For now, until Fellwing starts to ask increasingly invasive questions about his family life.
Yeah, that's how you get the bad ending xP
Also, are you going to add anything or are you waiting for me to post? Just want to be clear.
For now, until Fellwing starts to ask increasingly invasive questions about his family life.
Oh god, are we really planning to let Fellwing deal with Garrock?
This can only end well.
@XxFellsingxX If it's possible, I would say Shieldwing's empathy for knowing that Stargaze would feel guilty would warrant a Friendship Gem from Stargaze to Shieldwing. ^^"
Aura was more, "okay you don't deserve to sit at my table anymore after insulting my friends and being a general annoyance".
Listen he would have beat the crap out if the kid if he actually had hit him, but Hammerhand was trying to prove to Max that he wasn't a true warrior. He needs to marshal himself. Other than that, I dunno about you guys but killing Gorgash sounds like a great idea after all it seems like him and Max are working together
@XxFellsingxX yes kill the other orc, no matter how much we shouldn't there should only be one orc. 😈