Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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Super happy to see all the interest, at this rate I'll get the OOC up soon!
Human emotions are one of the things that makes people who they are. While many animals can feel emotions and experience emotional thought, human beings are among those most capable of expressing these feelings.

Indeed, this sort of expression is intrinsic to human nature.

Happiness. Comfort. Kindness. Love.

Positive human emotions are only one side of the coin, however.

A student stresses out over her upcoming test. A salaryman resents his boss. A young couple has a fight that, even for a moment, they're scared that they'll never recover from.

Fears. Stress. Frustration. Anger.

Negative human emotions that coalesce like shadows in dark places.

Certainly, they are a part of what makes someone a human being, but in concentrated numbers they can become something far darker.

Shades form of negative human emotions, composed of darkness. At their weakest they can drain the energy from people and cause them to become increasingly depressed and beaten down by their mere existence. The stronger they get, the more capable of causing real physical harm they become.

They can even kill someone.

Composed of negative energies, it isn't possible to harm a Shade with conventional weaponry.

But that's why magical girls exist.

Sought out from young girls with high potential by fairies, magical girls are capable of destroying Shades, dispelling the energies composing their bodies permanently. These girls are capable of defending the world from the destructive influence of Shades.

But in a large city, like Tokyo, the sheer number of human beings populating it results in negative emotions building up at a high rate, producing dangerous Shades far more quickly.

And so, that's why such a city needs plenty of magical girls to keep these monsters in check.

And in Tokyo, there is a certain group of these magical girls.

This is their story.

The abilities of magical girls come from a conceptual source of power. That is, each magical girl has their own Concept as a source of power. For example, a Magical Girl with the Concept of a fairytale as their source of power would have abilities based on that fairytale. Concepts can range wildly, from weapons to events to stories to nearly anything in history.

But this is not the end of the powers of a magical girl.

All magical girls wield some sort of item, be it a tool or a weapon or something else entirely. This item is their Archetype, something from stories or myths that grants them further powers, something related to their concept. A girl whose Concept is Cinderella could perhaps have the Pumpkin Carriage as her Archetype. However, when a girl first becomes a magical girl, they will not be aware of their Archetype. They must figure out what their Archetype's nature is on their own. This will unlock their most powerful abilities.

The Power of a magical girl's Concept and Archetype are influenced by a variety of factors. Age and fame are strong influences, but so to is the imagination inspired by them. This allows for more recent concepts, such as Wonderland, to be quite powerful in their own right.

The powers exhibited by magical girls are vast and broad. Some are straightforward, whereas some are more strange and difficult to use.

  • Name:
  • Age:
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance:
  • Personality:
  • Skills:
  • Brief Backstory:
    • Magical Girl Appearance: (Usually, the eye color and hair color changes as well)
    • Concept:
    • Archetype:
    • Abilities:

I'm looking for about six to seven players here, no more then that, so it will be a case of first come first serve. People who post interest first will be considered first!

The Queen had to know exactly how she'd sounded, and exactly how embarrassing the implication was! Not to mention how utterly inappropriate it was! Not to mention any of the other issues with the idea!

Regardless of her actual intent, there was no way that was an accident. She'd almost certainly sought to get an embarrassed reaction.

Unfortunately, Fio couldn't exactly help that.

With a huff, she looked away again, thankful that her Highness at least decided to change the subject to a more suitable topic.

The witch's eyes drifted to the injured elder beast for a few moments, travelling over its bulky form. It was strange to see it so docile after the fight, but perhaps that wasn't entirely surprising.

"Elder Beasts, hm?" Fio responded as she walked along with the Queen, "Well..."

She considered the question for a few moments. Elder Beasts...

They weren't exactly an entirely straightforward matter, were they? Not really.

"... They're a part of this world, I suppose," she began, "Some are like spirits of nature, who just want to safeguard their lands. Some just care about themselves and their own kind. Some are our enemies, who want to kill as many people as they can. So, we should respond to them accordingly. Antagonizing the ones who can be reasoned with something only a complete idiot would do, but the same goes for trying to talk to the ones who just want to kill us."

