Avatar of Yankee


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1 mo ago
If you're having a bad day, just remember tomorrow could be a good day. It's a gamble. when you realize you're gambling you'll be happy again. because gambling is awesome.
2 mos ago
Are you literally beefing with an 8 year old or is this a bit
4 mos ago
Back home! Now for the catching up on everything.
5 mos ago
I'm back, I got a new Halloween-ish avatar, and I'm ready to catch up on writing~
6 mos ago
Is there any better feeling than tsumo after a kan, and the dora turns out to be the four tiles you just called? I think not.
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If you're on my page, check out the RP World of Light!
21+ | UTC-5 | Casual Roleplayer | 1x1's: low priority


Hello! I'm Yankee.
I'm usually down for pretty much anything: action, adventure, romance, horror, taboo, comedy, smut, gore, slice-of-life, etc.
I like cute, fun stories just as much as dark, gross, traumatic stories. I enjoy creating original characters for RP,
but I get as much enjoyment writing as canon characters in fandom-based games!
On that note I like comic books, cartoons, and videogames. I'm also very into cosplay and art!

I am a very slow writer, so my preferred posting pace is once per week or less. I usually post on weekends.
I like to have fun while writing, so I prefer relaxed partners who don't take things too seriously.
Remember: fiction =/= reality.

Feel free to PM me to chat!
However I do not check PMs immediately. Might take me a day or two... or ten to get back to you.

Forward all complaints to @stone

and remember,

If I suddenly drop off the face of the earth without saying anything, just assume the worst.

Most Recent Posts

What the heck, so many collab. Quick someone collab with me too...

@The Savant Oh wow, that's impressive!
In Hi! :) 21 days ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Welcome to RPG! If you have any questions at all please feel free to ask!

Words: 1484 (+6)
Midna: level 10 EXP: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (131/110)
Primrose Level: 11 - Total EXP: 225/110
𝙱𝙿 ●●●

Minda’s blade stabbed deep into a half formed floodfested, before a drill like shockwave of wind followed up the strike a second later, widening the wound and bushing the foe back so that it was ever so easy to pull it back out. With her fan she parried a claw swipe from another, the gust of wind blasting it back to prevent it from simply barrling into her, before she cut it with the cleanly extracted sword, the after shock turning the deep wound into a bisection.

The creatures weren't as durable as those they had encountered on the ground floor of the Qliphoth's interior, likely owing to how quickly they'd formed. They hadn't had a chance to assume more flesh from their master before being sent off to attack. As such they didn't offer much danger individually, and could easily be torn apart. As a group they were more of a problem, but that only meant they had to be taken out as a group. Primrose had focused on her wide range Night Ode, the deadly dark magic striking down swathes of the horde at once. Any that avoided the spells or happened to survive and continue forward she trusted her dance partner to take care of, or the other Seekers that coincidentally ran into them.

With a wave of her hand another pool of shadows formed, bursts of damaging flame interspersed with the darkness as it consumed the floodfested and dwindled them down to near nothing. It wouldn't be much longer until they were gone and the ladies could focus on the greater threats.

Unfortunately for them, before they could quite finish up, A, behind them, unleashed a sinister spell that seemed to turn the world to flesh, and left their hearts beating faster from more than just adrenalin and excretion.

”Goddesses, what was that?” Midna cursed, her lyre playing flattering as the move threw her off balance right as one of the remaining floodfested came for her. Fortunately for her, her legion leapt to her aid, claw strike-like trails appeared in the air as the legion pounced a flood-fested, bringing it down with ease.

Left with a feeling of unease from the vision, Primrose's expression darkened and she cut a hard glance at the Consul and his copies. It had happened so suddenly that she didn't quite know what to make of it - had it been some kind of psychic attack meant to affect their sanity, or had he actually done something to them? The uncertainty was the worst part of it.

Fortunately, the vision was only momentary, and they were back in action within moments, though it had clearly left an impact upon them.

While the boys pushed in and renewed their assault on A, the ladies' next few blows cut down the majority of the remaining floodfested. It was enough for Midna to suggest: ”Let my legion deal with the stranglers” pointing her sword towards the (to most everyone else) blur that now accompanied her everywhere ”and let’s hit A already”.

