Avatar of vietmyke


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1 yr ago
It is certainly not 'optimal', but it *is* doable, depending on what you want to do with it. You could go swords or valor bard and play them more like a warrior with some magical ability
2 yrs ago
One might say your villain arc has begun. Embrace it.
2 yrs ago
Man do I love watching the circus


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Took a little bit, but here's my character, let me know if anything needs to change. I went with a tanky bearbarian

@shylarah I might borrow your cs framework BTW, I like it lol
It wouldn't be a stretch for the MMO to have out-of-game message and video call functions- like a super app or something. They already have the infrastructure for it after all
The MMO servers could be city based- maybe everyone is living in the same city?
In SPIRITUM 3 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Gerard Biserus

"Have I ever mentioned that I love how optimistic we all are?" Gerard commented dryly as he floated a pen inside the truck cabin and hit the button to turn on the radio. The beat up truck began to roll its way out of the rest stop and back onto the road. By some miracle it was still functioning- and aside from a weird stutter every few minutes, the vehicle was as good as- well, not new, but as good as it was the day before. Where the day before they were driving through a mostly savannah like badlands, the Barghests now had a large expanse of forest on one side, and the remnants of the badlands and the petrified forest on the other.

The princess- while not necessarily chained up, was well under supervision, sitting in the middle of the group's formation in case she got any ideas of fleeing and making it on her own. Though, for her part, Collette seemed more than happy to stay in the relative safety of a squad of super-soldiers, even if they were technically enemy soldiers. She sat a bit rigidly on a shot out crate of MREs, her back against the back wall of the truck cabin, occasionally glancing out of one of the window flaps of the truck.

"There are few." Collette responded to Kalina, with a slight roll of her eyes at the not so subtle jab. "The Empire is a big place, but broadly speaking, most of our senate is split along three lines."

"The Imperialists, mostly nobility, career military, and industrialists are interested in the continued expansion of the empire- to what I would argue are unsustainable levels of growth and expansion. There are the Doves, myself and a not insignificant number of the landed merchants, corporations and younger nobility, who would prefer the Empire to achieve its needs through more peaceful venues. And lastly there are the Lay, made up of mostly middle class and laborers, who more or less want to keep the status quo. My father has final say on a lot of the Empire's proceedings and directives, whereas the senate mostly interprets his will, but they do still have significant influence over the Empire's decisionmaking."

More or less handwaving some of the complexities of a sprawling empire, Collette continued, "The Doves and the Lay are more or less in agreement that this war with Rassvet has done nothing but waste lives and resources that could've been better spent on our own people. The Imperialists are convinced that the Levistone that Rassvet sits on is a treasure trove worth committing those resources to.

"We had managed to impress upon the Emperor that a significant number of his people had no desire for this war, and that perhaps we could obtain what we needed through more peaceable means. Whether he believes it or not remains to be unseen, but he agreed for us to begin talks for a ceasefire at the very least."

Realizing that she had been going on at length for some time, Collette quickly shrugged and cut to the chase. "From Vangar, I suppose its possible that some of the more extreme from the Imperialist faction might think that the Empire would be better off with me dead." Collette's eyes lightly scanned the WARDENS in the truck. "From Rassvet, well I don't think there's exactly a shortage of people that wouldn't mind offing Vangar nobility."

"As much as I hate to interrupt this riveting discussion," Gerard chimed in, pulling his head back into the truck from having stuck it out the window to talk to the resident WARDEN sitting on top. "I think there's trouble ahead."

While the smoke could've been spotted from further, A small stream of acrid black smoke led to what appeared to be a large wreck a few miles down the road, a few hours into their journey. The wreck looked bad, the dirt and ground around it was torn up. An Etherium fuel truck- likely bound for the rest stop they had just left, and Sapple Springs after, laid rolled over across and blocking the road. Its side was crumpled like it had taken an impact and the engine smoked, and the tanker of Etherium fuel itself had fallen over and was currently emptying its contents onto the pavement and dirt around it, a sickly sweet smell already wafting into the air around it. The interior of the truck itself wasn't in view, but a hand, red with blood stuck out of the side window. Having run off the road and currently twisted its front around a tree was a family RV, its windshield was shattered but the rest of its chassis was in good shape.