  • Name: Seelay
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Cosain Elf
  • Appearance: A young elf maiden, with a short stature of around 154 cm. Her hair is an ethereal silver, and she has light skin and green eyes.
  • Bio: The child of a pair of elven guardians of high standing in Tamaln, Seelay's childhood was spent as a daughter of nobility. At the same time, her parents were quite insistent on instilling a sense of duty into her. She may have been their cherished daughter, but they wanted her to grow up to be a fine guardian of the forest. And so, her regular training was both to hone her skills and to grow a strong sense of purpose within her. Seelay took her training readily, proving to surpass her own father in skill when he was her and demonstrating a buried capacity with magic, to the surprise of her family. Needless to say, her pride swelled as her skills developed. But so to did her sense of duty, as her parents were successful in their endeavors. They had raised a stern, serious, and prideful girl.

    As she grew older, it was only natural she would begin to take on duties as a defender of Tamaln. Why else would she train, and continue to train, if not for this reason? Perhaps born of the way she was raised, Seelay desires to be patted on the head praised for her efforts, as such combined with her dutiful nature this pushed her to pursue greater and greater efforts. Her dedication to her duties, her desire for praise, and her pride would always spur her onwards.

    As a result, when Seelay was instructed to investigate the attack on Dawn, she did not hesitate in the least. She would demonstrate her skills once more, and get to the bottom of what had occurred without issue. Perhaps she could do without the observer that was sent along with her(in fact she could definitely do without her) but that would not stop her from completing her duties.
  • Goals:
    • Assist in rebuilding, as it is the proper thing to do.
    • Discover why the Elder Beast attacked Dawn, completing her duty.
  • Skills:
    • Ancestral Scion:The fey created the Elves with a specific purpose in mind - to protect, and constantly learn in order to do that. As such, they instilled the Elves with a specific ability to call upon their ancestors. Most often it simply takes the form as some sort of sixth sense to make the supernaturally good at some skill, rarer some elves earn particular favor of an ancestor spirit and it manifests to protect them. Even rarer, though all are capable of it - is the Leargas. A skill that turns a living elf into an Incarnation of every single ancestor.
    • Magic Lineage: Born with the blood of elven druids running through her veins, Seelay has far greater capacity in magic then most of her kin. She has not followed in their footsteps, however. Rather, she has honed her magical capability in regards to the appilication of applying magical effects to her weaponry. The application of mystical energies to her arrows or the edge of her sword is a common use, as well as increasing the impact of each arrow loosed.
    • Bow and Blade: Extensive training in the usage of a longbow and a curved elven sword. Seelay may be young for an elf at seventy years of age, but this still allows her to have training equivalent to nearly the entire average human lifespan. As a result, her capabilities can easily be seen as superhuman. While she lacks considerable physical power, much of her skill lies in agility and precision. In addition to the span of her training, Seelay can be considered to have taken to her training outstandingly well. All of this comes together to result in a combatant of considerable skill.
  • Inventory: A number of hunting and food supplies. Much of the food was acquired by her hunting and fishing. Additionally, she carries a longbow, arrows, a curved sword, and a dagger. Each of these weapons are of fine make. Finally, she is accompanied by a diminutive fey companion by the name of Sionna, whom she considers the least useful piece of equipment she has access to.
@Lewascan2: Unfortunately, we already have a god of war and I'd really prefer not to have any overlap with this cast size. Sorry! ^^;
There was little time for the centipede warped to reaction. When the beam of light tore down towards its head, its eyes seemed to widen for the briefest moment before it was struck.

The light tore through its flesh, its head obliterated in a single shot, only briefly visible as an expanding ring of smoldering flesh and bone before that too disintegrated under the power of Elise's beam. Flesh burned black and a view of a partial ribcage and spinal column were all that remainng on this end of the monstrous creature, smoking and sizzling as the sinuous body swayed for a few moment, humanlike limbs growing limp.

