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4 mos ago
Current Some of y'all are either too old to act the way you act, or too young to be taken seriously. Hard to tell some days.


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Mr. Roth,

I would like your help to schedule a meeting with H.E.L.P. sometime in the next week or so. I need to discuss career plans given my watchlist status and recent developments at school.

It's about time I follow my parent's lead.

- Rory Tyler '29

Rory sighed as he hit send on the email, immediately tossing it on his desk across the room afterwards. The words felt revolting to type, and he couldn't bare to look at them again. His father would have been proud, and that disgusted him. But some bells couldn't be unrung.

Rory didn't act when Hyperion first struck. There wasn't a chance in Hell he was going to sit on the sidelines this time around.
Location: Southern Plateau - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.060: We Get by Just Fine
Interaction(s): Haven - @Skai, Banjo - @Hound55, Calliope - @PatientBean
Previously: Enemies

The ride out to the Southern Plateau couldn't help but feel like a march towards disaster, even to the happy-go-lucky Rory Tyler. Of course, he didn't show it, though. He had occupied a window seat, head hung out the window and seeming to enjoy the feeling of the wind in his hair. He kept looking up, admiring the way the sun's rays cut through the leaves of the trees overhanging the old dirt road. He kept his trademark smile wide, in case anyone else was looking. Underneath the mask, Rory couldn't help but feel a creeping anxiety coiling inside his chest. There was a much larger game at play around them, and there was nothing he could do yet. He had a plan to get some information... but until he could schedule his meeting, all he could do is be there for his team.

Even that, though, he would surely mess up.

Before the Minotaur had even come to a full stop, Rory had practically launched himself out the door to catch a breath of fresh air. He took a couple deep breaths, giving a wave towards the few folks of Team Firebird. Once he felt the tightness in his chest loosen up, Rory hoisted up one of the pre-fab tents onto his shoulder and carried it towards the edge of camp, a noticable distance away from the other tents. He tossed it onto the ground, wiped the sweat from his brow, and called out to Calliope and Banjo. "Yo, lovebirds... picked out a nice spot for ya. Try not to keep us up all night!" He flashed a cheeky grin, well aware of the implications of his jab.

He wandered back to the Minotaur, grabbing his overstuffed duffel bag and removing his metal water bottle from a side pocket. His eyes drifted towards his teammates, taking in the view as they hoisted tents into various spots around the campsite. His smile felt genuine for a moment. They were still all together for now. Besides... no matter what, they would all come out on top by the end of the year.

He would make damn sure of that.

Rory's eyes, of course, lingered on a certain winged teammate as she was busy setting up most of the tents. He looked around at the gathered Blackjack team, trying to size up bunkmates. The three bros wouldn't be able to share a bunk all to themselves... and Banjo and Calli were clearly an item. Rory was used to getting picked last. So, he'd have to find his own place to sleep for the night with another one of his friends.

Rory saddled up towards Haven with his bag over his shoulder, offering the bottle of water towards her for her to take a drink. He looked towards the tent he saw her throw her bag in, and nodded towards it. He paused a moment, making sure he thought through his sentence before he said it. Last thing he needed was another misunderstanding like at the beach. "So, Barnes... you want to sleep together tonight?"

Nailed it. Casual, simple, impossible to misunderstand. Besides, Haven was just a friend. It wasn't a big deal to crash with a friend after a long day.

As the early dawn rays fell upon the P.R.C.U. campus, Rory Tyler had already been running. He had barely slept, crashing for more of a prolonged nap than a full night's rest. He always had the recurring nightmare right before school started: a certain hyperhuman extremist would roll into a forest clearing wearing a mask, take it off, and it was Rory. At this point, it was getting old. Even he knew why he was having it: years ago, at this exact time of year, he lost any sense of comfort he could ever have. No matter what he did, how much he smiled and gave people nicknames... there was always an unspoken question lingering in the air.

Could you end up like him?

Rory's run slowed to a jog, before he stopped at the nearest bench outside the stadium. He rubbed some of the lingering drowsiness from his eyes, his body still yearning for some sleep. Rory leaned back on the bench, admiring the early morning sky. The lingering trails of cirrostratus clouds reminded him of the silk threads Mei worked. He hadn't been oblivious to her aggressive knitting the night before: something told him it had to do with him. She seemed angry... context clues and some hints from Calliope made it clear he had misunderstood her. He'd have to ask for clarification later, before the Homecoming Trials work started. Maybe she was being nice, and offering to go with him to the dance after a rather embarrassing rejection to a question he hadn't asked. She was probably just being considerate. Even still, he had messed up: that much was clear.

Rory's gaze went out of focus, the colors and shapes of the sky above blending together. He smiled softly, feeling a small breeze roll in with a touch of salt on the wind. The sensation sparked something within him. He quickly reached into his pocket to pull out his phone, opening up his notes app to jot another idea on his "Senior Year Bucket List" note. Right underneath "Try out a Mei Hammock", Rory wrote down a new entry: "Ask Haven to teach me to fly".

He paused after typing, having reflexively went back to the home screen. A group selfie with Blackjack was hidden behind a number of apps Rory never really used. He slid a couple screens over so he could look at the selfie again. He had managed to take it as they were sitting down before the opening ceremony the previous year. Somehow, it felt like almost no time had passed. They didn't have much time left together. Even if Amma was right... they still had a year to make some memories. No one could take that away from them.

Rory pocketed his phone, got up from the bench, and continued his run.
Location: The Chimera's Lair - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.051: Enemies
Interaction(s): Lorcán - @Lord Wraith, Haven - @Skai
Previously: Closer

| Monday, September 4th, 2028
The first the rest of the team saw of Rory was as they gathered outside the mess hall. He was one of the earlier ones, arriving around the same time as Gil and just in time to feel a familiar hand smack into his rear end. “Hopefully, you dudes don’t have to sit down too soon, but man, bros, you missed out on some legen-lactose heavy’-dary swells this mornin’. I am totally going to get you both out on a board before we graduate.”

"If you can score me a board for a day, I'll be there, bro." He chortled as Lorcán's pants dropped, continuing to gather with the rest of Blackjack.

As they departed, Rory's pace slowed a bit from walking with Lorcán and Gil. Haven saddled up beside him, keeping a healthy distance. "I always seem to forget how handsome you look in uniform."

Rory turned his gaze towards Haven with a perplexed expression. "But we're always in uniform, bird-brain. Even I don't forget how stunning everyone looks after summer break." Rory shook his head in mock disbelief, smile wide as he took a step out of his way and lifted an arm to bump Haven playfully. He turned around, taking in all of Blackjack as they were approaching in. Harper linked arms with Haven, Calli linked up with Banjo. Aurora and Lorcán were bound to sit next to each other, like always. Rory didn't pay much attention to who he sat next to for the ceremony, his focus on eying the crowd of students to catch a glimpse of Will and Mary. They were a bit apart, caught up with the hoard of freshmen. Will was, unsurprisingly, already looking bored and tired of the whole ordeal. Mary, on the other hand, was busy laughing and talking with everyone around her as she was just settling into her seat. She managed to catch a glimpse of her older brother and gave him a wave. He waved back.

From there, Rory's attention was shot. His attention waded in and out, as he felt his gaze turn towards his teammates. The opening ceremony was always more of a formality than anything else. He was a bit confused, however, when he saw Jim enter onto the stage. It took him a moment to realize he had been introduced as the Chancellor. It seemed like an odd pick... but, then again, if Jim could handle Banjo, he could certainly run the whole damn school with ease.

Then, the bomb dropped.

Rory didn't quite understand the nuance of Jim's bad news... but it was made all too clear the second the stranger spoke. She wasn't faculty... and once she continued speaking over the former Blackjack advisor, it was abundantly clear she was a member of the Foundation. Her tone was... off, to say the least. It felt almost rehearsed to him. But the murmuring and frustrations nearby made it clear that something was hitting a chord with some.

Not Team Blackjack, though.

"What's with this bitch?"

Rory couldn't contain an audible wheeze as he managed to catch Haven's comment from behind him, clasping his hands over his mouth. He felt comforted knowing that he wasn't the only one who saw through the charade. Regardless, one by one, he watched as several of his teammates filed out of their seats. First Lorcán, who was chased after by Aurora. Then Haven, whose feathers were clearly ruffled. And then Calliope. Those who remained seemed more shellshocked than anything. Rory's face was blank as he immediately looked for Mary and Will. The former had already turned to look towards Rory and shook her head while maintaining eye contact. He nodded in acknowledgement, reaffirming her suspicions. When Rory looked to Will, he found his younger brother had a sly smile on his lips. Rory's blood ran cold, and he leaned forward in his seat.

