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  • I don't use social media, discord or google docs.
  • I suffer from Retinitis Pigmentosa and use a text-reading software to get through other peoples' posts.
  • I'm rude, short-tempered and unserious. I'll likely say things that'll upset, offend, annoy and/or infuriate you.
  • I make dumb jokes, have dark humor and enjoy beating the dead horse with a stick.
  • I'm a hopeless, unabashed and unapologetic perv. I like my lewd.
  • I consider roleplaying a hobby and a pass-time, not art.
  • I do anime-roleplay and only anime-roleplay.

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So a passive skill might be to always know what time it is, or where you've been?

And a combination skill might be something within arm's reach unlocks when you snap your fingers?

A passive skill is something that gives you a constant benefit. So, yes, technically you could have a skill that tells you the time of day, but then, you could just buy a magic watch or hourglass... As for the map-idea, that's not quite the same thing givenn that it'd be INCREDIBLY inconvenient to ALWAYS have a magic mental map in your head, pointing a mental arrow at the little white blip on the graph-paper background and going: YOU'RE HERE! While simulataneously adding small notes and funny descriptions of places you''ve been.
So, yes to clock, no to map.

Conditional Skills work like that yes. Of course, the condition has to match the effect that the skill produces. You're not just gonna be able to Thanos-snap your enemies to death, but you could snap your fingers to create a candle-sized flame for a minute or so, at no magic cost.
I'm currently working on putting the OOC together.
Thank you everyone who has shown interest so far. :)

If any of you want to suggest names for one of, some of, or all of the Six Major Nations, feel free to drop some names in here.

Also, in case anyone is worried about it:

Don't worry, the one-to-four inherent skills you're born with aren't the only "abilities" you'll get. Depending on your job/class, you'll pick up new "Learned Skills" or "Techniques" to compliment your role. Just think of the born-with skills as a sort of basis or foundation for your character.

.. At least if you wanna min-max, that is. But if you wanna be a wizard who was born with Barbarian Rage and a passive boost to Wind Instruments, that's cool too~
Welp, since we got 5+ interested people I guess I'll start work on the OOC.
This Interest Check will still be open in case anyone has more questions, or anyone else wants to sign on as potentially interested.
Is there any particular advantage to having been born with only a single unique skill? Or is it unilaterally a bad thing?

While I'd say its generally more useful to have more skills by an objective view, remember; The goal of this RP isn't to become strong enough to defeat the Demon King - and even if that is your character's motivation, it won't come true - at least not in this particular story. Sometimes, people just get the short end of the stick and are born with less "gifts" than others.

Perhaps that's why your character is looking for an adventuring party, because they can't make it on their own as a solo adventurer? Or perhaps they were kickced out of their old party, because their team found someonw who has the same class/job, but more useful skills? Of course, if you just want to min-max and make yourself as strong as possible, I'd definetely suggest more is always better.

I can naturally be persuaded to do some balance-fenagling if you choose to just ahve ONE skill when others go for multiple, but you'll never have that "OMG BROKEN"-skill that just trivializes everything or makes you invincible regardless.
So it's just 4 skills max of the varying types? Is it going to be possible to change them at any point?

No, since they're skills you were born with, not skills you learned or acquired through reading some kind of magic manual.
I'm getting MoreSerious!Konosuba and LessDark!Goblin Slayer. You know as in, mundane everyday 'less epic' adventure. Is that sort of what you're going for?

The backgrounds and goals of each character is up to the player to decide for themself. if you want a super grimdark past where your entire family was murdered/slaughtered by some kind of monsters, or people, then you can go for that. if you want a light-hearted, none-too-serious goof-reason like in KonoSuba to be your motivation, then you can go with that too.

The tone of the RP is set by the goals and dreams of the player characters in the party. You could call it "everyday adventure", but that isn't really fair, since the ultimate goal of the RP is to try and fullfil whatever "goal" each member of the party is chasing after. If this goal is silly or serious depends on the player.

