Avatar of Yankee


Recent Statuses

23 days ago
I'm back, I got a new Halloween-ish avatar, and I'm ready to catch up on writing~
2 mos ago
Is there any better feeling than tsumo after a kan, and the dora turns out to be the four tiles you just called? I think not.
1 like
1 yr ago
It's so fun to make random OCs for an RP I will probably never run
1 yr ago
"As usual, I've been doing online roleplay, and having a blast with women in their 30's exhausted from working too much."
1 yr ago
Went to an fan convention yesterday after a three year break from them. I forgot how much I love seeing people's creativity, and how fun making even a simple costume is!


If you're on my page, check out the RP World of Light!
21+ | UTC-5 | Casual Roleplayer | 1x1's: Closed


Hello! I'm Yankee.
I'm usually down for pretty much anything: action, adventure, romance, horror, taboo, comedy, smut, gore, slice-of-life, etc.
I like cute, fun stories just as much as dark, gross, traumatic (for character) stories. I enjoy creating original characters for RP,
but I get as much enjoyment writing as canon characters in fandom-based games!
On that note I like comic books, cartoons, and videogames. I'm also very into cosplay and art!

I am a very slow writer, so my preferred posting pace is once per week or less. I usually post on weekends.
I like to have fun while writing, so I prefer relaxed partners who don't take things too seriously.
Remember: fiction =/= reality.

Feel free to PM me to chat!
However I do not check PMs immediately. Might take me a day or two... or ten to get back to you.

Forward all complaints to @stone

and remember,

Most Recent Posts

Level: 7 - Total EXP: 45/70 ------ Level: 2 - Total EXP: 48/20
𝙱𝙿 ●●●●● ---------------------------- 𝙱𝙿 ●●●●●.
Word Count: 1238 (+6 exp)
Location: Sandswept Sky

Red Eye could take some incredible damage. The pustules on it's sides were broken open and weeping, it's hide was cracked and ripped open exposing it's insides the dry air, and it's very spine was fractured and irritated. Yet, the monster kept coming. The high speed battle had been anything but easy so far, and now on it's last legs - or so the Seekers hoped - the beast intended to make things even harder. No longer able to rely just on it's bulk, Red Eye came up behind the train and trashed the armory car, shaking the rest of the vehicle and producing an explosion overhead so forceful that it laid most of the Seekers out. Primrose was among them, toss from the gun's platform and landing flat on her front with the wind knocked out of her. She fought off unconsciousness and struggled to breathe for a few long moments as above her, those unaffected by the blast ran around to cover the positions and put the cannon to work.

Primrose was just recovering when the monster got close enough to try and close it's jaws around them, and when Robin stepped up to stop it. The same energy he'd displayed back at the Resistance hideout began to swirl around him, calling to mind the memory of their conversation on this very train headed to Tostarena: What I saw led me to believe that the price of a Final Smash is the user's own life. After putting one's whole being into an attack... not even a spirit remained.

"Robin..." Primrose murmured, immediately understanding what he was about to do even as he began his speech. She barely knew the man, and he barely knew them, but here he was about to sacrifice himself for the lot of them. Primrose felt her heart start to ache. The grand spectacle of the fell dragon being summoned by their tactician did not captivate her as well as it did the others. Primrose glanced over at Tharja as Red Eye shrieked and burned, watching as the dark mage looked on with wide, heartbroken eyes. There was a look of understanding that passed over Tharja's face, but it did nothing to mask the anguish that rested there as well.

At the front of the train, Therion was beginning to have second thoughts about faithfully relaying the team's instructions to the conductor. Apparently when envisioning a giant pit, he hadn't even considered that the tracks would run over said pit. That was way more danger than he wanted to be in - on top of being actively chased by a giant monster. His thoughts were put to words by Raz, who had followed along behind the thief. Seriously, was that the plan - drop this metal thing and all of them in it on top of Red Eye? Because Therion did not want any part in that plan. An explosion from behind them stopped any arguments, and worryingly he could see ahead of them that they were indeed coming up on a great chasm. Begrudgingly Therion agreed with the conductor that someone should go see what the hell had just happened, so it might as well be him.

"Don't drive this train into a pit," he warned, glaring at the conductor as he turned to take his leave of the head train car. He glanced at Raz as if to give the boy a silent mission to make sure the conductor heeded the thief's words, and then he was gone - sprinting back into the danger zone.

He arrived at the tail end of Robin's Final Smash, watching the dragon emerge from the sky as he moved and not even bothering to question what had just happened. He could see that the rearmost parts of the train had been ripped away, and that the cannon was just about ready to fire it's (hopefully) final shot. Below them, the sand suddenly fell away into darkness - and damn if Therion's knees didn't try their hardest to buckle as he wrenched his eyes away from the dizzying drop below. "That bastard," he complained under his breath.

Even close to death, or so they all hoped, the monster was aware enough to see that it too was hurtling towards a pit. It tried it's hardest to stop it's momentum, and when it succeeded it made for a sitting suck. Jesse hit the button and the railway gun exploded once more, tearing into Red Eye again and sending it tumbling into the dark.

And it took the precarious train track with it.

Therion managed to stop himself from being sick as he felt the train begin to fall. He considered all of his best options for survival, from jumping with the glider and hoping he could make it far enough to throw his grappling hook onto a canyon wall, to hoping the psychonaut and his weird magic could stop another fall. He looked at the other Seekers all panicking and thought his odds weren't good. Briefly, he caught Primrose's eye. She was much calmer than he was, although all of his own panic was internal. Primrose turned away to make sure someone else was alright when the train fell away completely and the storm rushed up so forcefully that it knocked the senses out of most of the group.

Primrose came to quickly, taking in the view from the sky. It was amazing, and very, very concerning. If the wind died, what would become of them? She cast her gaze about, doing a quick headcount and finding that they hadn't lost anyone to the wind like they had on their first trip across. Everyone was recovering at their own pace, and some were already diving into the wind and making a beeline for the monster below them - which had managed to cling to life. Primrose might have felt bad for it if it hadn't been one of the guardians keeping the world locked into the amalgam of light on Galeem's behalf.

