Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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Fanilly hadn't expected to suddenly be greeted by some of the newer members and names attached to the order at this very moment, when she was caught up trying to extract further information from the Cal heir. Still, it seemed as if Dame Maritza had realized her current approach was only succeeding in causing Veileena to lock down and refuse to answer any further questions. Perhaps they would at last get some answers from the young noble girl?

Regardless, the Knight-Captain decided to pause for a moment and respond.

"I'm happy to have your assistance," she began, as she turned to face the both of them, "This may not be the best time for a discussion, however. Sir Kherun, I believe you would be best served continuing to search the bodies for survivors. Perhaps your familiars could aid you in finding potential survivors? We need all the information we can get."

She paused for a moment. Was that the right choice? Were there even any survivors? The skirmish had been relatively swift and certainly lopsided.

A fight where none among their knights and their allies should have been lethally injured. The voice in her mind had spoken up once again, reminding her that even though Haelstadt had somehow survived there never should have been a situation where the knight in black armor was beheaded in the first place.

"As a healer, Hollowsland," she continued, trying not simply dismiss her own thoughts, "You should look among my knights for any in need of your talents."

With that, her attention returned to the young Cal girl.

"I'm glad you came to your senses," said Veileena, though she still seemed to be in something of a huff, "As for your questions, it's nothing so clear cut as that."

She sighed, unfolding her arms.

"You're right. The Iron Rose Knights are a hammer. A big, crushing hammer that slams down on any enemies of Thaln," continued the Cal heir, "And hits hard enough to make a lot of noise. The moment I tried to raise the issue to you, some idiot noble would find out and think he's got the right to claim the shard and present it to the crown, as if it was his idea all along and that he deserves the credit for securing it and completely ignoring the dangers in doing so. Besides..."

She trailed off for a few moments.

"... You already believed I wanted the shard for some evil purpose, didn't you?"

Veileena averted her eyes.

"Would you have believed any different if I'd told you from the start, truly? Hmph, your reaction certainly hasn't given me any reason to think so."

For Gerard, the voice that had spoken to him simply giggled lightly after a moment's pause.

Very well~ I hope to see plenty more from you~

@Raineh Daze@Crimson Paladin@HereComesTheSnow@Martian@A Lowly Wretch@JessieTargaryen@FlappyTheSpybot@ghastlyinc
The streets reflected orange. From the concrete, the the glass and steel of buildings, as the sun slowly began to sink more and more of it was colored in. The throngs of people in the streets heading to and from work, to get food, to unwind. Some people were looking to have fun, others were looking to desperately unwind from the stresses they dealt with throughout today. For some people, it was minor problems, like simply not getting in line when they wanted or worrying about a quiz. For others, they had to deal with an overly-harsh boss or even fellow students bullying them.

A cauldron of human emotions.

In one case, a particular salaryman's resentment for his boss was threatening to boil over and explode. He'd manage to calm down, and perhaps realize his situation wasn't quite as bad as it initially appeared, as the night wore on.

But those strong negative feelings wouldn't simply vanish.

They would go to join others, in dark places.

And some particularly powerful negative emotions had been building up for a little while now...

The ward of fashion and pleasures.


A prime spot to unwind for the day, but that didn't mean it was devoid of any negativity. That's just why it was so important, wasn't it? To make sure even somewhere like this was kept perfectly safe.

That's why they were magical girls, wasn't it?

Of course, given it was getting late, and the negative feelings for the day had to be piling up on top of any others. There was bound to be shades lurking in dark places somewhere in the Shinjuku ward of Tokyo.

As it grew darker, the lights on the buildings would begin to look like stars.

@Ammokkx@RolePlayerRoxas@The Irish Tree@King Cosmos@Rune_Alchemist@Rin

There was no-where in Tokyo that could be called sedate, exactly. But compared to Shinjuku, the Nerima Ward was probably the closest you could get. Known for daikon and farming, at least in the past, it was a place that seemed like it might have less negative feelings then the most bustling places in the city.

But that wasn't necessarily the case. Negative feelings were simply part of human nature, but even the smallest ones could slowly build up over time.

It was only natural that such places would require just as much defense, no matter how it seemed a little more easygoing then Tokyo's center.