Amma's laugh was chilling, Rory's eyes lifting as he watched her descend from their place in the stands. But she wasn't going for the exit... no, she was approaching Torres. There was history and familiarity... but not comfort. His eyes locked on his teammate as they spoke. They were too far to make clear what they could possibly be discussing... but Torres offered a box. A gift. And Amma walked away.

Rory's stomach churned as thoughts raced through his mind. He had never really managed to get much out of Amma, and didn't know much about her. She was cold, abrasive, borderline cruel, and biting in the way she spoke to others. He despised the way she spoke to his friends... but it was clear there was something more going on here. She looked defenseless talking to the Foundation representative, and that thought alone was enough to send a colder chill down his spine. Amma was just about the scariest thing he could think of... no, that wasn't true. There was someone far scarier, another figure who spoke in pre-rehearsed melodrama but had the strength and cunning to back it up. If the Foundation was anything like him, Blackjack and P.R.C.U. were in for a rude awakening.

"So much for a laid back senior year." Rory muttered to himself as he stood up, making his own slow exit out of the stadium.
Location: The Beach - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.034: Closer
Interaction(s): Haven - @Skai, Team Blackjack at large
Previously: Please Tell Me Why

| Monday, September 4th, 2028
“Alright gentle-dudes and lady-brahs, where does everyone see themselves once they graduate?”

Rory plopped himself down next to Haven, flaring out the back of his old varsity jacket on instinct as he relaxed himself. He lifted up one knee again, wrapping an arm around it to keep himself sitting up. Lorcán's answer was in character and unsurprising. Rory extended his thumb and pinky finger in a little wave to his friend, acknowledging the answer and being as encouraging as he could without speaking. Speaking had gotten him into enough trouble today.

"I'm hoping to volunteer for the U.S. Forest Service this summer, before I start my career. It depends on how friendly they are with hypes, but there has to be at least one Ranger out there that will accept me."

His gaze turned to Haven as she spoke. Once again, very much like Haven to want to explore the national parks. Her other comment settled in his mind, though. Whether they liked it or not, everyone in Blackjack was different. Hell, Rory was on a damn watchlist... but even then, he had a hard time understanding the fear when it came to her. How could anyone be scared of Haven's pretty wings and-

"If I go, feel free to visit me in the states, Lorcán. The American National Parks are gorgeous."

Rory looked to Lorcán instinctively, genuine smile still alight on his face. Rory had never been to any of the American parks... but everything he had heard and seen about them definitely seemed like their vibe. Though Lorcán was sure to get lost without Haven helping to steer him back to the correct path. She was good at that. And quite frankly, it sounded like fun. Rory leaned over into Haven's personal space, whispering into her ear, "I wouldn't mind seeing the parks. See you all in your element... it suits you." He bumped his shoulder into hers lightly, before leaning back into his own space. He flashed her a toothy, playful grin.

Haven had looked at him through her eyelashes as he spoke in her ear. A broad smile spread slowly as he spoke. She turned her head towards him after he bumped her shoulder, her eyes bright in the firelight. "Consider yourself invited then." Rory's cheeky grin faded into a soft smile as he held her gaze for a second. For that briefest of moments, it felt like they were the only two on the beach.

“I’m still trying to figure out my plan for after graduation. My guess is I’ll-” Aurora's response was interrupted with a yawn. Rory couldn't blame her, as he felt a yawn begin to build himself. He covered his mouth to stifle it while Aurora continued. “Sorry. I was going to say that I’m guessing I’ll live in the Alumni Village for a while, at least until I figure out my next move, I’m in no rush.”

Rory nodded. It was a reasonable move. But he definitely did chuckle quietly as he saw her lean up into Lorcán’s shoulder, seeming to fall asleep. Once again, Rory waved his thumb and pinky in his best friend's direction as the redhead settled for a good rest. It wasn't a half bad idea... but something in his thick skull told him that if he got that close to Haven, there'd be a chance he'd cross a line he couldn't exactly uncross.

That's silly... she's just flirty with everyone. And so are you... you're just friends. Don't read into it.

"If I keep my grades up, I’m aiming for a spot in a diagnostic radiology residency program... It’s not as fancy as it sounds, though." Rory nodded towards Harper. She was smart as a whip... and given her keen eye, radiology made sense. You'd have to look really close to see all the molecules and stuff, after all.

As a brief pause enveloped those around the fire, Rory leaned forward. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out at first. A number of thoughts and feelings swirled in his head, before he just started mumbling out what came to mind. "I... there's a lot of kids who are like us out there trying to make sense of everything. Powers, Hyperion, the backlash, watchlists.... this place isn't the solution for all of them. And even if it is, they need help and the tools to get through it. They need someone in their corner, cause not everyone has that." He paused, his brain trying to catch up to the words he just spoke as he stared into the fire. This wasn't the first time he had verbalized his plans... but he hadn't exactly shared anything like this with the team before. Harper and Haven had specific plans... specifics weren't something he had thought out all that clearly. "I don't know if that means working for H.E.L.P., or joining a practice, or what... I'm still figuring that out." Rory's gaze remained on the fire after he spoke, an uncomfortable pit forming in the center of his chest that he couldn't yet place.

There will come a day, Huo, that you're going to have to fight for your home...

Huo quickly sprung into action, launching the whip immediately at the first of the large chunks of pillar coming his direction. The jet of water quickly pushed the projectile out of the way, and Huo spun around with his hands outstretched to form a new whip from the ocean behind him. He was able to spin and hit the second stone, knocking it just off course enough to impact the ground a mere foot to his left. However, Huo was out of time. He just barely managed to lift his arms to shield his face as the third stone hit him dead-center, sending the waterbender spinning and landing on his face on the shore. The pain was extraordinary, his nerves ablaze with desperate pleas for relief that would go unanswered. He could feel his heart beating through his extremities as pushed himself up onto his hands and knees. He turned a gaze up towards the captain, who just seemed to smile in sadistic amusement.

... I know it's not in your nature to fight. You want there to be another way...

Huo pushed himself up to his feet, and immediately threw two sweeps of his arms towards the captain. In response, two jets of water shot forth from the ocean behind Huo at the captain. The captain planted his feet in a wide stance and lifted up both arms to his sides, creating two small barriers to block the attacks shortly before they landed. The water splashed against the rock, but lacked the force to even make a dent in the flimsy barriers. Huo didn't let up, though. He swept his arms in slightly wider arcs, curving jets of water around the barriers towards the Captain, but the captain simply pulled his arms back. The earth shields moved to block the new attacks as well, to which Huo fired a water whip down the open center towards the captain. Huo's opponent merely smirked, took a forceful step forward, and a new barrier blocked the whip. The waterbender lost sight of his target behind the barrier for a moment... but only just a moment. Before he knew it, the new barrier lifted off the ground by an inch and was punched forward by the captain. Huo tried to sweep up a wave of water in front of him to create some sort of shield, but it proved fruitless: the large slab broke through the wave and knocked Huo onto his ass.

... you'll plead, or reason, or beg...

Huo spun around onto his belly, waves lapping up into his face and burning his fresh wounds. He gritted his teeth, only to find his mouth full of liquid already. He spat out its contents, opening his eyes weakly to see a cloud of red in the sea foam. His mouth tasted like iron and salt, as Huo once again tried to push himself onto his hands and knees. He felt the slight rumbling of the ground, and didn't even look up as he saw a shadow pass over him. His muscles burned as another slab was slammed onto his back with force. Huo's face was bashed into the sand, a fresh wave scooping saltwater into his mouth mid-gasp. His fingers dug into the sand, a desperate ploy for leverage to try and push himself up... but the weight was burdensome. He closed his eyes, unable to breath nor lift himself up in that instant.

... but the catgator ignores the cries of the fish. Some folks won't listen to words...

Huo felt, underneath his fingers in the sand, water pooling around them. In a desperate instant, he flexed his fingers. Water poured up from underneath the sand in a jet, catching Huo's palms. His upper torso bent up, the slab suddenly hoisted off his back and into the shallow shore behind him as he sat up on his knees. The waterbender watched the smug expression of the captain fade, the latter shifting back into a strong power stance. Huo, on the other hand, had lifted himself up onto one knee. He pressed one forearm into that knee, lifted himself up to his feet, and readjusted the leaf hat on his head. Huo's breathing was labored, and his arms hung to his side. He stood motionless, watching as the captain slammed one foot into the ground. Five vase-sized hunks of rock lifted out of the ground and hung in the air in front of the trained earthbender. The smug, toying expression was gone.

