Avatar of Yankee


Recent Statuses

23 days ago
I'm back, I got a new Halloween-ish avatar, and I'm ready to catch up on writing~
2 mos ago
Is there any better feeling than tsumo after a kan, and the dora turns out to be the four tiles you just called? I think not.
1 like
1 yr ago
It's so fun to make random OCs for an RP I will probably never run
1 yr ago
"As usual, I've been doing online roleplay, and having a blast with women in their 30's exhausted from working too much."
1 yr ago
Went to an fan convention yesterday after a three year break from them. I forgot how much I love seeing people's creativity, and how fun making even a simple costume is!


If you're on my page, check out the RP World of Light!
21+ | UTC-5 | Casual Roleplayer | 1x1's: Closed


Hello! I'm Yankee.
I'm usually down for pretty much anything: action, adventure, romance, horror, taboo, comedy, smut, gore, slice-of-life, etc.
I like cute, fun stories just as much as dark, gross, traumatic (for character) stories. I enjoy creating original characters for RP,
but I get as much enjoyment writing as canon characters in fandom-based games!
On that note I like comic books, cartoons, and videogames. I'm also very into cosplay and art!

I am a very slow writer, so my preferred posting pace is once per week or less. I usually post on weekends.
I like to have fun while writing, so I prefer relaxed partners who don't take things too seriously.
Remember: fiction =/= reality.

Feel free to PM me to chat!
However I do not check PMs immediately. Might take me a day or two... or ten to get back to you.

Forward all complaints to @stone

and remember,

Most Recent Posts

Checking in. How we all doin'? I know this RP is slow going, but from the post I've seen so far, we got some really cool and interesting potential here. We just need to get there.

Personally I don't mind a slow start, or slow pace in general. So I'm around, just chilling.

Morning everyone. I love all the characters so far ^^

I finished my own sheet officially with all the Pokemon added a day or two ago (though I see there are still some typos to fix). But then Gamefreak just had to go and add another perfect Pokemon for Nor's team

I've been obsessed with Valheim lately, heh. Anyway, welcome! Most folks here are friendly and willing to help out and answer questions.
Y'all know who it is

Some minor tweaks and he is done. Will gradually fill in the Pokemon section. And sorry Crimson, I know you are the fairy guy but it's what I thought would fit best in trying to fit in a single type theme!

Also I see there are quite a lot of food and sweets lovers among the sheets so far. And Nor is here to provide them to you all.
Welcome to the guild!

Word Count: 684 (+1 exp)
Level: 4 - Total EXP: 41/40
Location: Edinburgh MagikaPolis - Nyakuza Metro

𝙱𝙿 ●●●●

Seeing as there were two people already with a purple pass including himself, with Jesse that made three. So the trio headed back toward the purple station, Therion taking the lead at first though eventually Raz took over in his excitement to get going. They all boarded, and soon enough the cat-pulled train got going.

Therion was quiet for most of the trip, content to just people watch and ignore whatever comments Raz and Jesse made. However he did pipe up when Raz directly addressed him (by the wrong name). He bristled slightly.

"Therion. That was when I was enchanted, or brain-washed, or whatever that thing does to people," he said, which was the truth. "I wasn't scared," he followed with, which was a lie. Therion crossed his arms and scowled, dropping himself onto one of the open seats on the subway car's benches.

"Can't blame a guy for thinking it was a spell that ran on mana." It was really his only frame of reference for weird stuff like that. In fact he still didn't know what a "psychic" was, just that they were technically different from mages. And, now, that their powers didn't rely on mana - which was good to know for the future.

When they pulled into the station, the place they arrived to was not at all what Therion had expected. When he thought of "Queen's Station" he pictured a magnificent building, with marble pillars and richly colored drapery looked after by more than a few decorated guardsmen. The doors would take them outside to some kind of castle town in a queendom. Instead, they got a dim, overgrown and sort of somber place that seemed like it was almost underground. There was a certain charm to it, as if it may have been the illustrious place Therion pictured years and years ago, but he couldn't be sure. As he, Jesse, and Raz ascended the spiral staircase and they were able to get a glimpse of the few people in the station, a sudden realization came to his mind. When Raz was listed off everything he was seeing he'd even made mention of a lot of bugs. The thief just barely stopped himself from slapping his own forehead.

"Queen as in an insect queen," he said, the tone of his voice very unamused. So the probably really were underground, in some kind of gigantic nest. That was frankly a disgusting thought, but Therion could bear with it thanks to the place looking more like an abandoned man-made structure than a hole in the ground. He left all of the note taking to the others, deciding to start ascending again. He only glanced back when Raz asked about the Moogles before trailing off into what might as well have been gibberish to Therion.

