Avatar of yoshua171


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4 yrs ago
Current Just...drifting along.
6 yrs ago
The Truest and Most Ultimate Showdown has beguneth. Goofykins V.S. SpongeByrne!
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6 yrs ago
Does anyone know where I can figure out how to unfabricate memories? Asking for a friend.
6 yrs ago
Check out our new and improved thread. Just an interest check for now, but oh boy is there so much more to come! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
8 yrs ago
Oh Bleach RP oh Bleach RP where art thou oh quality Bleach RP. Why hast thou forsaken thee? Seriously though, WHY!?!


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Alright. Before I respond to the bit I put up a few days ago, I'd like to again notify Luna and Angel that I will get to their characters. Work is just killing me right now (it's a rare 5 day work week for me and I hate it oh so much) so as soon as I have a couple days off your characters will get swiftly reviewed. I'll also have Megan remind me so I don't forget, what with my bad memory and all. I thank you both for your patience. Now, moving on.

So 1 and 3 it is, which brings us to the next step. What do ya'll want to see from the IC thread? Stuff that would pull you and engage your characters in particular. I have written something of an IC post, but have kept myself from putting it up because it feels forced and I feel like it's a bit too much and/or is too much of a broad stroke than a directed effort. So I need a bit of feedback if I can trouble you all for some.

@Rumplestiltskin@Luna@Demonic Angel@Andromedai@Darked13@Ganryu@Fallenreaper

Also I know you got wrapped up in work, @icmasticc, but I haven't heard from you in a looong while buddy. I'd love if you'd drop me a line somewhere. Till then consider your introduced characters put in a sort of "background stasis." I won't use them for anything. You can resume when/if you return--and I hope you do--so yeah there's that. Since they're not in the way I see no reason to kill them off or use them personally...for now at least (plus I don't like taking control of other people's characters).

As to you three, @ExhaustinAustin, @Kibaro, @Sage I assure you all that MA is still here, so I'd love it if I could get a bit of feedback, or your official withdrawal/status update in regards to the RP. I don't think it's too much for me to ask if you're still around or have unofficially left. If you are still around, throw me a message and, provided you have the time, give some feedback on the above please.

Out of city limits, beyond all the authority of most, and outside of their control regardless, a silhouette approached. With Ash City's suburbs in sight, the masked figure's feet touched street and soon after, sidewalk. The first house came into view. Rather than a white picket fence, it was one of cold metal and barbed wire. His smiling mask revealed his amusement as he ran the fingers of his right hand over the part of the fence without barbs. He continued walking, his fingers dragging against the fence's metal links, before finally, after walking the length of it, he grasped several links in the fence, and pulled with a sharp tearing motion. In a single action the fence's metal was stripped bare, the fence itself condensing and reshaping in his hand until it formed a cuboid lattice, before becoming a spherical lattice, then an octagonal lattice, ad infinitum, the changes occurring swiftly.

The man began tossing the lattice into the air, catching it each time as it fell, as he walked along his merry way. After several more minutes a corner store came into view and he chuckled to himself lightly as he walked across the street and entered the parking lot. With a deft and dexterous movement of his hand he manipulated the metal lattice and it sprung out into needle tipped cords that speared outwards and struck all the nearby cameras.

Passersby reacted in shock, surprise, and a few even took a step closer, calling out. “Hey, you! The hell do you think you're doing!?” One man yelled towards him, the stranger making his way across the street to reach him.

Turning ever so slightly, his stance shifting, he let his head turn, looking over his shoulder at the stranger who had managed to cross the street to reach him. As he turned, that same smiling mask came into the stranger's view, and it was in that moment that they stopped. “Oh. Oh no...” uttered the man as he apparently began to realize just who he was looking at, and what that meant. “Oh god,” the man said, now louder. The stranger began to turn, but before he could start into a run, the masked figure manipulated the mechanism in his hand, the metal cord retracting in an instant as the entire mechanism shifted its form. In a moment it was something resembling a gun, before he reconsidered entirely.

The stranger bolted, trying to get as much distance as he could whilst the object of his distress hesitated, then reconfigured the metal lattice into cord and something like a javelin. Taking a step forwards, bracing his body, before hoisting the weapon back with one hand, the other gripping the cord, and then thrusting it forwards and into flight through the air. The stranger looked back and threw himself to the side, rolling into the grass in an attempt to avoid the javelin, but he had miscalculated for as the weapon reached the zenith of its master's throw it split into hundreds of smaller metal projectiles, before pelting the sidewalk, asphalt, and grass where the man stood, some of the metal piercing his limbs and even chest—though none of it was fatal.