Huo waited until he saw the flexing of muscle in his opponent before he acted. The second the standoff was over, Huo lifted his right hand to send a large jet of water from the ocean propelling the stone slab forward in a high arc. The captain launched one rock straight forward. Huo spun around the projectile, using the arcing movement to pull up a wave from the ocean under his feet. He rode the wave upwards and towards his left, to which the captain responded by firing two of his ready rocks towards the moving target. Huo's arms dipped into the wave, and two jets of water cloaked themselves around his arms. Huo lifted these new water-tentacles up and lashed the ends of them around the new projectiles. With a mid-air spin, Huo used momentum to launch the two rocks back towards the captain. In a panic, the latter fired his last two projectiles to intercept. A cloud of earthen debris obscured the captain's vision for a moment, but not enough that he didn't notice the slab from before was plummeting towards him. The captain raised an fist, launching a pillar of stone to shatter the slab into pieces.

... some folks need to be taught some manners, swamp style.

The captain didn't notice how quickly Huo had closed the distance until it was too late. Huo had let one of the tentacles splash into the ground, and instead focused all his attention on his right arm. Huo rolled on the ground at the captain's feet, and rocketed up on his heels into a flying uppercut. The jet of water around his right arm propelled upward in front of his fist, enveloping the captain's torso and legs in a bubble of water. Huo's exhaled as the uppercut knocked the soldier just off his feet, and the blowing wind immediately began to freeze the water. Within the blink of an eye, the Earth Kingdom soldier's limbs and body were immobilized in a tomb of ice. His head was exposed, and the immediate outrage on his face was satisfying for Huo to see. The waterbender stumbled backwards, head still reeling from the sizable hits he had taken moments ago.

After taking a second to absorb his surroundings again, Huo filtered out the barking orders of the temporarily restrained captain. His eyes darted towards the direction he had seen the lady with the painted sword run off to. The ice wasn't going to last long... and he was sure a cheap trick like that wasn't going to work on him twice in a row.
Location: The Beach - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.029: Please tell me Why
Interaction(s): Aurora - @Melissa, Mei - @Garden Gnome, Calliope - @PatientBean, Gil - @Roman

| Monday, September 4th, 2028
Bro, I don’t know what you think you’re doing, but I’m pretty sure you’re doing it wrong.

The atmosphere seemed to shift in the area almost immediately. While still not great on the uptake, it was clear something Rory had did went wrong. Again. Laughter coming from Banjo was always a surefire sign Rory had said something dumb, but the reactions of others were clear indications this was a more grand mistake than usual. Lorcán quickly tried to shuffle away, falling over the cooler and warming the drinks in the process. Rory's eyes immediately clocked the sound of coughing coming from both Pallyx and Haven... though the latter's more visceral physical reaction was the more pressing indication. He hadn't seen anything fluster her like this before... leaving Rory to play back his own words in his mind for the briefest of moments. He had asked Aurora if she wanted to go to the dance... it felt like an obvious way to gauge if Aurora would have been receptive to being asked to the dance.

How the Hell did it wind up like this?

"Rory, can you come over here and mix me up a martini, please? We can perhaps talk and catch up." Rory's eyes darted towards Calliope, and a newly approaching Gil. Given Rory had clocked another Gil approaching Lorcán, it was clear this was enough of a mess that the Gil battalion had been deployed. He wasn't looking forward to getting roasted by Banjo over this for the next three months... whatever the this was. He was busy looking between everyone, cheeks flush with embarrassment, that he had almost forgotten Aurora was still there.

“Oh god, uh, Rory, I… I-I don’t think I’m going to go with anyone to the dance. You’re really sweet to ask me, but I don’t think the whole ‘date to the dance’ thing is, well, my thing. You should ask someone else though, I’m sure whoever you ask will say yes… I mean, I didn’t say yes, but someone other than me will! And I didn’t not say yes because I don’t like you or anything-”

"But... I wasn't... wait..."

Rory's mouth was left partially agape, his mind thoroughly muddled. Part of him, for a moment, began to wonder if this was a prank. He hadn't asked Aurora to the dance. He hadn't even thought carefully about asking anyone to the dance... if he had, there was a beautiful brunette within eyesight he would have. Though at this point, it was becoming clear his odds of finding a date to this thing were mini-


Rory physically recoiled as the train of thought in his mind reached a violent stop. For some reason... everyone thought he had just asked his best bro's crush out in public with the whole team gathered. Anxiety and panic immediately flared in his throat. Rory wanted to run and scream and beg for forgiveness on his knees, but his body felt five times heavier than normal. He took a few steps in Lorcán's direction, unable to look at Aurora. The same dumb smile he always had was plastered on his face, hiding the turmoil in his head. Rory felt a touch on his shoulder, turning to see Mei had moved in. His heartbeat thrummed in his ears.

“Hey Rory! So..uhh.. Would you like to go to the dance with me?”

Rory's smile faded. Banjo's laugh and the confused and upset expression Aurora had played through his mind as he took a moment to process Mei's words. It was day 1, and Rory was once again the laughingstock of Team Blackjack. "I'm sorry, Webs... I'm not really in the mood for jokes right now."

He turned on his heels in the direction of the only person he trusted to tell him how it was: Calliope. His footsteps were quick, swinging by the cooler just long enough to pick up a bottle of gin and a bottle of Vermouth from the warm cooler. He reached down into a small bag a few feet away, fetching an old cocktail shaker that had been pre-loaded with ice. He opened up the top, settling the bottom a little into the sand as he crouched down. He flicked off the tops of the liquor bottles with ease, the tops resting somewhere in the sand. His shots were poured freehand, with little care for balance, ratio, or alcohol content. Once done, he set the liquor bottles down and closed up the cocktail shaker. He approached Calliope and Gilbert whilst shaking the cocktail mixer, grabbing a red solo cup from a nearby plastic bag in the process. Rory looked between his two close friends, smile long gone. "I... I was just trying to give Lorcán a little push, and see if Ro was interested in going to the dance at all." Rory finished shaking the drink and flicked the top of the shaker open, pouring its contents into a solo cup before handing it over to Calli. "Now Mei is making fun of me, Rora and bro seem upset... I really fucked this one, didn't I?" He grabbed the energy drink from Gil, cracking it open as he waited for yet another lesson from those two.

“Dude, did you iron your dress uniform?” Lorcán asked before kicking his feet into the air and jumping upright again. “I totally forgot about the senior dance after the Homecoming Trials, you think you’re going to ask anyone?” Lorcán fished, his fiery eyes darting back towards their redheaded teammate. His arm shot up to wave towards the gathered members of Blackjack while his mind began going through all the things Lorcán knew Aurora enjoyed.

His father had always said that you don’t ask someone out empty-handed. You need to bring a gift. But what gift could possibly say enough, while simultaneously playing it cool to lowkey ask a girl to the Senior Dance?

“...How do you go about asking someone?” The question escaped from between Lorcán’s lips, but his words weren’t directed at Rory. It was more like a thought meant to be kept inside rather than suddenly out there for the Canis boys to hear. The smile on Lorcán’s face continued to grow.

“Bro, can you pass me one of those 'Claws?”
Location: The Beach - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.018: My Own Worst Enemy
Interaction(s): Lorcán - @Lord Wraith, Haven - @Skai, Aurora - @Melissa, Pallyx - @Bartimaeus
Previously: TBD

| Monday, September 4th, 2028
As Rory patted Lorcán on the shoulder, he took a moment to notice that all of Blackjack was back together again. His smile was near infectious as he wrapped an arm around his best mate, steering him in the direction of the coolers and the others. "I asked an underclassman to iron my uniform for me, in exchange for a case of beer. We both know what happened last time I tried to iron the fancy set. As for the dance..." Rory's mind echoed with Lorcán's question. How do you ask someone out? Well, you obviously just ask if they are going. It seemed so easy even he could figure it out. But as the two began approaching the rest of the group, Rory looked towards Aurora and just nodded to himself. He looked over to Lorcán and whispered, "Don't worry, bro. I'll show you how it's done."

Time seemed to slow down for a moment, though, as a familiar rush of wind came in from the side. Rory's gaze slowly turned towards the winged figure, the sun seeming to trace and illuminate the tips of her tawny feathers. The wind was swept up in and around her face, but he would recognize that body anywhere. Haven moved in with a nonchalant air about her that always made him envious. As soon as that grin adorned her face, he slowed to a near stop and just watched her for a moment. Rory simply lifted a hand in acknowledgement, but nothing more than a grunt managed to escape his lips. It took everything in his power to not down as she walked towards the cooler. He removed the arm from around Lorcán and approached the cooler, leaning over to pull out a Claw next to Haven. "Thanks for bringing the drinks, Rory."

