Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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When Dame Serenity altered her stance, realization dawned on Fanilly.

The dream that they had shared that night, and the ancient figure who had risen within the depths of the Cazt Mausoleum...

It was the Demonbreaker, that the knight sought to emulate. It made far more sense now, the choice of shield and training blade.

Immediately Fanilly's mental stock of the fight changed track. If Dame Serenity was confident enough to attempt to emulate the Demonbreaker, that meant it was possible her initially intended approach was not the ideal one.

This was a training match, but if they were going to spar to better one another... not only was it her duty as a knight, but it was her duty as Knight-Captain to do all she could.

And thus she had to try and analyze the battle as if it was a real one.

Fanilly's mind reached back to the words of her instructor.

'Against an opponent of greater strength and defensive capabilities, you must find any opening that you can. Their strikes are your opportunity.'

She had never trained against Dame Serenity.

Fanilly leaned forward, her training sword held low as she angled her body towards her opponent.

Planting one foot forward, she propelled herself towards her.

It was a straightforward advance without any presumptions, the girl's grip on the training blade seeming set for an equally straightforward strike.

Perhaps Dame Serenity would immediately see through it, but the opening of a duel was often a move intended to test one another more than anything else.

One step into her opponent's range.


Before she sprang backwards just as swiftly as she advanced. If Dame Serenity struck, it was her opportunity to circle to her flank. If she did not, then it was a test of what she would do instead.

Either way, it would shed at least a little light on the progress of the sparring match if nothing else.

"... Bags...?"

It took a few moments for Fanilly to comprehend what just happened.

Teleportation was, of course, a type of magic she was aware of. The process of instantaneously moving from one location to the other wasn't impossible with magic. But it did have limitations, even if she didn't fully understand them. Surely, moving something from a distance as far as Akitsushima fell far beyond such limits, didn't it?

Or was this simply what such a legend as Merilia was capable of?

Regardless, it was hard to focus on things when Dame Serenity seemed quite intent on their training duel. And Fanilly could hardly deny that practice was always a good idea.

Especially when her position was so important.

The blonde knight-girl took a position across from her opponent.

The wooden blade raised. Her feet shifted, spreading, as she angled her weapon across her body.

'Your opponent carries a shield and you do not. But your sword is longer and possesses more reach. Use it to your advantage.'

She took a deep breath, then exhaled through her nose.

'Avoid a range in which your reach is no longer effective. Use your leverage. Find an angle from which to strike.'

She was ready.

@ERode@PigeonOfAstora@Raineh Daze@Conscripts@Crimson Paladin
@Kero: Think very norse-sounding names.
@Kero: Depends on where they're from and what races. It'd be easier to answer if you had a specific race and location in mind.
Overhearing Luna and Sucaria's conversation, Fio shot a look towards them. Why on earth would she accept a drink that looked and smelled so much like blood? If it was genuinely supposed to be helpful, at least tell her what was in it first!

... and it it really was blood, the answer would be no, anyway!

Not the most use in setting up the tents, the Sword Witch instead focused on ensuring all of her belongings were laid out and properly cared for, as well as making sure nothing belonging to anyone else that was of any importance was forgotten. A mental task she was for more suited for than the physical.

At least, that was her intention, until she noticed that Wisp was facing away from her in the jar. And carving some sort of runes... as if she didn't notice. Even if Fio had missed her actions, she'd quickly have picked up on the activation of any sort of magic the unseelie attempted.

"Excuse me."

A slender finger tapped on the jar lightly.

"If you're thinking of breaking out, do you know what would happen to you if the jar broke with you inside of it?" she began, with a frown, "I wouldn't need centipedes to punish you if you did that. The glass shards would be enough."

She let out a mock sigh.

"Besides, bad girls who try to run away don't get any honey bread..."

@Kero: I mean, a demon seduced them, possibly while disguised as a human and possibly not depending on the circumstances. Maybe it was genuine affection, maybe it was just a fling, maybe the demon had some reason to specifically want half-human offspring. Maybe a child was intended. Maybe it wasn't. Maybe the demon didn't care either way.

Being forced isn't the only explanation at all.
@Kero: A single horn or small horns, potentially slitted or otherwise unusual pupils, and potentially a small tail. Fangs are also possible. These are all the most likely manifestations of very recent demon blood.
@Kero: yes, to both of those things.
Expecting praise and adoration for the beauty of her figure, Elizstrazia was completely taken off-guard when she was suddenly clonked over the head.

She didn't feel particularly much of anything, but she was completely stunned. How could anyone ever respond to her like that after she so generously allowed them to look upon her body? She thought these maids were at least somewhat better then... those people.

And yet the tailor maid didn't seem moved at all. In fact, she seemed annoyed!

The only reason that Elizstrazia didn't decide to get her a bit of a bite was the words of the other maid.

Still, the Scale Demon was almost growling(not that it sounded particularly intimidating on its own), clenching her sharp teeth when she was approached by the other maids.

"Is it odd?" she questioned, tilting her head, "There's humans who hunt humans, aren't there? The humans who do things you don't like, they're hunted down, right? It's not like I care about any of the demons causing trouble for you people. Killing them is just like killing anything else."

When Polina approached to measure her bust, Elizstrazia puffed her chest out proudly.

"Extravagant, right?"

@AzureKnight@Rune_Alchemist@Pyromania99@Click This
Fanilly had heard of things like this. Not necessarily specifically from Akitsushima, and certainly not in this specific form. But she had heard of the idea.

The warrior who is so utterly devoted to their craft that, even if they possess no magical capabilities of their own, the laws that hold the world together become weaker. That they become an existence that surpasses such things entirely.

The Gentle Blade's sword that could strike in manners that seemed impossible, even without the use of magical enhancement. A training, a honing of one's skills, to the point of obsession. And then tempering oneself even beyond that, surpassing the material world entirely. It was as if there was a blade in such a person's soul.

She had never witnessed an example, of course. But someone who could manifest a spectral limb entirely for the sake of swordplay, then swing their weapon with such speed that objects dozens of meters away were damaged from the mere release of pressure...

Surely, that was the sort of person who fell under such a definition.

A dragonslayer with capabilities like that... Just who had the Knight-Witch sent to them?

"Er... yes, Dame Tyaethe is correct," she managed, realizing that she absolutely needed to comment on the damage being dealt to their surroundings, "It would be best if you aimed for training equipment, that's far easier to repair and replace."

So distracted by the nearly surreal demonstration was the Knight-Captain that she nearly forgot why she had come out to the training yard to begin with, until Serenity reminded her.

"Ah, r-right, er..." Fanilly paused a moment to place both hands on the hilt of her training blade, "No, I think I'll stick with this one."

@ERode@PigeonOfAstora@Raineh Daze@Conscripts@Crimson Paladin
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