There were gasps, and numerous people reaching for their phones to call the authorities, but the villain was faster, having already walked to a telephone pole and placed his hand upon it, his right hand still grasping the cord from the 'javelin,' he had thrown. After a brief time he tore his hand free of the wooden pole before making contact again, slamming his hand into the surface. In response the wood rippled and then in one fell movement split where it held wires, before slamming down upon the wires, severing them completely.

He smiled beneath his mask, noticing a man who had exited his home with a rifle, which he was raising to aim in his direction. He waved his hand at the man dismissively before turning away and walking towards the corner store.

At the motion, the telephone pole's wood shot out as shrapnel and struck the man, plugging the barrel of his gun and blinding him all at once. The villain laughed quietly to himself at the sound of the civilian's screams. However, in the relative quiet of the morning...his voice was like thunder in the streets. Nonetheless, he made his way into the store by way of pushing the door open, hand in contact with the glass.

The cashier already had a shotgun raised and aimed, but the glass shattered and shot forwards first, slicing the man's fingers clean off before he could react. “Nice try mister,” he said with amusement as the cashier clutched his mutilated hand, a look of clear agony and hatred in his eyes as he tracked the villainous cape. “Besides, I'm not robbing you, I'm merely reassembling some loose material into something more...” he whirled his hand in a circle midair, as if trying to find a word there, “... practical.”

The cashier practically growled at him as he responded, “Yer not taking nothing from this store boy and if ya do, mark my words, this'll be the last city you see with free eyes.”

Beneath his mask, the cape raised his eyebrows even as he tilted his head and brought a finger up to his chin. “Mmm, I don't think so, sir,” he said, before grabbing the man's ruined hand and slamming it down against the counter, eliciting a pained grunt from the man. In the same moment his free hand made contact with the register and after a moment, pulled away, causing it to come apart in the same motion. His mask smiled at the man, before he turned away, waving his free hand at two girls who were hiding in a nearby aisle. The two appeared to be sisters, one very young, perhaps six, while the other was in her adolescence—not that it mattered to him. It made him frown beneath his mask as he exited the store, but the expression was a fleeting one.

His smile returning as he looked out upon what was now an empty street aside from one lone figure, a man wearing an ill matched orange and blue skintight suit, cape and all. This time, he outright laughed, hand to stomach, body curling over a bit, before he recovered, only to find the cape frowning a bit. It appeared to be more frustration than anything else. “Oh you must be kidding. You're new,” he said, looking the cape up and down, “In fact, I'd be willing to bet on you not being sanctioned, and trust me...I'm not a man who bets without odds stacked disproportionately in my favor.”

“Doesn't matter,” the greenhorn cape responded, trying to sound brave, even managing to be somewhat convincing to the bemused villain. “I'm going to stop you before you get further into the city,” the cape said before he began walking towards the masked villain, who, in response, leaned against one of the gas pumps, and picked his fingernails. The hero paused, frowning again, but before he could speak again a voice issued from behind the smiling mask, “You know, gas is quite explosive if introduced to the right chemicals. All it'd need is a little spark,” he said, his eyes looking up from his fingers to mock the hero's. “You do anything and let me tell you, the entire reserve of gas stored beneath this station goes boom,” he stood up fully, using his hands to, rather theatrically, make an explosion.

The greenhorn cape would notice that even as he spoke the gas pumps were already changing shape, their screens suddenly displaying the word ARMED after only a mere three seconds. The villain smiled as the realization that he couldn't leave before evacuating the immediate vicinity came over him.

Walking towards the boy hero, he continued speaking, “Oh, and by the way, knocking me out will act as a tidy little killswitch for all the life signs of those nearby so swiftly perish the idea, mmm?” He patted the kid on the shoulder, looking at him before he passed, “But don't worry, there's no timer...yet. Not so long as you make sure no one calls the authorities nearby. I'll find out pretty quick if they do and well, I'll flip the switch.” He paused a moment, giving the hero a conspiratorial glance, “I imagine I don't need to illustrate again the chaos that would cause. Now, you go take care of your neighborhood. Take care, hero boy,” he said, slapping the cape's back as he walked away, everything about his demeanor confident...no, cocky as he swaggered away.

