@Zeroth I imagine the Bowling Bomb starts out as a softball-sized bomb, yeah. At the base level, it can get as big/wide as say a wheelbarrow, and have an blast range of... Maybe three cars parked next next to each other (at max size)? In its smallest size, yeah, it probably has the same force and power as a common, modern frag grenade, except no fragmentation. At the highest level, I imagine it getting as big as maybe a pickup truck? And the blast being as large as an ACTUAL truck.
At bigger sizes it would have the force to knock down the walls of wooden houses, or shoddily made stone bricks. But it couldn't blast through things like actual castle walls or fortifications, it isn't that kind of bomb. Camilla might get a spell later on specifically amde for siege-warfare thougu. ^^
If this is too strong ir bit acceptable, I can always replace it with something else, just lemme know~
Well, here we finally go. After much humming and haa-ing, after a ton of re-working and revisions, and with no small amount of patience and help from our lovely GM, it's finally done. Apologies for it taking so long to get done.
| 17 | 167.5cm/58kg | Female |
"Hm~? See something you like, or would you prefer to keep staring t me~?." PERSONALITY: | Casual, coy, a bit mischievous, a tease, silly and with a serious amount of patience. For someone who is obviously a noble, Camilla doesn't come off as overly arrogant or haughty, nor does she shove her family name or noble title around either. Her opinion on commoners doesn't seem particularly negative or discriminatory, and she can speak as easily to them as she does to her fellow peerage within high society. Easy-going and seemingly good-natured, she can laugh at jokes - both crass or intelligent - as well as laugh at her own mistakes or short-falls.
This said, Camilla does seem to have a rather negative opinion of people with a lot of drive or ambition, or those with big dreams or lofty goals. It's not so much that she'll directly act aggressive to such people, rather she takes a critical stance, often questioning their motives, methods or the very result and its effects. She seems to also dislike those who work overly hard or put in excessive amount of effort, into anything. Though, if things get too heated, she'll simply clasp her hands together, give you a wink while poking her tongue out and gigle disarmingly.
Her favorite things seem to be cute things, and she's particularly fond of cute girls. She can get rather playful with them, both in a flirtatious and sometimes more physical manner. The young lady's also prone to silly exaggerative or theatrical behavior, using different tones of voice or gestures - though this seems to be done for nothing but ehr own amusement, beingunconcerned with if she may appear ridiculous to others. For the most part, she seems to be interested in having a good time and enjoying herself most of the time. Despite her friendly and sometiems "older sister"-vibe, Camilla seems to never let anyone get too close, or beomce too seriously involved or attached to others, prefering to keep them at arm's length. |
BOMB MAGIC: | This magic is focuse dn one thing and one thing only: Things that go BOOM! Be they small or big, directional, radial or dome-shaped, be they harmful or distracting - at the end of the day, they all blow up and they all do something to the unfortunate souls caught in their blast-radius. Anyone who uses this type of magic can truly be called "Da Bomb"! |
Jet Blaster - Offensive/Utility - This spell creates a cylndrically shaped bomb, which releases a powerful stream of super-heated matter in a single direction, much like a jet engine. If the caster uses them on their legs, shoulders, back oar arms - and has at least two of them - they can use this spell to create some kind of impromptu "jet pack" which lets them fly. Other usees include using a single with both hands and aiming it at bad guys, making it something like a mid-to-short ranged flame-or-plasmathrower. This latter option can also be used if one needs to cut through things like a solid metal gate, turning the bomb into a blow-torch. Of course, as with all bombs, they can explode - especially if struck by outside force. To keep the "jet stream" going, the caster also needs to constantly supply magic energy to the bomb. With increased skill/power the spell becomes more mana efficient and the expelled matter becomes hotter.
Bowling Boom - Offensive - This spell creates one of those black, orb-like bombs with the little fuse sticking out of one end. The caster then sends it off by rolling it like a bowling ball. As it rolls, the bomb grows and becomes larger, until it reaches a maximum size of a sma wagon. At any time, the caster can detornate the bomb, causing an explosion appropriate to the spell's size. If it collides with anything that can stop its movement, it also blows up on its own. With more skill/power, the bomb grows in size faster and can grow larger.