The finale had come at last. A trilid swarm swept up into the air right for the group, but many of the Seekers were already on the move. That included Primrose, and the recently awoken Therion. The thief fought off a wave of nausea as he opened his eyes and found himself airborne yet again. He was not keen on diving toward the ground, having had enough of that for one lifetime - maybe even enough for two. With that being the case he was more than content to take up the rear, make sure no one went flying away, and pick off any of the akrids that managed to reach him before they could turn around for a second pass. With sword in one hand and daggers in the other, he made sure that none got a second chance.

Primrose was one of those descending to assist in the end of the fight. Not as quick as the others that were able to fly or otherwise propel themselves faster, the dancer had to settle for defending those above her from the flying akrids. She summoned the pyromancy of Zoey, the flame fan, and swiped it in broad strokes across the sky in front of her to burn the trilid to ashes. She lashed out at any particularly large groups, including the pack that was after Midna. With a fwoosh the flame fan cut a wide arc in their numbers to alleviate the twilight princess of a chunk of her pursuers. She didn't have the power to let loose another fireball like the one she'd used on the train, so while her feet were unable to dance to provide support that way, this would have to enough - clearing the way as much as possible in order for the rest of the Seekers to finally put an end to Red Eye.
Something superhero-y, with an anime flavor.
Welcome to the Guild!

Level: 7 - Total EXP: 39/70 ------ Level: 2 - Total EXP: 42/20
𝙱𝙿 ●●●●●. ---------------------------- 𝙱𝙿 ●●●●●.
Word Count: 856 (+4 exp)
Location: Sandswept Sky

After desperately straining against the press of Red Eye against the gun, the attack team succeeded and drove the beast away. It's sudden withdrawal threw everyone off balance, but it was a lot better than being flung from the train itself. The octopath travelers wasted no time getting back up after they were thrown against their consoles. The rough ride would most likely leave bruises on many of the Seekers, though the turbulence caused them more fatigue and wariness than pain.

The monster retreated again under the sand, giving everyone a moment to breath. Joker returned from the front of the train with news just as Red Eye began to burst out of the ground again.

A junction? Primrose chanced a look ahead of the train, refocusing her attention for a moment, but found that the only thing she could see at the moment was more sand. She could guess the options the rail junction might lead them to... back to the wide open desert headed to Parnasse, or swinging back around toward Al Mamoon? If it were between those two choices, then it was obvious which way they should go.

"The oasis," Primrose said, near breathless as she pulled her eyes back to where red eye resurfaced, launching another assault at them. She recalled Gnorbu mentioning that it was hardly ever visited, and true to his word when they'd pulled into it yesterday there wasn't a soul around other than the Seekers. "The water might slow it down."

She really hoped that would be true. It might have a harder time moving through mud, it might not be able to swim at all if they found a deep enough pool. They could make a last stand there, because the alternative was continuing on over the canyon. She had a vision of the beast destroying the track behind them, sending itself and the train with all of it's harried passengers into the windy depths.

Pushing the image from her mind Primrose stepped forward to prepare and defend the train. If only she could dance for the vehicle itself, make it faster or harder, but alas. She raised her arms into the air, channeling her magic. Now that the teamwork of Big Band, Sectonia and the latest metallic newcomer had taken care of the explosive pod all that remained was the trilid swarm. Her aim was to take out as many as possible in one shot. In one hand, her dark magic swelled. In the other, the flames of pyromancy licked at the air and grew larger. The magics began to swirl together, generating a great black fire orb. Primrose's body began to glow as well, swelling with power enough to boost her spell once, twice, three times. The orbs size was comically large at this point, and as soon as their comrades in the air were safely back on the train she launched it at where the trilid swarm was thickest. The size of the spell had no effect on it's speed, and once it touched a target the orb exploded in a shower of dark flames that burned every trilid they touched. With a large portion of the attackers reduced to ash, the rest could be picked off.

And with a lack of ranged options, Therion had busied himself with the Railway Gun once more by slamming the panel to turn it as fast as he could. He doubted that the device would be damaged by his pace, and even in his agitated state (his thoughts shuffling between why am I even here, I'm going to die, and fuck this thing, I refuse to die) he managed to make sure he wasn't damaging himself either, otherwise he wouldn't have been surprised if his palm came away bloody.

After what seemed like an agonizingly long amount of time, the cannon completed a 180 and finished turning on it's track. With the barrel pointed in the right direction, Therion called up to the woman in the gun's cockpit. "Shoot it!"

He left her with that bit of redundant advice, breaking away from the gun's control panels and hoping down onto the body of the train while the others were dealing with the aerial bombardment. Somebody had to go tell the driver where to take this thing, and with everyone else preoccupied and his own job completed, Therion figured that task now fell to him. He'd heard Midna's very unhelpful vote of anywhere that was uninhabited, and Primrose's mention of an oasis, and as he moved he heard other suggestions hurled around mostly pertaining to a huge pit in the desert - so that's where they'd be going.

Dagger in hand for protection in case any of the akrid swarm tried dive-bombing him or the conductor, Therion raced to the front of the train. He entered the lead car to find their bird-like driver looking anxious, but to be fair there were plenty of reasons to be. "Take this thing in whatever direction there's a big pit," Therion spoke. The words sounded a bit foolish to his ears, but his tone was coarse and commanding as if he actually had a clue of what he was talking about.
Well if you enjoy play by post roleplaying, you'll hopefully have a fun time here! Welcome!

EE 87, May 5 | Night

The dinner at Jeanne’s residence concluded quickly. Everyone had their theories and their plans, and they laid them out to each other as they made to leave. Inti refrained, as he did not have a plan. Not yet at least. In a way his plan was to think of a plan. He left the dorm with an inkling that some of the French woman's “defense force” were still keeping some things to themselves, bidding Nazca and Ryuuko good luck on their outing.

When he returned to his own dorm he found his roommate was not where the Abya Yalan had left him. Well, with no Kalil to distract him, Inti didn’t have much more to do than prepare to turn in for the night. Tomorrow I’ll pick up some books or something. From the large patio window he could see the fog rolling in just after the evening bell tolled and the locks clicked shut. Without ceremony Inti stripped out of his day clothes in what would be part of his new nightly routine for the foreseeable future: disrobe, wash, attach the monitoring equipment, then tuck in.