The greenhorn hero on the other hand, had clenched his fists and his jaw, standing still for a long moment before swallowing his pride. After another moment of gathering his wits he sprinted into the corner store and looked around to see if everyone was alright. The cashier wasn't, but waved him off with his still intact left hand. “Don't worry about me boy, spread the damned villain's message, and then get yourself to the PRT buildin', they're the only chance we've got.” The hero's brow knit with worry and confusion, “What do you mean sir?”

The cashier looked up, jaw muscles tense, eyes serious as he met the boy's own. “Because that there wasn't no normal villain, boy. That was Avulse and he turns good to do cities...into ghost towns.”
Gael, Verens Estrada

Her kiss wasn't startling, but it did interrupt his train of thought briefly, the entire thing stopping, though not derailing, she'd have to try harder than that to cause that sort of thing. When she drew away he gave her the most subtle of smiles, barely a quirk to his lips or a glimmer of real emotion in his lightly glowing pink irises. Then she retreated and he turned to his desk, his the train of thought starting once again, and running while he worked till it reached its conclusion.

Absently, part of him noticed the shower turn off in the background, his attention to his surroundings peripheral, but he still heard her approaching, shifting his awareness of her and his surroundings back into the front of his mind before she draped herself on his neck, pressing her chest against his back. She was doing it intentionally, he knew, trying to get a rise out of him. Make him attack her in that way she liked oh so much. He didn't relent, he didn't show any reaction, but instead continued staring at the screen, focused. After a long moment of silence and a window or two popping up unbidden, he replied the slightest of frowns forming on his brow, I was contemplating what the next moves should be, but it appears we have something more pressing to deal with. He glanced at her, not turning his head enough for her to reach his lips, he knew her far too well for all of that.

His hands left their position, one moving to the mouse, which he moved to the program that had just opened. He typed in several passwords with one hand, while he clicked with the other. After a brief two seconds the window expanded to fullscreen and several short video clips displayed in succession.

The first was of what appeared to be a man in a white smiling mask walking down the street in the suburbs of the city, before the angle changed, revealing the man running his hand along a fence, before that fence basically folded itself into the figure's hand. The clip stopped and the next played, showing the same figure walk to a gas station before there was a flash of movement and the camera's screen turned to static. Gael replayed that one again, slowed it down slightly, then moved on, his brain slowing it down further and running over the footage in a simulation, revealing something shifting in the figure's hand before what appeared to be some kind of projectile thrust out and destroyed the camera.

The next two videos were differing views on the same two situations, but they were a bit fuzzy. Gael clicked onto a different portion of the program after a moment, letting Fae process the information that had taken him effectively no time to understand before he swapped over. He hit a key on the laptop, unmuting the speakers, before plugging it into a sound system. He then hit several play buttons in unison, and a cacophony of phones ringing followed by frantic voices came through all at once. It would be impossible for Fae to understand any of it. After he'd listened to the calls three times, he let each play one after the other, letting her listen.

They were all similar. Every one of them gave a description of the figure, was calling the police for vague assistance, was trying to contact the PRT, or was calling an ambulance for someone injured, as well as several calls for repairs to various locations. To Gael they spelled one thing, trouble, and not the sort he liked. Abruptly, he tapped her on the head lightly, his signal to her to get up. When she moved her head, he would rise from his seat, before pushing it into the desk. He extracted his phone and began dialing a number, ready to make a call.

He glanced at Fae, expression a mixture of serious and blank, before he spoke, the phone not yet ringing. I'll be right back, please stay here for a minute, he paused, walking over to her, tipping her chin up with his free hand, before kissing her deeply. Her thoughts and every tiny reaction informing him as to how to do so. After only twenty seconds, which likely felt like a blissful eternity, he drew away, letting his hand brush her cheek before he exited the room, closing the door behind him. He licked his lips once he was out of sight, then hit the call button.