"Uhh... yeah, no problem, Wi-err... Haven. You look..." Rory paused as he motioned towards her with an occupied hand, taking her all in before instinctively looking away towards Lorcán to toss him the Claw. He muttered softly, "You look really good, Wings." He cleared his throat, hand reaching up to wipe the sweat from his brow. He must have worked up quite a sweat playing catch. That was clearly it, nothing else. Rory's hand was barely making an impact, so he quickly removed his Hawaiian shirt and used the sleeve to wipe a bit of the sweat. Afterwards, he tossed it towards his bag and leaned back towards the cooler. He gave a brief smile to Pallyx, reaching in to pull a cider for her and held it out. "Let me know if this is fruity enough for ya, Vamps. If not, I can shake up a cocktail for ya."

Satisfied in his hosting, he fetched a can of water and cracked it open. He took a refreshing sip, and gave a nod towards Aurora as she approached. “Yeah, Rory, really sweet of you to think of everyone. Where’s your brother? Will, right?”

Record Scratch

Rory's happy go lucky smile, in an instant, became a hollow shell. He stared blankly at Aurora for a moment. He knew she meant nothing by it... but Will's sadistic smile was still burned in his mind. That was the last thing he wanted to think about right now. When she immediately moved on to the others, Rory felt relieved. He gulped down half his can as Aurora eventually moved on to talking to Lorcán.

“...How do you go about asking someone?”

Rory looked from Aurora, to Lorcán, and back to Aurora. The soft smile returned to his face. They were cute whenever they spoke. Her smile was different around him, and he seemed to be lost in her presence. Surely, she wanted to go to the dance with him. And he wanted to ask her. All they needed was an opening.

Enter, Rory.

Rory took a couple steps towards them, lifting his elbow high to rest it on Lorcán's shoulder. He looked to Aurora, smiled, and made his opening move.

"Hey Red, Hot Shot over here just reminded me... there's this senior dance after the Homecoming Trials. You want to go?" Rory looked over towards Lorcán with a knowing, smug look.

There, on a platter right in front of him, was an opening to ask her to the dance.

There's no way this could possibly be misconstrued.
Rory leaned against the railing of the ferry, taking in the familiar ocean breeze as the strings of his hoodie whipped up into his face periodically. It took a minute for him to finally stuff them down the front, flashing a smile of recognition and nod to one of his underclassmen in Canis. His eyes turned back towards the island as the boat cut through the choppy waters. His stomach tightened slightly as the senior anxieties began bubbling up at his core. He had already wasted so much time already... and for the first time in nearly forever, it felt like there was finally somewhere that he belonged. This was more of a home than the four bedroom townhouse in Ottawa ever was.

"If I end up in Canis, can you please just pretend like we don't know each other?" Will Tyler saddled up a few feet away from Rory, back against the railing as he picked at some dirt underneath his fingernail. He didn't even look at Rory, his eyes instead scanning the rest of his classmates.

"You think I'm gonna pass up an opportunity to embarrass the hell out of you now that we're at the same school?" Rory's infectious smile was unwavering as he slid over to Will, attempting to put a hand on his brother's shoulder. Will shrugged it off instinctively.

"Then Alces it is. Gentle, Mindful, Honourable. Guess I'd just have to pretend to be an idiot like you for a few days to guarantee an invite, right? It'll be tough, but I think I could manage." Will looked up at his brother for a moment, giving him the same cold and calculating stare he gave everyone else. And then came the sadistic smirk. Rory's smile never faded, but they both knew those words wounded him. Will walked away, and Rory just turned to look back at the island.

Now it felt like home.
Location: The Beach - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.008: Sun's Out, Guns Out
Interaction(s): Lorcán Roth - @Lord Wraith
Previously: TBD

| Monday, September 4th, 2028
Rory had gotten to the beach early, still reeking of sweat and a heavy dose of deodorant and cologne meant to overpower the stench of a five mile run at dawn. He had quickly changed out of his tracksuit, opting instead for a pair of bright red floral print swim trunks and a matching unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt. He had pre-packed most of the gear he needed the night before, stuffing a duffel bag full of towels, blankets, sunscreen, a cocktail shaker, and an assortment of footballs and beach balls for entertainment. He already pulled a couple umbrellas from storage, and had stuffed his fridge full of everyone's preferred drinks in advance: Craft beers, hard seltzers, half a case of lager, a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon... Blackjack was picky about their beverages. He didn't mind, though, as it gave him an excuse to get a big chest cooler years ago. And of all the things in Rory's room that wasn't a ball, that cooler easily saw the most use.

Rory was at the beach fairly early, before most students were willing to wake up to party at the coast. He dumped his treasure trove of beach essentials at a primary spot in the center of the beach, and immediately got to work setting up the rest. He had lugged some of the nicer beach chairs out under some central umbrellas for those who wanted to relax under some shade, while keeping a few other chairs nearby for those not afraid of some sun. Poorly folded towels were left on all the chairs, and the large cooler of drinks was parked up under the umbrellas. Rory took his time setting up the drinks in the cooler in a healthy mountain of ice. He left the lid open, hoping the drinks would last long enough for either Blackjack to get their fill or Calli would take pity on them and work her HZEs. In the meantime, Rory cracked open a can of water let the waves lap over his feet at the shore.

Then, of course, came the distractions. As more and more students began to flock to the beach for some downtime before the academic year officially began, Rory found himself getting practically dragged half-way down the beach talking to dormmates, classmates, incoming freshmen... you name it. Just about everyone knew Rory Tyler: a starting striker for the P.R.C.U. Chimeras, quarterback of the Canis intramural football team, shortstop on their baseball team, former chair of the Model UN... while he wasn't the resident movie star, he was the next best thing. Rory had a nonsensical or opaque nickname for nearly half the campus, and the other half he inexplicably knew by last name only. It was only a matter of time before he got a few folks together to toss around a football.

"Think we can finally snatch the Laurels from Alces this year, Tyler?" A fellow Canis student queried, while lobbing the ball across the circle to Rory.

"Alces' reign ends this year, boys. They don't have a chance." Rory chuckled a little as he caught the ball and brought it up to his chest, eyes scanning the circle for who to throw the ball to. He noticed some movement in the background, and his gaze lingered for a few moments too long as a dripping Banjo waded to shore. A cough from someone in the circle shook Rory back to attention, and he quickly launched the ball in a high arc past his target. He flinched as he saw a familiar mop of light brown hair in the trajectory. "Heads up, Hot Shot!"

Lorcán managed to push his cousin out of the way of the ball, before tossing it back into the circle with more refined aim. Another dorm-mate swooped in for an interception, tossing the ball behind his back mid-air to Rory. The latter rolled his eyes and chuckled. "Where was that in the finals last year, man? We need this kind of energy in game time!" Rory looked over to his boy Lorcán and rocketed the ball towards his best friend, just as a certain red-head was removing her cover-up not too far away. Of course, as soon as Rory had let loose the football, he felt a cold shiver run up his spine. He felt his gaze drawn to the pale form of his teammate Amma Cahors. He was genuinely surprised to see her, as were a number of bystanders from what he could tell. Somewhere deep down, the smile plastered on her lips felt more akin to a predator baring its fangs and licking its lips than a woman enjoying a walk on the beach. Somewhere even deeper down, part of him wanted to be prey.

A sudden thud and a series of uncomfortable hisses stole Rory's attention away from a tempting danger. Rory's aim had been true, but his target's attention seemed also divided. The ball had socked Lorcán right in the face, and his best friend slid to his side almost immediately. "Shit, Lorc, sorry about that. Figured you had your hands up, so I was going for a tight spiral, and..." Rory trailed off mid-sentence as his distracted scan of the beach spotted Aurora and Harper speaking to Gil a ways down the beach. He looked back to Lorcán slowly, his cheery smile transforming into a knowing grin. "I see, I see... something else catch your eye, Hot Shot?"
"You can mess with me... but I'm not gonna let you mess with them, man."
Rory Anderson Tyler
September3rd | 23 | Caucasian
Single | Male | Pansexual
Ottawa | Ontario | Canada
Canis | Team 21 - Blackjack

B U I L D || Average/Muscular
H A I R C O L O U R || brown
E Y E C O L O U R || Blue
H E I G H T || 6'0"
W E I G H T || 185 lbs
S C A R S || None
T A T T O O S || None
P I E R C I N G S || None
Rory Tyler's life hasn't been particularly remarkable. He was the oldest child of three, his younger two siblings being twins named Will and Mary. All three were born the Hype-gene, which came as little surprise when considering both parents were hyperhumans. Rory's father was a hyperhuman working for H.I.T. by the name of Cole Tyler. Cole had met Julia Morse at PRCU decades ago, as they both went through the H.E.A.T. program. Cole was placed in the Enforcement and Response Division (fitting given his Dermal Armor power), while Julia was placed in Justice Services (fitting her Passive Persuasiveness power). They kept in touch, and eventually grew to love each other. That love expanded into a loving family.

