Avatar of WhiteAngel25


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3 mos ago
Sorry partners! I’ve been exhausted lately. I will try to have posts out soon. :)
4 mos ago
Sorry for slow responses, this holiday weekend has been crazy busy for me. I will for sure be getting replies out tonight if not for sure tomorrow! :)
4 mos ago
I will be offline until tomorrow that’s when I will also get back to replies! :) Happy 4th to all my fellow Americans!
4 mos ago
Apologies to my RP partners, I was away from my computer most of the day and I'm exhausted. Replies will resume tomorrow. :)
4 mos ago
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?


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@Days maybe we should do a collaboration again? That way @Estylwen can move on to Chapter 3?
@Estylwen@Days Sabrina needs to give Thierry her piece of mind speech from the last two decades of covering his ass with his kids. 🤣
@Days Don’t worry, Sabrina will pick up both the girls (like normal). I didn’t know whether I should wait to post that or not.
After this next round, I will transition everyone deep into the forest on their journey after they have all enjoyed delicious pheasant. :)
Faline rolled her emerald hues as a small smirk grew at the corners of her mouth at Amandine's tease. She shook her head as Amandine's appetite was going to eat them out of house and home if they didn't stay on top of it. The young woman was so petite, that Faline didn't know where Amandine stored it all.

The redhead turned to Gus as he bowed in a showy manner. Her smirk grew a bit but a raised eyebrow joined her expression in amusement. "As always, Amandine is being too kind. I am not the leader, that is Sir Dorian. I just have my uncle's journal with his notes and theories," Faline spoke as she crossed her arms when Gus offered a massage. "I don't know with that one, Pretty Boy, it might have you falling in love with me and we can't have that," she teased with a wink before she walked away to Amandine's roasting fire.

Faline looked up at the mercenary who hopped off his horse. She smiled at the horse and gave the equine a polite bow before she gently touched the horse's soft nose. "Nice to meet you, Rock. Welcome to the chaotic party known as the Oath of the Concealed," Faline introduced as she gestured with her free hand to the others. She softly chuffed at the horse, who replied with its own gentle huff. Her green gaze traveled to Rock's.

"I apologize, but animals can tell a lot about their owners. Ash has nothing but good things to say about you," Faline explained as she let go of the horse when Torsten made his way to speak on behalf of the dead.

"I don't disagree with you, Torsten, that burying them is the right way. However, burning is just the only way to prevent the ground from becoming blighted with the Duskrot," Faline tapped on her lips in the thought of how they could get around this conundrum while she followed him back to Amandine. "Could we bless the corpses on a pyre? Like the Elvian do for their dead? Would that solve the issue of preventing spirits from lingering?" She asked after thinking for a while.

@Lexisheeps and a love button!
"You're not dead. In fact, you could say you've never been better!"

Stella would beg to differ with the pink-haired woman. She would say that this was the worst thing imaginable. Slowly, but surely the lights stopped and the uptake in her heartbeat evened out. Stella arched an eyebrow as the scientist clicked her pen, jotted down notes, and spoke words that made her heart drop.

"You're in the deeper levels of HiveMind's facility. You're under my care until your father comes by."

No, no, no! I need to get out of here. I refuse to be a test subject again. The snow-haired woman thought as she began to look around for any option to release herself from the table. Flashbacks of her mother arguing with someone, who wasn't in view that Stella was too young for all the augmentations that were recommended for her. However, her mother didn't have a choice.

A younger version of Stella, hugging her mother's pantleg tight, shivering with fear as who she had assumed was her father, yelled at them. Saying that 'he' wasn't going to like her mother delaying things and if it continued, 'he' would take care of Stella's augmentations himself. This happened every time a tall figure would observe Stella's training from the observation booths and whenever she surpassed her augmentation levels. It wouldn't be until her mother 'accidentally' left codes to unlock the doors to the outside world when Stella was a teen that she would be free. The other woman addressed Stella again, breaking her from the flashbacks.

"There's a lot to do to make sure you're ready for that, though. Absorbing a DCE, a Heart of Hearts, a nexus of energy, is like having a nuclear bomb tucked under your ribcage. I'm sure it feels... interesting. Tell me, do you notice anything different? Any murderous tendencies? Anything I should be worried about? You're one of the first of your kind. We've tried many, many times, but all of our experiments were failures. It seems it's just your destiny to be your father's perfect daughter, no?"