...now that he thought about it though, he had no clue how calling the Moogles actually worked. he'd seen that dark haired kid do it in the desert, and Vandham had given them a very brief rundown of the process, but was it really as simple as he'd made it sound? If Therion called out to one and nothing showed up he was going to feel really dumb. Deciding to ignore Raz's nonsense question, he cleared his throat before speaking.

"Moogle," he said, and after a few seconds one of the creatures popped up in front of them. It glanced around the area, slightly confused at first, but then it brought a little hand up to it's head and tapped it's noggin a few times.

"You must be with the recon team," it reasoned. "Sorry, but could you find a better place to call? We Moogles can hear you just fine, but back at the base they won't be able to pick up our return signal."

It looked overhead at the hanging moss, and out over the canyon where the area above them couldn't be seen given the combination of vegetation and shadows. "Try going up?" it suggested. It stuck around for any questions the crew might have before disappearing, leaving the three to themselves once more.
Beep~ Beepbeep~ Beep~ Beepbeepbeep~ ♪♫

The cutesy chime snapped Chabi out of her trance. Yes, definitely a meditative trance and not an extra morning nap in the break room before classes. She yawned and rubbed her face with one hand, the other blindly groping for the phone inside of her bag. Eventually she managed to find it, flipping it open and squinting at the text message she'd received.

"Meeting at Assembly Hall 11...? Tonight... Eh?"

She tilted her head in thought, wondering if she'd ever been there before. She couldn't recall even hearing about it before. Weren't there only ten halls in the facility? She hadn't even been here a whole year yet, but surely if such a place existed she would have heard about it by now. Interest peaked in the mystery, Chabi reached out to her partner via the telepathic bond between Master and Servant.

Saber, have you been to this place before? The eleventh assembly hall.

For a few moments there was no response. Then, a smooth, feminine voice replied.

I haven't. I take it you've received a certain message, my dear?

Yeah! How did you know?

I've overheard a couple talking about it already. Chabi, can you come and meet me in the corridor outside of your homeroom? We will talk more there.


Chabi tucked the phone back into her bag and jumped up from her seat. So it seemed the message wasn't a prank or anything like that, and she wasn't the only one to receive it. How curious! She hurried to the meeting place, sputtering out quick greetings to classmates and faculty to she passed until finally she spotted her Servant.

Saber took the form of a woman on the shorter side, with shaggy light hair and a long horn protruding from the top of her head that easily gave anyone with a brain a clue to her identity - though even those missing their frontal lobe were offered her True Name when she met them. Chabi recalled how enchanted she was when she first summoned her partner, a Servant that had gone on to live immortal among the stars. Was it just affinity that had called the spirit Amalthea to her, or was it fate given her unique history? Chabi liked to believe it was the latter.

She strode up to Saber, noting that there was something in her hand. A sweet bun, packaged to go.

"Oooh, is that for me?"

"Oh, dear," Saber sighed, slightly exasperated as she took in her Master's disheveled appearance. Even so she held the treat out to the girl, who gratefully took it. "Sleeping in public again? You really shouldn't."

As Saber took to fixing Chabi's appearance, the girl unwrapped the bun and munched on it. After a few bites she questioned Saber again.

"So, you said other people got the message too?"

"Mhm." Saber relayed how while she'd been in the cafeteria fetching some snacks, she'd overheard Cassandra and her own Servant discussing it a little. Though they'd been on the quieter side after the Spartan had drawn attention with her shake, it wasn't eavesdropping if they were having a conversation in a public place Saber reasoned, and so she passed the information on to Chabi.

"I see." Chabi finished off the sweet bun, popping one of her fingers into her mouth to get the last of the crumbs. "I should go find Cassandra-senpai then, maybe she knows something?"

"Okay," Saber agreed, "After your classes."

"Eh? After? Don't you think this is important?" Chabi asked. She was met with a soft smile in reply, and then Saber's physical form fading away.

You still have seven hours before the meeting time. Get some studying in first. If you like I'll see what more I can find out for you until then.

Chabi groaned. Saber preferred speaking in person, so when she de-materialized like that it meant she wasn't up for a discussion. Classes weren't even mandatory, it wouldn't be any trouble for Chabi to skip out - but over the last few months she'd been following Saber's orders rather than the other way around, and truth be told she wasn't about to stop now. She did enjoy the lessons for the most part anyway...