Cole served in H.I.T. for most of his prime, leaving him absent for a lot of Rory's childhood. Rory's mother was heavily involved in politics, having a heavy workload. The byproduct of this left Rory alone and to fend for himself for a lot of his childhood, and to protect and support his younger siblings. Will and Mary are 3 years younger, and are both smarter than Rory could ever hope to be. Rory spent a lot of his free time getting involved in all sorts of sports and physical activities. His younger siblings were brainiacs, and have grown up to be perhaps more intelligent than their big brother. Rory, despite loving his family and being very protective of his younger siblings, couldn't help but feel inferior to most of his family and classmates. The only thing Rory truly enjoyed more than anything was wrestling, as he enjoyed the challenge and skill of it. Even then, Rory never seemed to be particularly good at anything. He always seemed to sort of fade into the background. It's only fitting Rory's power would develop to be an ability to only copy other people briefly.

Rory opted not to attend PRCU for collegiate study, as Rory's mother's work in trying to promote equal standards of living and education for humans and hyperhumans inspired him to study at a more traditional school. Rory blended into the background, as his younger siblings attended more prestigious boarding schools. Rory kept tabs on them, but mostly just tried to fit in where he could. His powers inevitably developed while living with his parents innocuously, and took some time for the family to register the situation. Rory started wearing an inhibitor immediately, only to find himself somewhat of a social outcast. The only arena in which he seemed to be comfortable and respected in was when he was wrestling in high school. He knew he was subjected to more stringent tests and accusations of cheating due to his status as a hyperhuman, but his teammates always had his back. He competed on a national level starting his freshman year of high school. And really only his freshman year. As once the pandemic hit, Rory quit wrestling. He was alone all over again.

Shortly after high school, Rory's father and mother, both of whom were forced to work in a more public capacity, were both victims of the pandemic. This uprooted Rory and his siblings, who were graciously adopted by their maternal aunt Lillian Morse. Lillian Morse is a staff psychologist for the students of PRCU, a hyperhuman in her own right with telepathic powers. She has been trying her best to help her niece and nephews settle into their new lives in the years since, despite having raised no children before and having limited contact with the children prior. Rory and his siblings were enrolled in PRCU, where they have been for the past few years. Rory was around for the Hyperion attack his freshman year, after which he became a bit secluded for some time. It wasn’t until his Sophomore year that Rory truly began to prosper.

Now, Rory is scrambling to finish his psychology degree while making sure to make time for his friends and keep an eye on his siblings. Soon, the twins will be on their own and Rory will have to make something of himself on his own. Until then… he’s got two semesters to make lasting memories with his friends. After that, he still isn't entirely sure what the future holds.

D E T A I L E D A P P E A R A N C E & A E S T H E T I C
D E T A I L E D A P P E A R A N C E & A E S T H E T I C
Rory doesn't pay too much attention in maintaining his appearance, and it shows. He focuses on comfort where he can. Rory tends to keep his hair cut short so he doesn't need to worry about styling it (and it prevents anyone from grabbing his hair when wrestling). Rory’s uniform is always worn just up to code. Whenever he doesn't need to be in uniform, Rory wears comfortable athleisure clothing. He is often seen in t-shirts, muscle shirts, basketball shorts, or sweatpants when he can dress down. Rory’s idea of dressing up out of uniform is a varsity jacket, a Henley, and black jeans. Rory has several pairs of sneakers he wears for all occasions. He doesn't dress particularly modest, though that is more of a byproduct of his constant physically activity and need to cool down.

M A N N E R I S M S & P E R S O N A L I T Y
M A N N E R I S M S & P E R S O N A L I T Y
Rory is a loud, joyous, and personable golden retriever. He is loyal and protective of his friends, and strangers are just friends you haven't met yet. Rory has been the kind of guy to step in and take a punch for a friend or his brother, but tries to solve conflict without aggression or being mean. He is also very quick to notice when a friend is acting different, and makes a concerted effort to make space for them to open up if they wish. Rory does, however, have noticeable issues with focusing and staying still at the same time. He often has to drum his fingers on something or pace to focus. He is prone to get lost in thoughts or distractions when left without something to keep his body moving. An audio-book subscription combined with laps around the rec center have been instrumental in Rory's continued education at PRCU.

Rory would be the first to admit he's dumb sometimes, but it doesn't make it any less of a blow to his self-esteem when he is viewed as an idiot. His parents, siblings and aunt are some of the smartest people he's ever met, and Rory has always felt like the odd one out. While this has led to him overcompensating and trying to make tons of friends, it also leaves him feeling inferior when he doesn't get a joke or a reference or can't help friends with homework / studying. He has a hard time seeing himself as emotionally intelligent or useful outside of a sports environment. This makes Rory a great confidant, but Rory hardly ever shares his true thoughts and fears with his friends out of fear of being a burden.

Rory undergoes a significant shift in aggression when he gets competitive. If you put a trophy or accolade up for grabs in a physical or team-based challenge, he will put it all on the line for a scrap of glory. He is competitive, and will push himself to his limits to win any challenge he can. Every win helps prop up his self-esteem, and make him feel like he can stand toe to toe with his friends and siblings in some way.

The most noticeable quirk that has become evident to those close to Rory is an almost compulsive obsession with not "losing control." Despite being a frequent flyer at a number of parties on campus, he's never been seen drinking a drop of alcohol. He's also seemed particularly frustrated and iritable at the drawback of his hyperhuman ability.
A B I L I T I E S, L I M I T A T I O N S, & W E A K N E S S E S
A B I L I T I E S, L I M I T A T I O N S, & W E A K N E S S E S
H Y P E R H U M A N A B I L I T Y || P O W E R M I M I C R Y

Rory Tyler possesses the ability to steal a charged HZE ion from a nearby hyperhuman and subconsciously alter his own body's DNA to mimic that hyperhuman's esoteric or exoteric ability. When borrowing an esoteric ability, Rory's body undergoes practically the same physical shift as the host of the "borrowed" ion for up to a few minutes. His body essentially just "activates" the HZE ions already present, which are expelled through proportional use of his powers. When mimicking an exoteric ability, Rory is able to draw and increase the HZE ions he stores as other exoteric hyperhumans. This worsens his body's reaction to using the power, and severely limits Rory's "overload" limit when mimicking exoteric abilities. Regardless of which type of power Rory mimics, he currently only seems able to stabilize the use of this new power for up to 3 minutes, can only borrow one power at a time, and suffers an "intoxication" effect after using the power.

L I M I T A T I O N S ||

Rory's two primary limits come from the range at which he can "borrow" an HZE ion from another hyperhuman, and the time through which his own body's HZE activated HZE ions are able to keep his DNA altered. In terms of range, Rory must be within 3m of an esoteric hyperhuman to absorb an expelled HZE ion. For exoteric hyperhumans, Rory needs to make near physical contact with the hyperhuman to absorb an attracted ion. Once the ion is absorbed, it takes Rory seconds for his DNA to subconsciously alter itself. Once the DNA is altered, it is incredibly unstable and almost immediately begins to decay. Rory can maintain this altered state for up to 3 minutes, and his powers are limited in scope in accordance with the limitations and weaknesses of the host Rory borrowed the power from. Rory does not gain any specialized knowledge on how to use the power, or even what it does. Usage of this ability requires significant preparation and study in order to be effective.

Notably, Rory's power differs significantly from the Intuitive Aptitude possessed by Yakob Kowalski. His ability is far more restrictive than Hyperion's was... much to Rory's relief.

W E A K N E S S E S ||

The major side effect to use of Rory's powers, and what significantly inhibits his ability, comes from a strange interaction in the rapid change to his DNA structure and body after mimicking another power. In order to help stand the shock and minimize the pain felt after such a transformation, Rory's body depresses the central nervous system. In some sense, this ends up mimicking the physical effects of intoxication. This typically does not kick in until Rory has finished mimicking another individuals powers. This "intoxication" is sudden and strong, and is amplified significantly if Rory has borrowed an exoteric power due to the need to purge activated HZE ions. This intoxication effect can last anywhere between seconds and minutes, and seems to be influenced by the complexity of the power borrowed. The only temporary means by which Rory can forgo the intoxication effect is to borrow another power, assuming he has any dormant HZE ions in his system. This does exponentially worsen the intoxication effect when the subsequent mimicry ends (which can cause it to last hours), and abuse of this could lead to serious health complications or even death.

