Avatar of Xiro Zean


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3 yrs ago
Current Have you heard of the MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV? With an expanded free trial, you can play through A Realm Reborn and Heavensward expansion up to level 60 for free with no restrictions on playtime.
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5 yrs ago
You know that feeling when you feel like you should be doing something, recognize that you're not doing anything, but then proceed to continue to do nothing? That's me. Everyday.
8 yrs ago






...I got nothing. *shrugs*

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“I hate you.”
Personal Dossier

Hyūga Hikari


Academy Student


Chakra Nature

Physical Description
Hikari stands amongst her peers at a solid four feet eight, touting long, brown hair that would reach down to her lower back should she ever allow it loose. Usually, however, she keeps a great deal of it bunched together into two buns, one on each side of her head, in order to keep them out of the way of her daily activities. The signature whites of the Hyūga Family eyes lay predominant upon her features, always alight with a hint of suppressed rage whenever inclined towards others. Despite her standing within the clan, or rather because she is a member of said clan, Hikari always makes it a point to wear clean, pristine clothing made of fine materials. Loose enough to fight and maneuver within, but always a few notches above a casual attire.


Personal History

Special Traits
Byakugan: Hikari had begun training her Byakugan a young age, using it frequently throughout each and every day in order to push the ability to its limits and overcome them. Currently, her Byakugan is capable of viewing up to 50 meters in a 360° circle around her person, view entities through obstructions and solid objects, magnify her sight in order to view a greater amount of details, aid her in combatting visual genjutsu, percieve high speed movements and analyze them, as well as accurately pinpoint Tenketsu and the chakra network's pathways as a whole. Her constant usage and skill with the Byakugan has allowed her to maintain the dojutsu for extended periods of time before physical exhaustion takes its toll. It causes a great deal of strain on her eyes to do so, however.

Emotional Fortitude: Ech

Character Focus & Skillset
Gentle Fist:

Chakra Control: Ech


Uzumaki Kiyoshi:
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E Rank

“Don't worry, you'll be perfectly fine! Just don't move a single inch or breathe and the traps won't activate. Safe as houses!”
Personal Dossier

Inuzuka Kimura


Academy Student


Chakra Nature

Physical Description
With wild, teal blue eyes and a face perfect for cheek-pinching, Inuzuka Kimura is a four foot five, young, would-be-genin with a head of short, unkempt black hair. Two red triangles similar to the fangs of a dog are painted onto her cheeks, one for each side. Her attire consists of kimono with varying colors, ranging from a meek white with royal purple outlines, to a vibrant orange with pink dogs running across its surface. Usually, the grey puppy known as Guremaru is seen seated on her head, who himself is a lightweight animal of 1’7” in length.

Kimura is a strange child, even for an Inuzuka. Skittish, jumpy, paranoid. The girl can be easily described by those three words. Her eyes and ears twitch at every sound, every movement, every change in a situation she notices, as if waiting for something unexpected to happen with the change of the wind. Unknown to most, this is most likely caused by the overload of information she gains everyday from each of her senses, which only fuels her paranoia even further when she senses something out of the ordinary. She always seems to believe that someone is out to get her, hands never straying too far from her kunai holster and always standing where she can use something as cover or close to an escape route. She even comments on her own thoughts, speaking of spies and conspiracies at every corner to whoever is willing to listen.

Kimura seems to be prepared for literally any encounter, or rather prepares for things that should be out of one’s control, hiding multiple kinds of objects that don’t seem to have much use except within very situational matters, as well as subtly placing traps within the general area she is within if she feels that her attention could be separated from her usual monitoring. She even might be a bit too prepared, when at points in time where she should have never known something would have happened, and yet seemed to have the exact answer in the form of an object hidden in her kimono. She can’t hold everything at once, however, which is a point she sorely brings up whenever she doesn’t have an answer to a problem.

Despite this, the girl is incredibly loyal, as many Inuzuka are. She would willingly stand in the face of danger for a friend, an accomplice, sometimes even complete strangers she’d only met once in her life, in order to protect them from an event beyond their control. This protectiveness of hers can at times be seen as overbearing, to the point that more than a few have wondered if she had intimate feelings for them, or if she was a crazed lunatic. Mostly the latter. And even though she speaks of backstabbing and hidden enemies as if they were a certainty, Kimura doesn’t seem to have much of a jaded viewpoint of others as one would be led to believe, her true motto being one of trusting the goodness in someone’s heart despite the dangers that could come from a lack of it.