What I can say though is that there won't be any travelling around the world to "save the world". The group may travel between the six countries to visit different dungeons, meet certain NPCs or otherwise, but it won't ever be because "The Prophet" or "The King" sent our party there, but rather because our party wanted/needed to go there for personal reasons.

Or, TL;DR:
Sort of yes, with a little bit of no.
We Aren't The Hero's Party

A Fantasy Adventuring, Dungeoneering Roleplay


In this world of swords and sorcery, the world is divided into six different nations. Each realm has its own system of laws, culture, inhabitants and form of goverment. Sometimes these nations work together through trade and diplomacy, other times things break down and lead to rivalry or war. Yet, the six countries always remain and survive... At least, until the Demon King awakens. Yes, the Demon King, a fierce and terrible entity with near god-like powers and abilities, who lead horrble monsters and legions of dark minions for no other purpose to crush and destroy the world.

The only way to stop a Demon King, is with the legendary Hero! Yes, a Hero! An individual who has undergone trials, tribulations, hardships and overcome countless challenges, rising above the limitations and surpassing the potential of lesser men. A shining beacon of hope, inspiring everyone around them. Of course... There's not just one Hero. One Hero wouldn't possibly be enough to defeat the awesome power of the Demon King, no. To defeat the ultimate evil, each of the six nations must raise their own Hero, and then, by forming a 'Hero Party', can these six uniquely gifted and talented individuals set off to slay the darkness and save the world!

... Of course, nobody starts out as a Hero. A strong will and determination is needed, as well as the correct character traits and mindset. Many try, but most fall short. So where does a Hero come from? Why, from the ranks of each nation's adventurers, of course! People who earn a living by taking on requests to slay monsters, explore dungeons, gather various items or provide other services along those lines. From the rows and columns of these 'sell-swords', Heroes are shaped and form, becoming more than their money-grubbing or glory-hungry peers, and rising to the challenge of shouldering the future of the world!

... Or, at least that's what people like to say and think...

The reality of the situations is, Heroes aren't really that much different from normal adventurers. They grow stronger and become more powerful, sure, but at the end of the day they're still just people, with flaws and faults just like everyone else. To reach their goal of joining the "Hero Party" though, they must first train up and gain experience, equipment and knowledge, and to that end they'll train in their respective country, forming a "temporary" party which serves to "train" them in preparation for their ultimate goal.

... But our story isn't even about all of this.

You're not one of the six Heroes. You might want to be, or strive to become one, but you aren't one. And you won't become one. This isn't a story about how you travel far and wide, slay powerful demonic generals and ultimately defeat the One True Evil to save the world. No, this is a story about a group of people, who came together for their own personal reasons and predicaments, in order to try and achieve their own, individual life goals or desires. A tale about a group of adventurers who won't go down in history as the ones who saved the world, or who changed the tides of fortune in the world's darkest hour. Perhaps they'll be remembered for other things though, or perhaps they won't be rmembered at all.

That all depends, on what their ambitions, goals and dreams are... And whether they managed to achieve them or not.


A high-fantasy world based on games and anime like World of Warcraft, I was Kicked out of the Hero's Party, The Strongest Tank's Adventures and other similar things. It is a roleplay where we'll have a group of six people who go on various mundane, generic fantasy adventures, all driven by the goals and desires of each character within the group. There's not going to be any end-goal other than achieving whatever it is your character wants to achieve or do - aside from ecoming a Hero and slaying the Demon King, of course, because that's just not gonna be possible.

Elves, dwarves, humans, halflings, all that good stuff. Magic, swords, armor, enchanted loot, trinkets, treasure chests, traps, dungeons, potions and monsters of different types and sizes. All of this and perhaps more will be present in the roleplay. If that sounds like something you'd enjoy, then please do read on!

Your Character:

Every person of any of the sentient races are born with "Skills". These skills are broken up into one of three categories:

- Passive
- Active
- Conditional

Passive skills are things that're active and constantly effecting or providing the person with a constant benefit. This is usually in the form of something that aids them, such as having a resistance to a particular element or type of status-effect, increased health or magic recovery, a talent for a certain type of weapon and so on and so forth.