Inti laid on his back, staring up at the high ceiling and ruminating on the mystery surrounding Jeanne’s night out. Maybe I should have gone with them, he thought. Seeing the conditions after curfew would most likely help to wrap the brain around some of the events. Then again, it was a curfew, and the more of them outside after it the more likely they were to be caught. That wouldn’t help the case at all. Then again again, no risks meant no new clues, right?

"Haaaaa…" Inti heaved a sigh and closed his eyes. Talking it over with his family would be good, then he’d jump right into tomorrow with an open mind and a plan of action. Eventually he relaxed and his consciousness escaped his physical body, and when next he awoke it was in familiar white.

EE 87, May 6 | Morning

Consciousness came all too quickly. Inti awoke on his back, staring up at the plain white ceiling. He let out a long and indignant sigh through his nostrils, choosing to lie still for a few more minutes. Stupid siblings! He'd all but clung to sleep until they ganged up on him and forced him out, and now we was awake earlier than normal. The sun had yet to rise, though from the window in his room Inti could see the first rays of light trying to push past the horizon.

The plan for the day was to try and make more headway on the investigation. It seemed all of his peers were much more familiar with detective work, but Inti couldn't simply sit back and let them take care of everything. After reconvening with the others he'd had to get some advice before heading out. Idly he wondered how Nazca and Ryuuko's post-curfew investigation had gone. Or was still going, considering the morning siren wouldn't sound for a little while yet.

Inti scrubbed a head over his face. He should probably stay hooked up to the monitoring equipment until the usual time, but he wouldn't able to fall back asleep. Nor did he want to, for various reasons. After a few moments of deliberating internally, Inti pushed himself up.

Might as well try and do something productive! He padded to the wide glass doors of the dorm that lead out to the ocean, but when he tried the door he found them stuck tight. Right, the locks. By now the fog had mostly dissipated, but until curfew was actually over he was confined inside. So he had to think of a plan B. It was the dawn of the third day for students in Bermuda, so the dorm wasn't very lived in. There was nothing to clean up, in other words. Snooping around his roommate's quarters would probably be frowned upon. He turned and made his way to the large open space in the center of the apartment where a circle of chairs and couches sat. Inti dropped down into one, pulling his legs up and sitting with them crossed beneath him. He crossed his arms to match and let his head fall over the back rest. Gathering his thoughts, he considered the dream once more, as it was the only thing he could think to do at the moment.

Thanks to his siblings - Namely Pikiru, Inti thought - he had a starting point. Pikiru told him that the model of gun that used those bullets was mainly used by aristocratic types. It was an Occidental weapon of British design, made to be concealed in a coat sleeve and the pop out quickly to defend oneself from danger. Knowing all of that, did it mean that the gunman who had fired at Jeanne (or around her as was Inti's theory) a British aristocrat? Probably not. But he could narrow his broad search slightly, and focus on if there were any suspect magnetic fields around the sleeves. He'd memorized the look of the cartridge's field, so he would easily be able to spot a similar one, and distinguish it from other concealed items.

...and maybe he'd keep an eye out for stereotypical culprits as well.

As soon as the locks clicked open Inti was out the door. The tassels of his colorful poncho fluttered as he jogged. There hadn't been any new messages for directives, so his plans were up to him. Like the prior morning, his first stop would be getting some food into him. The second would be Nazca and Jeanne's dorm to follow up with the others. He'd scooped up the newspaper that had been deposited on his own dorm's front steps, but it stayed tucked under his arm until he drew near to his destination. Other early risers were outside seeking colleagues to gossip with, and by the time Inti made it to the quaint mess hall he'd visited yesterday, he felt he'd already read the paper several times over just by hearing passing conversations. Still, it didn't stop him from cracking the newspaper open and seeing for himself.

It looks like a lot of stuff happened last night, he thought to himself, reading while he ate breakfast. There were damage reports in various parts of the island. And cases of amnesia as well... in people that were out after curfew? That was curious. According to the article, people that lost consciousness while out in the mist woke up with few or no memories of the night's events. Were they being concussed?? As he continued reading, something else caught Inti's attention. "Hmm?"

It was a description of one of the incident sites, where it was mentioned that motionless clockwork birds had been found. That put Nazca at the scene. Inti was looking forward to the results of their overnight investigation, so he finished up the meal and went to rendezvous with Jeanne's defense force.

People that he passed still chatted about the news, both in and outside of Bermuda, but the talk died down as students began their own plans for the day. Eventually Inti arrived at the Inca-styled apartments. They looked the same in the daylight as they had in the evening, though there was one unusual difference that only became apparent when he was nearly on the doorstep. It was small, but recognizable to Inti as the weak curl of stardust signifying the magnetic field of unoxygenated blood. And indeed, as he got closer he could see the spots of deep red on the dormitory's steps.

But... what did that mean? Someone had been hurt, assuming this was a human's blood. It was impossible to tell how badly just from this, and best he could tell was that the blood stain must have formed at some point during the night. It wasn't much, so it could have been a coincidence. He'd ask the others about it.

Stepping around the drops Inti went inside. The doors were unlocked as expected, and he wandered to the dining area they'd used last night. It was deserted. A quick peek into other areas revealed much the same.

"Allianchu...?" he called by way of greeting, stepping back into the entryway of the house. He hadn't seen any of Jeanne's "defense force," or much of anyone. One of the students staying in the Inca-styled building poked her head out from around a corner at the sound of an unfamiliar voice though, and she fixed Inti with a curious stare.

"I'm looking for the people watching over Jeanne," he said. At the mention of the Frenchwoman, a flicker of emotion passed over the girl's face. Whether it was fear or disdain Inti couldn't say.

"None of them are here," she told him. She blinked, tilting her head. She might have recognized Inti from yesterday, but if she did she didn't say so. "Left really early in the morning, I think."

"Okay, thank you." Inti turned and was back outside just like that. So there had been all kinds of damage done to the city last night, at least one injury, and everyone investigating Jeanne's case - and Jeanne herself - had hurried out of the house. It was reasonable to assume that, given the news, everyone was getting an early start. He'd just have to catch them around the city while they (and he) were on the case. Then he'd be able to ask about the blood, the hunt for the bat Egoist, and about anything else that might have happened.

"So, then where to first?" Inti said to himself, opening up the newspaper again to choose on of the sites to start with. The most likely spot to meet up with everyone was where it mentioned Nazca's birds had been found, so he would start there, keeping an eye out for any fields that matched the one he was looking for.