The Inuzuka affinity for animalistic traits seem to have taken a strong hold within Kumura's mannerisms, such as a habit to scratch herself with her feet, relying on smell instead of her eyes to identify others, and even chasing after objects when thrown in her general direction. This likeness bleeds into paranoia-fueled protectiveness when she tries to bury those she cares for under layers upon layers of traps, like a dog would bury its favorite bone in the ground. Currently, her mannerisms are kept largely in check by the advice of her trusty partner, Guremaru, but who knows how far the instinctive nature of her affinity truly goes.

Personal History

Special Traits
Enhanced Senses: Much like their ninken partners, the members of the Inuzuka Clan are blessed with greater senses than a normal human, especially their sense of smell. If chakra is channeled to their noses, the capability is increased exponentially, able to track, detect, and even monitor scented targets across incredibly long distances. When combined with her twitchy nature and her quirk of Chromesthesia, Kimura can cover multiple avenues of keeping track of a target, as well as being relatively difficult to surprise.

Chromesthesia: Kimura was born with the ability to see sounds as color. The sound of the blowing wind as a sea green, the clash of metal on metal as a grey with blue streaks, the hint of happiness within a person’s laugh a peachy pink, and so on. While this can be seen as more of a quirk to her person than an actual talent, she is capable of using it as a supplement to her already enhanced hearing, the color of a sound is sometimes easier to notice than the sound itself. This can also be a bane to her as well, however, as overloading her sense of hearing is capable of additionally blinding her with the hue of the noise.

Inuzuka Ninken: From a young age, the members of the Inuzuka Clan are paired with a canine partner, allowing the two to bond and become practically inseparable. Through this bond, they are able to pull off powerful Cooperation Techniques, as well as work with a high level of teamwork within any given task. Clan members are able to communicate with their ninken partners, able to understand their inhuman speech and translate it for others.

Kimura's own ninken is a large, grey puppy named Gūremaru, who acts as both a partner to fight alongside, as well as a her lifetime companion. In combat, he takes on a supportive role, distracting the target from Kimura's own actions as well as taking ones of his own accord, using chakra enhanced jaws to rip through flesh and crush bone.

Character Focus & Skillset
Intermediate Trapping Skill: After multiple, incessant attempts by her father to catch her when she was least expecting it, both through sneak attacks and trapped areas of the house, Kimura had eventually wisened up and began learning how to use, and more importantly dismantle, traps of all shapes and kinds. While she isn’t quite capable of creating a trap while distracted by a pressing matter, she is quite capable of setting them up quickly and effectively when left alone. Should she be allowed to, a regulation-sized training field could be riddled with a few dozen traps that are relatively hidden within half an hour.

Inuzuka Obu: Sulfur yellow. Papa is the best! He feeds me, and clothes me, and hugs me, and teaches me how to dismantle and re-arm traps within seconds! He taught me everything I know, especially things about what I don't know the enemies know but I should know before they know! Although, I wish I could eat breakfast without kunai launchers everywhere...

Inuzuka Mimi: I don't remember Mama's color, but I'm sure it was really pretty! Papa talks about her all the time, how she was the best ninja ever, and how much she loved me. Papa trains me super hard afterwards, but I don't mind. I wish I could meet her.

Sarutobi Asami: Pineapple yellow. I was really surprised when I found out she was an Inuzuka too, but nowadays it's been like she was apart of the family all of her life! One of my bestest friends, though I'm always on guard in case she's an imposter trying to weasel her way into the clan.

Hyuga Hikari: Persimmon orange.

Uzumaki Kiyoshi: Wheat brown. So mysterious... He doesn't seem to have many friends, and never seems to try to make any. Is he secretly a foreign nin trying to keep himself from getting attached to Konoha? If that's the case, then I should totally make him fail at that!

Kohaku Sanae: Midnight Blue. She's definitely, absolutely, undoubtedly a ghost. No one with such a creepy aura and pale skin could possibly be anything else! But, she's not a bad ghost at all! Besides the fact that she haunts Shunpei-kun, Sanae-chan is one of the few that listen to me about my theories, and even gives good advice at times! I just hope she doesn't start haunting me instead...

Hatake Shunpei: Deep Maroon. What a fun person to be around! He doesn't seem to have any super secrets or be very special, but he's one of the first people to actually believe me and my theories! He's always the first person I visit at night, and I make sure his traps are extra-sharp!

Yakuishi Tsume: Solid gold. She's so... bright. Just being around her is like staring at the sun, but even worse because I can't help but watch her go. If she's trying to wiggle her way into Konoha's heart as a spy, then she's certainly doing her job well. But... I can't think of such a bubbly girl doing that.
Jutsu List

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B Rank

C Rank

D Rank

E Rank
Yeah, I'll get a post up soon. Just wondering if @Xiro Zean is still with us

I exist. Somewhat. I might just disappear with the next gust of winds (read: the swamp of college life and a full time job), so let's see if I can't type out a post before I poof.
Did some tweaking to my CS.