P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S )
P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S )
There is a nostalgia as Rory's time in university is drawing to a close that has prompted one desire above all else within him: make as many memories with those he cares for before it's all over. Part of that, obviously, involves making memories with his siblings while they are at university with him... but Team Blackjack is an eclectic bunch Rory knows he won't be able to see as much once they get their diplomas. So, for his final year, Rory has a few subgoals: Make sure his teammates graduate without any regrets, get one more trophy under his belt for either his dorm or Team Blackjack, and finally connect with his friends enough that he can be open about his fears and insecurities. Unlike his freshman year, Rory doesn't want the year to end with a single thing left unsaid or action not done.
S K I L L S & T A L E N T S
S K I L L S & T A L E N T S
E M P A T H E T I C R E A S O N I N G || Rory is much more emotionally intelligent than academically gifted. Rory doesn't win people over with reason, but instead focuses on connecting with everyone he interacts with to try and win them over to his way of thinking... and learn someone else's point of view in the process.

W E L L - R O U N D E D A T H L E T E || Rory has played nearly every sport he could sign up for since he was six. He has competed in a number of divisions and leagues over the years, and used to have a whole bookcase worth of trophies. Rory, by extension, has tremendous hand-eye coordination and a fundamental understanding of his body's limits. He was also in his high school's varsity wrestling team, where they won their championship two years in a row.

P E R S E V E R A N C E || Quit is not a word in Rory's vocabulary. He has always had to work tremendously hard to pass his classes, and has pushed himself past his limits when it comes to sports for over a decade. No matter what is thrown his way, Rory never backs down and never gives up.
O L D C A N I S S W E A T B A N D || One of the final gifts Rory's father gave him before he passed, Rory carries a well-washed and well-worn sweatband in his jacket when in uniform. When working out or competing, he proudly wears the sweatband in honor of his father.

I T E M ( S )
T H E P L A Y B O O K || A collection of index cards stored in a forearm-strapped football playbook with the names, abilities, and general notes about various individuals Rory has met at PRCU. These notes include teammates, friends, rivals, and even some faculty.

T O O L ( S )
S P O R T S B A L L S || Rory almost always has some kind of ball in his possession: football, basketball, tennis ball, baseball... you never know what Rory has accidentally left or stuffed into his backpack on any given day.

E N T E R I N G I N T O Y O U R F I N A L Y E A R, W H A T A D V I C E D O Y O U H A V E T O A N E W S T U D E N T?

Rory clicked his tongue as he stared up at the ceiling, swaying his upper body back and forth as he thought for a moment. Suddenly, the thought came to him and he stared the interviewer down intensely. "Hyperball is a marathon, not a sprint. It's not about starting strong, it's about pacing yourself until that final whistle is blown."

W H A T W E R E Y O U R A S P I R A T I O N S W H E N Y O U S T A R T E D H E R E? W H A T C H A N G E D, W H A T S T A Y E D T H E S A M E?

"I started off kind of... aimless, my first year. I didn't really have any plans or goals... just doing what seemed right. Or maybe it was more that I didn't have anything else to do?" Rory readjusted himself in his seat, his fingers drumming on his thighs as he thought for a moment. "It took me a while to figure out the kind of person I wanted to be here. I think it was my first psych class, and the professor was talking about working with hyper-human children and how lost they felt in some of the early years... that changed everything. Helped me figure out that I could be the kind of person I needed when..." Rory's voice trailed off, before he just shook his head and smiled in anticipation of the next question.

I F Y O U C O U L D M A K E O N E C H A N G E T O Y O U R T I M E A T P . R . C . U ., W H A T W O U L D I T B E?

"I wouldn't have told Banjo my gym lock combo Sophomore year... he said he lost his old one, wanted to borrow mine. Took me three months to figure out it was him stealing my clothes and leaving only a speedo." Rory chuckled, until the light left his eyes and he stared at the wall. He cleared his throat and looked down at the ground. "Actually... probably my freshman year... not shutting down after Hy... the attack, that is. I lost out on a lot of opportunities then... and I wish I spent more time with my friends then."

S U P P O R T I N G C A S T ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅

"I saw that coming, Dick."
W I L L I A M T Y L E R || B R O T H E R
W I L L I A M T Y L E R || B R O T H E R
Younger brother to Rory Tyler, Will is a Freshman at PRCU in House Strigidae. His Hyperhuman ability is Calculated Prediction, and he is a genius even without his powers. He has a particular fondness for mathematics, with aspirations to continue study in this field in the future. He is somewhat cold and pretentious when interacting with others, often getting himself into messes that Rory inevitably has to clean up. Rory and Will often butt heads, with the later tossing calculated insults at the older sibling and Rory having to just take it.


"I swear, I'm fine, Rory... yes, I did get the breakfast bars, thank you."
M A R Y T Y L E R || S I S T E R
M A R Y T Y L E R || S I S T E R
Mary Tyler is the most extroverted of the siblings, and the most popular. She doesn't slack when it comes to her studies, finding a great interest in the arts and humanities over the hard sciences. She is good at practically any skill she picks up, with it being unclear if that's due to her intuitive aptitude power or just raw talent. Mary's calendar is always overbooked, and she hardly has time to take care of her basic human needs.


"Now... how does that make you feel?"
L I L L I A N M O R S E || A U N T / G U A R D I A N
L I L L I A N M O R S E || A U N T / G U A R D I A N
Lillian Morse is one of the school psychologists at PRCU to provide the students and faculty support. She is the maternal aunt and was temporary guardian of Rory and his siblings, having taken them in following the death of her sister and her brother in law. Lillian Morse has been at PRCU for over five years, and has little time through the school year to check in with her niece and nephews. She pulled some strings to let Rory help with her intake forms and administrative work as part of his community contribution, so he can start getting some practical training in the day to day of her line of work. Lillian is incredibly welcoming to all who stop by her office, but tends to refrain from sharing many details about herself to keep things professional. She is a hyperhuman with the power of telepathy, but is only able to share/read images from one's mind through physical touch.


Barnes, Haven
"I don’t know what she sees in me, man… I don’t want to fuck this up."

de Leon, Calliope
”Calli’s like the big sister I never had. But don’t tell her I said that, she’d hate that."

Kruger, Katja
"Hey, she isn't the first friend who has rejected me. No matter what, though, I've got her back. Even if she's hiding things from me."



Baxter, Harper
"She watches out for us, but I always feel like she knows more than she lets on."

Galahad, Gil
"He's a good guy… can't quite figure him out sometimes. Feels like he's not there when he's there."

Mitchell, Aurora
"I think she only tolerates me because I hang with Lorcán."

Roth, Lorcán
"I'm worried about him, man. He's been different lately. Hope he knows I’ve got his back."

§ Cahors, Amma §
"I don't know if I trust her, man. She’s got Foundation ties, but ain't on our side either. And I hate the way she talks to my friends."

Olyphant, Banjo §
"Calli trusts him… that's all I need to know. Still can't understand half his nonsense."
"You can mess with me... but I'm not gonna let you mess with them, man."
Rory Anderson Tyler
September3rd | 23 | Caucasian
Single | Male | Pansexual
Ottawa | Ontario | Canada
Canis | Team 21 - Blackjack

B U I L D || Average/Muscular
H A I R C O L O U R || brown
E Y E C O L O U R || Blue
H E I G H T || 6'0"
W E I G H T || 185 lbs
S C A R S || None
T A T T O O S || None
P I E R C I N G S || None
Rory Tyler's life hasn't been particularly remarkable. He was the oldest child of three, his younger two siblings being twins named Will and Mary. All three were born the Hype-gene, which came as little surprise when considering both parents were hyperhumans. Rory's father was a hyperhuman working for H.I.T. by the name of Cole Tyler. Cole had met Julia Morse at PRCU decades ago, as they both went through the H.E.A.T. program. Cole was placed in the Enforcement and Response Division (fitting given his Dermal Armor power), while Julia was placed in Justice Services (fitting her Passive Persuasiveness power). They kept in touch, and eventually grew to love each other. That love expanded into a loving family.