Active skills are abilities that allow the person to perform a certain action which has an impact on either the enviroment or other creatures or items around the person, or causes a specific effec tin the person itself. This can be things like letting out an intimidating shout to frighten opponents, a surge of strength that makes your next attack ten times stronger than you normally hit, a flash of light that blinds everyone with eyes around you or an emergency cure that closes any bleeding wounds on yourself or someone else. Thesea are all examples of what active skills do.

Conditional skills are abilities that're a mix of active and passive skills. they're skills that only activate and bestow their effect when certain criteria are met. The effects can be almost anything, but usually corresponds to what the required condition to activate it is. For exmaple, if you're struck in the back by an unseen assailant, your skill may trigger a momentary shield that protects you from all harm, from any direction, for a brief period of time. Or, if you defeat three enemies in short, consecutive succession, you may be granted a temporary boost to speed. Basically, conditional skills provide a brief "power-up" when a certain trigger is met. However, conditional skills usually have time limits on them and, like active skills, tend to have a "down period" where they can't activate for a period of time.

Each person in the world is born with between one to four skills, and these skills are usually unique to each person - although many are very similar in nature or function. The important thing to note is that, if one is going to try a life as an adventurer, their skills will usually dictate what kind of "class" or "position" a person will be most suited for. As an example, a person who has increased health regeneration and an ability to taunt or draw the attention of enemies would be more suitable as a "tank" than someone who has an increased magic regeneration-rate and who can turn transparent once every eight hours.

As such, adventurers tend to choose their path and job based on what position in a group their skills are best suited for. Of course, there are those who refuse to be bound by their innate skills and choose to forge a path of their own, selecting to train and grow as a class/job they want to pursue, but isn't necessarily suited for. But there is one universal truth to forming a party, and that is to have a balanced team with the crucial roles of having at least one tank, one healer and one attacker. Naturally, since a party can have up to six members at any given time, there's some room for personal preference and tactics.

And you, as an adventurer, will need to figure out what class or job you want to train as, and what position you'll be filling in your new party. Below is a short list of some typical classes/jobs that're common across all six nations.

- Tank: The heavily armored front-liner, who typically wields a shield and single-hand weapon. Their job is draw the attention of enemies and keep their allies safe by taking the hits or interposing themselves infront of attacks that would otherwise surely cripple their compatriots.

- Wizard: A trained mage who uses magical spells of either an elemental or arcane nature to deal damage to their opponents. These spellcasters can cast both single-target or area of effect spells, but typically don't have very good physical defenses or strong bodies, so they need to be guarded.

- Ranger: A fighter who trained with both melee and ranged weapons. They prefer to wear medium armor and can sometimes employ a pet or wild animals to help them. They're skilled scouts and trackers and are very useful in the outdoors and wilderness as they're skilled at survival. They're flexible and well-rounded, but don't really excel in either achery or close combat.

- Cleric: A person trained in the art of holy magic, used to heal wounds, remove negative statuses or destroy wholly 'evil' creatures. They fill the role of a Healer and is an invulable and indispensible member of any group, but like the Wizard don't tend to have much physical defense, or even magical defenses, and are thus extrra in need of protection.

- Rogue: A sneaky git who wears light armor and uses lighter weapons. Some are also trained in archery. Their job is to scout ahead, find and disable traps, pick open doors or locked treasure chests, and perform sneaky attacks from the flank or behind when the enemy is distracted. Sadly, their wide range of roles and expertise means their fighting-capabilities aren't very impressive in a straight-up, one-on-one fight.

- Warrior: A burly, strong and capable frontline fighter who usually wields a two-handed weapon and medium armor. They're able to strike very hard and can even hit multiple opponents in close combat at the same time with their cleaving attacks. They're also rather quick on their feet and are sometimes required to act as supplementary or emergency tanks in a gyoup, though their defenses aren't as good as true tanks.