So... Is this going to actually happen, or what? There's no hurry, I just get nervous when the OOC goes dead, the GM hasn't said anything about any of the characters and even the shit-talking in the Discord seems to have died.

Pretty sure we're still going live, just that people have gotten busy with stuff and haven't been posting cause of it. Asura mentioned in the Discord that he'll be looking over sheets today, so that'll probably get the chat moving again.
A-ha! Yeah, that's what I thought, one of those strange pronunciations used solely for names. And yeah, the athlete is most likely the football player I mentioned, Reo Mochizuki.

Since 臣 means subject, not surprised it also meant slave, haha. But "top slave" sounds like even worse a meaning than "retainer of the summit"! But yeah, like she said, not everyone picks kanji for their meaning, or pay attention to what the kanji used for writing the name mean. For example, a friend of mine is called Minato (港 which means harbour). I'm sure her parents didn't intend her to have meaningful future with harbours. With that said, some do pick based on the meaning, just like some of us here do. That's why compounds like 美 (mi = beautiful) are common.

Haha, I can explain what she meant by this (somewhat). Basically, kanji have On- and Kun-readings. The former is usually known as the "Chinese" reading, while the latter is the "Japanese" one - but both are used in Japanese. Usually, though not always, you would use the kun-reading when the word appears alone without other kanji to make up a word with it. In compound words comprising of multiple kanji, you would often use the On reading.

Now, the kun pronounciation for 嶺 is "mine". So if you were to use that word alone to mean summit/top/etc. that's how you would say it. As for "shin", since 臣 seems to be mostly used in compound words, particularly ones for ministers (that I know of, I'm sure there are uses for it alone, like the old way to say slave that she mentioned) it is often read as "shin". For example, in 大臣 = prime minister.

I'm not sure where Reo/Leo comes from exactly - or other new, name-only ways to pronounce kanji, like the Raito example I gave - if I'm entirely honest. My guess is that those are very, very old and archaic ways to pronounce the kanji, dug up solely to have a unique way to pronounce it in a name. Since that is basically what you can do when picking kanji for a name - you can choose any possible pronunciation for it, no matter how little known. That's why it's impossible for Japanese people to know how to write each others' names upon hearing them, or infer any meaning. They can hazard a guess based on the most common kanji and meaning used for the name, but really, it could be written as anything, haha.

Japanese is fun.

Shit like this is why people think I'm absolutely stupid for learning Japanese.

Can't say it isn't one hell of a ride though. And it makes watching anime so much cooler.
It's actually completely correct that those two kanji would be pronounced as Reo/Leo. I'll just leave it at that.

Huh. Well then. Learn something new every day. What does the name mean when read as "Reo/Leo"?
P.S. I am also unaware of how the Japanese language works so if the name is off or something I don't mind if you tell me about that either.

Reo Yamamoto
嶺臣 山本

Wondering how you got Reo. Yamamoto sounds right, but even if I can't read one of those kanji, the other one doesn't ever read as "Re" in Japanese.

You might have accidentally stumbled upon a Chinese/Mandarin reading rather than Japanese. Kanji is pulled from the Chinese Lettering, after all.

Of course, I could also be totally wrong, but hey Kanji's difficult.
Look man, for how admittedly little it was, I tried to be clever.

Just midway through looking into things I saw the translation of Kofun as "Sexual Arousal", had a good chuckle, and decided to keep it. I didn't know we'd be getting fluid kanji readers in this shit.

At least you tried.

Though the fact that the double entendre exists only serves to further the character rather than detract from it XD
Oh, so that's what that is from! Never heard of the series, unfortunately. I was trying to find a pic that would work with the whole H = ecchi pun, but my Google Fu was pretty weak and I couldn't really find anything funny. That was one of the first ones I saw, so I figured I'd better just grab it before someone else beat me to the letter, heh.

The show is all about a virgin high schooler trying to get laid 100 times before she graduates. But because she's a hapless virgin, she looks for another hapless virgin to bang as her first. Hilarity insues as they both try to deal with blatant sexual tension, love, and the comedic nature of anime school life.

So yeah. Good job hitting that H for Ecchi ;D

Off topic, but the fact that this was what you used for the interest check gets a happy chuckle out of me for some odd reason.

Probably because I'm trash and actually enjoyed B Gata H Kei
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