Avatar of Xaltwind


Recent Statuses

5 days ago
Weeekends go by so fast, it almost doesn't even feel real
13 days ago
Had me dear old dad help me clean out the PC today . So much dust... Thanks dad, love ya, old timer
17 days ago
There is doom and gloom and things go boom, in Dexter's lab~!
25 days ago
Corporate Clinic put me up for three sick days to recover
1 like
25 days ago
I think I'm catching a cold


  • I don't use social media, discord or google docs.
  • I suffer from Retinitis Pigmentosa and use a text-reading software to get through other peoples' posts.
  • I'm rude, short-tempered and unserious. I'll likely say things that'll upset, offend, annoy and/or infuriate you.
  • I make dumb jokes, have dark humor and enjoy beating the dead horse with a stick.
  • I'm a hopeless, unabashed and unapologetic perv. I like my lewd.
  • I consider roleplaying a hobby and a pass-time, not art.
  • I do anime-roleplay and only anime-roleplay.

Most Recent Posts

Cub's kinda... Dead... Though...
@Silver Carrot
Ow, that post... Ow... my heart.. Too close to home... Ow... Why, bruw? Why you do this to me? D:
I just tend to copy the entire IC posts and then have my text-program read them for me, so I don't really notice when there're hiders in the posts unless I myself actively look through them. :V

My B~
Gotta catch'em all~
Especially if they're a wolf waifu. Which reminds me, give us a pic of her merrick-appearance, dangit!
Considering Minami never played any vidya games, read any manga/lught novels or watched any animu, she's not exactly familiar with the whole "isekai game-mechanics"-trope. Hopefully she'll find someone who can teach her - otherwise, she likely won't be figuring any of that out for a very long time. xD
Lord Dragomir's Castle(?)


As Minami had gotten inside, the doors that had let her in suddenly decided to close. On their own. Without anyone pulling them. Because that wasn't suspiscious or the start to every splatter-horror-movie ever or anyhting. Nope. This was totally not going to go south very soon, very fast. The young woman couldn't help but feel a slight sense of unease, though it was more from the lack of knowing where she was and what was going on, rather than being afraid of being trapped inside and unknown castle in the middle of gods-know-where... Which seems like the more pressing matter that most other people would've been concerned with. But then again, Minami wasn't most people.

A sudden flickering of light then caught her eyes, as she watched a veritable row of candles light themselves. Fancy. But very unnerving. If she'd been familiar with things like anime, games or other such media, she might have found the whole thing horribly cliché and face-palmed at the sight - but, luckily, she was not, so the efficacy of the theatrical display was not wasted, as the woman blinked and looked both amazed and confused. Were there light-switches that could turn on and off candles? Shed'd never heard of such a thing... Alas, there was no time to follow on with that thought.

An older woman, dressed in a generic maid outfit, then suddenly descended form the grandiose and overly lavish staircase infront of her. Once the servant had descended the steps and approached Minami, she performed a courteous western greeting traditional of females from high society, spoke and presented the guest with... uh... A cape? Cloak? Wait, what was that about being chilled by the morning sun? And... Drago-what? Was that the name of whoever owned this place? How'd he sensed someone was at the door? Had he seen Minami from one of the winows on the upper floors? But she hand't seen anyone when she was outside looking in... Although, that really didn't say much. It wasn't like she'd been looking terribly intently. Still, she had to respond, right?

"Ah, uh... Thank you, Miss... Rowena?"

Minami accepted the gift and responded by giving the maid the traditional bowta that was customary in Japan. She wasn't exactly sure what to do with a cape while inside... But it seemed rude to pass it up when she was being offered both entrance and good manners out of nowhere. The maid's words about questions was somehthing the younger woman responded to though, standing up straight again and looking with faint smile - relieved she'd be able to get answers so quickly. Though, she didn't seem to understand what the older woman was talking about in regards to the other fledgelings, or waiting out the sun.

"Well then, if you don't mind, miss." Minami started. "Could you tell me where we are? I'm afraid I'm not familiar with the area... I saw a ... Town? In the distance, but I couldn't recognize it either. and are you sure it's alright for me to impose on... Lord Drago...n...ear... like this? I don't want to impose."

Minami's words were polite, calm and clear. Which was still a bit strange for her. After all, she was used to her speech being more mouse-like, quiet and muted, often forcing people to tell her to repeat herself. But that didn't seem to be the case right now. It was an odd sensation. She remained quiet for a brief moment before adding:

"Oh, and do you know anything about a strange... Winged man... Wearing golden armor?"