EE 87, May 6 | Afternoon

With part of Jeanne's defense force having broken curfew and experienced the violent repercussions, and the other part having heard the story from the source themselves, Inti alone remained ignorant of the true events of the night before.

He had visited all of the sites mentioned in the Triangle, but hadn't run into Franz, Ryuuko, Nazca, Bang, or Jeanne as he'd hoped he would. Even the area blackened by fire and littered with the clockwork birds did not draw the two curfew breakers back, at least not while he was there. It was clear they had been involved in something, though. Unfortunately the officers posted at each scene were not particularly forthcoming with information. None of them carried the kind of gun he was looking for either. The broken storefront and the beach crater didn't appear to have any relevance to Jeanne's case - for one the bullets left behind at the former scene were completely different from the one involving the witch of flames - but of course no one could say for sure. Except maybe those that had been out that night.

Maybe he should switch his focus, Inti considered. He'd thought that by going about the investigation he'd run into his fellow defense force members sooner or later, but as the hours passed that didn't seem like it would be the case. Plus he was getting nowhere with his current work. Disheartening? A bit. But realistically Inti knew that his plan was simplistic and inefficient. The odds that he'd run into the gunman were low, but he'd thought that if that person was involved then they might have returned to the scene. No such luck.

Since no one knew for sure who had caused the various incidents during the night, and those mentioned in the Bermuda Triangle were made anonymous, it would make the most sense to actually pursue the people Inti knew were involved.

...and yet, he couldn't find them. After departing the cordoned off areas, Inti had swung around to the dorms again. Still there was no sign of any of the defense force. Making his way back to his own housing, Inti tried the telephone directory - which was of little help. They couldn't put him through to any of the others when he didn't know where they were and they were out of their dorms, and his second try in looking for information on any of the other curfew breakers mentioned in the newspaper didn't work either for much the same reason: no known name to connect to.

"Ugh..." Was he at a dead end once again? Man, mysteries were just not his thing. His ran through the memories in his brain of last and this morning. What was going on? There was that blood he'd seen and hadn't had the chance to follow up on, could it have been that one of them actually was hurt? And in that case, what should he do? Call on the hospitals in the area to see if anyone had been admitted, right?

"..." Checking in would have been easier if he knew for sure someone was hurt. The day had worn on already, if he left now would he be stuck outside once the curfew alarm rang?

His first instinct was to talk to his 'family,' as it had been last night. But the memory of their teasing and forcing him to awaken carved a small frown on Inti's face. Ultimately they were right, he was here in Bermuda on his own and he should be taking advantage of that. Growing and becoming independent while he could. So he would choose not to rely on them. He tightened his fists at his side, growing determined. Of course, not taking to the dreamscape that night meant that his mind conjured another idea. He had to see some things for himself, in person. Which would mean braving the fog in order to piece together just what was going on at night that could cause all of this. If it led him to some answers, then all the better. With that in mind, Inti set off again.
Galeem Beach Volleyball

Collab with @Lugubrious@Archmage MC@DracoLunaris
Word Count: 5554

After a little prowling around, Ace and Nadia managed to drum up a few more volunteers interested in a game of volleyball. Of the extended Koopa Troop, both Junior and Rika decided to take the duo up on their offers, the former out of enthusiasm for the sport and the latter out of curiosity. The acceptance of the former Abyssal helped speed Nadia to the conclusion that she would probably need to explain how the game actually worked, but she didn’t mind one bit. While she only got a chance to play it rarely, the feral loved volleyball most out of all the sports she’d tried, although golf and bowling weren’t too far behind. The motions for all three, in fact, played a part in her fighting style, often in tandem with her head to spike, roll, or drive it as the situation required. All that meant, though, was that she was overjoyed to share her favorite pastime with as many people as possible.

That said, not all of her fellow Seekers seemed too eager to participate. With the recency of their lunch and the general desire to relax after a ridiculously hard night’s work she didn’t blame them one bit, but after only the inexhaustible Blazermate pledged her support, Nadia found herself in something of a quandary. “Five, huh?” she observed, glancing around at the prospective players. “Maybe we can rope someone else in, just so we can have two teams of three.”

Since the luxurious Kanzuki beachfront estate did not feature a volleyball court of its own, the five hiked up the shoreline a short way past the sunbathing turtles and elaborate sandcastles. Nadia found it difficult to keep her eyes off the sparkling water, the myriad of corals that poked up from the shallows, and the strange but serene pillars just offshore whose wings undulated lazily beneath radiant halos. About halfway between Karin’s classy gala and the lively Island Paradise resort, her group found just what it was looking for: a pair of nets on neutral sand among the palms, their bounds marked by ropes along the ground. One looked to be in use, with a handful of players engaged in a rather extreme variant of the sport. The two teams, being ping-pong master and a stylish reptile versus a hammer-wielding girl and a skater robot, seemed to be trying to bean one another with the ball directly, racking up such impressive speed with their returns that Nadia couldn’t help but feel a little imperiled. On the other side of the palm tree row, however, the other court looked promising, empty except for a kid messing around with the ball.

Nadia trotted up to him, greeting the boy with a cheerful wave. “Heya! We were hopin’ to play a game. Mind if we use your net?”

After a moment spent sizing up the newcomers, with his eyes lingering on Junior the longest. Ron nodded slowly. “That’s fine,” he replied, his tone curt. “I can’t help but notice you’re one person short of equal teams. If children are allowed, I would like to play, as well. I need to test my capabilities.”

“Oh, uh, of ‘courts’! Welcome aboard!” As oddly serious and clinical as this kid seemed to be, Nadia was only too happy to accept the opportunity for even playing fields. Ron tossed her the ball, and after expertly snatching it from the air, the feral clapped it between her hands. “Alright, so! Anyone else know how to play, or should I start from square one?”

The Cadet studied the court before them. The ropes were obviously the game's boundaries, and the net splitting it down the middle provided space for each team on either side. A quick glance over where the other group were already engaged in some spirited play told him that the ball would pass over the net, but beyond that it was hard to guess any specific rules or guidelines the game should follow.

”I already know, but best the others learn it. Its not too complicated. Not like Tennis...” Blazermate said, doing some stretches even though as a medabot she didn’t need to.

