"I can tell more about a person with the way they treat their animals."B A S I C I N F O
◈ Name: Amaris "Mari" Snowden
◈ Race: Half-elf
◈ Age: 26
◈ Gender: Female
C L A S S & S K I L L S
◈ Class: Rogue with a magic affinity
◈ Powers/Abilities:
- Shapeshifting
Specifically into felines. Her favorite form is a snow leopard. Tapping into feline nature allows her to have practically silent movements and can camouflage herself into the background. - Electricity manipulation
She can create electricity from the tips of her fingers to throw at enemies or use as a tool to knock someone out when she gets close enough. - Blade/Trap Knowledge and Crafting
Amarais has extensive knowledge about various blades and how to use them. Her favorites are daggers. She has extensive knowledge of combining herbs to create traps and poisoned weapons to help on the battlefield.
◈ Limitations:
- Can Lose Her Humanity
The more time she spends in her animal form, the more she begins to act like that creature. For example, if she spends more than a few days in her leopard form she will growl or hiss at others when upset or purr when happy. - Has Little Control of Electricity
While she can create electricity, just like in nature, that element is unpredictable. - Things Can Go Boom!
If Amaris has to make traps on the fly, chances are that things are going to explode. She has to have complete concentration when crafting her traps.
◈ Skill Proficiencies: Choose three skills from the DnD skill list in which your character excels.
- Acrobatics
Amaris is very nimble and flexible due to her cat-like nature, this allows her to move quickly at a moment's notice on the battlefield. - Stealth
The times that Amaris can tap into her animal side allow her to practically blend in when necessary between silent steps and using camouflage to her advantage. - Animal Handling
Due to being a shifter, Amaris can tap into how animals are feeling and commune with them on a more personal level.
◈ Skill Inabilities: Choose three skills from the DnD skill list in which your character has a disadvantage or lacks proficiency.
- Arcana
Even though Amaris possesses the ability of electrical magic, she has little knowledge or control over the magic she has. - Charisma
Mari struggles with discussing how she feels and will keep to herself a good majority of the time. She doesn't want to bother others with her issues. - Insight
Being a kid who has been locked away when she was growing up, many social skills go over Amaris' head. She is very black-and-white and has a hard time reading people. She is rather naive.
◈ Appearance:Amaris is a petite thing, standing 5'4" at best with a china-doll-like complexion and softly pointed ears. Her shoulder-length white hair is always in a messy braid or ponytail. Her ice-blue eyes are hardened from the abuse she received as a child. She wears mostly light adventurer armor and her red hooded cloak.
Her shifter form:
◈ Personality:Amaris keeps to herself mostly, she is quite happy to observe the world from a distance. Those that she does manage to form relationships with, she protects fiercely.
Amaris never takes the conventional route and prefers to explore life from off the beaten track, relying heavily on her instincts and powers of observation to guide it through the world. She has an air of indifference and the need for privacy keeps her on the outskirts of society, but her desire for comfort and pampering always brings it back.
When someone wrongs Amaris, she makes it her business to even the score. With superb patience, Amaris might even wait years for the right moment, and when the occasion comes to strike, she gathers all her forces and attacks. In the face of a ferocious display of magic and power from her shifter form, she surprises victims have little choice but to flee or die.
◈ History:Amaris grew up within a noble household being the illegitimate heir to the Snowden family. Her father, Grand Duke Nikolai, was never able to produce an heir with his wife, Lady Alexandra. When her mother, Gwenth, his Elven lover, gave birth to Amaris, she was taken away at birth. Amaris' mother was the Snowdens' personal herbalist and apothecary. Mari was raised under her stepmother's care, believing that her stepmother was her biological mother since her. They lived in Elysium, on one of the various wide-open estates for nobles called Thign Manor. The Snowdens were rumored to be the first noble family in Elysium, an older bloodline than the first settlers of the area. They prided themselves on being strong mentally, magically, and physically.
Born on the spring equinox, Amaris' birth was a rather easy one except for the fact she was ripped away from her mother's arms. Her magic began to surface for the first time when she was just six years old and shapeshifted after getting angry with a fellow noble boy. Ever since then, she had been kept within the manor walls to teach her how to control her abilities. Originally, Amaris would have attended boarding school in her teen years like the rest of her family but her family opted to hire the best tutors available to come and teach Mari personally.
When she turned fifteen, her stepmother fell miraculously pregnant, and thus began the endless torture. Lady Alexandra treated Mari like she was nothing more than a useless stray cat, someone she could kick around and couldn't fight back. With her father traveling all the time for work and not knowing her biological mother, Amaris was left to believe that her own mother hated her existence. That was until one day when Lady Alexandra snapped and told her that Mari was a mistake, that she was glad that Gwenth had caught that awful cold and died and that Amaris didn't have anyone who loved her. Mari escaped the only home she knew.
Since then, Amaris learned that her biological mother had been a beloved apothecary and worked for many nobles and lower class alike. She even was allowed to have access to her mother's business which had been closed since she passed. Mari learned everything she could about her mother and the life she lived. She also discovered that she had an affinity for the electricity element, although being older when she discovered it, she has little control over it. Now, Amaris works as a mercenary rogue using her feline abilities to kill and steal what is needed to survive.
◈ Goals:Amaris' main goal is to find somewhere that can feel like home. She wants to find those that are like family but struggles with trusting others. Mari enjoys animals and plants, and with her experiences being a mercenary, would rather be with them rather than with people sometimes. If granted, she would love to have a whole farm of animals to protect and raise.