Avatar of Yankee


Recent Statuses

22 days ago
I'm back, I got a new Halloween-ish avatar, and I'm ready to catch up on writing~
2 mos ago
Is there any better feeling than tsumo after a kan, and the dora turns out to be the four tiles you just called? I think not.
1 like
1 yr ago
It's so fun to make random OCs for an RP I will probably never run
1 yr ago
"As usual, I've been doing online roleplay, and having a blast with women in their 30's exhausted from working too much."
1 yr ago
Went to an fan convention yesterday after a three year break from them. I forgot how much I love seeing people's creativity, and how fun making even a simple costume is!


If you're on my page, check out the RP World of Light!
♀ 21+ | UTC-5 | Casual Roleplayer | 1x1's: Closed ♀


Hello! I'm Yankee.
I'm usually down for pretty much anything: action, adventure, romance, horror, taboo, comedy, smut, gore, slice-of-life, etc.
I like cute, fun stories just as much as dark, gross, traumatic (for character) stories. I enjoy creating original characters for RP,
but I get as much enjoyment writing as canon characters in fandom-based games!
On that note I like comic books, cartoons, and videogames. I'm also very into cosplay and art!

I am a very slow writer, so my preferred posting pace is once per week or less. I usually post on weekends.
I like to have fun while writing, so I prefer relaxed partners who don't take things too seriously.
Remember: fiction =/= reality.

Feel free to PM me to chat!
However I do not check PMs immediately. Might take me a day or two... or ten to get back to you.

Forward all complaints to @stone

and remember,

Most Recent Posts

Welcome to the guild! If you have any questions just reach out, everyone's pretty welcoming and willing to help. The 1x1 section is pretty active too so you shouldn't have much trouble finding a partner or two, hopefully! Enjoy your stay.


The walk was pretty nice; lively too between the number of Reapers assigned to the job and the few civilians that wanted to talk to the Sister, the only one of them that had chosen to appear visible to regular humans. It was thoroughly amusing. Lena thought about following her example more on future jobs, but it was more fun to watch than to be the one being gawked at.

As the approached Punk's Wall Lena cupped both of her hands around her eyes, blocking the sun while she took a look at the cliff. The earth's colors were so bold against the sky, it was really pretty. It was quieter in this area too. With a few more minutes, Lena was sure a serene feeling would have fallen over the Reapers. As it was, a harsh shriek cut through the air instead.

"Hugrook? Oh my."

She swiveled toward the sound, still using her hands as a visor against the sun's rays. A small wisp this time, and from there it looked like some kind of cross between a sloth and an orangutan. It was coming toward them fast, in pursuit of some hapless man. He was rushed toward the only other person in the area: Catherine, and behind her the crew of invisible people.

"Hardly any detective work this time, hm? I suppose we'll have to thank this guy for finding it for us," she said, watching as a moment later the rest of the group burst into action. Jumping at the chance to break something, Amelia went off to handle that pesky drone. Vera and Ogawa moved up to confront the wisp, and Aron cast a spell on their helpful stranger (a boon, to be sure).

That left herself and Catherine, though the Sister could be said to be serving as a target at the moment. Lena reached up to fiddle with the earring that was her weapon core, though she didn't summon it to full form quite yet. If she stepped into the battle, it would be over a little too quick - and she knew at least two of the women on the team liked their exercise.

"Don't let it get away this time, okay~?" she told Vera and Ogawa as she walked a little ways away from Catherine and Aron, putting herself in a good position to jump into the fray and keep the wisp locked down if it looked like it would escape again.
It's always weird when people who have little knowledge apply to a RP set in that fandom.

"I don't like Fairy Tail and haven't really watched it."

"I'm gonna join this Fairy Tail RP."

It's like ???? to me.

I watched the P5 anime does that count?

And all the cool kids are here applying, so...
Y'all mind if I just...

<Snipped quote by stone>

Yikes! Sorry. ^^"

Changed Little Mermaid's element to Lightning.

His CAPS Lock is stuck on, don't worry he's always like that.