Perhaps this was her way to get some information on that weird person who had showed up right after.. She... Died... Oh. Oh right. She'd died. And come here. To wherever here was. Was this a dream? She raised a hand and pinched her cheek, pulling it out. It stung. A lot. She let go while letting out a cutesy series of 'ow, ow, ow, ow!'s. Nope. Not a dream.

Tiffany Leicester, Earth

Sunlight filtered in through the drapes on the big dinwo, and a happy, cheerful and peppy tune started playing on the phone lying on the nightstand.

A grumbling noise from the mass of sheets and pillows on the bed right beside it was heard, before a hand reached out and started blindly trying to swat at or grab the culprit whichw was making all that noise.

It took a while, but eventually the infernal device was silenced!

A few minutes passed. A few minutes of nothing.

Then, the golden-haired girl hiding in the mountain of bedding suddenly rose from her realm of slumber, like a mighty Loch Ness monster slowly rising form its... Loch... of... Ness... Metaphores!

Stretching her arms out and yawning, she blinked and rubbed her eyes, before sliding off the side of her bed and standing up. Making a few disgruntled nooises and yawning once more while stretching and arching her back with her arms held up, she looked around the room. The room filled with her things. It wasn't an overly large room, but it was spacious enough for one girl to keep all her stuff. Wardrobe, desk, chair, mirror, bookshelf, drawers, posters... Yup, it was all still there.

Finally a bit more awake, she felt the call of nature, and headed out.

Of course, she had to run into him right out of the door.

"Woah! Sis! What're you doing!? Go put some clothes on!"
"... Jeez, you're so loud, shut up."
"That's shameful! Can't you be a bit more modest?"
"Why the heck would I need to be? We're at home, numb-nuts, remember? Not like anyone can see me anyway."
" can see you!"
"So? What, you're into your own older sister now? Way gross."
"That's not it! Your're so weird, Tiffany! Stop saying that kinda nonsense and go put some clothes on!"
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Toilet."

She ignored him. Man, Phillip really was such an annoying little turd, wasn't he? Continuing on to the bathroom, she didn't have anymore run-ins. Once inside, she did what needed be done. Her business, brushing teeth, brushing her hair, shower, checking herself out a bit, you know, the usual morning-stuff.

Once she was done and got out, she was greeted by a tiny little one wearing a very cutesy, pastel-pink pajama. Tiffany smiled.

"Morning, Lily."
"Morning, Tiffa! Mhm~" The little one got a gentle pat on the head.
"Slept well?"
"Yup! I dreamed about a unicorn!"
"Ohh? That's sounds fun."
"Yeah! He was really cute."
"I bet. Not as cute as you though, right?"
"Mhmhm~!" The little one was tickled in the sides and giggled happily. "By the way, Tifa. Isn't today whenn you gotta go to that place?"
"Hm? What place?"
"You know, the one with the cameras and old guys."
"... Oh. Yeah, you're right. Thanks for reminding me, I almost spaced on that completely. You're sucha a good girl~"

More laughing and giggling as the two sisters hugged each other. Then, after a bit of bonding, it was off to eat breakfast. All the things were laid out, but nobody was there. Mom and dad had probably already eaten, and so had Phil - most likely. So it was just going to be her and Lily then? That was good. She really didn't feel up to dealing with either of the two bible-thumpers this morning.


After having gotten dressed and sat down at the table, Tifanny made herself some toast. She flipped through the various news and feeds on hher phone, only giving each thing a brief glance.

War. Economic troubles. Natural Diasters. Civil unrest in some country she'd never even heard about. Yeah, the usual crap. Jeez, why couldn't all these other places and people get their shit together? She sighed and took a big crunchy munch from her toasty toast. Lily was taking her time though... Was she still getting ready? Wait, what time was it?

"Oh, crap!"

Scarfing down the rest of breakfast, she also chugged her glass of milk before heading on out to the hallway.

"I'm heading out, guys. Watch the house until mom gets back, 'kay?"

She thought she heard Lily call from upstairs, but it was hard to hear. Phil didn't respond. Not that it mattered, not like he was going to go anywhere anyway. Getting her designer shoes on, she gave herself a once-over in the big hallway mirror, corrected her bangs a little and then set off out the door.


Normally dad would've offered to drive her, but he'd been called in to some executive meeting-or-whatever. And mom had taken off to teach one of her students, so she had no choice but to take the bus. Sure, she could've called an uber or something, but she didn't feel like being stuck in some smelly, dinky little car with some middle-aged perv staring at her cleavage through the rear-view mirror all the way. thanks but no thanks. She got enough leering as it was without having it be close contact, thank you very much.

