Fell, she/they, English, currently obsessed with DnD and other ttrpgs. I do art sometimes. I am the GM of two tabletop roleplays on this very site:
- Beyond Moonlight's Reach, a story of four young dragons growing up in a post-apocalyptic fantasy world, and using the Powered by the Apocalypse game Epyllion.
- Search for Tir na Og, a DnD 5e campaign set in the Planescape setting where a group of strangers from all across the multiverse come together to solve the mystery about what happened to the Celtic gods after they and their homelands were mysteriously spirited away.
Posted a quick response to Skobeloff's question. I like to imagine all the NPCs really wanted to know what the heck Rudrick meant and were too scared to ask, and now are breathing a sigh of relief that Skobeloff asked the question for them.
"Well, like a lot of Semscale dragons, Heliotrope started mentoring a drake, wanted to pass on the art of healing," Rudrick explained. "And, err, Coryn... he's still learning and he, err..." Rudrick makes a face as he tries to figure out the best way to phrase what he's about to say. "He... he tries. He really does."
If that's a bad thing, I have not done that. Toriel is my number one favourite Undertale character that isn't Tsunderplane.
No, it's not bad. Just, it's funny because it wasn't originally intended when I made Fogdance, but at some point while writing a post about her, I realised the similarities, and considering how much I like Undertale, there was probably some subconscious inspiration going on there. So hearing you say that is kinda funny.
Garrock gave Skobeloff a mildly scathing look, clearly picking up that the drake was messing with him. However, that look vanished when Stargaze asked, much more sincerely, about Garrock's connection to the newcomer. He was about to open his mouth to explain when Shieldwing spoke up.
"You...are brothers or something, aren't you?" the red drake asked.
"Or something, yes," Garrock responded. There was a hint of bitterness in his voice as he spoke, though who exactly it was directed towards was unclear.
Rudrick, for his part, didn't seem to notice, and instead turned to the group with a big smile. "Hullo, nice to meet you all," he said. "I'm Rudrick from House Semscale. I'm one of Garrock's siblings." He gave the group a somewhat conspiratorial wink. "Let me guess, he's probably never mentioned me, has he?"
"Surprisingly, Rudrick, we've had more important things to discuss," Garrock responded, once again motioning to the unconscious Maug on his back.
"Yes, I thought I heard something about you going off on some sort of mission," Rudrick said. "How are you? Everything okay?" Before Garrock could even open his mouth to answer, Rudrick continued. "You know, we actually have a healer here at Snouthold. Well, technically we have two. Maybe more like one and a half?" He shook his head before continuing. "If your friend there needs help, they could take a look at them." He glanced over at the other dragons. "Or any of you, if anyone has any injuries. Heliotrope is pretty good at what she does."
Shieldwing would know that a dragon's relationship with their blood relations varies wildly in dragon society. Some can be brought up without even knowing who their parents or siblings are. Others know who their blood family are but choose to view them as no different than any of dragon, and others still do keep in contact, with varying levels of closeness. In the case of Garrock and Rudrick, Shieldwing can tell their relationship is... complicated.
While Garrock is still a grump, Shieldwing will have noticed his mood has improved over the course of the mission, if only slightly. He had stopped making as many snide remarks about the drakes at every chance, and seemed more focused on the task at hand. However, now that Rudrick has entered the picture, he seems to be just as grumpy as he did at the beginning of the mission. Obviously, he knows Rudrick well enough to predict his behaviour and make somewhat personal jabs at him, so they're not estranged, and he doesn't seem to outright hate him... but it doesn't seem like he particularly wants to be around him right now.
On Rudrick's side, he appears genuinely affectionate towards Garrock... but something about this current interaction does seem just a little bit odd. Shieldwing can't place it, exactly, but he has a feeling that while Rudrick does want to catch up with his sibling, he also wants something else from Garrock right now but isn't sure how to ask for it. He's clearly waiting for a good moment to bring it up.
As for the second thing, Shieldwing would know that House Semscale has a strong tradition of mentorship between drakes and older dragons. Given Rudrick's age, you can assume he's been a mentor at least once already, and given the group he was just hanging out with, he's either training a drake right now or giving support to other mentors. Either way, he probably has a decent amount of insight on leadership, and seems compassionate enough that he would be likely to give it.
Alright, as a newcomer to this system, I hope I used those questions properly, because I wasn't sure what second question Shieldwing would ask in the moment. Was not expecting to roll so high on that one. xD
It's cool, that works.
@Vertigo You have anything you want Fellwing to add here before I post a response?
Stargaze: Oh! Is he a friend of yours, Garrock? You guys kinda look alike. Garrock: Pure coincidence, I've never met this individual in my life. Rudrick: D:
Fell, she/they, English, currently obsessed with DnD and other ttrpgs. I do [url=https://www.deviantart.com/fellsnfairfolk]art[/url] sometimes. I am the GM of two tabletop roleplays on this very site:
- [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/188627-epyllion-beyond-moonlights-reach/ic]Beyond Moonlight's Reach[/url], a story of four young dragons growing up in a post-apocalyptic fantasy world, and using the Powered by the Apocalypse game Epyllion.
- [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/192522-planescape-search-for-tir-na-og/ic]Search for Tir na Og[/url], a DnD 5e campaign set in the Planescape setting where a group of strangers from all across the multiverse come together to solve the mystery about what happened to the Celtic gods after they and their homelands were mysteriously spirited away.
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Fell, she/they, English, currently obsessed with DnD and other ttrpgs. I do <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="https://www.deviantart.com/fellsnfairfolk">art</a> sometimes. I am the GM of two tabletop roleplays on this very site:<br><br>- <a href="https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/188627-epyllion-beyond-moonlights-reach/ic">Beyond Moonlight's Reach</a>, a story of four young dragons growing up in a post-apocalyptic fantasy world, and using the Powered by the Apocalypse game Epyllion.<br><br>- <a href="https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/192522-planescape-search-for-tir-na-og/ic">Search for Tir na Og</a>, a DnD 5e campaign set in the Planescape setting where a group of strangers from all across the multiverse come together to solve the mystery about what happened to the Celtic gods after they and their homelands were mysteriously spirited away.</div>