Smokepopper - Defensive/Utility - This spell creates a bomb that the caster can either throw or simply drop on the ground. When it hits the floor, it starts spewing out a thick, dense and obscuring white smoke that covers an area. The smoke is extreemly dense and makes seeing into, or past it, nearly impossible - or at least very, very hard. Staying in the smoke causes some mild irritation to the eyes, nose and your breathing, but it isn't toxic or hazardous to the health otherwise. This spell's mainly useful for creating an obstacle for enemies, some light cover to hide in or behind, or a distraction or tool for running away. With more skill/power this spell covers a larger are and the smoke sticks around for longer.
Sweet-talker - Due to her frequent visits to various establishments of a... Carnal nature... Camilla has developed a talent for the the art seduction and leading people on. While she may not be able to sway everyone with honeyed words, a gentle touch on the shoulder or eyes that say 'come hither', this skill can nontheless still prove useful in many situations. The young lady has seemingly no shame in using this ability to get what she wants, and leaving her victims blue-balled or, sometimes, knocked out cold.
Masquerade - Camilla is very skilled at keeping her face and expressions, both facial and bodily, in check. Because of this, it can be very difficult to read or feel her out, and more often than not she may very well turn the table on anyone who tries to get a read on her. She's not a flawless poker-faced professional of course, and sometimes or during certain circumstances, her mask may very well crack. But, she's quick to regain her composure even in those moments.
Scary Lady - Be it because of nightmares, trauma or a vivid imagination, Camilla has devveloped a very disturbing ability to frighten people. This often comes in the form of horribly terifying threats and/or implications, and the girl can make her usual sweet and beautiful face look like that of a sadistic, deranged and callous sociopth who is fully read to cut off all your fingers, then feed them to you, then start carving off your nose and ears, all while humming a childrens' lullaby. Some people, of course, are rough as nails and either aren't, or can't, be intimidated, but those that can will find the young lady Azurios very unsettling when she interrogates them.
GOALS & FEARS: | Camilla seems to only be out for, and to have, a good time and enjoy her life. She has no grand ambition or great, life-long dream, prefering instead to live in the here and now, to be happy in the moment. | | The Revolutionary Group that murdered her family. To be captured and imprisoned, to be tortured and to die a slow and painful death. Getting close to and losing people she might care for again. | .............................................................................
Camilla hails from the eastern parts of the Clover Kingdom. Her family, the Azurios, were originally nothing more than a Baronet, that over the years grew in power, prestige and repuation, eventually rising through the ranks of the nobility. Despite their accomplishments and deeds, there were many among their peers who still viewed them as "pretend nobles" or "uppity commoners with a few accomplishments under their belt". Basically, they were never truly acknowledged as "proper" nobility by most other blue bloods, except for when it was beneficial, of course.
Camilla's life started off fairly text-book. She was born as the eldest child, received education and training in a multitude of fields, including history, etiquette, politics, economics, dance, song, music, fashion, diplomacy and so on and so forth, the usual nobleman's fair. She was a bright and gifted student, perhaps not a genius or prodigy, but well above the average. Soon afterher 10th birthday, her mother gave birth to the second child of the family, Camilla's younger sister. The girl was immediately smitten witht this adorable little angel, fussing and fawning over her incessantly.
Life continued in the Azurios household and all was well, until it wasn't. Sometime after Camilla had turned 14, her home was unfortunately attacked. The assailants were members of the recently growing Revolutionary group - or so they announced wwhen the attack commenced - the ones wanting to cast down the nobility and seize power for themselves. The Azurios family had always been well-respected by their subjects, so it was hard to believe that these miscreants were natives of their territory - but that wasn't important. What was impotant is that these hooligans broke into Camilla's manor at night, and began to attack everyone inside. They murdered the servants and staff, they killed the family's pets and eventually cornered and slew both of Camilla's parents. Even worse, they got to Camilla's younger sister before she did, and killed the poor girl, a child of only 4 years.
Be it by luck, fate or some other power entirely however, Camilla managed to escape her home and flee into the darkness of night. But she couldn't remain in her own domain. Stricken with fear, guilt, anger and confusion, she couldn't bring herself to trust any of the commoners in her own landn, much less any that lived elswhere. In her mind she understood the rationale and motives of the revolutionists, her father had talked to her about it many a time, but in her heart, at that point in time... She hated them. Every last one of them. They wanted equality and 'freedom' by murdering their own just because they served nobility? They wanted it so badly that they'd kill innocent children without a second thought? They always claimed the nobility were tyrannical monster.... But who were the real monsters here?