Word Count: 296 (+1 exp)
Level: 9 - Total EXP: 168/90
Location: Edinburgh MagicaPolis

Once they got Wicke going, she ended up having a lot to say. The Ace Cadet couldn't really fault her for gushing about something she was clearly so passionate about, even if a lot of the terms she was using flew right over his head. He got the gist of it though: the Aether Foundation went around helping Spheals and Spheal-adjacent animals called PokΓ©mon. A noble cause, sure. She brushed off the thought of critics to the foundation, but the Cadet wasn't going to press it. He was only curious, and as she more tactfully mentioned it really wasn't any of their business anyway.

"Schounds pretty nysh," he told her around a mouthful of brownie, unable to oppose his appetite after she mentioned the handmade aspect. It might be an interesting place to visit if they found themselves nearby after they met up with Frisk's friend. He paused to swallow. "Not really our wheelhouse, but I wouldn't turn down any more last minute work with you guys, since we'll be in town."

He leaned back in his seat, continuing on with a grin. "Especially if the work involves big, spooky monsters or moving bones? That's kinda what we're here for in the first place."

That was fine to talk about, right? It wasn't like the Seekers' campaign was a secret, and neither Big Band or Lucia mentioned anything about keeping a lid on investigating the whole skeleton situation. He didn't mention Band's thoughts about the Skullgirl for a couple different reasons. Wicke might have denied the place having critics, but maybe they had some other problems that could give the group a few clues? He glanced at Red, Band, and Lucia, giving them a shrug. It was a long shot but hey, didn't hurt to ask.

Word Count: 608 (+1 exp) (+12 Encounter Exp)
Level: 3 - Total EXP: 76/30
Location: Dystopiascape - Midgar; Suoh

The teleportation itself wasn't so bad (it was weird that it felt different from when Lady Palutena did it, shouldn't that kind of thing all feel the same?), it was just the suddenness of it that caught Pit off guard. Almost as soon as he leapt down from the rooftops and landed on the ground after the sirens stopped sounding, he felt someone grab him and then whoosh, he was somewhere else. Pit let out an exaggerated and belated "Whooooa?!" only to find he was still in the same area, just in an alley. He blinked and looked to the familiar faces that had been gathered together there. "Uh, what was that about?"

More Seekers were deposited in the alley, until finally Goldlewis was transported and the person responsible started with their explanation. Pit wiped at the drying flakes on his forehead as he listened to the back and forth between Luka, Goldlewis, and Peach. He gathered that even though they weren't allowed to help out, they still did good - and the angel did roll his eyes when Luka mentioned that fact about civilians being prohibited from fighting.

The brief meeting ended on a sour note with one of the casualties passing the alleyway. Luka disappeared quickly after that, leaving the Seekers to their own devices. One of the walkie talkies crackled to life, letting them know Sakura, Karin, and Midna were okay. As Peach went to find out where exactly they'd been teleported to, Pit spoke up.

"Are we really gonna get in trouble if we keep trying to help people?" Pit asked, crossing his arms over his chest. "I get those things were dangerous, but I bet if they let anyone capable volunteer to fight it would only help everyone. I don't get it."

The groups that had been split apart could share their information now. They trudged toward the alley's opening after Peach, awaiting a rendezvous with the rest of their team. From there, Bede broke off from them and went inside the gym since it was apparently a PokΓ©mon Gym. Pit pressed his face right up against the windows, peering inside while they waited. He'd always been curious about the gyms that the PokΓ©mon Trainers talked about, on the rare occasions that they did talk.

The Seekers that had been on the other end of the walkie talkie arrived, and Pit greeted them with a friendly wave. The girls were higher energy than the boys at the moment, their reappearance perking the angel up.

"Oh, I saw that too! It looks like a weird tail," he said of the light bulb fact. Midna's information made Pit pause, thinking about how far away he'd left the Other spirits on those rooftops. He'd hardly been thinking about spirits since "awakening," maybe he should start? I'll have to go back and grab 'em, especially if we're gonna stick around here for a while. Shouldn't be too hard to find my way back!

And when prompted to share what they'd learned in kind, Pit frowned and brought up his earlier frustration. "We just got told we weren't allowed to fight the Others, since we're civilians!"

He glanced at Goldlewis, since he'd asked about any other leads the group might have found while separated. "Not much else on my end, it's hard to find anything when everything's... uh, invisible?"

