Avatar of Xaltwind


Recent Statuses

7 days ago
Had me dear old dad help me clean out the PC today . So much dust... Thanks dad, love ya, old timer
12 days ago
There is doom and gloom and things go boom, in Dexter's lab~!
19 days ago
Corporate Clinic put me up for three sick days to recover
1 like
20 days ago
I think I'm catching a cold
28 days ago
O Rly? *Owl face*


  • I don't use social media, discord or google docs.
  • I suffer from Retinitis Pigmentosa and use a text-reading software to get through other peoples' posts.
  • I'm rude, short-tempered and unserious. I'll likely say things that'll upset, offend, annoy and/or infuriate you.
  • I make dumb jokes, have dark humor and enjoy beating the dead horse with a stick.
  • I'm a hopeless, unabashed and unapologetic perv. I like my lewd.
  • I consider roleplaying a hobby and a pass-time, not art.
  • I do anime-roleplay and only anime-roleplay.

Most Recent Posts

@Xaltwind Unfortunately, I don't partake in hentai

No, that's squid, not leeks. :P
Look into Zicam nasal swabs, works wonders for colds.

Silly Expllo, anime should've taught you that the best way to cure a cold is with leeks!

... Up yer butt.
Isn't the third trial going to end in your next GM update? If so, @Imia you might wanna edit in something about Parin nabbing the sphere...? Unless you and Zeroth are collabing that bit. Or if you don't want to actually manage to grab a ball before the trial ends? Or did I mistakenly assume this'd be the last rouynd of posts for this particular bit of the story? :o
To those who've yet to catch themselves a golden ball:

Speaking of ETA's and collabs, who is actually doing collabs at this point?

Paw, Rem, me and Zeroth just fnished up ours, so are any others of ya good folks doing some too?
Southern District

Nekhay Tavern

"Given how ... Determined ... You've been in specficially going after this Incubus Knight, I'd thought you'd already challenged him before now." Vanessa replied when Iskah explained the customs and behavioral tendencies of the lizardmen.

She could imagine a number of reasons for why the girl was pining for this particular piece of man-meat though. His magical energy was rather intoxicating and he wasn't bad to look at either. Plus he was an apparently chaste incubus, which was a rarity in and of itself, and something no small amount of monsters would surely love to ... Break in, so to speak. But, the dark mage felt no compulsion to push the topic further. Partly because she didn't really care that much, and partly becaus she was still just completely wiped thanks to that foreigner knight with the Zipangu amulets.

The raaven-haired sorceress showed no sign of elation or disapproval when her food was placed before her. Either she was too tired to care or she just wasn't that picky of an eater. The dark mage did appreciate getting some food in her though, and could visually be observed to look less tense and drained the more she ate. As far as the food was concerned... It was alright. Nothing amazing or jaw-dropping. Your usual tavern-faire meal, at least as far as Vanessa's unrefined palet was concerned. She did appreciate the additional of herbs and spices thoug, seeming more fond of those bits than any of the rest that came with the meal.

"Ah, that really hit the spot." She let out a satisfied sigh once her plate had been picked clean. Remarkably, the sorceress had surprisingly good and refined table-manners, eating very elegantly with her utensils. Perhaps an echo or remnant of her time as a human? Regardless, after dabbing her lips with a small napkin and then neatly folding and placing it down on her empty plate, she looked over at Iskah again. "I suppose we should rent a room then, if we're to hunt down your hubbie again tomorrow. I'd like to get some actual rest in before we try again."

Vanessa stretched, arching her back and reaching both arms above her head, causing her... Very immodest endowement to rise and be flaunted as she did. Then she let out a content 'aah'-sound, before continuing to speak.

"Just so we're clear here though. The enxt time we go after your boy, I may use more force. As in, he may actually get a bit banged up if he doesn't come quietly." Vanessa's expression and face were measured but serious, which was unlike her usual happy-go-smiley-all-the-timey look. "He's far too skilled and powerful to be reined in with methods that'd work against common humans, and his unwilling and unyielding personality means we can't treat him with kids-gloves if you're serious about nabbing him." The dark mage paused, leaning back in her chair a bit and gently rubbing her left temple. Then she looked back at her employer with a smile. "Of course, I've got no intention of causing any long-lasting or permanent damage, so don't worry. Just keep in mind that we can't keep playing nice with him." She gave the other girl a silly, playful wink, which was much more in tune with what Iskah had seen of the dark mage up until now.

--- Elsewhere ---

"Hunh...? Where'sh thish?"

Something stirred in a small wooded grove outside, but not too far from, Linirea. it rose, having been hidden behind a fallen over and now-hollow log. Inside and around said log were several bottles of various brands and labels... They were all empty though. With an elongated yawn, followed by an inelegant belch, followed further by a smacking of the lips and scratching of the head, the risen figure looked around their surroundings with sleepy eyes and a puzzled-but-sleepier-still-looking face.

"Now... How'd I end up out 'ere again..?"

Was this the dawn of a new challenger, the arrival of a potential ally, or just some random-ass drunk waking up after a night out on the town? Only time will tell...
@Expllo @Remram
When Ludo and Hikari eventually meet, one of two things will happen:

Option #1:
- They become instant bros and have a bromance because they're such bros.

Option #2:
- They immediately try to rip each others head off.
Ludo is beeg bully just like Hikari. >:T
But why is she wall flower? :o
Concealment Girl vs. Ludo:

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