Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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  • Name: Sakurazawa Hitomi
  • Age: Has the physical appearance of a girl no older then ten years.
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: "If you beg for my forgiveness and kiss my feet, perhaps I'll let you live."
  • Personality: An arrogant and self-assured girl with utter confidence in the role she has been assigned. Hitomi believes that, as she was created to obtain the Holy Grail and was granted the greatest tools her family could muster in order to fulfill this purpose, her victory is practically assured. She considers opponents to be minor obstacles on a path that is guaranteed to her. That being said, her arrogance does not mean she is completely foolish. She is not blind to danger, and will prioritize her own wellbeing if she absolutely has to pick between that and winning a fight. After all, she is the only remaining member of the Sakurazawa bloodline. Were she to die, it would be erased.
    While she handles herself in what may seem to be a mature fashion most of the times, demonstrating her arrogance quite freely as well, Hitomi can slip into childish behavior when frightened or especially angry, though she is unlikely to admit to feeling the former. Her childish streak may also come out among those she takes a liking to. Regardless of this, she demonstrates no hesitation whatsoever when it comes to killing. If someone is her enemy, Hitomi is unlikely to show them mercy unless given a good reason for it.
  • Skills: Hitomi possesses little to no practical skills. To put it simply, she has very little capacity to care for herself and has instead relied on homunculi provided to her.
  • Abilities: To begin with, Hitomi's status as a magus is nearly beyond compare. While her quality cannot be said to match the craftsmanship of the Einzbern, as the pinnacle of the techniques of both the Sakurazawa and Arevin-El bloodlines her capacity for magecraft cannot be understated. As a homunculus, her nature is best described as 'magic circuits in the shape of a human being' as opposed to 'a human being with a high number of high-quality magic circuits'. Her capability with magecraft is extensive, and there are few limitations on her ability to perform a variety of different spells with high potency. Additionally, her capacity to support a powerful Servant is virtually without limit. Due to her Sakurazawa blood, she is uniquely tied to the land Sako City lies on and thus much of her magecraft directly draws upon the land itself.
    The invocation of local spirits is among the spells in her repertoire, but she finds it lacking in usefulness. By acting as a custodian of the local lands, Hitomi is offered considerable defense against curses and the like beyond the average magus as a benefit of her position, one that the Sakurazawa cultivated for this specific benefit.
    This is also extended to the Sakurazawa household: It is surrounded by a bounded field that makes assault difficult, as Hitomi is immediately alerted to intrusion and attackers are forced to enter from the front, corralled by a bounded field that requires significant force to penetrate. In terms of personal capabilities, Hitomi can convert a single strand of her own hair into a devastating projectile, filling it with magical energy and sending it hurtling towards her opponents with concussive impact sufficient to leave a meter-wide crater in solid concrete. She nay also utilize a variety of other projectiles, including weaponizing the weak native spirits as homing 'bullets' she may use to assault others, effects ranging from stripping away layers of skin and muscle on contact to simply inflicting symptoms similar to the common cold.
    Naturally, while she is a highly dangerous opponent for a magus, alone she is far less threatening towards most Servants. She is also possessed of great physical frailty, with little to no resistance to being directly attacked.
  • Brief Backstory: Prior to the reconstruction of the Holy Grail, the Arevin-El family contacted the Sakurazawa family, a mage family of Sako City, for assistance. Given the opportunities involved in the Holy Grail War, the Sakurazawa family did not reject the offer and gave their assistance and land immediately. Working together, not only did the Arevin-El and the Sakurazawa successfully begin the process and determine how to properly rebuild the Holy Grail from a single fragment, but the Arevin-El's heir married the Sakurazawa heir. Rather then having an ordinary child, the Arevin-El used their knowledge of the creation of high-quality homunculi as well as the Sakurazawa's in order to engineer a "perfect Master". Falling short of the Einzbern homunculi but standing as a beacon to the crafting of artificial magi, Hitomi was born for the express purpose of claiming the Holy Grail.
    Shortly after her birth, the entirety of the Sakurazawa bloodline disappeared. Not a single member of the family, including the Arevin-El heir that had married into it, remained. Only Hitomi survived this sudden vanishing. In spite of having the value of her own bloodline ingrained into her, Hitomi has never truly met a single member of it. Regardless, taking some cues from her relatives on the Arevin-El side of the family, and following the desires etched into her heart as well as her own, the homunculus readied herself to enter the Holy Grail War. In her mind, there was simply no question of the fact that she would be victorious.
Alright, we'll be talking these bios over soon!