He turned to Raz then, tucking a hand under his own chin and propping his elbow in his other hand. Pit put his earlier thoughts into words, questioning the boy."But you can see everything right? Can you use your psychic powers to send pictures and stuff into our brains?"
hell yeah. we cook.

Word Count: 555 (+1 exp)
Level: 8 - Total EXP: 101/80
Location: The Under - Colorless Woods

𝙱𝙿 ●●●●●

Only when the Brood Mother's spirit appeared, glowing in grayscale, did Primrose relax. It was minute, but she let her shoulders fall and she sighed. The monster was dead, and its spiderlings were scared away for the time being. The Seekers had a chance to regroup, heal up, and thank their insectoid ally. The dancer went over to the others, giving a nod to Rubick as she was glad he'd survived the ordeal when it looked like he'd been taken out, same as her. Despite the Koopa prince's confidence, Primrose had to agree with the elder wizard - some time to recover would be best before they stumbled into anymore webs. To that end, she once more summoned the flame of Warmth to continue healing herself where she left off, and the others Seekers as well to supplement Junior's own spells.

With Silitha's spirit and the mask fragment collected, plus some other spider spirits for good measure, the group decided to head back the way they'd come.

"I was going to suggest the same," Primrose mentioned, casting a glance at the paint and torches that would lead them back to the underground temple. Then she looked to Barnabee, the knight that had assisted them. "Thank you for jumping in to help us."

She hadn't truly expected that would be the last they saw of Barnabee, but that he followed along with them was a bit of a surprise. He wasted no time in explaining himself, his mission, the situation in his homeland... and then asking for help. That came as no surprise, as Primrose thought that he'd wanted something from them when he decided to tag along. He was not subtle at all.

"A coup, hm?" She considered Barnabee's tale, amused that Bowser and Kamek brushed him off so quickly. This kind of thing did seem outside the realm of the Seekers' goals... at first glance. Barnabee had mentioned the riches of his queendom, and perhaps the royal treasury had something they needed.

"Barnabee, would you happen to know anything about that mask Rika is holding?" she asked, pointing the girl out to the hive Knight. "Or might your Queen Vespa? What it's used for, where we might find the other pieces..."

She glanced at the Koopa King, then after a moment instead turned her attention to his advisor. "It may help us, to help them." After finding the others, of course. She didn't voice the last part, taking it as granted. They had to make sure everyone else was alright before they got too far separated.

As they got nearer to the ruins where the Temple of the Black Egg waited for them, Primrose made one more suggestion. "On the topic of masks... we should check if this fragment fits into the space on that door. It may only be part of the full thing, but its shape should still fit if its one of the masks we are looking for. If not, well..." She trailed off, not needing to continue the statement. If it didn't fit at all, they'd have to keep an eye out for "fakes." They wouldn't be able to take the first mask they saw, or they'd have to grab as many as possible and try them all. Either option sounded tedious, but it was better to check now then later.

Word Count: 1510 (+3 exp)
Level: 5 - Total EXP: 61/50
Location: The Under

𝙱𝙿 ●●●●●
Stress Level: 32

Therion certainly hoped that this room would be the last, as Nadia suggested it might be. He could think of a few people that would have fun in a changing dungeon like this, fecal and decaying monsters notwithstanding. For the thief though, the uncertainty was grating on him. Sure there was always some unknown factor in adventures like this, but the way these basement levels were set up like a game with a new horror behind every door... it was wearing on his nerves. So when Jesse made it possible for the entire group to go into the boss room together, Therion figured they could make short work of it.

"Let's make this quick," he said, stepping into the chamber.

The area was wide, dim, and in a state of decay and disrepair. It looked more similar to the stone hallway he and Ms. Fortune had fought ghosts in, so he mentally prepared himself for specters to appear. He didn't strain his senses for long, as the enemies made themselves known in the most conspicuous way possible. A shout from somewhere above them rang out, setting off a chain reaction of bubbling flesh and other body parts that delivered monstrous beings directly into the room. Therion sneered his distaste for the gruesome entrance, and the opponents themselves. Their forms looked human, but pulsing crimson flesh covered great swaths of their bodies. As though to signal the start of the fight, a massive leg crashed down from the ceiling directly toward the Seekers.