She had hardly finished speaking when the Gravemind moved once more, its tentacles smacking down first somewhere beyond the crashed carnival ride to (by the sound of crunching metal from over there) devastating effect, before another swung down at the boys behind them. Them, plus Midna's darknut, which the princess mentally called back as soon as she saw the movement rather than wasting precious moments trying to work out where the very slow construct was in relation to the imminent impact point. Its limb came down hard, shaking the arena and unleashing another shockwave where it fell. This time Primrose took it upon herself to get herself and her dance partner out of harm's way. She took hold of one of Midna's forearms and swiftly floated them both into the air so the shockwave didn't topple them, and a moment later they landed once more.

”Alright then, looks like we have bigger flesh to fry” She decided after that little reminder of their true objective, before suggesting ”so how about we hit it hard together?”

Primrose cast her eyes about the battlefield at large. There was A and his copies behind them, D towards the center back, and O... somewhere on the left, hard to spot amidst all of the strangeness he was conjuring. And of course towering over all of them was the Gravemind who was posing a huge hazard. It was that creature which her gaze settled on.

"I take it you already have something in mind?"

She did indeed, and after a quick explanation, they set it into motion.

Primrose performed her Rites of Termination, spinning gracefully before conjuring a large lance shaped strike of dark elemental energy straight down. Before it could hit the ground however, Minda’s shadow hand snatched out and grabbed the lance by the hilt, and then held it between the two women. Primrose took hold of the hilt, hand beside Midna's as her aura flared to life. She pushed her Battle Boost into the weapon, licks of flame fluttering over it but quickly consumed and turned black while at the same time Midna was charging her own dark magic into it, green twilight runes forming over its surface. Its core swelled with pitch black magic, doubling, then tripling the already man sized spear into a massive missile.

Once charged, Primrose let go and the princess reeled it back and hurled the lance across the battlefield at the Gravemind, into which it would embed and then linger, several follow up blasts of fire and magic exploding out of it until the charge was expended. While it lasted, the lance also spread a beneficial effect to most of their allies; their critical hit rate increased.

Unfortunately taking advantage of that might be somewhat tricky for some, as that was when the counter attack began. Situated somewhere between the entrance and the left hand side fight with A meant that while the duo were not under the fairground ride that appeared out of nowhere to crush down upon those beneath it, they were in the blast radius of the glass shattering out of it.

”Where in their names?!” Midna cursed in confusion, having been a bit busy to take notice of what O had been up to, but hardly able to miss this one. In response she reached the shadow hand she had just used to toss the lance, and instead used it as a shield, ducking behind its half curled fingers.

With little in the way of defensive options (and with an aversion to them away) and no spell being cast to trigger the Baldur Shell's protection, Primrose had little choice but to duck behind Midna. Chunks of glass cut into her arm and side as she moved, leaving rows of thin bleeding lines and bits of reflective blue lodged into her skin and dress. As soon as it passed she stepped out again, glaring in O's general direction.

"Someone needs to take care of these nuisances," she said, suggesting that someone should be them.

”Not sure if that thing is even going to work any more” Midna thought out loud, regarding the observation deck currently taking up the center of the arena, its windows shattered, but its structure intact enough that it could, hypothetically, crash down again, prompting her to say ”but I’m going to make sure”

Saying that, she opened a portal, and summoned her darknut once more, its size greatly increased. Then with the short amount of time it had on the field, the titan squared up, picked an angle, and then cleaved into the side of the pillar the deck rose up and down on as if said piller was a tree, and the knight a lumberjack. She also made sure she had it strike it in such a way that it would, if it fell rather than just buckled, simply slam into the wall with the entrance in it where none of the fighting was taking place.