And then, it fell, collapsing towards the earth before landing with a resounding thud.

It neither moved nor breathed any longer.


While the creature was swift to use its backwards-bending forelimbs to shield its face, that still didn't protect it from any harm. The knife embedded itself into one of its forelimbs, and the attack to its upper torso pierced through its body, to which it responded without even a sound though its body jerked and twisted strangely, its incredibly skinny waist contorting in a manner that appeared boneless. Its response slowed the charging of the dark energy in its strange, snake-like tail, allowing for a moment longer to react. A crucial moment indeed, as the beam pierced through it and left it writhing, twisting in the air, the crackling 'electricity' fading.

The flurry of blows forced it back, even as it unshielded its face. For the briefest moment, the vague shape of almost humanoid features was visible before the lengthy black hair fully obscured it again. While it was momentarily stunned, and injured, it was not enough to take it out of the fight.

The final blow would have to be struck quickly to avoid it attempting to attack once more.

"As you wish, your highness."

With a flourish of her sword, the blades of light restraining the mammoth disappeared into drifting sparks, which floated into the air. While she was uncertain of the nature of the self-proclaimed Queen, Fio didn't doubt her when she seemed certain that the beast would not attack when roused. If it had, she was prepared to immediately put one of her most powerful attack spells through its skull and end its life as swiftly as she could.

Thankfully, such things were not necessary, just as she thought. It seemed that it would be a little time before she could return to her dolls, though she had no doubt they were watching her from somewhere... Really now. They were such troublemakers, she sometimes wondered why she put so much effort into making the three of them.

The Queen's next words, however, caught her attention immediately.

"Y-you...!" cheeks flushed at the embarrassing implication of her words, the petite witch immediately turned away, even as she walked, "I-I'm not sure what you're insinuating, y-your highness, but it's definitely not wh-what I meant! I just thought you may want to speak after the defense of the town, and that's it!"

  • Name: Seelay
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Cosain Elf
  • Appearance: A young elf maiden, with a short stature of around 154 cm. Her hair is an ethereal silver, and she has light skin and green eyes.
  • Bio: The child of a pair of elven guardians of high standing in Tamaln, Seelay's childhood was spent as a daughter of nobility. At the same time, her parents were quite insistent on instilling a sense of duty into her. She may have been their cherished daughter, but they wanted her to grow up to be a fine guardian of the forest. And so, her regular training was both to hone her skills and to grow a strong sense of purpose within her. Seelay took her training readily, proving to surpass her own father in skill when he was her and demonstrating a buried capacity with magic, to the surprise of her family. Needless to say, her pride swelled as her skills developed. But so to did her sense of duty, as her parents were successful in their endeavors. They had raised a stern, serious, and prideful girl.

    As she grew older, it was only natural she would begin to take on duties as a defender of Tamaln. Why else would she train, and continue to train, if not for this reason? Perhaps born of the way she was raised, Seelay desires to be patted on the head praised for her efforts, as such combined with her dutiful nature this pushed her to pursue greater and greater efforts. Her dedication to her duties, her desire for praise, and her pride would always spur her onwards.