With the road ahead blocked, the Barghests were more or less forced to a stop, the engine idling. as a few of them glanced out at what was ahead of them. "What the heck happened here?" Gerard asked aloud. "I see blood in the RV, no body though."
@shylarah Howdy!

@Eviledd1984 How strict are we with the D&D class style? Are we going with an 'inspired by dnd' sort of ruling, or like actual dnd style characters?

Either way, I'm generally leaning towards a tanky avatar- either a sort of fisticuffs/boxer barbarian or a battlesmith with a shield and gun/crossbow
Tentatively interested! Had an idea for a character whose been wheelchair bound for a while, using the game as an escape- and give them the feeling of being able to walk again
Galahad Caradoc

Whether it was fate, or a stroke of exceedingly good luck, the Kirins had miraculously stumbled their way into finding out the answers they so desperately sought. As it so turns, their working theory of Valheim creating the Blight was not exactly wrong, but it wasn't exactly right either. The Blight as they knew was more or less a direct result of their actions, but it wasn't a weaponized affliction, rather a dire consequence of their desire to gain power. At the very least they knew the Blight wasn't the Valheimr's attack dogs.

"Finally some answers, thank Etro." Galahad murmured, though his face remained grim despite the news. In some ways, the task ahead of them was even more daunting than just destabilizing Valheim's hold over Osprey. "The Blight beasts do seem to have been moving generally south from Osprey, which may coincide with the loss of the Fire Crystal... Is there any way to restore the crystal once it is lost or drained? Surely Osprey is not doomed to this blight forever, is it?"

Answers would never come, as they were interrupted by the reappearance of the revenant, crashing through the cathedral door. Galahad cursed as he tried to wheel around his weapon, desperately trying to figure out a plan. They were beaten and battered, and the revenant looked like it had strength to spare. Hells, Izayoi could hardly walk. In lieu of any answer he could think of, Galahad found himself staring downwards at a series of glyphs a their feet.

"Wait! No, Cid-"

The feeling of teleportation wasn't dissimilar to that of falling through the sky- though not nearly as enjoyable, for the Dragoon at least. "Not an experience I'd like to repeat." Galahad agreed with Esben, as he tried to gain a better picture of where they were. He took a moment to leap high into the air, to at least get a picture of where they were or any shelter they could find.

The party found themselves on their asses leagues away from the town they had just been fighting by, Galahad could only barely spot it on the horizon. In the chaos, Galahad realized they'd lost track of Goug, their cart, and the chocobo. He didn't recall them falling into the caves with them- and he doubted Goug would stick around to be shelled by the airship. They were practically stranded. Out of danger- for the moment, but still in the desert, now without their cart of supplies.

He nodded as Izayoi agreed to answer questions many likely held about the thing they had come across, her old master. It was a story Galahad would like to hear as well, but for the moment, they needed to get out of the sand.

"Crystals and undead." Galahad grumbled, "Well, at least we know now what we have to do to put a stop to Valheim and the Blight. Earth, Wind and Water crystals remain. Valheim will be after them, which means so will we."

Prying his helmet off of his face, Galahad squinted in the light as he shook off the sweat and fatigue that had gathered. He tied the helmet's strap around his halberd and threw the thing over his shoulder, again offering Izayoi his other shoulder. "Who can stand? Those who can help those who can't, and let us get out of this cursed sun."

"I think we've misplaced our moogle."

Any concerns Echo may have had with the new members to the squad remained unvoiced. The unztaldige didn't particularly cared who or whom joined their collective, or whatever attitude deficiencies they may have possessed- apparently it was extremely common among the various biped races to have differences in demeanor and attitude. It was dubious how any species, let alone system spanning governments could function properly under the weight of such differences, but somehow they'd managed to make it work on scale where the unztaldige had not, so perhaps there was some knowledge to be gleaned.

