Avatar of WhiteAngel25


Recent Statuses

3 mos ago
Sorry partners! I’ve been exhausted lately. I will try to have posts out soon. :)
4 mos ago
Sorry for slow responses, this holiday weekend has been crazy busy for me. I will for sure be getting replies out tonight if not for sure tomorrow! :)
4 mos ago
I will be offline until tomorrow that’s when I will also get back to replies! :) Happy 4th to all my fellow Americans!
4 mos ago
Apologies to my RP partners, I was away from my computer most of the day and I'm exhausted. Replies will resume tomorrow. :)
4 mos ago
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?


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Most Recent Posts

@Lexisheeps Great post, Lexi! You had me tearing up a couple of times. Nick and Thierry's emotional trauma always makes me want to...

@Days Who knows maybe Stella will show up? Maybe she won't?
@PandolinSounds good!

Also, everyone! I’m going to be busy this weekend so I may not post until Monday to have Sir Dorian begin to explain things. 😊
@Play MistyYou’re fine! It was a great intro post! ☺️

@PandolinDid you want to post for Pebbles? 😊
@Play Misty Okay! Thank you for letting us know. :)
@Estylwen@Days Thank you in regards to my profile picture. It is similar to real life attributes. :)
I understand, completely Ti. I feel the same. But some don’t, so to be fair and try to keep things even. It’s what I’m going with for now. ☺️
Hi Everyone!

I hope you all are doing well! 😊

I just wanted to pop on and say that from now on just ‘thumbs up’ posts or just don’t react at all in the IC. It has come to my attention that some people don’t feel comfortable with other reactions.

As a result, I have decided to finish liking everyone’s intro posts and then I won’t react in the IC anymore from there forward.

Thanks, lovelies!

@Days thank you! :)

And I hope my post was enough. 😅 I just went off of the emotions that leads to the inevitable divorce. Lol
Sabrina held Cosette close, softly petting her dark curls on top of her head, letting the young girl get all the emotion she needed out. She felt heartbreak as her youngest daughter mentioned that she wanted Thierry to be proud of her. The mother of three closed her eyes for a moment, and then they snapped back open the moment she heard a fist contact with flesh. Her eyes instantly narrowed at her husband and the Egyptian man on the ground, clutching his face. Her golden gaze lit up with calm fury as she slowly stood up while her husband ranted about how he didn't want to bring the children in the first place. Thierry and Mr. Andrews were saved from her wrath as Theo called for her attention.

Sabrina held Cosette close with her right arm as they followed the group. She had no words at the moment. There was no way that she could brush away Thierry's behavior he displayed in front of the children. Sabrina smiled softly at her youngest as they arrived in the sacrificial chamber again. She watched as Aurelie finished helping Mr. Andrews. "Cosy, honey, please, go be with Auri for a moment, okay? I am going to check up on Papa," Sabrina instructed before she placed a kiss on the girl's forehead.

Sabrina gave her eldest daughter a tired shrug and thanked her for the gauze, sterilized wipe, and bandage before she walked over to her husband. "Sit, Thierry," she spoke with a bite to her tone and pointed at the large boulder that served as a nice bench.

"Yesterday, you told me that you didn't want the children around the pyramid," Sabrina commented as she ripped open the sterile wipe and wasn't too gentle patting it on the cut. "I believe you were the one that invited the kids to come along this morning at breakfast, or did I just dream that because it seems like I'm getting memory whiplash lately when it involves your promises." She placed two gauze pads on Thierry's wound after she was thorough with the cleaning of the wound. The cut would have to be properly checked once they were out of the tomb.

"I also asked you several times before coming to Egypt in the first place if you were sure that you wanted to bring the children along. I clearly remember offering to have them stay at my brother's place while we finished this dig. But, no, you insisted that everything would be alright," Sabrina added, keeping her voice down so only Thierry could hear her. She ripped open the bandage covering and laid it over the gauze. Her expression was neutral as she peered down at Thierry. "You need to go apologize to the kids. They don't deserve your frustration because of your backpedaling," she muttered before glancing around.

"Where the hell is Theo?" The mother of three asked as she placed her hands on her hips. She sighed softly and pinched the bridge of her nose. Sabrina's limit for keeping her emotions in control was coming to an end.
Mm, I think it’s less brainstorm and I’m just in a funk for ideas. I going to start writing after lunch and see if the juices start flowing again. Thank you though! :)
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