Cole served in H.I.T. for most of his prime, leaving him absent for a lot of Rory's childhood. Rory's mother was heavily involved in politics, having a heavy workload. The byproduct of this left Rory alone and to fend for himself for a lot of his childhood, and to protect and support his younger siblings. Will and Mary are 3 years younger, and are both smarter than Rory could ever hope to be. Rory spent a lot of his free time getting involved in all sorts of sports and physical activities. His younger siblings were brainiacs, and have grown up to be perhaps more intelligent than their big brother. Rory, despite loving his family and being very protective of his younger siblings, couldn't help but feel inferior to most of his family and classmates. The only thing Rory truly enjoyed more than anything was wrestling, as he enjoyed the challenge and skill of it. Even then, Rory never seemed to be particularly good at anything. He always seemed to sort of fade into the background. It's only fitting Rory's power would develop to be an ability to only copy other people briefly.

Rory opted not to attend PRCU for collegiate study, as Rory's mother's work in trying to promote equal standards of living and education for humans and hyperhumans inspired him to study at a more traditional school. Rory blended into the background, as his younger siblings attended more prestigious boarding schools. Rory kept tabs on them, but mostly just tried to fit in where he could. His powers inevitably developed while living with his parents innocuously, and took some time for the family to register the situation. Rory started wearing an inhibitor immediately, only to find himself somewhat of a social outcast. The only arena in which he seemed to be comfortable and respected in was when he was wrestling in high school. He knew he was subjected to more stringent tests and accusations of cheating due to his status as a hyperhuman, but his teammates always had his back. He competed on a national level starting his freshman year of high school. And really only his freshman year. As once the pandemic hit, Rory quit wrestling. He was alone all over again.

Shortly after high school, Rory's father and mother, both of whom were forced to work in a more public capacity, were both victims of the pandemic. This uprooted Rory and his siblings, who were graciously adopted by their maternal aunt Lillian Morse. Lillian Morse is a staff psychologist for the students of PRCU, a hyperhuman in her own right with telepathic powers. She has been trying her best to help her niece and nephews settle into their new lives in the years since, despite having raised no children before and having limited contact with the children prior. Rory and his siblings were enrolled in PRCU, where they have been for the past few years. Rory was around for the Hyperion attack his freshman year, after which he became a bit secluded for some time. It wasn’t until his Sophomore year that Rory truly began to prosper.

Now, Rory is scrambling to finish his psychology degree while making sure to make time for his friends and keep an eye on his siblings. Soon, the twins will be on their own and Rory will have to make something of himself on his own. Until then… he’s got two semesters to make lasting memories with his friends. After that, he still isn't entirely sure what the future holds.

D E T A I L E D A P P E A R A N C E & A E S T H E T I C
D E T A I L E D A P P E A R A N C E & A E S T H E T I C
Rory doesn't pay too much attention in maintaining his appearance, and it shows. He focuses on comfort where he can. Rory tends to keep his hair cut short so he doesn't need to worry about styling it (and it prevents anyone from grabbing his hair when wrestling). Rory’s uniform is always worn just up to code. Whenever he doesn't need to be in uniform, Rory wears comfortable athleisure clothing. He is often seen in t-shirts, muscle shirts, basketball shorts, or sweatpants when he can dress down. Rory’s idea of dressing up out of uniform is a varsity jacket, a Henley, and black jeans. Rory has several pairs of sneakers he wears for all occasions. He doesn't dress particularly modest, though that is more of a byproduct of his constant physically activity and need to cool down.

M A N N E R I S M S & P E R S O N A L I T Y
M A N N E R I S M S & P E R S O N A L I T Y
Rory is a loud, joyous, and personable golden retriever. He is loyal and protective of his friends, and strangers are just friends you haven't met yet. Rory has been the kind of guy to step in and take a punch for a friend or his brother, but tries to solve conflict without aggression or being mean. He is also very quick to notice when a friend is acting different, and makes a concerted effort to make space for them to open up if they wish. Rory does, however, have noticeable issues with focusing and staying still at the same time. He often has to drum his fingers on something or pace to focus. He is prone to get lost in thoughts or distractions when left without something to keep his body moving. An audio-book subscription combined with laps around the rec center have been instrumental in Rory's continued education at PRCU.

Rory would be the first to admit he's dumb sometimes, but it doesn't make it any less of a blow to his self-esteem when he is viewed as an idiot. His parents, siblings and aunt are some of the smartest people he's ever met, and Rory has always felt like the odd one out. While this has led to him overcompensating and trying to make tons of friends, it also leaves him feeling inferior when he doesn't get a joke or a reference or can't help friends with homework / studying. He has a hard time seeing himself as emotionally intelligent or useful outside of a sports environment. This makes Rory a great confidant, but Rory hardly ever shares his true thoughts and fears with his friends out of fear of being a burden.

Rory undergoes a significant shift in aggression when he gets competitive. If you put a trophy or accolade up for grabs in a physical or team-based challenge, he will put it all on the line for a scrap of glory. He is competitive, and will push himself to his limits to win any challenge he can. Every win helps prop up his self-esteem, and make him feel like he can stand toe to toe with his friends and siblings in some way.

The most noticeable quirk that has become evident to those close to Rory is an almost compulsive obsession with not "losing control." Despite being a frequent flyer at a number of parties on campus, he's never been seen drinking a drop of alcohol. He's also seemed particularly frustrated and iritable at the drawback of his hyperhuman ability.
A B I L I T I E S, L I M I T A T I O N S, & W E A K N E S S E S
A B I L I T I E S, L I M I T A T I O N S, & W E A K N E S S E S
H Y P E R H U M A N A B I L I T Y || P O W E R M I M I C R Y
__POWER SCALE || tbd

Rory Tyler possesses the ability to steal a charged HZE ion from a nearby hyperhuman and subconsciously alter his own body's DNA to mimic that hyperhuman's esoteric or exoteric ability. When borrowing an esoteric ability, Rory's body undergoes practically the same physical shift as the host of the "borrowed" ion for up to a few minutes. His body essentially just "activates" the HZE ions already present, which are expelled through proportional use of his powers. When mimicking an exoteric ability, Rory is able to draw and increase the HZE ions he stores as other exoteric hyperhumans. This worsens his body's reaction to using the power, and severely limits Rory's "overload" limit when mimicking exoteric abilities. Regardless of which type of power Rory mimics, he currently only seems able to stabilize the use of this new power for up to 3 minutes, can only borrow one power at a time, and suffers an "intoxication" effect after using the power.

L I M I T A T I O N S ||

Rory's two primary limits come from the range at which he can "borrow" an HZE ion from another hyperhuman, and the time through which his own body's HZE activated HZE ions are able to keep his DNA altered. In terms of range, Rory must be within 3m of an esoteric hyperhuman to absorb an expelled HZE ion. For exoteric hyperhumans, Rory needs to make near physical contact with the hyperhuman to absorb an attracted ion. Once the ion is absorbed, it takes Rory seconds for his DNA to subconsciously alter itself. Once the DNA is altered, it is incredibly unstable and almost immediately begins to decay. Rory can maintain this altered state for up to 3 minutes, and his powers are limited in scope in accordance with the limitations and weaknesses of the host Rory borrowed the power from. Rory does not gain any specialized knowledge on how to use the power, or even what it does. Usage of this ability requires significant preparation and study in order to be effective.

Notably, Rory's power differs significantly from the Intuitive Aptitude possessed by Yakob Kowalski. His ability is far more restrictive than Hyperion's was... much to Rory's relief.

W E A K N E S S E S ||

The major side effect to use of Rory's powers, and what significantly inhibits his ability, comes from a strange interaction in the rapid change to his DNA structure and body after mimicking another power. In order to help stand the shock and minimize the pain felt after such a transformation, Rory's body depresses the central nervous system. In some sense, this ends up mimicking the physical effects of intoxication. This typically does not kick in until Rory has finished mimicking another individuals powers. This "intoxication" is sudden and strong, and is amplified significantly if Rory has borrowed an exoteric power due to the need to purge activated HZE ions. This intoxication effect can last anywhere between seconds and minutes, and seems to be influenced by the complexity of the power borrowed. The only temporary means by which Rory can forgo the intoxication effect is to borrow another power, assuming he has any dormant HZE ions in his system. This does exponentially worsen the intoxication effect when the subsequent mimicry ends (which can cause it to last hours), and abuse of this could lead to serious health complications or even death.