The ride was rather uneventful and she got off at the place she needed to without incident. Walking past an alley, she got accosted by some old, smelly, heavily bearded man who asked if she could spare some change. But not in a very nice way. Tiffany didn't even acknowledge his existence. She thought she could hear the human garbage spit and say soemthing uncouth, but it didn't matter. What was the point of concerning yourself with people like that? Parasites and lowlives who'd let their lives go to shit because they were too lazy, too stupid or both to remain as a member of society. She really wished someone would just clean up the streets sometimes.


Her phone rang. It startled her a bit. But wait, it wans't time yet. Who was calling her? Lifting up the device, she looked at the caller ID.

Oh, it was just Jess.


"Hey, girl. 'Sup?"
"Hey, hey~! How ya doing, Tiff? Big day today, right?"
"Oh, is it?"
"Pssh, don't play cool. You've got that big gig soon, right? The park venue? For the magazine?"
"Oh, that. Yeah, I'm on my way there right now."
"'Atta girl! You're gonna knock 'em dead."
"Uh yeah! Of course I am. I'm like, 'totes on top today."
"Huh-huh, uh-uhuh. That's what I wanna hear. You're gonna swing by and hang a little afterwards though, right? Milly wants to see you too."
"Awww, I wanna see Mill-Mill too, but I can't.... I gotta go straight back home and look after Lils until mom gets back."
"Aw, boo. Well, I guess it can't be helped. Next time then, 'kay?"
"Mhm, sure. You got it. Love you, buh-bye now."


Jess. An old friend from junior high. They'd even gone to the same high school. She was an upper mioddle-spec girl. Not as pretty as Tiffany, but a good person and popular enough in her own right. She felt a little happy that her friend had called and, in her own way, wished her luck. Not that she needed it, she'd been doing this for three years now. Still, the thought was more than enough to be endearing.


It had taken a while, but she was finally on site. The staff were already busy setting things up and getting everything ready. All the nobodies had been asked to, and told, to stay away while the shoot was going on, so there wouldn't be any interference or unnecessary re-takes. Which was good. As sge got closer, she heard a familiar effeminate voice call out to her.

"Tiffany, darliiiiing, you're finally ehre."
"Hey, Marco. Sorry to keep you waiting."
"Oh don't you worry your buns, hun. We're still setting up. You've got time to change and get ready, don't. You. Fret." He wagged his finger and gave her a wink.
"Cool. So, where's the changing-"
"Eight over there, gorgeous." He pointed an awfully well-manecured finger to a little tent.
"Nice, thanks. Love your nails, by theway."
"Oh-ho, you do~? Thanks sweeite, I'll take you to my salon next time. You'll love it."
"Sounds great. I'll go get ready."
"Ciao~ HEY! CRREFUL WITH THAT, YOU MORON! DON'T DAMAGE THE EQUIPMENT OR I'LL HAVE YOUR ASS!" ... Marco's latter words weren't said in quite the same... Flamboyantly charming tone of voice as he'd used when talking to Tiffany...


Having gotten herself changed, she took a look in the mirror. It was a nice piece. She really liked the red top, it went well with her skin-tone. The shoes were a bit awkward though, but hopefully she wouldn't need to walk around too much. The girl they'd hired to do her makeup sure knew what she was doing though.

"Looking good, girl." Tiffany said to her own reflection, giving herself a wink.

Then one of the toadies called out from beyond the drapes of the tent.

"We're all set! You ready?"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming."


"Ah, ja! Guut! Guut! So veri guut! Oh yes, work it! Ze kamera, she luvs you, baby! Gif me another of those, ja! Just like dat!! Wunderbar!"

Gunther was as energetic and lively as usual with the camera. She remembered when she'd first started, she almost couldn't help but laugh at his accent and way of doing things, but she'd gotten used to it. She was a pro after all. Posing, expressions, movement, she got it all down pat. And once this shoot was over, she was finally going to get into the big leagues. She'd become a house-hold name and start going places. Real places. And she'd gotten here, all on her own! She couldn't help but feel--


-- Like she was about to get hit by a speeding truck.

Wait, what?


Screaming, shouting and running. She didn't get what was happening until it was all too late. She saw Gunther and Marco hurl themselves to the right, before a pair of blindingly bright lights suddenly emerged from where they'd been and came right for her. It was like... Being a deer in the middle of a road, facing down a pair of headlights on a car... Which was an actually 100% accurate way of what was happening. Except instead of a car, it was a truck. A truck in the middle of a god-damned park!