Stella moved her head away from the pink-haired woman's leaning face. "Besides wanting to gut my father like a fish for destroying not only my life but multiple others? And wanting to shove a peppermint down your throat for that awful artificial cherry lollipop smell? No, not really." She retorted as she lied a little. At the mention of murderous tendencies, she couldn't help but want to feel the warmth of watching the light fade from someone's eyes. But Stella couldn't admit that, because she knew that wasn't truly her. It was whatever energy she absorbed from that dragon.

"DAMN IT!" Dragon shouted as his fists smashed against the desk, denting the metal frame. Julia tugged at the collar of her shirt as the temperature in the room increased significantly and the news of Nova's submarine was sinking back down. Dragon stood up went to the closet doors of his office and swung it open.

"What would you like me to tell Star, sir?" Julia asked with a timid tone. Dragon's fiery furious gaze snapped to his assistant who shrunk back.

"Tell her that I'm on my way," Dragon retorted and Julia nodded, quickly leaving the office. The fired-up young man shed his work attire before wearing blue jeans, a white T-shirt, and his blue jacket with utility pockets. He tugged on his gloves and rolled his sleeves to show his forearms before sliding on his necklace.

Kai Stoick wasted no time making his way to Voidlight's teleportation pad. He gritted his teeth as there would be barely enough dark matter energy to get himself and the two girls home. Dragon was forced to leave Ghost behind. He pulled the large switch down to fire up the machine as an older male figure entered the lab where the pad was housed.

"Are you sure about this?" The older man asked as Kai rolled his eyes.

"You know as well as I do that we need to do this. We were contracted to save the girl, we will follow through. We just so happened to have an agent with the girl and we lost contact with Ghost," Kai replied as he put his pistol harness under his jacket. Dragon preferred to fight hand-to-hand combat but sometimes a little firepower was necessary. He hoped he wouldn't have to use it.

He quickly typed Nova and 3's location into the computer. "I will save Agent Star and the girl. We will have to go back for Ghost later," Kai added before he grabbed the return teleportation pad and button remote. The return pad folded out like a Dance-Dance Revolution mat with a long wire and button remote to it. He stepped into the middle of the teleportation machine and nodded at the older man. The man gave Kai a salute before throwing the switch.

The shock wave of teleportation rocked the submarine that Nova and 3 were in, creating a loud thud. Suddenly, the sound of sparks going off could be heard in the submarine as well as a bright orb of light getting increasingly bigger in front of the woman and the girl. Then a flash occurred and there stood Dragon for a moment before he hunched over a bit.

"Fuck, I will never get used to that," he commented as he realized how cold it was in the submarine. They didn't have much time. Dragon quickly spotted Nova and 3, relief washed over him as he was glad that they hadn't sunk any deeper. He could've missed them. He quickly laid out the return pad and turned it on to warm up.

Dragon wasted no time in pulling Nova close when she stood up, his left arm wrapped around her waist while his right hand gently grasped her chin. His amber eyes narrowed at the sight of blood on Nova's forehead and cursed under his breath as he neared the two.
"You had to go and get yourself hurt. Now, I won't be able to stop myself from worrying about you," Dragon clicked his tongue disapprovingly at Star but mostly at himself. He unwillingly let Nova go to assess 3 as well, she after all had been the target this entire time.

"How about we go back on land, hm?" Kai suggested as he gestured to the return pad that was ready to go. He grabbed a hold of the button, "Now, little lady, would you be so kind as to stand here for me?" Dragon asked 3 as there wasn't much room for three people, but they'd make it work. He pulled Nova close with his left arm, gave her a wink, and then looked at 3. "Teleportation is a bitch, and you may feel woozy and light-headed afterward. However, that's completely normal, paramedics are waiting for us,"
Dragon explained as he handed 3 the remote and pulled her close as well to keep everyone towards the middle of the pad. "Go ahead and hit that button, please," he added.

Once 3 hit the button, they would be consumed by the brightest light imaginable as if they were in the middle of the sun. A dull electrifying feeling would rack through the three people, followed by swirling around and around. Suddenly, they would find themselves in Voidlight's teleportation room. Kai kept his hold on Nora and 3 to prevent the girls from collapsing since it was their first time going through a teleportation unit. He let go of them once the paramedics took over and sat down himself, two teleportation visits in a week were hard on the body.
@Estylwen busy but I should have one up in an hour or so. Kids, am I right? Lol
I will post Monday! Tomorrow is going to be busy. :)
I will post a continuing post on Monday, just as an FYI for anyone that needs to catch up. :)
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