The last Fuyuki Holy Grail War ended in destruction.

The Holy Grail, the wish-granting device said to be capable of reaching the root itself, was destroyed. Cast to pieces and utterly obliterated. What little remained of the device was dismantled several years ago, in a conflict between magi lead by two opposing parties. Those who supported the recreation of the ritual, and those against. The latter, in victory, finished what had begun at the end of the Fifth Holy Grail War.

By all accounts, nothing was to be salvaged, and nothing remained. Indeed, Fuyuki City would never play host to the Holy Grail War ever again, as the Fuyuki Grail had been utterly destroyed.


During the conflict that lead to the ultimate dismantling of the Fuyuki Grail, in the closing days, something was taken. A piece of the holy Grail persisted, albeit a tiny fragment.

But that tiny fragment was enough.

Transporting what remained of the Holy Grail to an entirely new country proved impossible. In every sense, it was far too frail to transport without being damaged irrevocably.

It had to remain within Japan.

Sako City had proven ideal, another concentration of leylines near the quality of Fuyuki, located in a nation without the large-scale influence of the Association. Even with that in mind, the project has been rushed. The reconstruction of the ritual was based off of a single piece, and thus considerable measures were unavoidable in order to build something capable of operating as a Holy Grail once again.

And yet, they had found success.

The Omnipotent Wish-Granting Device has arisen again.

The peaceful, small city of Sako is to be host to the renewed Holy Grail War. Before any moves could be made to put a stop to the ritual, or bring it more directly under association control, the Church had already been contacted to send an overseer.

It was a way of ensuring the ritual will not be prevented.

The opportunity to potentially access the Root of all knowledge was enough to draw some magi. Others may have been sent to obtain the Holy Grail simply out of duty, by superiors who may have felt obligation to compete rather then true desire for the prize. Still others could not resist the allure of the omnipotent wish-granting device, far more concerned with their future in this world then anything else.

Even innocent bystanders could be swept up in a conflict beyond their understanding.

Regardless of who or why, seven Masters have been chosen to summon seven Servants, to fight to the death for the sake of obtaining the reborn Holy Grail.

And yet...

The method through which this remnant was converted into a omnipotent wish-granting decide once more is shrouded in mystery. To rebuild such a ritual from almost nothing seems like a near impossible task without the aid of those who created it in the first place.

How could something like this have possibly been accomplished?

Legends of the past, symbols of human history itself, summoned by magi to battle one another. A conflict that would rage for the sake of a prize that could simply be a shadow of its former self, or something far beyond that.

The Holy Grail War would soon begin.

Though not a rule, we would like to stress that there should be an emphasis on narrative over victory. It should be a given that characters will die—some more unceremoniously than others—and so we ask that in such cases, the players should (in such scenarios) bow out with grace and dignity. Deaths will and should drive the plot; that is not to say that we will be letting anyone die early on if possible, but if a situation cannot be resolved without extreme contrivance, be warned that not everyone will come out of things fully intact.

The application process for the RP will be a bit less straightforward than most. Masters, for starters, must be accepted before any Servants from the same person will be reviewed, much less accepted. Any Servants submitted before an accepted Master will be dismissed out of hand, regardless of who the applicant is. Furthermore, to make sure that players don't end up turtling and refusing to interact with one another, the GMs will be handing out relationships between Masters that must be integrated into the characters. It need not be immediate—things can be built up to within the framework of the RP—but at some point, it must come to fruition and (ideally) have an impact on how said characters interact.

Anyone who has completed a Master that has already been accepted is free to apply a Servant for another Master, regardless of said Servant's class container. Of course, as more Servant slots are filled out, the narrower this pool becomes, but do not assume that there is any reason to not apply a Saber if someone attempts to stake a claim of their own for the class. In short, there are no reservations, so do feel free to apply for as many Masters with as many Servants as you wish. Do be mindful of the fact, though, that you may only choose a single Servant to use for the duration of the RP, so choose wisely.