She didn't feel much, not really. There was a very brief moment of intense pain as the several metric tonnes of metal and machine crashed into her soft, supple frame wiht its front, punting her backwards for several feet. But as she sailed through the air, upside down, hair fluttering free and careless in the ensuing draft... She couldn't help but notice everything slow down and that all the world's color seemed to drain into this weird, grey-scale filter-like state.

She stared, frozen in place while airborne. The screaming, horrified facesof the crew, running for their lives to get out of the way. The knocked over or completely totalled equipment being sent flying. the trees and bushes and benches, all turned upside-down because of her own position. The birds flying in the sky below.

What the actual fuck?

Are... Are you shtting me? What the fuck's goingon? Where'd this truck come from!? What the hell was he thinkin, driving that thing right into here? Angry and dismayed thoughts filled her mind. She could see the windshielf. The driver inside? His eyes were wide, his face contorted into a weird grimace... Was... Was he high!? Was he one of those truckers on meth? You're serious? No, seriously? This coked-up jackass ran me over? Me? He couldn't have hit a mugger or some homeless guy? No, of course not. She fumed. There're assohles out there who rape, rob, murder and start wars for no good fuckin' reason, but I'm the one being run over by a god-damned truck in broad daylight? What the hlel is ths shit? I went to school! I passed all my subjects! I studied and got my gradss! I even got my own job and career! Me, I did this! I got me where I am! And now I'm gonna just... Die!? I solved all my problems myself, never asked dad or mom to get involved when I had personal issues or spats at school or with others! I dealt with all my crap myself, I cleaned up after myself! So what's the meaning of this, huh? Why is someone like me being killed for no reason!?

Tifanny was miffed. Thinking back, she recalled having dealt with bullies who tried to pick on her, or her friends. She remembered dealing with teachers who'd made inappropriate advances. She remembered dealing with creepy stalkers - by way of calling the police, mind you - and the many, many times she'd had to argue and bicker with her mom about her job and way of dressing. Of course, she'd been born into a rather sweet home with a pretty damn good outset on life, but still. It wasn't like it was her fault that she'd been born into better-off-than-most household, right?

This... This isn't fair! It's not fair! I was gonna be a model, a real one! I was finally geonna get some recognition for all my hard work... All that care I took of myself and my bod', my health... All that time excersiging and staying fit, eating right... Diets... I was gonna look slammin' until I was in my 40s or something, at least! But now, now I'm just gonna get mangled by this truck-fuck? That's... That's not right... There're so many other assholes out there who deserve this... Those dicks who do nothing but spread pain and suffering, don't help anyone and don't do anything good for the world... Miserable sacks of shit that just make everyone around them suffer or uncomfortable... They're the ones who should be getting run over, not me!

She felt something wet on her cheeks. Even though time seemed frozen, she could still tell taht she was crying. But, was it from anger, or from fear? Perhaps both.

Dad... Lily... Mom... Phil... I... I don't want this... I don't want to die like this... I wa... I wanted to come home and tell you all about it... All about how I was finally making it big... Why... Why'd this have to happen, God?

But God didn't answer. Instead, the colors of the world returned. Time began to move, and Tiffany's body ceased being airborne, instead proceeding to ragdoll onto the grassy ground. Right infront of the truck.

... Which proceeded to run over the motionless girl, turning her once attractive and stylish form into a mangled, horribly irrecognizlabe mess.




But on the bright side, it seemed that everyone else from the photoshoot had managed to come out unscathed!

Yay, thanks~ :3
Will work on both Mina and Tiff's posts tomorrow.


Nah, just kdding. I couldn't help myself. So i went and made the post now. :3
But dang that took a lot longer than I'd planned.

And crap, I forgot to put a bit about her using her Click-Clock account... Oh wel,, just assume she checked it during breakfast or something. :V
So, Dalton gets a wolf-waifu, BELO gets to establish his own orc harem and Minami gets... An old woman and a creepy voyeur vampire-lord... Awesome! 8D

I like the way that Rowena phrased the "being chilled to the bone by the morning sun" though. That made me smile. Now to bombard the old bat with hundreds of questions and then... TAKE OVER THE CASTLE! ... Or, y'äknow, not get turned into some old fart's vampire-sex-slave... That'd be nice too. Whichever comes first will work I suppose~

Also, should I take your silence on Tiffany's sheet as her being a no-go? :o
*Hisses and retreats to the shadows once more*

Curse you, Gadget...! Next time... NEXT TIME!
Now time for sleep.
Then awaken for work.
Then come home and read GLORIOUS COMMUNIST POSTS from all of you.
... But I'm so curious... *slowly moves towards the curtain with grabby-gropey hand-motions*
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