- Spellblade: A hybrid class who focuses on casting both magic and fighting with a melee-weapon. Their use is in their ability to face almost any foe, due to their very wide range of both spell and steel. Alas, having split their attention between the two fields, they'll never be as good as Wizards at magic, nor as good at fighting as a warrior or other "pure" melee-fighter.

- Bard: They use their words and their songs to empower their allies or hinder their enemies. They possess a small amount of training in spellcasting and have basic knowledge of melee-combat, but their purpsoe isn't to be the strongest or most damaging, but to help their allies by providing benefits through songs and magical buffs. They're also usually very good at negotiations and diplomacy, which is useufl in a myriad of situations!

Of course, there's an absolute plethora of other classes and jobs in the world, many of which are either very similar to the ones listed above, or who're hybrids or variants of them. This isn't the "absolute, one true list" with your options, but rather serves as a template or guide to give you an diea of what's available and how classes and jobs work. Remember, there's no one class or job that can do everything alone, but rather, each class has a role and purpose to fill within a group, and its your job to figure out what role and puirpose you want to fill.

If you have any quesitons or comments, please, feel free to leave a reply and I'll get back to you with an answer as soon as possible. :)

The summoned mount didn't seem to care in the slightest when Iskah returned and began applying the tools and fixtures of comfortable riding to it. Instead, once she was done with setting it all up, it let out a soft neigh, turned its head and nuzzled Iskah in the back with its snout.

"Awww, look at that, he likes you already." Vanessa said with a cheerful ring to her tone.

Walking around their mutual steed, the dark mage inspected the affixed saddle, reins and the creature's overall condition, before returning to stand infront of the lizardman.

"First time, you said? Oh my~ That Aun-fellow might get jealous if we let that juicy little detail slip." Vanessa teased, giggling naughtily as she spoke. "But enough games, let's get on with this, shall we?"

Regardless of whether Iskah took the saddle and reins, or if she let Vanessa do it, the two would soon be off. Though, in the case of Iskah being the rider, she'd feel certain... Assets of Vaenssa get pressed up against herbackside as they rode... And, y'know, the dark mage would also be holding the lizardman around the waist. Firmly. Of course, this is just a hypothetical scenario!

... Anyway...

"So, tell me, you're after a man who got snubbed by another woman, took up a life as a celibate warrior and who has, on multiple occasions, either turned you down or refused to even meet with you." She started. "What exactly do you think adding another, unaffiliated and neutral party to this next meeting of yours will do? Are you hoping that the pleas of a pair to see the man will convince his brethren to bring him to you? Or are you hoping to use me as a distraction so you can slip into their unsullied sanctuary and find your dream-muffin, hmm?" The dark mage inquired, in a somewhat sardonic and coaxing way, but still not sounding outright rude or dismissive.

Iskah had asked earlier what Vanessa had in mind for bringing her and Aun together, but the truth was... Well, the dark mage had nothing. She had agreed to help because there was a promise of a potential reward, which she had acquired the agreement to. But that was it. In her mind, the one who needed to come up with a plan to succeed in this venture of love and romance was Iskah herself, after all, it wasn't Vanessa who was pursuing this man.

Naturally, if the little lizardman needed it, she'd be glad to offer suggestions or ideas, but ultimately this was still all very much on the slender shoulders of this young, scaly maiden.

The riding was pleasant though. The horse didn't buck or jolt. In fact, it was more like sitting atop the waves of a placid, calm lake, with slow, gentle waves rolling underneath you. Nothing like the usually bumpy and ... Stimulating for the ladies... kind of motion that you usually felt when riding a horse. Perhaps it was because this one was magic?

"Hmm, so its that far away huh..." The dark mage mused. When the question of teleportation was brough up though, she laughed heartily. "There's not a lot of spellcasters who can just teleport all willy-nilly, you know? Well, unless they're doing short-range teleportation, but that'd hardly be useful since I wouldn't be able to bring you along anyway. Not to mention since I don't know where this Wailing Keep or capital is, I couldn't send us there even if I wanted." Apparently, Vanessa either didn't know long-ranged teleportation, or she needed to do some kind of set-up or prep-work in order to do it, as well as have knowledge of where she was actually going.