Following that night, Camilla fled to the neighbouring territory of their family's closest, and perhaps their only, real ally. A noble house by the naem of Viridius. After hearing the young girl's tale and seeing her distress, the good neighbour gathered their forces and marched on the domain of Azurios. Alas, the culprits had already fled. There was no justice, no vindication, only a house full of dead friends and loved ones. She had spent so much time trying to become an heiress her parents could be proud of. She'd worked so hard to excel and succeed at her studies. She'd done her best to be a good role model and a big sister her younger sibling could look up to and respect. She'd been diligent and dutiful in taking her role and responsabilities as a noble seriously. But in just one night, all of that effort, all that hard work and all that she'd toiled for, had been reduced to ash and rendered meaningless.
After the Viridius family had helped clear her home and secure it, as well as clean it up, Lord Viridus vowed to aid in the investigation and capture of these vile criminal scum. Camilla thanked him, melancholically, and returned home. But, she was different now. The tragedy had deeply affected her. She became less concerned with the duties she had, less concerned with the obligations she needed to shoulder. She became more frivilous, more self-indulged. She neglected her domain and her people, seeking only to gain comfort and solace for her own pain. Now, the house of Azurios is on the verge of collapse. The territory is falling apart, her house is in financial debt and her people are on the verge of breaking.
Also, in addition, news reached her that the Magic Knights had carried out their investigation and captured a pair of informants belonging to the Revolutionary Group. Naturally, they weren't the men directly responsible, and their claims were that their organization had nothing to do with the attack - that it was radicalized elements who didn't represent their organization that were to blame. Obviously, this information made no change to Camilla. Though, things couldn't stay as they were for much longer.
Perhaps as a means to appease them, or perhaps as a last-ditch effort toremedy the situation, Camilla has chosen to enlist with the Magic Knights. Perhaps she seks to use the pay from this service to rid herself of the loan and debt she's acrued. Perhaps she seeks to use it as a means to safeguard and rebuild her crumbling domain. Or, perhaps, she's just joining them to escape having to deal with the situation entirely. Whatever the case may be, Camilla remains seemingly unplussed and disinerested in sharing any details.
Oh, and please pardon any spelling, grmmar or butchered words.
Mountain-noble-ojou-sama with ohoho~ laugh? Sounds fun. :D
Thoguh, I feel like her fears are rather non-appicable at the start of the RP though. And even when she gains authori-tah, they seem less like "fears" and more like "willing discardment of leisure time/activity".
But what do I know? I'm just a big ol' pile o' salt.
I don't think "wind" and "lightning" falls under the same category or spell-tree in Black Clover, just like how ice and water are seperate types of magic aswell. That's just what I recall however, since I don't recall ever seeing one of MC's (who was a wind magic user) ever use electricity or lightning.
I could be mistaken though. It's been a whole since I watched the show.
"So, you men are being accused of burglary, smuggling, petty theft, pickpocketing, extortion, assault, murder and being involved with corruption. How do you plead?" "Well aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaactually, your Honor. We only murdered a few people." "... But you still murdered other people." "Oh yeah, but not many! Or often!" "But... You still murdered people." "Oh for sure, without a doubt!" "..." "... .. ... Sooooo... are we free to go ooooor...? "Sentence is death, electric chair." *Gavel slam*
My gods, Asta... I remember several times during the early parts of the anime feeling strong compulsions to drop it, on account of the constant "YOU'RE MY RIVAL!" and "YUNO!" and "I'M GONNA BE THE WIZARD KING!". It was mostly fine as long as Yuno wasn't actually anywhere near Asta, but as soon as he showed up, my ears bled.
Thankfully, as @Zeroth said, they eventaully toned it down to... Tolerable... levels. xD
I know what character I want to make, in tersm of personality, background and all that. My issue's more going to be finding a face-claim I'm happy with and deciding what their actual magic is going to be like. :P
Vanessa was unabashedly amused by the outbursts and cries of the Lot Knights as they were blinded and bewildered by her little trick. She found further amusement in their back-and-forth with one another, as well as their blatantly boneheaded honesty in regards to their own weapons and chances at combating her.
But, her amusement was short-lived. Before she could make any witty retorts or coy, flirtatious insinuations, the door behind her flung open -- and in came a strange sight. A man, dressed like a foreigner, but with the distinctly western-styled helmet of a local knight. What's more, this new arrival wasted no time in hurling ... Paper? Pamphlets? At Vanessa's general location.
Those weren't pamphlets.
Those were those Zipanguese talisman-scroll-thingies she'd bought from the raccoon-girl! Except htese felt... Dangerous... Which meant they likely wouldn't induce sleep or some other minor, gentle effect if they landed.