While it did its work, the princess mounted up onto her beast legion, summoned her wolfos in offer of a ride, and then set off around the deck to reach the other side. Primrose took hold of the wolfos but glanced back at the five men fighting A, hoping that they had it in hand before she mounted the borrowed creature and sped off.
Front Office, Silverside
Mentions: Adel, Matthias || Interactions: Webb @SporkoBug

When Private First Class Alex Gonzalez arrived at the office in the morning, it was 0700. He'd been up much earlier, and spent the a lot more time than he would have liked just... hesitating, and thinking, before he willed himself back through those doors. It was insane how quickly things had happened yesterday and how much of a fucked up position he was left in. But he had to adapt, roll with the punches, and find a way back. He was grateful to still be alive, and to have quickly found an avenue of continued existence - so much so that on his first day he walked in with a tray of coffees.

There weren't many people in at that time, but what few milled about were roused by the aroma of Alex's offering. In particular, the tall woman he'd spoken with briefly yesterday pulled her head up from off of her desk, a bleary eyed look on her face as she stuck her nose into the air and sniffed. There was already a Styrofoam cup with the remains of her own coffee in it sitting beside her, but evidentially it wasn't enough.

"Coffee for us? New guy, I love you," she said, pushing away from the desk and drifting over to claim a drink for herself.

"I just figured it would be a nice gesture, ma'am."

"Ma'am? I take it back, you suck. Call me Griffon."

They and a few other people chatted together. Greetings, water cooler talk, what shows they'd seen online recently. It was all kind of... normal office stuff, surprisingly. Alex learned that some of his new coworkers preferred cyber sleuthing and were always around, but a lot liked being out in the city. He also learned what he'd be doing.

"You're with me today," Griffon said, stifling a yawn. "God knows I could use a break sometimes. So you're gonna be backup security, got it?"

Alex blinked. "Uh, yeah. That's fine - I kind of assumed everyone did... spying," he admitted. Griffon snickered.

"Hell no. Can you imagine that guy going anywhere inconspicuously?" She pointed out a thick man passing the front, battle scars and tattoos visible in places that his stuffy clothes didn't cover. The man looked grumpy and, having heard Griffon's comment, turned to flip her off before continuing on his way. She just snickered again.

"We got some proper thugs too. Not many, but we got 'em. Hold overs from one old gang or another that used to operate in the area, I dunno. Boss has them doing office work when there's nothing else for them to do, and man do they hate it."

Her smile softened, and her voice became a touch more somber. "But what can they do about it, right? Go join another gang where they'll probably get killed and make less money doing it?"

She shrugged. That was the reason she stuck around too, for the most part. She did actually sort of like her coworkers though. Alex folded his arms over his chest.

"You make a good point," he said. In a way they were kind of like him; or rather, he was like them. After resisting the urge to sigh he looked at Griffon. "So is there anything I need to know, or should I just be standing around looking tough?"

Griffon's eyes flickered back to Alex, giving him a sideways glance while she took another swig of coffee. When she pulled the cup away from her lips her grin was back in full force.

"There's a lot, so get your ears ready pal," she told him, amused when he actually snapped to attention. "First: code name. You don't have to use one -some of us don't- but if you don't wanna risk someone learning your name or finding stuff out about you, then pick one."

A code name, that made sense. That was all that Del Guarde had known his new boss by after all, the 'Silver Canary.' Alex found it interesting that he'd get one; it was kind of like a specialist thing, but then again now his status as a soldier was secondary in the grand scheme of things.

"The boss doesn't assign them?" he asked, at which Griffon scoffed.

"He's a killjoy. He didn't even pick his own. He doesn't care whether people use real or fake names." After a beat Griffon's smile turned wicked. "If you're gonna pick one, make it bird themed!"

His reaction is really funny when people do that, she thought to herself. She neglected to mention that there was no actual theme to the names people chose; despite being colloquially known around Nocturnia as 'The Canaries' they didn't actually have a name as a collective, and there were plenty among them whose chosen names were other animals, or pop culture references. They even had a 'Batman' on the payroll. But when Griffon had seen the expression on Adel's face that perfectly encapsulated 'I'm so done with this shit' upon hearing the latest bird-themed name she'd egged people on to pick theme names more often, thus becoming part of the problem.

None the wiser, Alex mulled over it. "Okay... I guess... 'Eagle'?"

