Avatar of WeepingLiberty
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  • Old Guild Username: WeepingLiberty
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2106 (0.52 / day)
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    1. WeepingLiberty 11 yrs ago
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7 yrs ago
Current Slight bit of depression setting in... I apologize if things are taking longer than usual. Just trying to assure the same level of quality in my posts to you guys.
7 yrs ago
*Has the sudden urge to come back to the Guild*.... *Guild is down*.... WHYYYYYYYY?!?!?! *Literally the story of my life lol*
8 yrs ago
One of these days I will learn to not input my opinions where they are not wanted on social media.... TODAY IS NOT THAT DAY. >.<
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8 yrs ago
2 1/2 hours in and I'm already done with the new year. T.T
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It's done my dears, I've caught up.


Between Nymphadora's fireworks and Celia's uniquely irritating stings, the creature ceased its advance toward Arden to target one of the more pressing matters. Unfortunately for Arden, that also meant a change in pattern to the creature's strikes. Instead of stabbing at him, the spyder just swung its legs about as it swung to face its attackers. The silver haired witch winced as the sound of shattering glass reached her ears, leading her to wonder if the boy had consumed the elixir as instructed. His loss. She thought to herself silently, dodging around another swinging leg.

The woman turned her eyes downward to the paper in her hand, carefully scribbling lines and runes across the parchment while avoiding being hit by the upset creature. A task much easier said than done as noted by the unfortunate misstep that caused her to trip, one of the spyder's legs whipping around to catch her mid-fall and send her rocketing backward into the wall. The air was forced from her lungs all at once as her back slammed into the solid surface, body falling limply to the ground as the world lurched around her. The spyder barely noticed the slight interruption, continuing to spin around until it had faced Celia's direction. Large globules of acidic drool oozed to the ground as it opened its mouth, a hideous cry bellowing from the creature which echoed painfully throughout the space.

Nymphadora groaned, head buzzing from both the impact and the noise. Blood from a wound that had opened on her forehead dripped down and landed on the parchment she had been drawing on causing the runes to begin glowing, reacting to the life force "sacrificed" for the spell. Pushing herself up, Nymphadora staggered to her feet and gritted her teeth.

"Ut me mutuo fortitudo vestra testor numen et protector vitae. Ut virtus atque auertere malis ligare."

As she spoke, the runes began to glow brighter in response to the short incantation, the ground beginning to rumble beneath them. Cracks opened up in the ground beneath the creature, large thorned vines busting upward to entangle themselves around the legs and body of the monster. It struggled against its bindings, screeching its displeasure. The more the creature struggled, the tighter the vines held on digging deeper and deeper into the creatures' flesh. A putrid smell filled the cavern as its blood mixed with the acidic saliva and began burning off some of the thorns near the front.

"Damnit... Arden! Any day now for your brilliant plan." She called out, beginning to wonder how long they had been down here. Without any window to the outside world, time was an arbitrary thing and difficult to keep track of. Shaking her head, Nymphadora's head was still buzzing from the impact, using her sleeve to swipe some of the blood away from her eyes.

(Translation: Please note... I so totally fiddled with google translate so it is by no means accurate lol. Just sounds better.)

@Dark Light@Rune_Alchemist@Ellion


It didn't take long for Emmerich to devolve back into a rambling state, notably as nervous as she. But it gave her comfort, knowing that he was uneasy... His words rang true, full of sincerity and that was all she could ask. Avalon smiled but stayed silent as he continued on, bouncing from apology to conversation and back again.

"At ease Emmerich, there's nothing you need apologize for. So many others hide their true intentions, they are secretive and devious. Your words, while surprising, are no less than honest from what I can sense." The woman spoke as she walked, casting the occasional glance sideways to look at the man. She paused for a moment, almost reluctant to share anything about her past, however if there was anything she hated... It was a hypocrite, and she wasn't about to allow someone to spill their guts out the way he had without offering the same in return. Clearing her throat, Ava slowed for a moment, pausing to look up at the stars.