Which, of course, meant only one thing.
Don't get hit by them.
As she'd been prepared to use her magic to relocate if any of the already-assembled knights were to charge her, Vanessa was equally ready to get out of the path of this newcomer and his attack. With a quick word, the dark mage seemed to glow bright white, shrunk and then took on the form of... Lightning? A crackling beam of energy? A thorny line...? It was hard to say exactly what it was, since it lasted less than a moment, but whatever she turned into, this compressed form zipped past the knights and their pistols, ending up behind them, far in the back of the room, and then quickly regrew into Vanessa's full form. Any attempts at shooting or slashing or punching the magic line would be futile, as it would've just adjusted itself to arc around, over or under any and all obstacles or threats.
So, when she reformed fully, Vanessa clicked her tongue, though not in a very serious fashion.
"And here I thought I was going to get to play with some honest-to-goodness gentlemen, and then you had to show up and ruin it all." The monster said in a mock-upset tone. "So uncouth, are you really a knight? What kind of chivalry is there in attacking a dainty woman from behind?" She scolded... Apparently thinking herself dainty and weak.
She tapped her staff at the floorboards beneath her feet a few times and straightened her hat, then narrowed her eyes at the gathered men infront of her.
"Now, while we've already gotten what we came for, I can't well have any of you try and chase aftger and interfere. So, I guess I'm going to have to stay a bit longer. Don't worry, I'm very gentle." She said. ALthough her voice was sultry and playful, her eyes were those of a mischievous cat, preparing to toy with a helpless bird or mouse that couldn't possibly get away from it.
Her staff than gave off a quick pulse, and a strange, brilliant aura or glow engulfed the dark mage. It stuck and clung to her like tape, surrounding her figure in a greenish-aqua outline with a faint luminance. Apparnetly, she'd cast some sort of shell or protection spell or something on herself... Or maybe she was just CHARGIN' HER LAZER inbefore unleashing it!?
"GAle, blow."
Her words came clear and without hesitation. Her arm outstretched, a large sphere of wind quickly formed infront of her open palm, swirling and whirling and... Other forms of... Rotation... Before bursting like a balloon in the direction of the knights adn unleashing a powerful, contineous force of howling wind. Smaller objects that weren't heavy enough would surely be flung into the air and hurled at the poor men as makeshift projectiles, while those who were unsteady on their feet or not particularly heavy would find themselves either being pushed back or perhaps even knocked off their feet. Also, any attempt to throw further talisman or amulets would probve quite difficult in this condition - less said objects could cut through magically conjured winds.
... Which of course, would be very plainly obvious to see, and would thus cause Vanessa to simply relocate herself again to a new angle.
She chose a wind-based spell because it wouldn't actually cause much of any actual harm or damage to the poor knights. Nor would it cause much of any damage to the room and interior as a whole. Sure, some things would be flung around and some smaller items might break or get banged up, but on the whole the keep's interior would remain largely unharmed.
Still, getting very strong winds blown into the slits of your helmet was probably not a pleasant experience, and trying to move forward when wearing heavy armor would be a slog. This is what they get for their little sneak-attack!
The raven-haired sorceress just hoped Iskah would be able to subdue and get what she wanted out of that incubus quick and without complications.
[list][*]I don't use social media, discord or google docs.
[*]I suffer from Retinitis Pigmentosa and use a text-reading software to get through other peoples' posts.
[*]I'm rude, short-tempered and unserious. I'll likely say things that'll upset, offend, annoy and/or infuriate you.
[*]I make dumb jokes, have dark humor and enjoy beating the dead horse with a stick.
[*]I'm a hopeless, unabashed and unapologetic perv. I like my lewd.
[*]I consider roleplaying a hobby and a pass-time, not art.
[*]I do anime-roleplay and [b]only[/b] anime-roleplay.[/list]
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><ul class="bb-list" style="white-space: normal;"><li>I don't use social media, discord or google docs.</li><li>I suffer from Retinitis Pigmentosa and use a text-reading software to get through other peoples' posts.</li><li>I'm rude, short-tempered and unserious. I'll likely say things that'll upset, offend, annoy and/or infuriate you.</li><li>I make dumb jokes, have dark humor and enjoy beating the dead horse with a stick.</li><li>I'm a hopeless, unabashed and unapologetic perv. I like my lewd.</li><li>I consider roleplaying a hobby and a pass-time, not art.</li><li>I do anime-roleplay and <span class="bb-b">only</span> anime-roleplay.</li></ul></div>