Therion dodged out of the way, and then he immediately slunk towards the edge of the chamber where the arches cast deep shadows.

It wasn't an efficient use of Sectonia's Haste spell, but there were plenty of other fighters to take advantage of it. Plenty of targets for the monsters, and hopefully plenty of time to figure out a way to take down that giant. It was hard to tell if it was even a human leg, not just from the size of it but the sagging sacks of skin that seemed to make up the entire limb. Either way, it must belong to the 'boss' of this room, so it was the most important target.

Easier said than done, he thought to himself. The giant stomped down frequently, but she was quick. Ms. Fortune managed to take a chunk out of the leg, but it didn't seem to slow the boss down whatsoever. Would they have to drag the giant down to them, or sever that leg and hope she bled out?

The stone bricks in the wall beside Therion rumbled, bleeding skin out through the cracks that reformed into a massive bulging eyeball. It's pupil swiveled and then looked at the thief - thoroughly spooked, Therion drew the stinging dagger from beneath his poncho and in one quick movement drove the poisoned blade into the squishy eye before backing away from it. Not gonna let me play it too safe, huh? The eye partially collapsed without delivering any new enemy from it, though there other eyes and hands elsewhere in the room that managed to drop off more cursed combatants.

Now that he was forced into the fight, Therion intended to play hit and run. It was the type of tactic he was good at, so he darted into other Seekers' fights backstabbing and debuffing. Usually not enough damage for killing blows, but enough to distract the Brawlers and Witches and open them up for others to capitalize on. Then he'd move on, quick enough to avoid any retaliation. When the giant's foot came down Therion was always quick to get out of the way and pepper the limb with throwing knives while it pulled away into the darkness above.

An eerie darklight glow in his peripheral vision alerted Therion to a spell being sent his way. Already on the move again, he turned to find an Ascended Witch had had enough of the thief's hijinks and was targeting him directly. Her staff was raised high, the head of it silhouetted against a dark halo. The sight of it inspired something fearful in the thief, he felt his heart start beating faster as the Fate's Reveal found its mark, briefly enclosing him in a wisp of darkness. When it wrapped around him the physical damage it did was completely overshadowed by whatever he could feel it doing to his mind. By reflex he raised the hand not wrapped around his dagger to his head, his ears flat and his face pained.

Dark magic. And a dangerous kind at that. These witches were trouble, the kind that shouldn't be left alone for long. Though still reeling from the mental attack, Therion sprinted toward the Witch banking on the hope she wouldn't expect the tactic from him after he'd been playing keep away before. It worked, she was beginning to shift into a defensive stance when Therion reached her. He drove the dagger forward in both hands, right into the Rapturous Cultist that managed to intercept the attack in time. The Cultist had reached out as if to catch the blade and it stabbed right through both of his hands. With a frustrated growl and a flick of the dagger, Therion cut the tendons in the Cultists wrists and shoved him away. When the Cultist stood back up and was determined to get in his way, Therion cut his throat.

The Ascended Witch had slithered away on the tentacles that wrapped around her legs. If her twisted mouth could smirk, Therion got the impression that she was doing it now.

Now that they were separated it would have been easier to go after a new target, but there was only one enemy between himself and the witch: the hooded Cultist Priest, escaped from the tiger's clutches. He decided he could make it by, and so he went after his quarry.

The cloaked priest turned its hooded gaze on Therion as he went to move past, giving the priest a wide berth. Its robes rippled as the flesh underneath it moved, subtly telegraphing an attack. Therion expected a spell, or an eldritch appendage to lash out similar to the other enemies, and these he was prepared to avoid. He wasn't ready for the Priest's robe to part from the middle and its mass of flesh to short forward, forming a long bone spike that easily closed the distance between the two of them. Therion's eye widened and he hastily dodged to one side. He avoided a killing blow, the sharpened spinal cord of the Priest piercing his abdomen and glancing off his lowest rib where it forced the spike downward and it cut through his left side before retracting back underneath the dark cloak.

While suppressing a cry of pain Therion bolted, suddenly desperate to put as much space between himself and the priest as possible. His hand was pressed hard into his side to staunch the bleeding that he could feel was happening. That spike had been excruciating, much worse than any stabbing Therion had suffered before. His mind, too, felt scrambled and injured, like the stress of the situation was being transformed into pain.