"My brother Kyrso and I belong to the House Shire. I suppose we aren't all that well known outside of our home town, but recognition wasn't really what we were after anyway. Going back generations as far as the records can show, and most likely before even that, our family has been apart of the hunting life. Not every woman born to our surname has chosen the path of the blade, but nearly all members have been involved with the hunt one way or another." Ava began, bringing her eyes back down to earth as she began walking again.

"Growing up, my father was still quite active but he tended to take jobs closer to home and would alternate hunts with my uncle so that he could be home more to train us. At first, at least for me, it was more about being able to defend myself against bandits and the like. But growing up watching both my father and uncle go out on these hunts, listening to their stories about hunts dating back as far as our family... I found myself drawn to the same life."

"When we were still young an illness struck the town and claimed a good many, including the life of Mother. Father was absolutely heartbroken over it, we all were... But I think it hit him the hardest. My uncle took over our training full time so that father could continue earning a living for us, but eventually he was met with the hunter's fate like many before him. It wasn't until later that I found out the one responsible wasn't any witch or howling beast, but a fellow hunter unwilling to give up the bounty." She allowed a moment for her words to sink in as they walked, attempting to push down her burning hatred for the unknown hunter responsible for her father's death.

Finally she shook her head and returned a smile to her face. "Anyways, long story short... I've trained my whole life to be in good, fighting condition. Glad to hear it's paid off." She winked mischeviously, before glancing at him curiously. "Masquerade balls and libraries, sounds like an interesting place. That's the building with all the books, right?" She joked, laughing while she tried to picture it. For the most part, the only books she ever picked up had something to do with creatures she was hunting... Additionally, they were usually handwritten hunter notes, shared amongst the community by information brokers. Very rarely did one of her kind have reason to visit an actual library.

"I wouldn't mind seeing one of those someday either. Sounds like an interesting place." She noted out loud, not entirely aware that she had done so. Noting the open door, Ava nodded her thanks and slipped inside the inn pausing only a moment to wait for Emmerich to enter after her before searching out a seat. Even for the late hour, the place was still quite busy.



Kyrso had been, or at least attempting to, minding his own business. He didn't say anything other than to order more drink or food, and he didn't particularly tune in to any of the other conversations going on around him. To be honest, he was feeling rather tired and wanted nothing more than to head up stairs and fall asleep... But for the moment that wasn't much of an option for him. As much faith as he put in his sister and her abilities, he still wasn't about to leave her completely alone with some strange man, especially one that fights with so much ferocity and cruelty.

Being her twin brother and all, Kyrso sensed Avalon's arrival before they even opened the door, turning to check in on her subtly from the bar. She looked content enough, no signs of distress and the creepy guys seemed a lot less... creepy for now. Their eyes met for a brief moment, making sure that she was alright before he stood up, paid his tab and asked to be shown to a room.


"To be perfectly honest, I don't think I've ever given wine a second thought. Raised on ales and whiskey, so I'll have to defer to your good judgement on something like that." She added, glancing around the room before taking a seat. There were plenty of interesting characters about, but none of them seemed too problematic yet. Still, one could never be too careful around creatures like them, especially when alcohol was involved. Her eyes trailed after her brother as he retreated for the night, noting the number of fingers he held up to her before heading up the stairs.


Haven't had a chance to read it yet, but taking creative liberties with the detail is totally okay. This world belongs to you guys as much as it belongs to me.

An nah, not out of range. If anything, they have the best connection found in the whole country. XD

Can't work... barely functioning...

Tell my wife and kids that I love them. *faceplants*

Speak fo yo self, I'm a very hateable person.

Long overdue Mirai and Silvienne post.

Avalon and Nymphadora posts to come in the morning. Need sleep.
Mirai & Silvienne Star

Despite the expansive lore surrounding the mountain, not to mention several exploration expeditions every year, there were still vast amounts of the land undiscovered and undocumented. There were plenty of corners to search for the rogue witch, plenty of cracks to hide in.... And Mirai had until sunrise. Normally, the ambitious witch was all for a challenge, but the time constraints were never her preferred kind. Growling to herself, Mirai kept her eyes peeled for any signs of movement or life in the dark forests below. Her best bet was to search some of the caves nearby, as that was the most logical place to set up camp in a place such as this.