P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S )
P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S )
There is a nostalgia as Rory's time in university is drawing to a close that has prompted one desire above all else within him: make as many memories with those he cares for before it's all over. Part of that, obviously, involves making memories with his siblings while they are at university with him... but Team Blackjack is an eclectic bunch Rory knows he won't be able to see as much once they get their diplomas. So, for his final year, Rory has a few subgoals: Make sure his teammates graduate without any regrets, get one more trophy under his belt for either his dorm or Team Blackjack, and finally connect with his friends enough that he can be open about his fears and insecurities. Unlike his freshman year, Rory doesn't want the year to end with a single thing left unsaid or action not done.
S K I L L S & T A L E N T S
S K I L L S & T A L E N T S
E M P A T H E T I C R E A S O N I N G || Rory is much more emotionally intelligent than academically gifted. Rory doesn't win people over with reason, but instead focuses on connecting with everyone he interacts with to try and win them over to his way of thinking... and learn someone else's point of view in the process.

W E L L - R O U N D E D A T H L E T E || Rory has played nearly every sport he could sign up for since he was six. He has competed in a number of divisions and leagues over the years, and used to have a whole bookcase worth of trophies. Rory, by extension, has tremendous hand-eye coordination and a fundamental understanding of his body's limits. He was also in his high school's varsity wrestling team, where they won their championship two years in a row.

P E R S E V E R A N C E || Quit is not a word in Rory's vocabulary. He has always had to work tremendously hard to pass his classes, and has pushed himself past his limits when it comes to sports for over a decade. No matter what is thrown his way, Rory never backs down and never gives up.
O L D C A N I S S W E A T B A N D || One of the final gifts Rory's father gave him before he passed, Rory carries a well-washed and well-worn sweatband in his jacket when in uniform. When working out or competing, he proudly wears the sweatband in honor of his father.

I T E M ( S )
T H E P L A Y B O O K || A collection of index cards stored in a forearm-strapped football playbook with the names, abilities, and general notes about various individuals Rory has met at PRCU. These notes include teammates, friends, rivals, and even some faculty.

T O O L ( S )
S P O R T S B A L L S || Rory almost always has some kind of ball in his possession: football, basketball, tennis ball, baseball... you never know what Rory has accidentally left or stuffed into his backpack on any given day.

E N T E R I N G I N T O Y O U R F I N A L Y E A R, W H A T A D V I C E D O Y O U H A V E T O A N E W S T U D E N T?

Rory clicked his tongue as he stared up at the ceiling, swaying his upper body back and forth as he thought for a moment. Suddenly, the thought came to him and he stared the interviewer down intensely. "Hyperball is a marathon, not a sprint. It's not about starting strong, it's about pacing yourself until that final whistle is blown."

W H A T W E R E Y O U R A S P I R A T I O N S W H E N Y O U S T A R T E D H E R E? W H A T C H A N G E D, W H A T S T A Y E D T H E S A M E?

"I started off kind of... aimless, my first year. I didn't really have any plans or goals... just doing what seemed right. Or maybe it was more that I didn't have anything else to do?" Rory readjusted himself in his seat, his fingers drumming on his thighs as he thought for a moment. "It took me a while to figure out the kind of person I wanted to be here. I think it was my first psych class, and the professor was talking about working with hyper-human children and how lost they felt in some of the early years... that changed everything. Helped me figure out that I could be the kind of person I needed when..." Rory's voice trailed off, before he just shook his head and smiled in anticipation of the next question.

I F Y O U C O U L D M A K E O N E C H A N G E T O Y O U R T I M E A T P . R . C . U ., W H A T W O U L D I T B E?

"I wouldn't have told Banjo my gym lock combo Sophomore year... he said he lost his old one, wanted to borrow mine. Took me three months to figure out it was him stealing my clothes and leaving only a speedo." Rory chuckled, until the light left his eyes and he stared at the wall. He cleared his throat and looked down at the ground. "Actually... probably my freshman year... not shutting down after Hy... the attack, that is. I lost out on a lot of opportunities then... and I wish I spent more time with my friends then."

S U P P O R T I N G C A S T ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅

"I saw that coming, Dick."
W I L L I A M T Y L E R || B R O T H E R
W I L L I A M T Y L E R || B R O T H E R
Younger brother to Rory Tyler, Will is a Freshman at PRCU in House Strigidae. His Hyperhuman ability is Calculated Prediction, and he is a genius even without his powers. He has a particular fondness for mathematics, with aspirations to continue study in this field in the future. He is somewhat cold and pretentious when interacting with others, often getting himself into messes that Rory inevitably has to clean up. Rory and Will often butt heads, with the later tossing calculated insults at the older sibling and Rory having to just take it.


"I swear, I'm fine, Rory... yes, I did get the breakfast bars, thank you."
M A R Y T Y L E R || S I S T E R
M A R Y T Y L E R || S I S T E R
Mary Tyler is the most extroverted of the siblings, and the most popular. She doesn't slack when it comes to her studies, finding a great interest in the arts and humanities over the hard sciences. She is good at practically any skill she picks up, with it being unclear if that's due to her intuitive aptitude power or just raw talent. Mary's calendar is always overbooked, and she hardly has time to take care of her basic human needs.


"Now... how does that make you feel?"
L I L L I A N M O R S E || A U N T / G U A R D I A N
L I L L I A N M O R S E || A U N T / G U A R D I A N
Lillian Morse is one of the school psychologists at PRCU to provide the students and faculty support. She is the maternal aunt and was temporary guardian of Rory and his siblings, having taken them in following the death of her sister and her brother in law. Lillian Morse has been at PRCU for over five years, and has little time through the school year to check in with her niece and nephews. She pulled some strings to let Rory help with her intake forms and administrative work as part of his community contribution, so he can start getting some practical training in the day to day of her line of work. Lillian is incredibly welcoming to all who stop by her office, but tends to refrain from sharing many details about herself to keep things professional. She is a hyperhuman with the power of telepathy, but is only able to share/read images from one's mind through physical touch.

R E L A T I O N S H I P S H E E T ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅


T B D , T B D || T B D
T B D , T B D || T B D

Use as many or few of the above symbols as needed to balance this cell with the cell containing the image.

Flying is just controlled falling. It is an art of airbenders to manipulate the currents of wind around them to lift them high into the air, flipping and gliding as seamlessly as a bird in the sky. Huo had always found the birds of the swamp to be the most graceful of creatures, and what little envy lived in his heart was reserved for those who could ride those currents of wind and sail high enough to truly observe the world as it was.

Huo was falling without an ounce of grace as the winds had betrayed him... no, an airbender. A nonviolent nomad using violence. Huo had not been expecting the sudden shift in behavior, a sudden enemy he had failed to notice. Huo must have missed something... had the airbender not just launched two of the earth kingdom soldiers into the ocean? Did he believe Huo to be working for the soldiers? No, even he knew that didn't make sense. He must have missed something, clearly. Was the nomad trying to abscond with the residents of the fishery with the swordswoman? It seemed unlikely, given his warning. Though he was offering a kindness to her that was denied to him... perhaps he had trouble hearing in the chaos? It could explain why the soldier had ignored the waterbender's plea. He'd have to work on projecting.

All of that was a less immediate concern, as Huo smacked into the rippling waves of the sea. The force had knocked the breath out of his lungs, filling the vacuum with water. Huo's eyes shot open with sudden panic, before instinct took control. A simple wave of his arms, and Huo pulled a swell of water under himself to shoot back up to the surface. His head bobbed up for air, and he spit a stream of water out of his mouth like a stone fountain. He was facing away from the shore, staring at two earth kingdom soldiers who were just regaining their own senses after meeting a similar fate. Huo sighed as he addressed them. "Y'all aren't very welcoming around here, y'know that?" Huo lifted both arms quickly and slammed them back down on top of the water, launching two streams of water to blast the soldiers farther into the sea. Last thing Huo needed was more surprises. The two streams of water jetted Huo backwards towards the shore at a slower rate, before he twisted his body and waved his hands in the water to swell a small wave to slow his approach. About five feet from the shore, Huo simply breastroked until he could stand and walk out of the water.

Huo stood at the very fringes of the fight, not far from the Tao the bag of rice, dripping with seawater. A bit of seaweed was tangled in his unkempt mane. He watched for a moment as the earth kingdom soldiers formed a wall around Ryschi and the airbender assailant Tianshi. Huo took a pause to catch his breath, lifting his hands to his chest to help center himself. With a spin and a flicking of his arms, Huo shot a concentrated whip of water out from the sea towards the nearest soldier. Huo took a step back and pulled the arms back, just as the whip coiled around the soldier's leg and yanked him off his feet. The soldier slammed into the earth face first, and the whip of water floated near Huo. He took a defensive stance, the water nearly licking his heels as he was ready to make full use of his environment this time around. Unlike Chi, Huo had at least one person ready to fight by his side.

Huo called out in a very loud voice, clearly overly projecting to make sure his friend could hear him. "Ryschi, can you tell yer friend in there to cool his gourd? The water round these parts is mighty cold and salty."

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