Avatar of Xaltwind


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Current There is doom and gloom and things go boom, in Dexter's lab~!
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Corporate Clinic put me up for three sick days to recover
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O Rly? *Owl face*
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Tired of being tired


  • I don't use social media, discord or google docs.
  • I suffer from Retinitis Pigmentosa and use a text-reading software to get through other peoples' posts.
  • I'm rude, short-tempered and unserious. I'll likely say things that'll upset, offend and/or infuriate you.
  • I consider roleplaying a hobby and a pass-time, not art.
  • I do anime-roleplay and only anime-roleplay.

Most Recent Posts

NoCo did answer them, albeit in a PM with me. I usually would never reval private convo information to others, but since what we talked about was just questions about the RP, I don't think there's any harm in it.

So, let me know if any of this is faulty re-telling of information, @TheNoCoKid

- We don't have to start our own group/faction/nation if we don't want to, apparently.

- The end-goal/final chapter/wrapping-up-point is still being worked out.

- When our toons die, time will apparently slow down a la "Tanya the Evil"-mode and we get to chat with our prefered deity before we croak, so there's apparently no need to worry about bleeding out or dying before we get a chance to discuss things about what we want in the new life.

Hopefully that wasn't out of turn or rude of me, and I really hope I diidn't get any of the info wrong. Feel free to slap me with fish if I did though.

As I am happy with the answers I got though, I will be going all-in on my interest for this RP. :)
About 11 hours left until I start working on this week's update.
Most of you have posted, but we do have one straggler, and they're also in danger since they missed posting last round and haven't contacted me via PM or said anything in the OOC.
@Silverstein, @sly13
I appreciate the interest, but at this time, we're waitingon word from the people on the Reservation3--list, the post is just below the first OOC post. Until the people on that list either finish their CS'es or announce they no longer want to join, I'm afraid I can't accept new applicants, as I promised that people who spoke up in the interest check would get priority.

If the remaining people resign their interest though, you're both more than welcome to apply!
Player: @Crowvette

I'm sorry to hear that, but thank you for letting me know. I wish you the best of luck in whichever other Rps you may join in the future.
That's good to know, albeit that does lead to one needing to be very specfici and very careful about what one writes and says in their initial IC post. And, from an immersive standpoint, I don't personally feel that it maeks a lot of sense that a person who is dying, unless they're absolutely sure that nothing's going to change that outcome, would be so calm and rational as to just lie there and go: "Oh man, if I get reborn I really wish I'll get X, Y and Z and be able to do A, B and C."
But the knowledge that I can, at least attempt to, somehow influence what my character gets reborn as/into has made me more interested again.

Another question though is about the free-form aspect of the RP.

Since there's no overall "plot" and people are free to do whatever they want - more or less, what's the end goal? How do we know when we've reached the end of the RP? Are we just gonna keep going until people say they're no longer interested in continuing, or do you have some kind of epilogue or final chapter planned for eventually wrapping things up?

Also, as this is listed to have the Nation-tag, are we required to start a nation/group/faction of our own? OR can our character just run around and be a loner for as long as the RP is running?


Oh, and don't mind me if I sound overly critical or negative. I don't mean to, I just have a natural penchant for coming off that way.

That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime is actually one of my favorite series from the past few years, so I am very interested in this RP as its based on it. :)
I was a bit interested up until the poihnt where the decision for what you reincarnate as/into was decidedly out of my hands. While I don't mind RNG or having skills/abilities assigned to me and then trying to figure out how to use them - I actually quite like that concept - the thought of having someone else decide for me what race/gender my character is a bit too much for me.

Plus it'll make searching for a proper face-claim really frustrating.

Unless of course this is negotiable, to some extent, of course.
But did it involve stepping on legos?

No, but it did involve using a grappling hook to collect lego-bit-debris strewn about the race track. xD
Unrelated to anything in particular, but I had an awesome dream this night - despite my hand/wrist killing me when I woke up.

It involved legos. And racing. It was great.
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