Jub gave a loud sigh as the fish swam away. Well, at least they hadn't come out of this situation completely empty-handed... though he was probably going to have to apologize ten-times over to Eighteyes once they were reunited for keeping her waiting so long. Then again, maybe she was enjoying the reprieve in... wherever familiars went when they weren't in a physical form.
He started inspecting the things he had retrieved from the fish's stomach. He was a little hesitant to mess with the nest, so he turned his attention to the notebook. The pages appeared empty at first, but he had a feeling due to just how wacky the Feywild had proven itself to be that there was more to it than initially appeared. He began turning the book over in his claws, trying to figure out a way to unravel its secrets.
What he uncovered was perhaps a little underwhelming. It seemed to be the journal of some poor sailor who, Jub could only assume, ended up also being swallowed by the fish at some point. Well, it was a good thing neither of them had attempted to go after the herbs themselves then, as they would have likely met the same fate. Jub placed the book in his bag, likely to go over it at some later point.
"There are two pieces of gold here," Jub said, turning to Brutrumukk. He didn't seem to register the gnome's change in demeanor.
"We could split or you could have both of them instead. Considering you were the one who actually paid for that stuff, I'm content with you having the money."