"Might as well take it from the top, but I'm sure we'll pick it up quick," he said. He gave a friendly nod to Rika, his fellow in ignorance of the sport, who gave him a grateful smile in return.

Happy to oblige, Nadia launched straight into explanation. “Well! The goal is to score twenty-five points. Ya get a point when the ball lands inside the court on the other team’s side, or when they mess up. You can mess up by hittin’ the ball outta bounds or under the net, hittin’ it twice in a row, or grabbin’ it. Oh, and this is a contact-free sport, by the way!” With that she scampered over into the playing field, taking up position on the far side of the net. “Every round kicks off with a serve, like this!” In a smooth, practiced motion she tossed the ball up a short ways with her left hand, and as it fell she struck it with the palm of her right. The ball bounced off and sailed over the net to splash down in the sand on the other side. “When the ball’s in your court, the goal’s to send it back over,” she said, bending under the net to come back. “‘But that’s where the team comes in. You can pass the ball around and set it up for a good return. All sorts of hits work, but ya gotta show control, or you’ll send it straight outta bounds. There’s a couple types of hits just about everyone uses: pass, set, and spike!”

Dropping her head into her hands, Nadia demonstrated each motion in turn, showing off the low double-forearm pass, the high fingertip set, and finally the leaping palm smack. The force of her spike created a miniature sandy explosion where her head came down, but after recovery and a little dusting she was right as rain. “Early on, there’s sorta a rhythm to it,” she continued, her head tucked under her arm. “The pass sends the ball to the setter. The setter pops it up for the spiker. The spiker nails it on the other side. ‘Course, settin’ up the perfect spike is rare, and even then the other team might block it or bring it back. You can go as low as ya gotta as long as you pop it up for your team, so better ‘save’ than sorry!” She tossed her head up as if to serve it, but then caught it on her neck. After brushing her hair back Nadia gave the others a smile. “With me so far?”

”Thats cool for starting, but what about the almighty spike? You know with the powerhouses here they WILL try that at some point.” Blazermate said, having finished her stretches during Nadia’s explanation and, to make them seem completely useless, hovered off the ground anyway.

Brows furrowed, Nadia looked dubiously at the assembled players, that being two actual children, Blazermate, two women of rather slender-to-average build, and Ace. “Well, I dunno about that,” she replied after a moment. “We’re not playin’ too rough, I don’t think, ‘specially ‘cause its the first time for some of us.”

“More importantly,” Ron interjected, his pointed gaze directed at the floating Medabot. “Do you intend to use special powers to give yourselves an advantage? I was under the impression this would be a normal game–although, if such abilities are allowed, that would make things rather…interesting.”

Still a little unnerved by the boy’s manner of speaking, Nadia held her hands up, shaking her head. “Oh, no, we oughta keep it vanilla. An even playin’ field, at least for now.”

Ron crossed his arms. “In that case, we should divide the teams to have one kid and one newbie on each side. Don’t you think?”

“Sounds good to me!” Nadia concurred.

”Sounds handicap for the team that gets you instead of me, but sure let's go with that” Jr said to the other kid cockilly, although considering he’d played this sport at the olympics vs heroes and villains of two worlds, in his mind he had every right to be.

”So who’s gonna be on team Bowser Junior and who’s gonna be on team… uh what your name?” The prince asked the kid he was underestimating.

“Ron,” the boy said in succinct reply, his hands in his pockets.

”-on team Ron” Jr smoothly completed with that knowledge in hand.

”I’ll be on whatever team. I’ll need to make sure I don’t float around though if we’re keeping this vanilla.” Blazermate said, landing. She was only hovering a few inches off the ground as it was anyway, but not flying at all was going to be tricky. She’d also have to make sure she didn’t trip over her own kimono part, that would just be embarrassing.

“I’ll be on your team, right jr?” Rika said, thinking it a given and as far as the prince was concerned it was ”Yeah, obviously. No one’s got a problem with that right?”

If newbie Rika and the kid koopa were on the same team, then that meant the teams were handily decided. "Then I guess that would put me and Nadia on Team Ron," the Cadet said. He looked towards his proposed teammates. "That's Groovios with me!"

“Mew-sic to my ears!” Nadia agreed. After a moment Ron gave a stiff nod, as if deeming his new comrades sufficiently capable by rather exacting standards.

”Alrighty, I’m on Jr.s team then! This should be fun.” Blazermate said, walking to stand with Jr. and Rika. ”So… Now we just need team names and we’re good to go!” Blazermate said. ”But what names to use…”

“Names?” The idea of team names wasn’t something Nadia had considered. Not knowing a single thing about the young Ron made it a tall order to begin with, and while a single mojito wasn’t enough to impair her, she wasn’t feeling particularly creative either. If anything she was buzzing with excitement, eager to begin the game! “I got nothin’, but whatever, right? Let’s get this show on the road!”

She jogged over to the other side of the court, ducking under the net again before moving to the back right third of the court. “Tallest up front!” she called to Ace. “That way, you can jump up and slap any low balls right back!”

"Got it!" The hunter replied, sending a thumbs up her way before taking his position. Despite being a complete newbie to the game, he was equally as enthusiastic about getting started. His trademark grin was in place as he rolled his neck and shoulders in preparation for play.

”Rikas up front for us then.” Blazermate said, stepping back and pushing Rika gently up to the net to match where Ace was. ”Just hit the ball back over the net Rika, its pretty easy.” Blazermate said.

“Sure thing!” the ship girl replied, eager to try this out, as she got the bot’s point and walked the rest of the way to her designated spot without more pushing. Once there she waved a “Hi over there” to Cadet and then hopped a few times, hand outstretched, to get a feel for how high she could get compared to the net.The gauntlets, strapped to her back, did the opposite of weighing her down and instead left her with some slightly floaty jumps.

“So how do we start?” she asked once she was done with her practice hops, while mentally fiddling with the antigrav in her gauntlets to make them fit with the no power’s rule..

”Someone serves the ball, and then we’re off” Jr said, taking up the rear of the court, where he cracked his knuckles and then rolled his shoulders, which sent Mimi, still sitting there bobbing up and down much to her delight.

”Wouldn’t that be you Jr if we’re first to serve?” Blazermate said, actually bringing up a good question, which team was going to serve first? ”Wait, whos doing the coin flip for who goes first? I don’t have any zenny so…”

“Aw, no need to sweat it!” Nadia laughed. She slung the ball underhand under the net, sending it bouncing across the sand toward Junior so that he could pick it up and kick things off. “Let’s get this paw-ty started!”