It was the first thing to come to mind, and given the enthusiastic thumbs up Griffon was giving him, he figured it was fine. So from then on he'd be known as Eagle.

Somehow that took some of the weight off of his shoulders. He didn't want to be caught by the military and branded a traitor before he could get out safely and explain what had happened, maybe plead for a pardon. He also didn't want any gangster looking into him and somehow learning about his family. Even if they were on the outside, he couldn't take the chance that anything could endanger them. The fright he'd had when the Silver Canary himself had so effortlessly pulled that information up was bad enough.

He really hoped that the sergeant had destroyed his men's records before surrendering, or that everything had been taken by the fire. Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to ask his new employer to see if said records could still be found, and get rid of them... actually, speaking of-

"So when does the boss get in?" Eagle asked, glancing back at the deeper offices. He'd been talking with Griffon for a little while now and he hadn't seen any sign of the man even as others filtered in and out of the area.

"Oh, you missed him. He was here earlier, checked on a few things and then left."

In particular she'd noticed that Adel had left in a poor mood after reading a letter that had arrived at some point during the night following the confirmation of Ig Notus' identity. He'd left her with some brief instructions, but otherwise it would be yet another day of the same for her.

Eagle looked at Griffon in surprise. The sun was barely rising by the time he'd come in, so it would have still been dark earlier than 0630 in November. So even civilians kept an early schedule like this, or maybe it was just the few that 'ruled' over their districts. The surprise quickly gave way to disappointment that he'd missed Adel, and a more raw feeling that rubbed at his pride a little. The boss had just left him, a new and untested person who had been part of an enemy faction, here to his own devices? He was of so little concern that the Silver Canary didn't need to be here himself?

Eagle voiced this to Griffon, more to point out how shockingly reckless that seemed to him. Her eyes crinkled with mirth as the corners of her mouth twisted upward. Outside, the morning wind howled through city streets.

"He didn't leave you alone though, did he? He left you with me," she said. She and Eagle stared at each other until the latter broke into a cold sweat. Then she tilted her head back to drain the rest of her coffee.

The rest of their morning was fairly uneventful. Mostly it was Griffon's unique brand of on-boarding, and Eagle keeping to her pace as she gave him a tour, told him about some of the business and some of the actual, legit business that fronted for them. By the time Adel's other new hire had arrived, Eagle had been made aware of him - but he still wasn't prepared to see what looked like a little boy with giant spider bits stuck to him.

"Is child labor legal here?" Eagle whispered to his senior. She replied by cupping a hand over her mouth and whispering back. "First off, nobody gives a shit if something is legal around here. Second, I dunno how old he is. But he needed some help and practically begged us to let him join up."

While they not so subtly traded whispers back and forth, there was time for Webb to discreetly plant a few live bugs. Of course there was no guarantee they'd stay that way if discovered. After a moment Griffon cleared her throat and turned back to Webb with that slightly unnerving smile on her face.

"Alright Webb. Boss said if you wanna help, head over to Riverbend. You know where that is, right? Just across the water from here. Aaaand," she fished a folded page out from her pocket, showing Webb the two simple pictures printed on it for his reference (that unfortunately she wasn't going to let him take). One was the outside of a simple church, and the other was a photo of a man with no discernible head. "This is what you'll be keeping those eyes of yours on."

Searching in Smoke Risers
Mentions: Emily || Interactions: -

There were aspects of her job that Swift disliked. That was normal, she figured; surely every person felt that way about their jobs. It was true of every one she'd had in the past too. There were things she liked about it too, but at the moment her mind was filled only with the negative.

She didn't like visiting a place that had just seen conflict. The atmosphere was depressing, a cocktail of resentment mixed with resignation with the conceit of the victors serving as the olive stuck in it. Normally bodies were cleaned up quick, but there were still signs of destruction easily found. Pretty much every district in Nocturnia suffered these kind of conflicts sooner or later, but if Swift had her choice of assignments she'd only go to the more stable ones, whose battles were at least a few months past. The takeover in Smoke Risers had been just last night.

"Haah..." she let out a sigh, breath foggy in the early morning chill. She was here anyway, so there was nothing to be done about it.