Alright, alright... while you do that, maybe I'll get lucky and find someone else in the same situation!
Personally I like the similarities, and like you mentioned they have different personalities and approaches to things I'm sure.

As for posting, should be in the next day or two for me.
@Rezod92@SSW Technically Medusa is a mom too, hehe. Mom squad real (plus nanny). As far as if their true names would be known, assuming it's been about a month, I think Amalthea's identity would definitely be known. So yeah, feel free to assume she has doted on any and everyone.

Word Count: 906 (+2 exp)
Level: 4 - Total EXP: 40/40
Location: Edinburgh MagikaPolis - Nyakuza Metro

𝙱𝙿 ●●●●

Arriving at the area brightly lit in purple, Therion was pleased to find that it was indeed the station serving the Purple Line. The ticket booth, which he did not directly approach, was busy - but it wasn't so crowded that he couldn't see the cost of a pass. Ten pons. He stuck a hand into his bag and felt around the orbs inside where they sat with the other valuable-looking currencies he'd picked up. He currently had five pons. Halfway there, he mused.

Therion glanced back the way he'd come, out over the main atrium and above where most of the pons he'd collected had been. Even now he could spot a couple of them, out of the way and waiting for some acrobat to grab them. He could go get the other half that he needed, it would take some more searching but he could do it.


He was already here at the station, surrounding by cats, cat-people, and people-people that all had their own passes already. There was nothing stopping him from just grabbing one of those. Stealing was kind of his thing anyway, it wasn't something he was ashamed of or anything. He'd had to do what he did to survive. The only thing shameful in his opinion was getting caught, though he was much too good for that to happen. As if on queue the shackle around his wrist brushed against the hilt of his short sword, reminding the Traveler of it's presence. He frowned. ...again. Too good for it to happen again.

Therion left the station, getting into the line for one of the many restaurant stalls around the area to kill time while he thought. He was a professional, but when push came to shove he wasn't above pick-pocketing. He was good at that too, it was pretty much the first thing any thieving street urchin learned to do. The easiest marks were people in an unfamiliar environment. Because that included Therion himself, it would make it a bit harder to identify someone - especially because it couldn't be someone brand new to the place like he was. It needed to be someone with a pass already, but one they didn't use often. Tourists, newcomers, they all tended to act a certain way. He couldn't imagine it would be much different in this futuristic place than it was back in his world, so he just had to keep his eyes peeled for someone like that, with his goal in their hand. Now that who to target was decided, it was time to move on to when to strike.

He spent the time in the line observing people come and going from the purple station. Eventually he made it to the front of the food stall, and though he hadn't intended to buy anything he ended up ordering something for appearance's sake. A weird food, hand-held packed rice wrapped in some kind of dried leaf. He made his way back to the station proper as he munched on it. He'd decided that the best time would be when a train had just dropped off passengers. Their station passes would be in their hand as they moved, and they would put them away as they walked into the main area. Since they wouldn't be looking for the pass after that, quite the opposite in fact, it would take a bit to notice it was missing.

Right on time, the speaker sounded from inside the station area announcing the arrival of another train. Therion quickened his steps, and as the passengers spilled out from behind the pass-only section and into the atrium, the thief sharpened his eyes.

There, he spotted them. The perfect mark. A short little man wearing a cat costume (Therion was not about to question why, it was just another weird thing in the world), and the most oblivious expression on their face. They were oooing and aaahing as they swiveled their head, taking in the sights of the Metro. Therion would have thought they were completely new, if not for the purple card they held in their hand. Swiftly, Therion moved with the other people heading into the station, and he brushed hard by the toad just as they were moving to put their pass away. It took less than a second.

"Train to catch," he muttered, slipping the pass from the toad's loosened grip and into his shawl. To his amusement the guy actually apologized to him, unaware of what had just happened. "Oof, sorry! Safe travels!" They said, the voice grating but tone genuinely apologetic. The toad went on their way, and Therion did too - hustling right past the ticket booth where he produced the pass from his opposite hand, showing it to the clerk before going in. Once inside he stowed the pass safely away, took a lap around to check it out, then walked right back out. Making a beeline for the kiosk where the Seekers had separated from, he arrived to find he was one of the first to be back. It made sense, stealing some poor sap's pass did end up being way faster than going to get five more pons would have been.

"I got a pass to the Purple Line," he told the group once more of them found their way back. "If we're doing this whole team thing, I could show a couple of you where the ticket booth is."
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