Leaning forward, Sunni responded to Mirai's shift in weight by tilting their flight path downward while still remaining above the treeline. It wouldn't do getting caught by some of the tree climbing creatures, there just wasn't the time to play. The witch sniffed at the night air, keeping tabs on the subtle shifts of color in the sky above her. Time was beginning to run short and Mirai was beginning to lose her patience. "That which goes bump in the night is finding itself grow stronger and stronger. How many do you think are still willing to wander about in the darkness?" She asked to noone in particular, scanning the mountainside for any ridge that might support life.

She and Sunni had veered close enough to check out a few spots, but thus far nothing had panned out. Her frustration was evident in the flames spewing from her mouth as she exited a cave she had explored on foot, dropping down from the ledge to the forest floor below. Somewhere up above, Sunni kept pace, but it was clear even she was beginning to wear out. Not surprising considering she had been in charge of babysitting long before their mission began, and that mixed with caring for Rose on her short expedition out, must have left the poor girl completely wiped. Mirai sighed, finding a safe clearing before calling the bat down to rest.

"I'm sorry, I should have let you rest earlier." She apologized, petting the nose of her beastly companion affectionately. The bat squeaked merrily in response, nudging her master playfully as if to reassure that all was fine. Cracking a smile, Mirai chuckled before turning her attention outward toward the forest. She couldn't be sure, but it almost felt as if someone were watching the pair of them. Sunni wasn't reacting at all, so whatever it was had to have been keeping still so as to not make any noise. "Wait here." She directed the bat, stepping away to investigate the perimeter.


Green eyes peered out of the darkness, curiously surveying the scene before them. This far off the trail it was rather uncommon to come across a traveler, let alone one that communed with such creatures as bats. Witch. The masked figure thought silently to herself, careful to breathe slowly so the bone would absorb all of the sound. She only dared to move when the wind blew and she held her knucklebone necklace against her skin to silence its rattling, maintaining her focus on the woman rather than the beast. Even from behind the mask, the scent of ash surrounded the dark haired woman, a force the green orbed girl preferred to avoid.

As the stranger approached the tree line, the masked figure shifted from her place in the overlying tree branches, matching step for step as she inched away. After putting some distance between her and the stranger, the young woman made to hide deeper in the forest, but something kept pulling her back. Of all the creatures she had discovered during her time living among them, never had she seen a creature quite so big; at least not for a bat. It was a magnificent sight, and the masked girl found herself being drawn back out of curiosity.
Sure to approach carefully, the masked figure inched slowly out into the clearing, keeping a wary eye out for the dark haired witch. Sunni immediately noted the differences in presence, ready to alert her mistress of the stranger until her voice distracted her.

"Be still mighty hunter, I mean no disrespect and certainly no harm." The voice was light, calm, and quiet so as not to draw attention outside of what was necessary. She had little doubt in her mind that the bat would hear, but as the companion of a witch, she could only hope it would listen. Sunni hesitated, moving to call her mistress once more before her attention was stolen once again. "Please, forgive my boldness... But I was hoping I could ask your name." The girl circled round so that she was standing directly in front of the massive bat, her head slightly bowed out of respect.

"Foolish child. What good does asking my name do?" Sunni smirked to herself, chuckling at a high, nearly inaudible frequency. "Well, for starters, it makes conversations a lot easier." The masked girl responded, instantly capturing Sunni's undivided attention. "You speak as if you understand... Mysterious little critter." Sunni responded, sniffing in the girl's direction. "My darling Mirai believes it impolite to ask a name without first supplying one of your own." It wasn't everyday Sunni got to engage with another sentient being, so she figured Mirai wouldn't be too cross if she didn't send for her right away.