So, that was a bust.

When the Iskah brought up the topic of a war brewing, and The Order being involved, Vanessa's cheery mood took a slight dip though. She didn't get a dark shadow across her eyes or look like she wanted to strangle anyone or anything, but her smile did vanish and she didn't say anything in response for a little bit.

"I see... So, those guys are involved with this situation too." A muttering, not to Iskah but to herself most likely. But then she perked right back up again. "How to get him out? Don't you worry, there's no end to our options in that department. As long as he shows up, we can get him." The dark mage boasted, a big old smug grin on her face now. "But competition, huh? Scary~ This Aun-fella must be hecka special if he's got multiple lovely girls vying for his attention." She was having a lot of fun it would seem.

"Still... Walking for a week doesn't really sound appealing, and if you've got others pining for your buck then we should probably hurr..." Her jesting tone subsisded for a slightly more serious tone. Just a bit though. So, Vanessa stopped, looked around the village/town/settlement for a bit, then approached a stret that had ample space - with little to no other foot-traffic besides herself and Iskah. She held out her free hand while grasping her ornate, gaudy staff in the other, clsoing her eyes and began to chant something... A foreign language perhaps? Whatever it was, it wasn't really discernable, but the wind picking up and swirling around the mage, making her already scandalous outfit have its loose bits flutter and flail dangerously close to showing off bits and bobs that would raise the ESRB rating of the story. Then, finally, her eyes shot open, she called out... Something...! And then there was a brief flash of light infront of the dark mage.




And now there was a horse there.

Yup. A horse. A white one. With a silvery mane and tail. It looked around, nonchalantly, let out a horse-sputtering noise while shaking its head wildly for a moment, then returned to lazily scan the enviroment. Vanessa smiled triumphantly as she turned to Iskah, beckoning her over.

"See, teleportation isn't the only way we can speed ourselves along. This lil' guy can speed us along just fine. You know how to ride, Iskah?" She stated and asked, while standing next to the phantom steed and gently giving it a few strokes along its flank.

Just Outside The Singing Satyr Inn

Vanessa stretched both arms up, while still holding her staff, and arched her back... Well, backwards, in a stretch that was accompanied by a suitably elongated "Hmmmmmmmmnnnngh!"-noise. There was still plenty of daylight and the weather was fair and lovely. A good day to set out on a journey indeed. Soon after, the lizardman emerged from the inn - which may or may not need to repair the hinges on their front door for no particular reason whatsoever and which was no fault of any one individual for any reason.

As they began a slow walk towards... Wherever... The dark mage listened to this Iskah-girl and her plight, and the contents of which she had felt the need to recruit help. The busty witch-woman couldn't help but laugh internally at this love-struck girl, not out of malice or contempt mind, but out of the cheer adorableness of her pure maiden's heart. It was refreshing to see someone so... Pure in their intent and feelings. As the reptilian woman finished her little explanation though, Vanessa raised an eyebrow.

"... Too late? What, is this man going to get more celibate if you don't act now?" She asked, smirking. It wasn't like Vanessa had much knowledge about the Lot Knight, Ortus or their imminent conflict with The ORder. After all, she stayed on the road and kept to herself most of the time, so she rarely cared for news about politics or national affairs. "Still, if all you want is to get this boy of your dreams out and slap each other silly, I can probably do something about that. Even if he says 'no'." The dark mage's smirk grew a bit wider at this last bit.

Magic truly was wonderful. It could do so much and solve so many problems. Oh, how the world would be truly so much more and so much better off if people and monsters could just come to see this blatant truth. She walked for a bit, staring upwards at the sky above with sparkly, star-struck eyes... Before returning to reality and looking over at Iskah.

"So, are we going to head on over and pluck your man right now? Is it far to these Lot Knights? I could always speed us up a little in that case." Asking and suggesting, with that damn smirk of hers. And that heaving, bouncing bosom too! So lewd.
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