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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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Blegh, sorry, just having trouble with this post. I'll get something done tomorrow if I can't put it together tonight.
Sorry, delayed, but tomorrow most likely for the update. ^^;
"We're coming in for a landing!"

A slight tremor ran through the Blue Lily as it began to descend. From this distance, it was possible to see their destination. A somewhat imposing but degraded structure, resembling multiple boxes stacked upon one another with a taller rectangular tower extending from the top, it possessed a utilitarian look common in Alvadian research facilities. Of course, due to five years of abandonment, it was adorned with vegetation and rust. But otherwise it seemed mostly intact, at least from this distance, though the fencing around it certainly wasn't.

With a steady humming sound as its propellers slowed, the Blue Lily lowered towards the ground. Going by the position of rubble, structures, and plants, this was one of the clearest spots to land in the area.

"I'll be waiting to pick you up," the pilot added, "Try not to get hurt too badly out there, okay? Transporting the injured always makes me nervous."

The rear of the airship slowly opened.

The path to the complex seemed relatively clear at the moment, but that didn't mean that it was.

They say that thousands of years ago, the moon started to fall.

There’s no-one alive today who would remember it, but some people think it really happened.

But they say the people who came before us put it back in the sky, even though it cost them everything.

It’s just an old legend though.

When you look at the moon, what do you see?

The sunlight filtered through the clouds to illuminate the world below.

It was the remains of a city. The fragments, the shattered remnants of old buildings. Vehicles, machinery, war machines, rusted out and left to degrade due to being too damaged to bother recovering. Vegetation having begun to reclaim land that no-one had even begun to consider retaking, vines crawling up the sides of aged buildings and grass overtaking streets.

Signs of the destructive warfare that had rendered the city a shadow of its former self, craters in the earth, buildings collapsed and blown apart...

Sights like these weren’t uncommon in the scarred lands between Embria and Alvad. In some places, nothing grew. In others, nature had begun to reclaim what was left behind.

Regardless of what the future held, it was certain these wartorn places would remain as a monument to the vicious battles that occurred there for years to come.

But that which was left behind by battle was not the only thing that remained in the lands riddled with ashes.

There was valuable technology, old research facilities, military hardware, monsters, all sorts of things designated for extermination or for recovery.

That was what they were here for.

A shadow fell over the ruins below, a few distant creatures startled by the sudden darkness darting into their dens.

The airship was small, but large enough to contain a squad or two of soldiers quite comfortably, the overall shape something like a bird with a flattened upper body and a long, narrow balloon helping to keep it in the air, the lumium-powered magitek engine beneath. The cockpit was towards the front, and on its port side was emblazoned the name ‘Blue Lily’.

Wild Rose had been hired for a new job.

The employer was anonymous. They wanted an item recovered from a wartime Alvadian research laboratory and brought to Embrian territory, so it could be assumed they were probably Embrian themselves, but beyond that very little known about them.

Some mercenaries may not have liked that anonymity. Others cared more about the payout than anything else.

Doubtless, their thoughts were likely on the mission ahead, as they were ferried to their destination on-board the Blue Lily

“Hey, thought I’d let you know we’re just a few minutes from our destination!” came the voice of a young woman, the Blue Lily’s pilot, over the ship’s communications system. “If I were you, I’d get ready. There must be some reason you were hired to take this on, right?”

It was a valid point.

If there was no threat here, why would someone hire mercenaries to do recovery when they could do it themselves?

@thecatinaction: Imminently, quite possibly today.
I'll update here today or tomorrow.
Alright, given we've hit the weekend, deadline has been reached. I'll be reopening the RP to two more players.

If they don't join in time to be there from the start, they can join the party at another point. It would hardly be the first time that party members join later on.
Going to be putting in a weekend deadline for this RP. If you're planning on signing up a character or are in the process of revising a bio, please do so by then, or at least contact me to confirm your intent to do so.
@PKMNB0Y: Accepted.
@Sedjwick: I mean, I was asking you for something to work with backstory wise, and saying that he doesn't know doesn't really help very much. I think you still need to do some work here.

You could also work that into his personality for a little more depth, rather then just lacking allegiance giving him a reason he doesn't trust either government.

I think you underpowered his limit break a lot too, since that's a fairly basic function of any magitech weaponry, infusing magic into your weapon. Speaking of which, a basic shortsword is also a bit minimal even to start with, and I'd suggest trying to make it a little more elaborate to suit the setting.
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