"Of course." The girl stated, reaching up to pull her mask off. Beneath it, her features were defined by white, chalky paint and piercings. "My name is Silvienne, but most of the creatures here call me Silv. It's an honor to meet you." Silvienne swept her upper body into a much deeper bow, her necklace clanking as she did so.

Sunni nodded in satisfaction, relaxing her posture some as the girl made herself visible. "The mistress calls me Sunni, among other flattering things. Tell me, little critter... you are a witch like my Mirai, are you not?" Sunni inquired, still perplexed by a humanoid being able to understand her clearly. Silvienne nodded hesitantly, as if unsure of herself. "I suppose so... To be honest, I have no training in the magical arts but I'm sure you've noticed that I am no normal human either." "Exactly what we're looking for." Silv nearly jumped sky high as the voice spoke up from behind her, having noticed no signs of approach from the ashen witch. She kicked herself internally for having gotten so distracted, now faced with a dilema not easily dealt with. "My Mirai, look at what I've found for you. Rose will be pleased, yes?" The bat clicked much louder this time, a sound she often made when she was in a good mood or seeking praise.

"Y-y-you must b-be the Mirai S-Sunni here was t-t-talking about. A p-pleasure." Silve squeaked, attempting to back off a few steps though not travelling far before she found herself blocked by the very bat she had been pulled in by. The woman standing before her seemed none too kind, her smile cruel and her eyes burning with a fire hotter than she had ever seen.

"Well done Sunni, what a good girl. We'll be taking this one with us." She remarked, stroking Sunni's snout gently whilst ignoring the trembling girl beside her. Whipping around, Silvienne made a run for it, dashing toward the tree line for cover. She wasn't able to make it very far, however, as her body lurched forward and slammed to the ground. Posture still poised from the kick, Mirai lowered her leg slowly as she summoned a ball of flame in her right fist. "I really don't have time for games tonight. I have a deadline to meet, and I really don't feel like getting my ear talked off by Rose. So I'll make you a deal. You come quietly, and I don't torch you alive. How does that sound?" Silvienne rolled over to stare at the woman, eyes filled with fear induced tears. This witch was absolutely crazy, but more importantly, she was holding fire in her hand. There was no way she could compete with something like that, which meant there was no way she could refuse.

Silv nodded quickly, her entire body shaking as Mirai seemed almost disappointed that she had given up so quickly... Should she not have? Fear petrified the inexperienced witch as Mirai turned and remounted Sunni and directed the bat in SIlv direction. Scrambling to get out of the way, Silv suddenly found herself in the careful grasp of the bat.

"Worry not, strange little witch. I never drop anything by accident." Sunni chirped, sounding rather proud of herself despite the less than reassuring words. Like master like companion she supposed, settling in for what would be the longest ride of her life.


Just as the sun was beginning to poke over the far horizon, Sunni landed back in the main hall of the castle that Silv had only ever seen glimpses of from afar. The place was chilling and far from pleasant, and she feared any people would be worse, then again she was unsure if anything could get worse than a witch who toyed with fire. Gripped tightly by the arm, Silvienne had little choice but to follow Mirai down the halls until she was presented before a regal feeling woman who, like her usual self, donned a mask. "You didn't start without me, I hope?" Mirai yawned, dropping her death grip on the strange girl's arm as she relaxed her stance.

@Ellion[@Everyone dealing with the door in the witches compound, sorry I'm super tired rn]

Indeed, each will have specific classes just for them but there will also be overlapping courses as well. In terms of what we'll rp, we probably won't end up spending too much time on a lot of them and/or might end up switching up which ones we IC rp every lil' bit.
Elizabeth Harvey

Liz's smile brightened with relief as Joseph accepted her hand in greeting, seeming in no way put off by her elitist comment. She promised to herself that she would be more careful going forward, but already it seemed like the two might get along well. After releasing her hand, Joey proceeded to go on a slight tangent, stumbling over himself in his excitement. Several times he ended up repeating the same phrase, one she had to struggle to keep from laughing while he was speaking. He wasn't wrong, she was more than used to her current surroundings as were the vast majority of her vampire classmates. But it seemed this fact got the better of the excited and curious mind.