”Alrighty Jr. Show them what the monster trio team can do!” Blazermate said, giving a fist pump to Jr.

”You mean team.. Eh why not” jr decided not contest Blazermate’s impromptu naming of the inhuman team and instead snatched up the ball that had been sent his way, eager to get going. He gave the ball a test toss to get a feel of it, and then after checking everyone was ready got the game started with a powerful smack of his scally palm sending the ball soaring over the net towards a spot vaguely behind Ace.

Nadia narrowed her eyes against the sun as she tracked the arc of the incoming ball. The arc looked too high for the monster hunter to block it, typical for most serves, but it also looked too low to be an easy bump even if he took the risk of back-pedaling. In just a moment the ball would smack down right about in the center, and as the most experienced one here Nadia made the split-second decision to for it. “Mine!” she sang, calling the shot, and as she scooted toward the middle she stepped out into a kneel, one knee in the sand, with arms extended for a low intercept. Right on cue the ball smacked off her forearms, and just a little extra oomph was enough to pop it decently high. It went a little forward and to the left, meaning Ron probably wouldn’t be able to help, but Ace had a pretty good shot, and he wasn't one to let opportunity pass by.

He moved, positioning himself beneath the airborne ball. He was confident in his hand-eye coordination, but not so much his control. There was pretty much never a time where he had to pull his punches, so to speak, so there was a real possibility of sending the ball out of bounds. But Nadia's instructions were fresh in his mind, advising that the goal was just to get it over the net and back into the other team's court. And to have fun, of course.

"Alright, here we go~!" Rather than attempt to 'set' anything up just yet, the Ace Cadet just returned the ball to the monster trio. Technically he was successful, but the pathetic shot drew a quick laugh from the hunter, half sheepish and half amused at himself. Trying to reign his strength in, the Cadet had basically just pushed the ball back over with the tips of his fingers. It's trajectory was shallow and it's speed was slow, but at least it was back on the other side now.

“I got it” Rika called out excitedly as she shifted over and under the ball, only to entirely misjudged her jump and strike, hitting it a few moments too late and in doing so managing to just giving the slow bopped ball some height again and sending it lazily towards the back of their court “-oops”

Blazermate, not being new at this game, saw Rika mess up a little bit for being new and recovered the ball, hitting the ball when it got near her to set it up for Jr. to return it. “All yours Jr.” Blazermate said.

”Alright! Here it comes!” the prince shouted as his claws bit into the sand before he leapt up with that gravity defying power and gave the ball a hard slap, aiming it to land about as far to the back as he dared.

The young prince’s strike sent the ball sailing, a high shot to the farthest end of the court. Its arc brought it well out of the reach of both Ace and Nadia, but so close to the rear boundary that it could easily go either way. Even with her keen eyes and quick reflexes Nadia couldn’t call whether the ball would land out or in, but either way, her team’s third member was determined to not leave anything to chance. Ron slid to a dramatic stop in a spray of stand, twisted around, and with a shout thrust his palm to the heavens. He struck the incoming ball dead on–or so he thought, for to the boy’s dismay the ball veered off sideways at a low angle, almost certainly doomed to land out of bounds.

That is, until Nadia saved the day. “Whoa!” she yelped as she threw herself backwards. The ball rocketed in, but just inches above the ground, the feral managed to whack the ball upward again with her fingers. Unfortunately, the odd hit put a spin on the ball, putting it on a collision course with the net. Beyond that Nadia couldn’t tell, as she plopped down in the sand. Whether the rally lived or died was up to Ace now.

The monster hunter flung himself into the ball's path, intercepting it on its way to the net. Maybe a bit eager to make up for his clumsy hit prior, the Cadet caught the ball on the side of his fist and launched it up... and up and up, sending it hurtling into the sky. When it came back down the ball bounced off the top of the net, wobbling in the air for a moment before pitching onto Team Bowser Jr’s patch of sand.

What had been a ”Ha” from a prince at the sight of the flubbed shot quickly turned into an ”Oh no” when it unexpectedly still managed to come over the the net by but a hair’s breadth. He dived and swung wildly, only just managing to bat it up into the air towards Rika who tried to stabilize it but failed, sending the ball bouncing just out of the side of the court and onto the sand.

As the ball hit the ground Nadia clapped her hands together, beaming with pride. “That was a fantastic fur-st round!” she declared as she treated everyone to her brightest smile. “Still, no matter how long it takes to get there, it’s just one point.” Her grin turned sly as she scooped the ball up from where it lay, then slapped it to get the sand off. “One down, twenty-four to go!”

The game began again, and though everyone from the total newbies to the more well-acquainted to the learned enthusiast tried their best, it took a while to recapture the magic from the first rally. Beginner’s luck couldn’t keep the Seekers from a handful of short-lived rounds on either side, whether that take the form of missing a pass, sending the ball out of bounds, or getting nothing but net. Nadia got ample time to teach everyone the practice of rotating on fresh serves, giving everyone a chance to not just play every position, but also try their luck at service. At one point a lopsided return caused the ball to plonk right off of Blazermate’s head, and though Junior dove to the ground for the hero save, his arms bounced the ball sideways over the boundary. After receiving a chorus of ‘nice try!’ and ‘so close!’, however, the little prince was happy to dust himself off and get ready for the next round.

Though a little reluctant at first to open up to the squad of tight-knit strangers, Ron loosened up over the course of a dozen serves, and quickly proved himself not just a fast runner but a remarkably high jumper, hurling himself into the air with the practiced grace of a martial artist. When Nadia neglected to call the ball and collided with Ace hard enough to send both to the ground in a heap, it was Ron who saved the day with a soaring karate chop to spike the ball back down on the other side. Almost as stunning a feat of heroism was the Cadet’s, who managed to grab Nadia on the way down and twist so that the young woman landed on him rather than the other way round, though the sudden tight squeeze left both so blushy that Ron could only roll his eyes.