@Raineh Daze@FrogRFlowR@DDVicky@LuckyBlackCat@AzureKnight@Shiyonichi

The magical girls of Tokyo were certainly busy at night. She'd seen plenty of activity during her observation. It was curious.

She'd always found it curious. Why did these people choose to do such things? These young girls putting themselves at risk for the sake of others.

Her observation had at first simply been duty.

But could she deny her own curiosity?

It was to be another night of watching.

Perhaps tonight would bring understanding?

Or perhaps it would merely bring more questions.

Regardless, she would conduct her duty to the fullest.

She would not defy her lord.
With that post made, I'll be updating in the next day or so!
@Rin: Accepted.
@Shiyonichi: Accepted.
@King Cosmos: Accepted.

@Shiyonichi: While I like the overall idea, I'm still finding myself a little concerned she'll be able to do too much too well.
As Fio followed along with the Queen, she let out a huff. Really, for someone saying she's Queen to behave like that...

She paused only briefly to call Mieka to her side, as at the moment the blonde-haired doll was the only one she felt was level-headed enough to accompany her, before continuing along behind Sorcha.

At the very least, the Queen took a far more royal bearing when they arrived.

That much she could approve of.

Mieka seated on her shoulder, the Sword Witch listened to the Queen's words. So villages were being razed on the border, then? Not only that, but it appeared that it was a midnight-skinned Fomorian who devoured human beings. An utterly vile individual deserving of not the slightest hint of mercy.

But perhaps even more concerning was the seeming disappearance of the Knight Elnith. There was a part of Fio, the more analytical part, that had desired on some level to understand the curse that had been placed on the lady knight. And perhaps, a desire to ensure that it did not consume her. Not only for Elnith herself, but for the wellbeing of those around her. Given the situation, it was difficult not to find the information that she had seemingly disappeared concerning.

And there was still the matter of these bandits, apparently led by the fomorian, to attend to.

It seemed as if that was where she would be taken. And in company of the Queen herself as well. Of course, this worked well with her desire to understand just who the Queen was and why she operated as she did, so there wasn't much to complain abou-


A hand striking her back. Immediately the petite witch stumbled, nearly falling forward before barely managing to catch herself, one hand flying to her shoulder to stop the surprised Mieka from careening downwards face-first.

Her other hand keeping her hat from falling off, the Fio cast a glare back over her shoulder as she straightened.

"... Certainly, she doesn't have anything to worry about," she began, her tone rather curt, "But I think I might if your idea of being thankful is nearly knocking me on my face. Hmph. Be more careful!"

@Raineh Daze: Accepted.
@DDVicky: Accepted.
She had come here for the sake of understanding.

By the orders of her superiors, she had arrived to understand why Dawn had been attacked and its people slain. Why they had been reduced to this state.

And yet since she had arrived, she had been confronted with even more questions.

Seelay sighed, brushing her silvery hair back as she did, watching the proceedings in the town square. For some reason, the Goddess of the Moon had seen fit to speak with her. She hadn't the faintest idea why, and while an audience of sorts with the a deity was not exactly something to be shunned(in most cases at least) all it had done was make her even more confused about the events that had occurred here.

None of it made the slightest bit of sense to the elf. None of it was easily explained.

While puzzles could be fun, that wasn't the case when people's lives hung in the balance. Certainly these weren't her people, and she hadn't the slightest intention of remaining here once her duty was concluded. But at the same time, if she had to remain here for some time while conducting her investigation there would be no benefit in allowing the village to collapse even further. Additionally, such disregard for Dawn's plight would be callous.

Seelay was a proud hunter and guardian of the fey. She was not callous.

Besides, perhaps she could demonstrate the skills of a true hunter. Indeed, the thought of showing the fruits of her training made the elf's heart swell with pride.

The petite girl stepped forward, having been lingering outside of the crowd as she listened to the locals speak and discuss what needed to be done. She could at least commend them for having clear goals in mind. Only idiots would waffle about uncertainly as the situation grew more and more grim with every passing day.

"If you need help getting food, then you should look no further," she began, placing one hand to her chest, "There's no better hunter then I, Seelay of the Tamaln Forest."

Perhaps it was introducing herself by boasting as highly of her own capabilities as possible, but was it truly inappropriate? They needed all the help they could get, so wouldn't news that a skillful hunter had decided to directly assist them be a reason to rejoice?

@Cu Chulainn@Rune_Alchemist
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