As Joey's thoughts shifted to apology, Liz couldn't contain her laughter anymore as the sound escaped in a light and airy chime. "I suppose it is." She spoke, feeling a lot more comfortable now. "Most of us find mansion life quite comfortable, however you will find a handful of the elder families still living in actual castles... So you're not all that far off." She beamed widely before her smile softened, her eyes saddening for a brief moment. "I wouldn't mind seeing the sun someday, it sounds beautiful. You humans certainly are lucky." She said wistfully before shaking her head and hugging onto Joey's right arm. "But enough with the introductions, you want to see the living quarters! We have the address, I'm sure there are aids standing about to help us find out way."

Forgetting to await a response, Liz began tugging on Joey's arm in the direction that she wanted to walk in. It wasn't as if she had any idea of where she was headed, but it seemed most of the other student pairs were headed in the same direction so she figured it must have been the right one. She found herself thinking that it would be wise to get her hands on a map as she would more than likely get lost on the daily, the campus was just so expansive. People weren't kidding when they referred to it as its own town, as it very much was. Aside from the education facilities and the dorm houses, which were large in their own right, the grounds were home to various cafes, small little shops, and plenty of extracurricular activities to keep the energetic entertained.

"I wonder if they'll be supplying an allowance to spend at some of these places. I hope so, I'm in need of some new art supplies." Liz commented, already staring off into space.


Michael Sharpe

This wasn't anything out of the ordinary for Michael, in fact he hardly paid any attention to the festivities at all. Instead he focused on socializing as was customary in his familiar circle. There were several faces he was already acquainted with, swinging by to greet them. By the time the princess had made her appearance, Michael was joking around with a group of guys and had been stalking the group for any attractive females he might be interested in hunting. Naturally all of the vampires in attendance were up to par, but that wasn't quite what he was after. Nothing gave a better rush than the thrill of chasing down a creature as fragile as a human. Sure, the mages had magic on their side, but most of them were inexperienced with their element, which meant if he could take them off guard he would have no problem subduing them.

Or at least that's where his head was at while Zaria was making her speech. The man listened carefully to her instructions even though it might not have looked as such, his eyes wandering every inch of her porcelain body. The image of absolute perfection, one he wouldn't mind getting his hands on for himself... Mike was realistic, however, knowing full well that he would never get within a hundred feet of the woman with all of the security she lugged around. Sighing, his attention turned to the paper in his hands, praying to the gods that the picture on the inside would be that of some cute girl he would get to toy with for the entire time they were at school. Flicking it open, he found himself squinting at it in confusion. The picture wasn't very telling, as the short hair and youthful features could belong to one or the other. And the name didn't really help either, leaving him with more questions than answered.

Grumbling to himself, he waved farewell to his conversation partners so that they might venture off to find their own partners. A motion caught his attention out of the corner of his eye, a small creature approaching him. There was something odd about this creature though, as it wasn't exactly... alive. Made of water, it took on the form of a cat and was staring directly at him. Creeped out by this, Michael made to shoo it away, kicking at it with his foot. He should have known that it wouldn't have done any good, but his hope had been to dispel the magic.

Needless to say, it didn't really work. The cat reformed itself and Mike was left with a single, dripping shoe. Still staring at him, Mike frowned and stared back. "Well? What do you want?" He snapped, watching as it began its retreat, stopped and turned back around. Michael hesitated but ultimately decided to follow the creature back to what he could only assume was its source. Yet again, Michael found himself confused. Even in person his partner didn't have any defining features that would hint at any one particular gender. Unable to hide his annoyance, Mike looked down (quite literally) at the mage before him.

"River right?" He asked curtly, staring down the kid with a whole other level of intensity.


Oh shush you, I shall be uninterrupted for the next hour. This time will be spent writing up responses to you and TrainerBlue here... as well as the long overdue post for Mirai in our other rp. XD
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