Avatar of Xaltwind


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4 days ago
Had me dear old dad help me clean out the PC today . So much dust... Thanks dad, love ya, old timer
9 days ago
There is doom and gloom and things go boom, in Dexter's lab~!
16 days ago
Corporate Clinic put me up for three sick days to recover
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I think I'm catching a cold
26 days ago
O Rly? *Owl face*


  • I don't use social media, discord or google docs.
  • I suffer from Retinitis Pigmentosa and use a text-reading software to get through other peoples' posts.
  • I'm rude, short-tempered and unserious. I'll likely say things that'll upset, offend and/or infuriate you.
  • I consider roleplaying a hobby and a pass-time, not art.
  • I do anime-roleplay and only anime-roleplay.

Most Recent Posts

Miyuki no Suzuyami

Location: Umbra Rose Condos, Building #1, Floor #4, Room #407
Time of Day: Early Morning
Relevant Cast: @CitrusArms

The morning was still young, with the sun not having fully risen yet. A few stray beams of light struggled to make their way through the east-most window of a room on the fourth floor of the first building. Wooden blinders had been hung to keep it out, after all. The room itself was fairly unassuming, but possessed a refined yet simple elegance to it. Wooden flooring, carved wooden boards on the walls, a full-body mirror with a sleek brass frame, a lacquered nightstand with a small, traditional japanese lamp atop of it. And then, of course, there were the two things that completely clshed with and stuck out from the rest of the chamber.

A large, extravagant-looking queen size bed, with silken sheets and large, luxurious pillows. And nestled in the mess of pillows and sheets fit for royalty of olden days? A fox girl, with long black hair, several tails and a figure that could only be described as a smokin' babe. She was asleep, slightly curled in her posture, somewhat like a shrimp. Her breathing was calm and soft, with her sometimes making brief, quiet sounds. She had a some point been wearing what loooked to be a pure white haori-jacket styled pajama... But the sash had come undone during the night, probably from tossing or turning in her sleep, and now the thing was more or less all but open in the front. Which was alarming, considering the vixen didn't seem to be wearing a bra... Or any kind of underwear for that matter...

Luckily, she was all alone in her room, with no peeping tom's or other distractions to disturb her peaceful, lavish slumber.

All was well in the world of Miyuki.

... At least, until a certain roommate of her's got done with her morning chores and decided to destroy the peaceful rest of this perfect being.

I sleep, and 34 new posts appear.
I'm-a slap you all something fierce.

Miyuki and Yumeiko can both see Suzy just fine. Both of them are magical fox spirits after all.
You sure you want people to just leave their silver items at the front desk, with a scaredy-cat receptionist and a thieving teenage ghost with sticky fingers roaming about?
Welp, guess that confirms which of Miyuki and Velvet is Heaven and which one is Hell... ;)
Miyuki cares not for such silly things~
Reminds me of that Unforgotten Realm bit when they approach the king's castle.

Wizard: Quickly, son! Go inmform the king, we've finished his quest!
Guardsman: Uhm, sir... You can't bring your horse into the castle...
Centaur Lady: HEY!
Wizard: D-Don't worry about it... She's... She's trained...
@Silver Carrot
Nah, the gorgon didn't just suddenly appear overnight. She was planned by our GM from back when the interest check was made.

But like others have said, if ya wanna play a gorgon, don't feel like you can't play one just 'cuz one's already here.

We got 2 dragons, 2 fish, 2 foxes, 2 humans... Lots of double-ups. ^^

Sticking a talisman onto Velvet's forehead wouldn't turn her into a jiangshi. In most lore, jiangshi (chinese hopping vampires) are more closely associated with western "zombies" rather than actual vampires. And even if we do go the route of them just being a subspecies of vampires, it's kinda like... You can't turn a lion into a tiger by painting stripes on it, y'know? They're both big cats, but you can't really transform one into the other. :P

Unless you're like, some kind of horrible ancient eldritch nightmare creature, or a really powerful devil/demon/god. Thenn you could probably perform complete and permanenet body-transformation silliness.

... But this is all pretty much shruggable, since we - again - don't need to follow established (and often-times contradicting) real world lore anyway. ^^;
<Snipped quote by Xaltwind>

Yep, she's older. Velvet was born in 1316, she's a little more than 700 years old. Miyuki is at least a hundred years older, probably significantly more since I think Kyuubi kitsune are 1000+?

Sit down, young lady, and listen to your elders.

Now g'nite for real. xD
Sleepies for this old fox.
Ya'll crazy as usual. :P


Oh, and I forgot to respond to it earlier but.
Seeing as Miyuki's a kyuubi with 9 tails, that means she's been alive at least 800 years... I don't recall when Velvet was born, I'd hafta check her background again. But if that helps ya figure out if the fox is older than your Higher Vampire, then that's good~
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