In order to make sure that things will continue to run if people drop, there will be a once-per-week minimum post 'quota' in place. Anyone who has not at least clocked in with a reason for their absence (anything from life to what have you) for more than two consecutive weeks will be assumed to have dropped out, and their characters will thus fall under GM supervision. That being said—and we would like to place heavy emphasis on this—do not be afraid to post multiple times in a row. Post orders and cycles need not be strictly followed, so do feel free to post whenever you deem it right to do so.

Assassins are rather problematic when it comes to creating a good RP narrative. Under normal circumstances, if they're doing their job right, the story suffers. If they're doing it wrong, then the player suffers. For that sake, we're allowing a single Extra class slot that is interchangeable with the Assassin class. Any non-standard Assassin (in other words, an Assassin who is more oriented towards combat) will still be applicable, of course, but anyone in line with, say, Corday or Jack will be denied. You can treat this as an 'Assassin/Extra' slot rather than 'Assassin' alone, though obviously if a Servant in either category is filled, the other will not be open for further applications.

Be sure to contact my co-GM @PKMNB0Y or myself if you have any questions!

  • Name:
  • Age:
  • Gender:
  • Appearance:
  • Personality:
  • Skills:
  • Abilities:
  • Brief Backstory:

  • Name:
  • Class:
  • Appearance:
  • Personality:
  • Stats:
    • Strength: E-A(Modifiers are caused by skills and should be covered in those skills)
    • Endurance: E-A
    • Agility: E-A
    • Mana: E-A
    • Luck: E-A
    • Noble Phantasm:
  • Class Skills:
  • Personal Skills:
  • Noble Phantasm(s):
    • Name:
    • Rank: (Any Noble Phantasm with a rank higher than A will be highly scrutinized)
    • Type: (Anti-Unit, Anti-Army, Anti-Fortress)
    • Appearance:
    • Effects:
  • Alignment:
  • Changes: (This section is purely for things such as genderbending. If you make a male historical or mythological figure female, I want an explanation for it)
Great! I think we can make an OOC pretty soon.
@Blackmist16: Ah okay, hard to read over text, sorry!
@Blackmist16: This isn't a high fantasy RP. ^^; It's based on an urban fantasy franchise.
Don't be afraid to immediately start work on your Masters, by the way! We'll be doing relationship rolls sooner then later.

The last Fuyuki Holy Grail War ended in destruction.

The Holy Grail, the wish-granting device said to be capable of reaching the root itself, was destroyed. Cast to pieces and utterly obliterated. What little remained of the device was dismantled several years ago, in a conflict between magi lead by two opposing parties. Those who supported the recreation of the ritual, and those against. The latter, in victory, finished what had begun at the end of the Fifth Holy Grail War.

By all accounts, nothing was to be salvaged, and nothing remained. Indeed, Fuyuki City would never play host to the Holy Grail War ever again, as the Fuyuki Grail had been utterly destroyed.


During the conflict that lead to the ultimate dismantling of the Fuyuki Grail, in the closing days, something was taken. A piece of the holy Grail persisted, albeit a tiny fragment.

But that tiny fragment was enough.

Transporting what remained of the Holy Grail to an entirely new country proved impossible. In every sense, it was far too frail to transport without being damaged irrevocably.

It had to remain within Japan.

Sako City had proven ideal, another concentration of leylines near the quality of Fuyuki, located in a nation without the large-scale influence of the Association. Even with that in mind, the project has been rushed. The reconstruction of the ritual was based off of a single piece, and thus considerable measures were unavoidable in order to build something capable of operating as a Holy Grail once again.

And yet, they had found success.

The Omnipotent Wish-Granting Device has arisen again.

The peaceful, small city of Sako is to be host to the renewed Holy Grail War. Before any moves could be made to put a stop to the ritual, or bring it more directly under association control, the Church had already been contacted to send an overseer.

It was a way of ensuring the ritual will not be prevented.

The opportunity to potentially access the Root of all knowledge was enough to draw some magi. Others may have been sent to obtain the Holy Grail simply out of duty, by superiors who may have felt obligation to compete rather then true desire for the prize. Still others could not resist the allure of the omnipotent wish-granting device, far more concerned with their future in this world then anything else.