As the game progressed, Nadia’s team racked up a clear lead, owing to the feral’s winsome combination of athleticism and expertise. Not wanting to get too carried away, however, Nadia started goofing around a little, going for stylish rather than practical hits. At one point she sprang up to spike the ball with her iconic flying screen door/, but the angle of the hit sent the ball too low, and it rebounded off the net like a wrestler on the ropes. Nadia landed in a handstand and flipped to her feet, but it was much too late to do anything other than observe the ball hurtle across the sand back toward the Island Paradise Resort. “Aw, kitty litter,” she griped, lightly slapping her knee. “I’ll get it!” So saying, she took off after the rogue ball. As she chased it down she watched it roll right for a red-haired man laying on a dark turquoise towel, dozing in the sun with his hat over his face. It came to a stop just inches away from hitting him, but the fellow seemed to notice anyway. He rose, took hold of the ball, and tossed it to Nadia as she approached. She caught it with one hand and gave a friendly salute before turning to run back. How funny that there would be two strapping young men with longish scarlet locks on one beach, but one was all she needed. Once back with the ball, she tossed it to the other team for service, then jogged to her spot so the game could continue.

To avoid wasting time Nadia reigned in her tomfoolery a good bit, and after that the game didn’t last for much longer. It ended with a score of twenty-five to sixteen in her team’s favor, but without skipping a beat she went straight into being a good sport. “Alright, good stuff, everyone!” Win or lose, the game itself was enough to make her happy, and with friends it was all the better. “High fives all around!” With her hands held high she clapped Ace’s, then Ron’s, who jumped up to meet her before she could even think about crouching down. Once she’d done the same for the opposing team, she put her hands on her hips. “Well, that’s volleyball! My favorite sport, and some of the most fun I’ve ever had. And remember, if losin’s gotcha down…” she winked with a devilish grin. “Don’t hate the playa, hate the game.” After laughing to herself she crossed her arms. “Or, we could switch sides and go straight into a rematch. Whatcha say?”

Game two ended up being a bit different from game one. Seeing as the newbies were starting to get a hang of the game, things were getting a bit more interesting. The game started with a serve from Nadia’s team, which thanks to Rika’s gloves, let her block the ball. However while she was able to easily catch and bump the ball, she missed it with Blazermate making the save and Jr. hitting the ball over, Ace accidentally bumping the ball out of bounds with his hit as Jr. hit the ball in an awkward part of the court. This was quickly made up for though with an ace from Nadia, making it past Rika and Blazermate tripping on her kimono, allowing the ball to land without issue.

The next few rounds went more like game one, with the newbies getting much better. Seeing this, Blazermate decided to spice things up a bit with what she mentioned earlier, and when Nadia served for her team again, Blazermate moved in front of Rika and spiked the ball down, catching Ace off guard, but also intriguing the hunter. And while his first attempt at a spike lead to the ball bouncing off his head, his next attempt was just as adept as Blazermate’s attempt, Rika trying but failing to catch the ball in time in a dive. Blazermate gave the hunter a thumbs up and after another spike from Nadia, Rika learned how to guard them.

And with that the newbies learned a new trick and how to counter it, leading back to a game where everyone had new tactics and used them in conjunction with their old ones to lead some strong rounds. Ace ending up to be a pretty nasty server, living up to his namesake at times. Jr. showed the other veterans a thing or two though, putting a nasty spin on a few returns that caught everyone off guard. Nadia also showed her cunning at times, making it seem like she was aiming at Blazermate but shooting the ball off towards Rika. Thankfully Rika’s giant gauntlets let her deal with these sneak attacks on occasion.

Eventually the game lead to a win for Jr.s team, thanks to a combination of some trick shots from Jr. and Blazermate getting some suburb returns thanks to her metal body. It wasn’t too shabby though and a good game all around. Rika and Ace had both grown well as they had gotten used to the game. And while Nadia and Ron had put up a good defense, Rika had learned a lot and caught up quick. Ace was definitely a powerhouse though, but that was made up for by Jr. and Blazermate doing all sorts of whacky shots to even up the score.

By the third game, the practiced volleyball players were well warmed up and the two newbies were hitting their stride. The pace of the game increased, as well as the general intensity of its players, with feelings of friendly rivalry struck up between the two teams pushing each to play harder.

It started with a serve from the Koopa prince, driving the ball toward the back corner of the other team's net. It was caught by his fellow kid Ron, who bumped it up back toward the net. It was a textbook pass, fast and efficient, and perfect for a follow up set. The Ace Cadet hopped up to tap the ball, stopping it's forward momentum and presenting it for his partner in crime to slam with the palm of her hand, spiking it back into the rival team's court.

The quick point they were looking for didn't come so easily though! The monster team's frontliner Rika was quick to move in with a dig, ducking under the ball and sending it skyward with both of her hands. At that point Junior had moved up to make a set of his own, followed by Blazermate on the attack. She sent the ball back over where it landed on the waiting forearms of the Ace Cadet. It was sent through each of Team Ron's players, with the team's namesake using his agility to dash to the far side of the net to try to get a point in an unguarded section of the court. The rally continued like that for a while, and each rally afterward as well.

The third game showed just how quickly the newbies had taken to the sport. The Cadet had a good handle on the game now, and started living up to his name with several service aces whenever it was his turn to serve. Of course the powerful shots found counters in both Blazermate and Rika, who used their metallic arms to save the ball when they could. In particular Rika had become a defensive monster, with her gauntlets and tenacity she would jump, run, and dive for any ball that her teammates didn't call out for - and successfully save it most of the time.

The battle between spear and shield was intense, but the one between the four veterans was even more so. Having learned to navigate the pair of lovebirds he'd been teamed up with, Ron proved not just a competent player but a decent strategist as well. As he gained more information about each player, including those on the opposing team, he called out instructions to Ace and Nadia in the heat of the match. When they cooperated it usually went well, but on the flip side Junior and Blazermate's tactics were hard to predict. Armed with plenty of knowledge about the game, but also aggressively ambitious and colorfully cheeky personalities respectively, they pulled out some unique and downright confusing shots.

Not to be out done, Nadia matched their energy with her own. Willing to think outside the box and wielding the talent to make it work, the feral's attacks were something to be reckoned with. In the latter half of the game she started making some fearsome cross shots, forcing the monster team to scramble to deal with them.

The match's high energy continued throughout. If it was possible the sand beneath them would have turned to mud from the amount of sweat the players poured into it. Everyone was scuffed up from sand being kicked up, or diving to save balls, but even so there were smiles on their faces. The more intense the match, the more fun everyone seemed to have. And so the game went on.

