to find.

@Vertigo More misfits for the mayhem, looks good! Go ahead and move her over

Everyone should go ahead and start deciding what sort of relationships they want to have with each other while we're waiting for the last few of us to join. I guess that also begs the question, do people want to keep OOC chatter to this OOC thread, or should I boot up yet another discord channel and clog up everybody's likely already crowded discords?

@WXer sad to see ya go if that's the case, but best of luck to ya!
In SPIRITUM 9 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Vertigo WARDEN battlemages unlike regular mages are still trained soldiers. They are generally more than physically capable, especially compared to your standard soldier, but not as much as more physically inclined WARDENs. They're also versed in things like rifle marksmanship, hand to hand combat, etc at least to the level of a regular soldier

As far as power scale goes, something akin to a DnD cantrip that a battlemage can expect to use regularly like a 'basic' spell, would be shooting a small bolt of fire or propelling a chunk of metal with the force of a bullet. Generally, imagine Battlemages to be the WARDEN equivalent of Anti-Tank soldiers or a one-man mortar team, you can blow up a tank or a small building with a decent amount of effort, and if you really tried you can cause an amount of destruction akin to a heavy artillery piece or missile.

A WARDEN battlemage will typically supplement their niches with a variety of other spells and abilities, they can feasibly dabble a little bit in everything since they have the Mist capacity for it- but its generally a less practiced ability. They probably took a basic course in stuff like healing magic or barrier creation, but it isn't their focus.

In SPIRITUM 9 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@OwO another maladjusted malcontent to add to the party. Definitely fits for a leader role in our group of misfit headcases. For reasons that may come up in the RP, I will need her legal last name, even if she refuses to acknowledge it, edit that in- or PM me, and then consider Justice good to go!

@Yankee the unfortunate son returns. Are the party aware of his true identity, or is he still Lance to them? Surely nothing bad can happen from fraudulently entering the wrong son into the state super-soldier program. Accepted!

Report. Gunship elminated. came the mechanical voice of Echo through the squadnet, crackled and distorted from all of the interference occurring on the battlefield. Moments later, a flurry of point defense beams raked across the sky in an attempt to intercept the last bits of incoming ordnance. Unfortunately for Echo, having just fired its main cannon, its energy capacitors had yet to resupply the energy needed for full powered beams, striking down only one of the incoming missiles as the other two landed squarely into its armored carapace, sending shards of metal plating flying in what would've been deadly patterns had any of its squad mates been close to the warform. As the smoke cleared, sparks flew from the base of the Unztadtlige's cannon, along with some wicked looking scoring across its 'faceplate'. Luckily for Echo, its main hub in the Endoform was safely out of the Warform's 'skull'.

Unfortunately for the Endoform, it clocked a pair of missiles on a trajectory towards it. Unlike the massive Warform however, the Endoform was mobile and nimble- not quite as maneuverable as dedicated infantry, but a hell of a lot faster in a footrace. Dirt kicked up as the Endoform sprinted for cover, diving and rolling as a pair of explosions vaporized the ground just behind him, blast wave and shrapnel scoring its side, but leaving little more than cosmetic damage to its plating. The Warform was not so lucky- while not out of the fight quite yet, the missile strikes had damaged its lateral motor, meaning the Unztadtlige would have to rotate its head and body in place of the turret.

Damage report. Damage to main cannon. Mobility limited. Repairs needed. Be advised: Warform falling back.

There was no place for repairs until the battle was won however, and to do that, the Envenomed needed to sweep the board. The Warform began to back its way to their advance's relative rear, its remaining autocannon opening up to lay down a suppressing wave of semi-guided shells across the enemy position. It was not exactly out of the line of fire, but back enough that their direct threats would hopefully feel the need to engage with the more pressing matters first. Pressing matters such as the 7 foot tall, hulking Endoform, tearing through the tent with the remaining automaton and Ilshar- making an already crowded location suddenly increasingly crowded, the heavy Endoform caving in the robot's chest with a kick to send it to the ground, before swinging its heavy maul at the automaton's head as though they were at a casual driving range.

For good measure, in case it hadn't fully ceased functioning, the Endoform shouldered its maul and picked up the offending automaton, wrenching its ammo belt off of its body before tossing the robo-carcass in the general direction of the closest pack of infantry.

Report. Applying suppressive fire to enemy infantry.
In SPIRITUM 10 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Psyker Landshark looks good to me! Gublades never go out of style. Accepted.

@HeySeuss I like Tony a lot, reminds me a bit of Setzer in that he's a big ole slab of muscle. Let me know when everything's finalized, but basically accepted!

I've also added my own character to the Char tab. People can either wait until everyone's been established to start writing relationships/impressions, or they can use my character for the first part of that section
In SPIRITUM 10 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
In SPIRITUM 10 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
The group does seem to be getting rather large. I think I'll have to close this RP off to any further interest, unless someone ends up dropping
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