Even innocent bystanders could be swept up in a conflict beyond their understanding.

Regardless of who or why, seven Masters have been chosen to summon seven Servants, to fight to the death for the sake of obtaining the reborn Holy Grail.

And yet...

The method through which this remnant was converted into a omnipotent wish-granting decide once more is shrouded in mystery. To rebuild such a ritual from almost nothing seems like a near impossible task without the aid of those who created it in the first place.

How could something like this have possibly been accomplished?

Legends of the past, symbols of human history itself, summoned by magi to battle one another. A conflict that would rage for the sake of a prize that could simply be a shadow of its former self, or something far beyond that.

The Holy Grail War would soon begin.

Though not a rule, we would like to stress that there should be an emphasis on narrative over victory. It should be a given that characters will die—some more unceremoniously than others—and so we ask that in such cases, the players should (in such scenarios) bow out with grace and dignity. Deaths will and should drive the plot; that is not to say that we will be letting anyone die early on if possible, but if a situation cannot be resolved without extreme contrivance, be warned that not everyone will come out of things fully intact.

The application process for the RP will be a bit less straightforward than most. Masters, for starters, must be accepted before any Servants from the same person will be reviewed, much less accepted. Any Servants submitted before an accepted Master will be dismissed out of hand, regardless of who the applicant is. Furthermore, to make sure that players don't end up turtling and refusing to interact with one another, the GMs will be handing out relationships between Masters that must be integrated into the characters. It need not be immediate—things can be built up to within the framework of the RP—but at some point, it must come to fruition and (ideally) have an impact on how said characters interact.

Anyone who has completed a Master that has already been accepted is free to apply a Servant for another Master, regardless of said Servant's class container. Of course, as more Servant slots are filled out, the narrower this pool becomes, but do not assume that there is any reason to not apply a Saber if someone attempts to stake a claim of their own for the class. In short, there are no reservations, so do feel free to apply for as many Masters with as many Servants as you wish. Do be mindful of the fact, though, that you may only choose a single Servant to use for the duration of the RP, so choose wisely.

In order to make sure that things will continue to run if people drop, there will be a once-per-week minimum post 'quota' in place. Anyone who has not at least clocked in with a reason for their absence (anything from life to what have you) for more than two consecutive weeks will be assumed to have dropped out, and their characters will thus fall under GM supervision. That being said—and we would like to place heavy emphasis on this—do not be afraid to post multiple times in a row. Post orders and cycles need not be strictly followed, so do feel free to post whenever you deem it right to do so.

Assassins are rather problematic when it comes to creating a good RP narrative. Under normal circumstances, if they're doing their job right, the story suffers. If they're doing it wrong, then the player suffers. For that sake, we're allowing a single Extra class slot that is interchangeable with the Assassin class. Any non-standard Assassin (in other words, an Assassin who is more oriented towards combat) will still be applicable, of course, but anyone in line with, say, Corday or Jack will be denied. You can treat this as an 'Assassin/Extra' slot rather than 'Assassin' alone, though obviously if a Servant in either category is filled, the other will not be open for further applications.

Be sure to contact my co-GM @PKMNB0Y or myself if you have any questions!

  • Name:
  • Age:
  • Gender:
  • Appearance:
  • Personality:
  • Skills:
  • Abilities:
  • Brief Backstory:

  • Name:
  • Class:
  • Appearance:
  • Personality:
  • Stats:
    • Strength: E-A(Modifiers are caused by skills and should be covered in those skills)
    • Endurance: E-A
    • Agility: E-A
    • Mana: E-A
    • Luck: E-A
    • Noble Phantasm:
  • Class Skills:
  • Personal Skills:
  • Noble Phantasm(s):
    • Name:
    • Rank: (Any Noble Phantasm with a rank higher than A will be highly scrutinized)
    • Type: (Anti-Unit, Anti-Army, Anti-Fortress)
    • Appearance:
    • Effects:
  • Alignment:
  • Changes: (This section is purely for things such as genderbending. If you make a male historical or mythological figure female, I want an explanation for it)
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