In the end, it was Team Bowser Jr's win. The spirited rallies toward the end of the match pushed the score passed the twenty-five point range, until they ended with 26-28. High on adrenaline, neither team was ready to quit playing yet, but they needed a quick break to recover. While they lounged, briefly retreating to fetch various bottles of water and sports drinks, Blazermate suggested spicing things up for the next game. Up until now they'd kept everything strictly vanilla: no special powers or abilities. However, now that everyone was familiar with the sport none of them had any objections to going wild in the next match.

The fourth, and what turned out to be the final, game was the one where all of the stops were pulled out. Jr suggested this primarily to advantage himself, and the reason for why he wanted that advantage, besides ego, was because his father had come along looking for him, initially to tell them about what was going down the rest of the day, but once he arrived he decided to stay and watch. Kamek was also there, but it wasn't her that Jr wanted to gain the approval of by winning.

Unfortunately for the prince, while he might have had a few volleyball related super moves up his non-existent sleeves it was Nadia who really shone when the gloves were off and the claws were out. Right out the gate she showed her stuff, sending a water-clone to catch a spike from jr, before propelling herself up via blood jets to get a high angle spike of her own driving into the sand a hair’s breadth past the center line.

She wasn't the only one who really benefited either, as Ron got to show off his own skills as he dashed through or hanging in the air to hit some shots, and even flashs stepping, briefly moving so fast the movement from point A to B wasn't visible.

With the teams having rolled back around to the original setup, only Ace on the human team wasn't pulling out absurd tricks, but the hardened hunter wasn't exactly a slouch when it came to the physicality department.

What the monster team had against this was a lot of air control, between Blazermate’s flight and Rika and Jr’s floaty jumps, and a secret little trick the prince had been counting on to win him this.

After enough back and forth one rally, Jr shouted for his team to ”Bounce it up for me! I’ve got something special lined up” which he got a few moments later, with Rika diving to bounce up a spike using her now gauntleted arms. The ball bounced high where Blazermate swooped in and passed it towards Jr who leapt into the air and then almost froze in time for a moment, having gathered enough power to perform a sporty special move.

He picked his target, and then slammed it home, sending the ball hurting at frightful speeds and slamming straight through the body of a water clone Nadia sent to interpret it, before bouncing hurtling onwards.

”Way to go junior! That’s my boy” Bowser cheered loudly in a way the prince wasn't old enough to be embarrassed by and instead only felt pride swelling in his heart at the praise. Enough that, even when the game ended with a close loss for his team, he didn’t really mind.

That was, however, the final game of the day. Both because after 4 increasingly intense games the players were all pretty tired, Rika for example more or less flopped down onto the beach next to where Kamek and Bowser had parked their butts to watch, and because the duo’s wandering had been in part to inform them as to what was happening next during their day off.

Level: 6 - Total EXP: 95/60 ------ Level: 2 - Total EXP: 38/20
𝙱𝙿 ●●●● ---------------------------- 𝙱𝙿 ●●●●
Word Count: 717 (+4 exp)
Location: Sandswept Sky

With Tora's assurance that they didn't need to wait for the shells to be loaded, Primrose and Therion set to do their part. The Travelers found out quickly that the opposite turning stations were just that: opposing controls to move the cannon's barrel either clockwise, or counter-clockwise. They shared another look with each other; a silent, seconds-long conversation that terminated with Primrose slamming her hand onto the panel to move the hulking gun, and Therion leaning out from his station with throwing knives tucked between his fingers. The whole crew had been doing a good job of keeping the little flying monsters at bay, but those that found their way through were put down by a few well placed blades. Quick and precise, Therion picked them off until the platform itself lurched and the gun swung around. He clung tight to the console as a trilid he'd been aiming at took it's chance and dived at him. Twirling it's body like a drill, the akrid cut into the skin of the thief's arm as he deflected it, and subsequently finished it off with his dagger.

"Careful!" he complained to Primrose without much bite in his voice. She scoffed in reply, then looked toward Jesse who'd taken over the task of actually firing the massive weapon. She also didn't know what Jesse referred to when she mentioned a "high" school, but judging from her tone it was likely a joke anyway. "You'll do fine," she told the red head, "take it from here."

The FBC Director made the finishing touches on the cannon's aim, and then she fired. The whole train shook with the force of the shot. To Primrose it felt like it had rattled her heart around in her chest. The roar of pain let loose from Red Eye was the only proof that the shot had even hit it's mark. Relief spread through the Seekers, a general low level of cheer that said they might really have a shot of beating this thing, and Therion went ahead and voiced the thought aloud.

"Might actually have a chance," he said, though there was still a hint of skepticism in his words.

"Don't get too cozy now," Primrose said, just as Red Eye decided to pull up alongside the train. Primrose started the process of turning the cannon again while the others started their offensive on the Guardian's weak points. It was just about on target when the monster launched something at them in retaliation. The spiked pod slammed into the train and knocked the cannon off track, and Primrose from her station.

"Ugh..." She pushed herself up as the pod opened up, letting dozens of bulbous red monsters skitter free. Explosive monsters, as it turned out. She watched the group contend with them, drawing up a spell in her hand. It seemed the easiest way to deal with the explosions was to get them off of the train, and so she lashed out with her dark magic to try and shove any that she could over the edge. She noticed a creature approaching her fellow dark mage, and focused her attention on that one. "Moonlight Waltz!" The spell struck the Bolsepia and toppled it, and a follow up sent it spiraling off of the train.

Back on the gun's platform, Therion had held fast when the pod struck. With his fellow operator flung away, it was now on him to get the cannon aimed properly again. He had some unexpected protection in the form of Raiden, who'd climbed up and was fending off any of the little creatures that drew near. Because of course this would happen right after they'd made some progress in the battle.

"Gods above," Therion muttered, hesitating at the panel's control. It was only for a few moments, but it was long enough for one of the Bolsepia to duck the metal man's blade and crawl it's way toward him. Therion growled and kicked the thing off of the platform, toward the group's Psychonaut who was using them for impromptu ammo. "Heads up," he warned, before he went back to shifting the main gun. Thankfully Tora hadn't been mistaken, it really was simple enough to control. The Railway Gun and it's platform moved again, on track to face down Red Eye again.
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