“My Eidolon helps me pursue my animal urges by allowing me to control metal."
CHARACTER NAME: The Crow, or That Damn Crow (DC)
[might get a proper name at some point]EIDOLON NAME: Polaris
POW: 1 |
ELE: 3 |
GEN: 2 |
GLAM: 1 |
BIZ: 2
DefeatedRESONANT CARD: Death
LVL: 1
When you play your resonant card, apply the following Forecast:
“You silence your conscious thoughts and let instinct guide you to victory.” The GM will either describe how your action fulfills your Instinctive Desire, or will tell you how you can easily fulfill your Instinctive Desire in this situation.
When you play your dissonant card, apply the following Forecast:
“Your animal mind overtakes your higher intellect.” You cannot use Pet Sounds to communicate with humans or other animals until the end of the scene.
Then, choose one of the following Animal Qualities based on what kind of animal you are, and take the related bonus:
[] Ferocious: When Scrapping, treat any negative card you play as though it has neutral Polarity.
[] Thick Hide: The Fresh space on your Damage Track is treated the same as Winded when determining whether you take damage.
[X] Social: Your Ties are capped at a score of 4 instead of 3.
[X] Perceptive: Set your Range to 100 Feet.
[] Tenacious: Once per session, you can Push Yourself without ticking the Phantom Clock.
Retain these bonuses even if your Eidolon is severed.
Also, take one of the following Instinctive Desires:
[] Food
[] Shelter
[X] Dominion
[] Freedom
Pet Sounds: You can talk to any non-human animal. You can understand human speech, and anyone with an unsealed Eidolon can understand you.
Just What I Needed: When you satisfy an Instinctive Desire, gain one of the following benefits, depending on which desire you satisfy:
- Food: Reverse your Damage Track by 1.
- Shelter: Your Damage Track cannot advance as long as you remain in your shelter, unless the source of damage is also in your shelter.
- Dominion: Take +1 Ongoing to Dazzling or Threatening for the rest of the session.- Freedom: Turn the Phantom Clock back 1 hour.
Hungry Like the Wolf: Take one more Instinctive Desire.
Apex: Take 1 more Animal Quality that accurately describes your species.
Eye of the Tiger: Gain +1 Ongoing while your Damage Track is at “Desperate.”
Shadow Tongue: Take the Speaking in Tongues Move from the Veteran Playbook;
You can understand and speak to Shades and other supernatural beings, even if they usually cannot or do not talk.[]
Born To Be Wild: Take the Forbidden Memories Move from The Inhuman Playbook, but instead of knowledge of the Undertow, Reveal Your Master Plan with
BIZ if you use knowledge derived from your animal perspective on the world;
When you Reveal Your Master Plan, and your plan involves exploiting knowledge of the Undertow that is unknown or unknowable to human beings, you may draw with BIZ instead of GEN.
Rampage: Once per session, when you play a negative or neutral card while Scrapping, you may discard the top 5 cards of the Fate Deck instead of just the top card.
[] Nothing But a Hound Dog: If someone begins to suspect that you’re not an ordinary animal, you can try to act like one to throw them off your trail. Draw
GLAM, but ignore the Forecast of the card you play.
- On a positive card, they’ll dismiss their concerns and ignore you.
- On a neutral card, they’ll buy into your act, but also decide that
you’re being a nuisance, and try to remove you from the area.
- On a negative card, they’ll believe you’re a normal animal, but will
react violently to your presence.
Freebird (Requires Ferocious or Tenacious Animal Quality): You can force yourself out of any restraint, advancing your Damage Track by 1 to break out of it instantly. If you have an Instinctive Desire for Freedom, this counts as satisfying it.
Bloodhound (requires Perceptive Animal Quality): Take +1 Ongoing when Investigating using any animal senses you have that are sharper than a human’s.
Impenetrable (requires Thick Hide Animal Quality): When someone else is directly in harm’s way, you can advance your Damage Track to shield them with your body.
Animal Collective (requires Social Animal Quality): When you’ve satisfied an Instinctive Desire, you can share your food, shelter, dominion, or freedom with someone else. If you do, they gain the same benefits from it as you.
Fight or Flight: At any time, you may ask the GM if you are currently in danger. The GM will always answer honestly, but will not provide any details about the source of the danger.
Master Moves (Requires Level 5 or higher)
Let the Dogs Out: During combat, you can cry out for any creatures in the area to support you. Draw
GLAM, taking +1 Forward if you’ve satisfied an Instinctive Desire for Dominion in the area, but ignore the Forecast of the card you play.
- On a positive card, larger, more dangerous animals will answer your call.
- On a neutral card, only smaller and weaker animals will respond.
- On a negative card, every animal that hears your call will come, but will not actively fight alongside you.
Role Reversal: You may draw
BIZ to suppress the higher intellect of a human target within range of your Eidolon for the remainder of the scene. If successful, their animal instincts take over, and they must choose an Instinctive Desire that they will exclusively pursue until the effect wears off.
Evolution (requires Apex): The energy constantly flowing through you from the Undertow has caused your body to mutate. Take an Animal Quality that didn’t used to describe you, but does now.