Doing her best to avoid anyone, not just the Blue Bloods, Swift walked the streets. She'd been authorized to 'pay a toll' if needed, but she would rather not if she could get away with it. The police made her a little nervous, and interactions like that were so tiresome besides.

While she walked she opened her mouth every now and then, only just enough to let out the high pitched noise inaudible to other humans. On the return she got the shape of the next few blocks ahead and around her and any people loitering on them. When her path seemed like it would get too crowded she just took a different route. She was still wandering more or less, but at the very least her boss had given her something more concrete to look for this time.

Though Swift worked quickly, she was still only one woman. It might take her a few days to search an entire district for something specific. And sometimes she failed, even with her gyft. But as she made a turn and cut through a narrow alleyway, she got the feeling that she was going to be a little lucky today.

Barber’s Studio, White Pine
Mentions: Matthias || Interactions: Vincent (in collaboration with @Estylwen)

They'd picked him up too fast.

Adel wasn't flawless, and he was far from some super spy. He couldn't change his shape or refract light to make himself invisible. But he was pretty good, and it usually took longer for anyone to notice the Silver Canary personally snooping around their districts. He didn't even stand out today, dressed down once more for the sake of moving around White Pine. So this? This was a new record. Not like he was going to congratulate Vincent or anything though.

With only the slightest tilt of his head Adel glanced around the shop's interior. He noted the men in front and behind. They, the Thorned Roses, must have been expecting visitors like him. They were on high alert, given how quickly they'd scooped Adel up. Maybe they were even a little nervous.

Adel's gaze flickered to Vincent, meeting the man's eyes. Slowly Adel raised his arms at the elbows, showing his palms.

"I'd prefer to stand, if it's all the same."

Vincent merely smirked. ”Fine. We'll do this the hard way, then.”

The men behind Adel stepped forward. They each placed a firm hand around his upper arms, half-guiding, half-dragging Adel to the seat. If Adel struggled in any way, their plan would have been quickly subduing him with a blow to the cheek - but besides tensing up, the man didn’t fight.

They shoved Adel into the seat, twisting it so it faced the mirror. Vincent still had that smirk on his face as he picked up a bowl of shaving cream and an applicator brush on the counter.

"Vincenzo," Adel said, voice hard with a warning edge to it. He was ignored. Slowly, methodically, Vincent applied shaving cream to Adel's face while speaking.

”Now, my men tell me that you and your spies have decided to make it your home in White Pine. Not that I care too much about that.”

He set down the bowl, picking out a barber's blade instead. He opened it, the fresh gleam of a clean, sharp blade within.

“What I really care about, though, is who set you up to do this.”

The blade pressed against Adel's neck as Vincent leaned over, staring at the man through the mirror.

”So, what'll it be, Canary? You gonna sing?”

It was intimidating to have a blade to his throat and 'The Boss' himself over his shoulder, but Adel kept his composure. He stared back at Vincent's reflection, eyes dark and betraying nothing.

This was not his first time meeting the man. They'd worked together on more than one occasion before - and from what Adel knew of him, this heavy handed method was not Vincent's usual style. Adel got the impression that the infamous Boss really was nervous about something, then. Was he still on guard after Captain MacAoidh's visit? Or did he expect that the rapidly growing Order of Enlightenment would make a move on his territories next?

Most importantly though, was he nervous enough that he'd kill Adel when he knew how useful he could be?

Adel had to think hard about if he was going to call the man's bluff.

"...this is all a bit too intimate for me," he breathed, letting his head tip back to rest against the back of the chair. This time when he looked at Vincent, it was up at the mafia leader himself. "You're the most influential gang leader in Nocturnia, Vincent. You know as well as I do any number of people would pay a lot for anything about you.

"I wanted to get ahead of the game. Just business; nothing personal."

Vincent glanced down at Adel, blade still firmly held to his neck. ”You've always amazed me with how well you could beat around the bush, Adel. One of your leading traits, surely.”

The blade pressed a little, sharp and new meeting soft flesh. He would only have to move the blade a little to make a cut now. And even as Adel breathed, the slight movement of his body made him far more acquainted with the sharpness of the knife than he should ever want to be.