    As a result, when Seelay was instructed to investigate the attack on Dawn, she did not hesitate in the least. She would demonstrate her skills once more, and get to the bottom of what had occurred without issue. Perhaps she could do without the observer that was sent along with her(in fact she could definitely do without her) but that would not stop her from completing her duties.
  • Goals:
    • Assist in rebuilding, as it is the proper thing to do.
    • Discover why the Elder Beast attacked Dawn, completing her duty.
  • Skills:
    • Ancestral Scion:The fey created the Elves with a specific purpose in mind - to protect, and constantly learn in order to do that. As such, they instilled the Elves with a specific ability to call upon their ancestors. Most often it simply takes the form as some sort of sixth sense to make the supernaturally good at some skill, rarer some elves earn particular favor of an ancestor spirit and it manifests to protect them. Even rarer, though all are capable of it - is the Leargas. A skill that turns a living elf into an Incarnation of every single ancestor.
    • Magic Lineage: Born with the blood of elven druids running through her veins, Seelay has far greater capacity in magic then most of her kin. She has not followed in their footsteps, however. Rather, she has honed her magical capability in regards to the appilication of applying magical effects to her weaponry. The application of mystical energies to her arrows or the edge of her sword is a common use, as well as increasing the impact of each arrow loosed.
    • Bow and Blade: Extensive training in the usage of a longbow and a curved elven sword. Seelay may be young for an elf at seventy years of age, but this still allows her to have training equivalent to nearly the entire average human lifespan. As a result, her capabilities can easily be seen as superhuman. While she lacks considerable physical power, much of her skill lies in agility and precision. In addition to the span of her training, Seelay can be considered to have taken to her training outstandingly well. All of this comes together to result in a combatant of considerable skill.
  • Inventory: A number of hunting and food supplies. Much of the food was acquired by her hunting and fishing. Additionally, she carries a longbow, arrows, a curved sword, and a dagger. Each of these weapons are of fine make. Finally, she is accompanied by a diminutive fey companion by the name of Sionna, whom she considers the least useful piece of equipment she has access to.
Well still fiddling with my concept but definitely up for this.
"You got it!" declared Hoshiko, grinning brightly as the scorched bird began to plummet towards the earth, vanishing far below. She'd been hoping to keep its attention just long enough for Pyra to pull something like that off, and it'd worked out just like she'd wanted! Of course, while the bird warped looked pretty bad, they couldn't be completely sure it was dead.

It hit the ground below, with a resounding thud, leaving an enormous crater beneath its huge, scorched, smoking body.

"I'll go make sure, and clean up down below!"

With that, and the roar of her rocket boosters, Hoshiko hurtled downwards. Her idea of making sure was a simple one, really.

The impact hit her legs, but her frame absorbed the shock easily, as she slammed down on the monstrous avian creature's head with enough force to crush it into the ground, its skull crumpling like a tin can under the impact.

In the same breath, the girl raised her fists up and took a fighting stance.

She was ready to take on the rest!


The centipede creature let out an unpleasant chortling sound as a cut was rent into its side. This time, what spewed from its insides was blood, rather then the fetid ichor it had released as a ranged attack. But from within the wound came small, grasping, stretching hands, reaching out of the injury to attempt to grasp at any pilot who passed close enough.

Rather then a chortle, however, when it lost one of its limbs it let out a piercing shriek, its body writhing in the air. The monstrous warped's head twitched as it twisted its body, attempting to spray the pilots with the rotting liquid once again.


Noting at the last possible moment that it had been discovered, the invisible warped sprang back, ceasing its attempt to attack one of the soldiers. Even though it attempted to evade, it was not unscathed. One of its wiry forelimbs lashed out, and caught Teodora's piercing charge in its own flesh, sending it skidding even further backwards with the blade lodged into its right front leg.

The man who was nearly snatched turned, wide-eyed, in time to see both frame pilots.

And the warped itself.

Faced with the two pilots, the creature felt it could no longer rely in its stealth.

Its body was revealed.

The creature's torso was human-like, to an extent, but incredibly gaunt and pale. Its waist was emaciated to an extreme extent, as if it lacked even internal organs. Its limbs were somewhat human-like, but bent backwards as if it was performing some sort of crab walk. From its rear a twisting, black, fanged tail writhed, resembling something like a snake as it almost seemed to watch the pilots with a mind of its own.

Its head was almost completely concealed by lengthy, black hair that trailed along the ground around it. All that could be seen, briefly, was a single wide, empty white eye.

With a hissing sound, a black light emanated from its snake-like tail as it raised and aimed squarely at Teodora, charging a blast of dark energy that looked like lightning...

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