I don't know what it is about Garrock that brings out the sass in Fellwing but I'm having fun with it.
Honestly, Garrock's a little more open to the sass than he was back on the island, so go for it xP
I don't know what it is about Garrock that brings out the sass in Fellwing but I'm having fun with it.
I'd like something to do while we wait. Maybe we could have Brut and Jub chat in the balloon for the time being, and you could invent something for us to do if we run out of things to say before the rest of the party can catch up.
@XxFellsingxX, @rush99999, your characters are heading to the next area of the game. However, I would like all of the party to reach the next area at the same time (as doing so is the next milestone for leveling up).
So, unless you two would like me to invent something for Jub and Brutrumukk to do while the rest of the party finishes up Hither, you two may be waiting for a while. ^^"
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Again, if you would like me to come up with something for Jub and Brutrumukk to do, just let me know. ^_^
<Snipped quote by XxFellsingxX>
That would just need an attack roll. ^_^
AC 10 to beat.
22 on Investigation! Nice! Jub knows where to go for all of the ropes to be undone all at once!
Also...Jub's undoing the ropes by hand?
I'll need a sleight of hand check.
Also: Exhaustion at Level 1 causes disadvantage on Ability Checks. ^^"