The upcoming mission was not exactly one that played to the strengths of Echo, to say the least. The platform preferred wide open terrain where mobility and the heavy firepower and range advantages of its vast array of armaments could be brought to bare, much like their prior mission, but it appears the needs of the Intransigence required them to be here. Even as the briefing was explained to them, Echo's endoform was meticulously recording the briefing and holographs into purge-ready memory banks. Said memory banks were quickly taken off network and quarantined to prevent loss from hacks during the mission. The only way to access the memory card was now through physical means, with a single button push to force the card to self-destruct. Dispensing the card into a physical hand-reader, the Endoform quietly passed it off to Salvator for later viewing, should the information become necessary mid-mission.

With the close quarters nature of this mission, it appeared the Warform would be relegated to a support role- which suited it properly as it was still damaged from the previous mission. A remote command was triggered and from the bay where the Warform was left, a half dozen of Echo's microforms deployed and began making their way to join the squad. They were small enough to be worn or carried, and could act as forward scouts- and in a pinch, meatshields from oncoming threats. They also provided Echo with more 'eyes' with which to watch the untold amounts of angles and hideaways threats on this vessel may be found.

"Request. Threat assessment of non-ethereals. Elaboration. Estimated numbers and perceived strength of orbiting pirates and possible organisms within." The platform's robotic vocoders echoed within the confines of the briefing chambers, "Inquiry. Updates to established Rules-Of-Engagement. Elaboration. Unknowns to be considered hostile or decided on case basis?"
Galahad Caradoc

It seemed that despite their best efforts, this damnable monstrosity just wouldn't die. It was more durable than any foe they'd faced so far, and much faster to boot. Galahad could barely keep his eyes on it whenever it moved. It felt like Izayoi, a much faster, stronger- and if it were even possible- more bloodthirsty version of the Kirin's samurai companion. Even as the party came at it from all sides, the creature could be hurt, but it wasn't going down.

Galahad staggered as his halberd was parried, the reverberating metal close to flying out of his grip as he recoiled. Before he could fully recover, the magical shockwave sent the Kirins scattering across the ground. Rising unsteadily to his knee, Galahad managed to catch the revenant glancing back at the airship before it disappeared. From the airship itself he spotted a spark of orange fire.


Falling wasn't an unusual feeling for the Dragoon. The air whipping around his body and the way it rattled his armor was familiar to him. What was unfamiliar was the sheer darkness that surrounded him as he fell, and the manner in which they were sent falling. He was tumbling. Somewhere along the way, Wyrmfang was wrenched from his hand. Was he dying? Around him he saw the fluttering forms of his comrades plummeting through the darkness. His arm reached out try and grab at one of them as he instinctively began trying to correct his own fall. How far to the bottom, he had no idea, it was too dark to tell.

He saw magic winds wrapping around his friends and knew that meant they weren't dead yet. It also meant that they were nearing the ground. Righting himself, Galahad came in contact with the ground. A three point landing- less graceful than he was used to, but still in one piece. A few seconds later, he heard the sound of sundering stone as his halberd crashed into the floor, embedding itself in the stone.

"Everyone alive?" Galahad's voice called out, taking in the cavern around them. A settlement, or a temple of some sort- lit by the faint reflections of crystal stones, or something similar. Ahead of them, an older man identified himself as Cid, a caretaker of this place. Eve explained to him a bit of what their purpose was, but the larger details could wait until after they've found a place to set down properly.

"Caretaker Cid. Our apologies for dropping in unannounced," Galahad winced, "But we may need to trouble you for assistance. Many of our number are wounded after a battle with Valheim."

Galahad glanced up towards where they fell from, but saw no semblance of a hole, only darkness- just how far had they fallen? "Perhaps we can continue this conversation as we move to shelter of some sort?"

Stopping by Izayoi, Galahad offered the mystrel woman his hand and helped put her weight on his shoulder. Pride or not, the samurai was gravely injured and wasn't going to be able to stand on her own.
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