Vincent's voice was a low growl, leaning down so their faces were mere inches away. ”You know a little mess never bothered me. But it would certainly bother you.

“So talk.”

They held each other's gazes. Adel felt a bead of sweat roll down the side of his face. He stopped himself from reflexively swallowing, knowing the bob of his throat would surely cause a cut. Really, how did he keep finding himself in these kinds of situations? He'd love for this to be over with sooner than later, preferably with himself leaving in one piece, but he was loathe to be threatened like this. He didn't have any particularly strong feelings for his current client, but he did have some pride.

"There's no need for all this, Vincenzo," he said, voice so low that only Vincent would be able to hear - so that if he agreed, he wouldn't lose face in front of his thugs. "You know there's always been an easier way to get information from me."

Vincent stared for a moment, before that smirk was back on his face. The barber's knife withdrew, placed back on the counter. Vincent passed Adel a towel so he could remove the shaving cream.

And, Vincent leaned with his back rested against the counter, arms folded as he stared at Adel in the seat. The man had to understand Vincent was pissed he'd come into his territory without calling first. But perhaps he could forgive him this time.

”...How much.”

Adel used the time it took to get clean to keep quiet and think before he answered. He judged what price he could set to keep Vincent from putting the blade to his throat again, and he considered how he wanted to deliver this information. He could be straight forward, give Vincent the answer he'd probably already guessed and then leave with nothing. Or... maybe... it could be beneficial to set the Thorned Roses and the Order against each other sooner than expected. He had to get close to Matthias; he didn't have to support his cult's insane expansion. He could think of a few ways getting into bed with Vincent would be beneficial.

The brunette's eyes traced Vincent's body, taking a mental note of his body language so he could avoid stepping on any emotional landmines.

"Flipping on my current clients is at least double the price they paid," Adel said finally, balling the used towel up between his hands. "But certain... circumstances... have led me to reconsider that. Fourty thousand and I'd be happy to tell you all about them."

He said it in such a way that it implied the intimidation had worked. In reality it actually was twice what Mr. FitzClarence was expected to give him, but it was basically a pittance considering the risk. There was no way he was going to tell Vincent that he'd agreed to spy on him for a measly twenty thousand - it would be an insult to The Boss himself.

Vincent rolled his head to the side, staring down at Adel through half-lidded eyes. Ay merda…

There was a little mental calculation going on in the back of Vincent's mind. How much Adel had already spent in his district. He was tempted to wring Adel out and force him to go lower. But the man already looked somewhat broken. Perhaps he would be… generous, today.

”Done.” And he flipped out his phone, transferring the funds into Adel's account.

Then Vincent leveled an expectant look at Adel. ”In the times I've known you, you've never gone sour on a deal. So, go on. Tell me.”

Adel didn't bother checking the transfer. He knew he was still on thin ice at the moment, and as such he didn't make Vincent wait for his answer this time.

"Our mutual neighbor, the leader of the Order of Enlightenment."

The look he returned Vincent was the false pleasantry of a businessman. He knew that when Vincent let him walk out of here the man had to expect he'd still go back to the Order and let them know what he'd found. Playing both sides of a conflict wasn't very out of the ordinary for him if both clients paid after all. In the end it didn't really matter which side came out on top, and if things went well he could use it as a pretense to get closer to Matthias - the task he'd be unpleasantly reminded of that morning.

The little smile he pretended to wear sharpened. If he navigated this right it would be a very interesting conversation indeed.
Welcome to RPG! If you have any questions about this forum, feel free to ask. As for tips, I just recommend checking the relevant RP sections for what you're interested in rather than using the search function up top. The search works don't get me wrong, it just takes some getting used to and it doesn't sort by most recent so you might end up seeing posts or RP from years ago.

Are you more interested in group RPs or 1-on-1 RPs?

