Avatar of WhiteAngel25


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3 mos ago
Sorry partners! I’ve been exhausted lately. I will try to have posts out soon. :)
4 mos ago
Sorry for slow responses, this holiday weekend has been crazy busy for me. I will for sure be getting replies out tonight if not for sure tomorrow! :)
4 mos ago
I will be offline until tomorrow that’s when I will also get back to replies! :) Happy 4th to all my fellow Americans!
4 mos ago
Apologies to my RP partners, I was away from my computer most of the day and I'm exhausted. Replies will resume tomorrow. :)
4 mos ago
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?


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@Pandolin Yes, love! 😊 I have a post in the works. Thank you for checking in and everyone else for voicing their favor to continue. A lot has happened real life and has slowed my posting.
@Lexisheeps@Estylwen Thank you both! You both are too kind! :) And yes, Lexi, a Nick/Anna collab will definitely be interesting! :D
@EstylwenPost is up! Let me know if the last part is too far of a stretch. XD Anna is honestly just being nice and sharing her organic grass-fed jerky Torren/Maw.
Caana, East Hole


Annalise smiled with relief with tears watering up in her hazel eyes. She felt Nova's chilly touch on her face, which was welcome over not having Nova alive at all. "I'm okay, you were out cold in the water. I think the portal dropped you into a deeper length. You must have swallowed some water upon impact," Anna concluded as she followed Nova's gaze to the environment she ported them to. The sand was interesting, something that only dark matter could form in...situations. Such knowledge made Anna tilt her head as she scooped up sand and let it funnel out the bottom of her fist.

Annalise was brought back to focus when Nova asked her question. She blushed softly and smiled sheepishly. "Thanks, Nova, but I was only doing what you would do," she admitted as she had sworn to herself long ago that she would never leave anyone behind again after escaping the Hivemind Facility.

The young lady stood up with her guardian, secretly afraid that said guardian might be a bit dizzy from the episode in the water. That was when Anna really began to look at things. Suddenly, the water turned dark crimson as drums were beaten loudly. Her gaze locked with Nova's as dread filled her being while a platform rose. She nodded in agreement with Nova's warning of caution while she took her own axe in her hands.

Seeing the man on the slab, Annalise winced as flashbacks flickered through her mind. Instead of stone, she saw metal. Instead of a dagger, she saw a scalpel. Anna tightened her grip on her axe as her gaze glanced at the man's appearance. He seemed to be in pain, disheveled, and coughing up...Anna lowered her axe to her side upon seeing the familiar color of fluids.

After Nova warned her again and quickly took the dagger, Anna used her free hand to touch Nova's hip. "Nova, I-I think I know what is happening to him," she confessed as she did another look around and gave her a worried expression. "I also don't think this is real real, ya know? It-it's like we're in a twisted VR game. Why would the water suddenly change? Why would the drum, which there is no one around, suddenly play?" Annalise suggested as she bit her bottom lip softly.

"It's like the situation experiments that I was forced to be in before I escaped," Anna explained as she flicked her worried gaze at her guardian and then the man. She set down her bag and pulled out a water and protein bar. Annalise unwrapped the bar and cracked open the water. She smiled softly at the young man while she handed the bar's wrapper and lid to Nova.

"This might be awkward to eat, but I think you need it. You need energy to heal and...and you won't be able to get out of here with us if you're weak and dehydrated. Please, don't bite me," Anna explained as she sighed softly and showed the young man her sparkling hands. "I think I'm kinda like you," she added while she lowered the protein bar to the young man's mouth. If he ate the bar, she then poured some water carefully into his mouth upon him opening his jaw.

If Nova looked at the ingredients of the protein bar she would see that it was made with dehydrated meat, basically a jerky bar with bovine muscle meat, organ meat, and...blood. Anna unknowingly gave a 'blood' sacrifice.

@CaptainManbeard I will have a character sheet posted sometime tomorrow evening if I get the chance.
Cleome smiled softly and nodded as an answer to Cait's question about sensing the wildlife. "Everything is connected, whether we realize it or not," she spoke as the heat could be a factor with the insects and other creatures as Victor said. Cleo couldn't help but get a weird feeling of it all all. The fae woman kept her eyes and ears open for anything the creatures could be nervous about. After gazing around the area for a bit, Cleome decided that food was probably a good option. One never knew when they would get the chance to eat again.

Cleo tilted her head as she figured she would likely need shoes. Humans were picky with such rules, so she reached for her sandals where she had been sitting in the back of the truck. She slipped on the tan leather corded flats, grabbed her matching leather parcel, and crossed the parking lot to the diner. Upon opening the door, it jingled, causing Cleome to glance up at the bell with curiosity. Such interesting thoughts humans had to warn one another of their presence.

Cleo glanced around until she found Vincent and smiled softly. "Is it alright to share a meal space with you, Vincent, or would you prefer to be by yourself? I understand the need for solitude," she said as she adjusted the strap of the parcel over her head to rest on her shoulder, cross-body-wise, and pulled her long, dark hair out from being stuck.

@Lexisheeps I guess we’ll just have to wait and see? ^_^
@Days Thank you! :) I figured it would be a good way to connect the flow, plus I needed more material to write. Lol XD

Going East...

Anna's wide hazel eyes locked with her guardian's, nodding in understanding as she not only grabbed the axe, quickly strapping it to her backpack but also two small daggers. She followed Nova in.

Annalise splashed into the water but was able to stand perfectly fine. The water level hit halfway up her calf as she stood up and looked around. Her eyebrows furrowed as the water was dark as night but the area was at dusk. "Nova?!" Anna called out for her guardian. She began walking to the bank but then felt a familiar tingle in her hands. Anna took a deep breath to reign in the sensation.

'At least my hands haven't started sparkling yet,' she thought as she glanced around the area. Her eyes widened seeing a body bobbing further out into the water. Annalise quickly recognized the figure and ran as fast as she could. "Nova! Nova!" She shouted as she paused to grab some long reed leaves before finally getting to deeper water and swam out to her protector. Her heart was pounding in her chest as she propped Nova's face out of the water.

"N-Nova? Be okay, please be okay," Annalise begged as she placed her fingers on Nova's pulse. She sighed in relief as she felt a pulse, then quickly took the reed leaves, wrapping them under Nova's arms, and began to swim as fast as she could to the nearest bank. Anna managed to get about halfway but the current continued to push them out. She cursed softly in Egyptian under her breath as she spotted a figure of white on the bank. The figure had a mask over their face, long flowing hair rippled behind the mask as they tilted their head in observation.

'Everything will be okay. Trust her,' a warm voice echoed in Annalise's head and that was when she knew she had no choice now.

"Please don't be mad at me, Nova, but I'm going to have to do this," Anna murmured as she wrapped her left arm around Nova and pointed her right hand at the bank. She bit her lip and focused on the bank, taking a deep breath as her hand began to sparkle, then glow. Suddenly the researcher and her ward were enveloped in a warmth of lavender before they appeared on land. Anne snapped her head in the direction of the white figure but saw the figure had disappeared.

Annalise scrambled back to Nova and listened to her chest. Heart rate was slow but there. She tilted her guardian on her side and pounded Nova's back until the sound of coughing up water could be heard. "Oh! Thank heavens!" Anna sighed in relief as she heard Nova's breathing return to normal.

Secret HiveMind Facility

Unknown to the researcher, the twitch of a familiar fair hand occurred as did the crack of an icy blue eye. The figure glanced around briefly as they recognized the caramel-colored skin of the figure in the pod next to them. Consciousness didn't last long as the figure, who had been dormant for so long was exhausted from the mental support she just sent.
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