Therion cursed, then wheezed, taking temporary shelter in one of the rooms alcoves once more. He may have avoided instant death, but a couple more like that and he'd end up dying anyway. New plan is to stick to the old plan, he told himself, trying to get his breathing and his heart rate under control. He also needed to heal, but before he could fumble with a potion he became aware of someone - or something - approaching him.

"Came back to finish the job?" he said as the Ascended Witch raised her staff. She bared her teeth, and Therion bared his in return. He didn't know if she was going to cast the same spell she before or she was going to try and fling him back into the thick of battle, but he wasn't going to give her the chance either way. He sucked in a sharp breath, knowing this was going to suck, then dashed forward toward her again. His body glowed slightly with a Boost, and with no devotee to get in the way this time his dagger struck true.

He plunged the weapon into her chest once, twice. Due to HP Thief he could feel the witch's lifeforce being siphoned into himself, and the wound on his side closing up via magic or however it worked. He'd never questioned it before and wasn't about to start now as long it worked. Now that he'd patched himself up some Therion finished the witch off and hung back from the rest of the fighting. When he found an opening he'd go back to hit and run in order to tag team the loathsome witches while they were engaged with someone else. His breather only lasted a few moments before the giant leg came down on his location, sending Therion running along the edge of the room while he looked for his chances.

Ishin Academy: School Gates

Ishin Academy had a certain reputation, but if nothing else Riona respected that the staff seemed to care for its students. For example, he was immensely grateful for the rail pass that the school provided. The ride south from his native Abashiri was long enough that Riona had started getting fidgety, so it would have been awful to worry about train fare the whole way on top of that. Not to mention it would have gotten expensive without the academy's assistance.

Riona had been to Sapporo twice before today. The first time had been a for a family trip, the summer before Riona's middle school debut. He hardly remembered it. The most recent visit had been for the in person part of Ishin's entrance exams. That had been much less nerve-wracking than the written tests, and once it was over Riona and his father had found a decent oden place nearby to eat at before making the journey home. He hadn't seen a lot of the city that day, so stepping off of the train with a bag slung over his shoulder and the academy's thick brochure in his hands felt like the start of an adventure... if only a scholastic one.

He made his way through the city's streets, kind of just hoping that he'd chosen the direction Ishin was in. Eventually he spotted that same oden shop and he knew he was headed the right way. He broke into a grin, wide and toothy, and ran the rest of the way to the school's gates.

There it was, that massive torii standing strong and proud. And he was passing under it, in front of the school he'd been working to get into for... well, years. Back when he'd decided he wanted to be a professional hero he recalled choosing Ishin because it was the closest hero school, ignorant to both the academy's prestige and notoriety. Once he'd learned more about it, he hadn't been dissuaded from trying his hand at getting in. He also recalled his home room teacher laughing in his face when he told them about his aspirations.

"Look who's laughing now," Riona muttered to himself, staring at the torii that welcomed students in for another year. He was here, he'd made it, so screw that dude and all the other naysayers.

Looking up at the prestigious academy, Riona didn't feel nervous. Tucked away in the pocket of his gakuran (he wore it with pride, even after enduring his mother's fussing over him as he'd been getting dressed) was a good luck charm that his little sisters had made for him. It was the same pocket that one of Riona's hands was stuffed into, and he idly rubbed the talisman between his finger tips as he walked.

His family wasn't the only thing he was thinking about that morning. In fact they had been fading towards the back of his mind the closer he got to the school as more immediate thoughts took their place at the forefront. Like finding his way to the assembly hall where the opening ceremony would be taking place, and scoping out his fellow students. As for the former, he figured he could just follow where the majority of kids were headed. He wasn't late for the ceremony, right? The students around him were kind of giving mixed signals. Some were loitering, like the two girls (one purple haired, one blonde) chatting by a nook in the school's wall. Others were rushing; there was a boy taller than he was with a similar complexion that was practically out of breath. He reaaaally hoped the ones rushing were just over eager and that he wasn't in danger of missing anything, but like hell was he going to ask somebody about it. That would almost be worse than asking for directions.
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