Blinking at being caught staring, Sophia gave Bat a cutesy wave back. Further socializing was not something she had accounted for. She really should have - she was in a group of people with nothing to do but talk to each other after all. But the thought hadn't crossed her mind, so when another fan (the Rotom-haver) spoke up, she give him a small smile and tried her best not to zone out. Thankfully, after a whole three and a quarter sentences the man - Auggie - mentioned something that got her attention.

"Oooh, that's where I know you from," she said, pointing a finger at him. She hadn't put the face to the name, but she recalled seeing said face before when looking at his artwork of pokémon. It must have been because she'd seen his videos linked on the blog. "I've Watchog'd a few of your vids before~"

Truthfully she only watched the ones where something actually happened in them though, eager to get a look at some ghost-types in their natural habitats. So really, only a few of them every now and then.

This time she expected to exchange a few more empty pleasantries, so she was delighted at the surprise that came with Auggie releasing another of his pokémon. Sophia's eyes sparkled as she looked the Slowking over, leaning closer to get a better look. A nice collar and clear eyes... And its Shellder looks so sturdy! Oooh I want to pinch his cheeks! ♥

Sophia glanced at Auggie, curious as to what amazing thing this Slowking could allegedly do. Besides being super smart and super adorable. She waited with her fists clenched in front of her, silently supporting the pokémon in its endeavor as it... spoke! It spoke its name!

"Wow!" Sophie gave Einstein a little applause and a wide smile. "Good job! That's amazing! I think... you've definitely got Orangurus beat! Maybe you're the smartest Slowking in existence? Let's see if we can find an Alakazam and set up a quiz show battle!"

She spoke directly to Einstein, cooing over the pokémon. Eventually she did address Auggie again.

"That sounds nice~ I've got a few amazing friends of my own, ehehe~" As she said that, the Comfey around her neck chirped contentedly. Of course Bibi was just a normal Comfey, but she was special in her own way - namely by being Sophia's first partner.

She might have engaged in more show and tell with Auggie right there on the dock, but her ears perked when the only other woman present said 'Mantine.' Then Sophia looked at her, all but leering at Vitesse. "No waaaay, really? Prove it! Show me your Mantine!"

Unfortunately for the maniac, she wouldn't get a chance to see it just yet. Almost as if conjured by Vitesse's boasting, the yacht captain came running onto the dock. His appearance, while a relief, wasn't even half as well received by Sophia as the Machamp behind him.

"Kyaaa!" Sophia let out, slapping her palms to her cheeks. Bibi was unphased, more than used to her trainer's eccentricities. "Those muscles! That head ridge! ♥"

She completely ignored the captain's excuse, hurrying over to lay her hands on the Machamp and feel its back muscles, a look of complete happiness spreading on her face. She was practically melting, but Bibi tugged on one of her ponytails when the captain began to check everyone's names.

"Ehehehe~ Oooh, right. Sophie Dolci, present~" she said. She saw that some, like the man who now introduced himself as Edward, were beginning to board. When Machamp moved to take luggage she moved with it, still glued to the pokémon until she peeled herself away to gather up the few bags she had dumped on the pier and hand them over to it. She seemed disproportionately excited that her things were going to be carried aboard by the creature.
Welcome to RPG!
There was a time when I was part of like eight or nine at one time. This was a couple years ago when I had more free time of course haha. Unlike BrokenPromise though my quality never suffers 😎 (its always bad)

Currently I'm in about four group RPs. It's easier if you go with one or two faster paced RPs if you can handle them and couple them with slower paced ones.
Welcome back~!

Word Count: 488 (+1 exp x2)
Level: 9 - Total EXP: 283/90
Location: Inside the Qliphoth, The Dead Zone

Ace knew from the jump that this was going to be rough. For all of them, facing down three Consuls and a Guardian; for himself, in the absolute chaos that was sure to unfold. But he was undaunted, bracing himself for what was about to happen. The arena wasn't large enough that anyone could just choose a target and ignore everyone else, but if he just focused on the task at hand he figured he could get through it. They all could. They'd faced horrible odds before, and if only a handful of the group assembled now could take down Guardians and Consuls then surely all together they'd pull through.

And after spending a miserable morning in the Dead Zone, now that the final challenge was in front of them the Seekers were eager to put an end to this mission. It didn't seem like any of them thought they'd lose here. The Cadet was of the same mind. Almost as soon as the Guardian actually revealed itself, the situation swiftly exploded into battle.

The heroes split off after their chosen adversaries. "Each to their strengths," Ace said, partly to himself, which meant that he would be going after the biggest, ugliest monster there - the Gravemind.

One of the Consuls sat right in front of it, but several allies were already bearing down on the man. Ace left them to it, making a beeline for the monstrosity. When he felt the effect of Midna's Dragon Dances, spread to the rest of the team by a dance of Primrose's own, the hunter steeled himself. But this was different, he realized - it was hard to explain, and even hard for himself to understand, but the buff had a noticeable different feel than the earlier ones that had fallen over the whole group.

He grinned. Faster and stronger without the drawback? He'd definitely take that. "Let's go!"

Ace had stowed the Breechshot in favor of the long sword Yato, and while the Gravemind was pelted with ranged attacks the hunter went after its trunk. He rolled through the shockwave of one of the Gravemind's massive tentacles slamming down, side stepping the blood spray and close quarters combatants closing in to get there - close enough that should someone need his help he could still intervene while fighting.

The sword was flicked upward, carving into the monster's main body. Or what Ace assumed was its main body. This thing was some sort of condensed flesh golem, if he was correct in understanding how it had formed in front of them. It looked as though it could jettison parts of itself out to become individual monsters again, but it had spoken - so it had one consciousness, right? It was hard to tell if cutting pieces off of it would hurt the thing or just diminish its size, but he wouldn't know until he tried. So the hunter sliced at it, putting theories to test.

Word Count: 508 (+1 exp x2)
Level: 8 - Total EXP: 191/80
Location: Inside the Qliphoth, The Dead Zone

Once things kicked off, Pit didn't waste any time jumping into the fray. He opened with his specialty - his archery. Light arrows flew, splitting into three and randomly streaking towards D, the cluster of As, and the Gravemind. He jumped up while firing, both for slightly better vantage so that the arrows might not strike anything else before reaching their destinations, and because he recalled the first boon he'd gotten inside the demon tree: that so long as he was airborne, he would be stronger. Quickly he changed strategy, and instead focused most of his fire on the monstrous leader of the floodfested. At least until one massive arm came down, and the angel used that opportunity to change targets again.

He darted toward the arena's center, aiming to make the most of Juri flanking the Consul by getting in close on D's opposite side, thus catching him in a pincer. Unfortunately Pit didn't make it that far. He'd nearly closed the distance, his bow brandished as dual swords, when an unexpected carnival ride came flying his way.

"Wh-?!" Was the only thing he had time to get out before the tractor-shaped steel seat slammed into him. Together with the ride Pit careened halfway across the area. It broke apart when it -and Pit- hit the ground and came to a stop, immediately after which the angel rose to his feet, shoving the broken pieces off of himself. "What gives!"

He saw then the state of the arena's left side. Of course he'd been aware of it transforming while he'd been moving and firing, but now he could see just what it had turned into. A zoo exhibit and an amusement park attraction?! If only there weren't a million other things happening in the battle at the same time, or Pit would have laughed.

"Okay, change of plans!" he declared to himself, taking off again. Roxas had taken up the spot on D's other flank, so this time Pit ran to the crazy side of the fight, putting down a few floodfested with his swords as he crossed the field in the opposite direction they were headed.

Though he joined the opposition against O, he was no more effective against the enigmatic Consul than Rika and Junior were at the moment. He snapped his bow back together, pulling the ethereal string and loosed another round of light arrows. They traced the only visible part of O, curling tightly around the disembodied eyes in different elemental colors. None had any effect or struck anything solid, their energy eventually fizzling out. So it wasn't just that he could phase through physical attacks - was he really not even present in the fight?

Pit came to a stop when he was near Blazermate and the royal siblings, his eyebrows furrowed and his bow raised. "What kind of boss is this guy supposed to be?" he asked of O mockingly. Still, he hoped one of the other Seekers could come up with some ideas that would let them fight the guy for real.
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