It only took him a minute to tell the right people what he needed to, before he hung up, and then headed back into his room, all business now. Now that I have that taken care of, I want to ask if you recognize that mask. It's quite distinctive. You'd think there were hundreds of capes with that exact one, but you'd be wrong. It's unique. Do you know who it belongs to? He met her eyes, his gaze unwavering, never straying to the rest of her, his undivided attention aimed towards her as a person, rather than her as a woman. There was too much to do, he didn't need the distractions that came with regarding her as the latter...not for the moment at least.
Drake Vettman

Listening with attention locked upon the Broker, Chatterbox nodded, then watched their boss go, smirking all the while. When he had left the room, he watched as Lovely made their proposition to HeadHunter, before hoisting the deceased cape out of the room. He glanced towards the table with the manilla envelope where Sofia sat, and the mercenary looked over her shoulder to read. When the assassin had left the room, he rose to his feet, walked over, glanced over Sofia's shoulder briefly, reading the mission briefing to gain some details before he turned to leave. However, as he reached the halfway point of the room he held up a finger, turned on his heel and lifted his chair, carrying it back to the table. The act was done for the moment, so the props ought to go back to their proper places.

Alone in the room aside from the quiet girl, he made a point of taking care of his beverage as well, speaking all the while. "You know, Sofia, you're curious one," he said frankly, no aggression or negativity in his tone. "Quiet, with a useful, but quite peculiar power to almost offset your demeanor." He glanced over his shoulder at her, flashing a winning smile before he finished cleaning his cup and setting it in the cupboard. He turned towards her, walking past as he headed for the door. He patted her on the back once, "I look forwards to working with you. I believe it will be...interesting. Ciao~" He then exited the building, headed up to his room, changed into civilian clothes, took the dye from his hair, and retrieved some sunglasses, which he donned.

No longer wearing his rather gaudy costume, Chatterbox had instead put on a blue and white shirt, with the colors alternating over a series of thin vertical lines. He was wearing similarly nice slacks, with his collar not at all popped, and his shoes fairly average. He had switched out his costume gloves for more inconspicuous ones that matched his shirt, their color a light gray. Looking himself over, Drake Vettman adjusted his blonde hair and retrieved a gray hoodie, tying it around his waist. He made a point to retrieve a bandanna that matched the hoodie's color, though he only tied it around his wrist...for the moment.

Not much caring for his civilian identity, Drake didn't particular mind if the others saw him out of costume. It wasn't a huge difference anyways, and if they targeted him later well...they'd have broken the rules now wouldn't they? He chuckled to himself before heading out, locking the door, before walking down a flight of stairs and exiting the building. He'd meet Lovely and Headhunter outside, saluting to them rather jokingly with two fingers, the gesture meant as a greeting. "I'd tag along if you don't mind, gentlemen," he said with a smile, glancing at Lovely almost pointedly, the action indicated more by a slight movement of his head, rather than his eyes, which were hidden behind shades. As per his usual, Drake had a smile stretched across his face.

It was one of several things that simply didn't change when the mask came off. Too bad for them.

Are all of you still around? This is a check in before I decide how to move along. I get the distinct impression that having meetings isn't really drawing characters together in the way I had intended it to. I'm either going to consider a natural way to introduce a measure of action into the picture, or I may waive the "main plot," as we know it, but leave it in place so as to allow people to somewhat sandbox things as pointing people in the right direction and then trying to guide does not appear to be working as I wanted it to.

So this goes one of three ways.

1.) I find a way to introduce a measure of action as mentioned and so kick start the plot and hopefully people's enthusiasm.
2.) We reboot, you can keep your characters as you wish, but the RP will be more sandboxy in nature and I may create a few NPCs unrelated to the forming rebellion, or PART OF said rebellion and thus disturbing the formerly peaceful lives of the characters.
3.) Ya'll supply ideas you think would draw you in and make you want to post/interact more and I enact those with some help from the GMs or work them into a reboot.
Gael, Verens Estrada

Briefly, as she brought his arm against her, nestling it in her bosom, he experienced a scant feeling of physical pleasure, his left eyebrow twitching at the edge ever so slightly. Then he swiftly compartmentalized the sensation into a far off corner of his mind, continuing to his room with her clinging to his arm, which he allowed without complaint, annoyance, or any other notable response or feeling aside from the minuscule twitch of before. As they entered his room, before she had even finished her sentence, he had picked up a towel, aside from the several that were already on the floor. He'd laid them out after checking the weather and his schedule, knowing that in all likelihood his guest would not have an umbrella. As he'd predicted, she was standing on them as she began speaking. He glanced at her, the look brief enough that one could presume he hadn't really given her the typical once over not that it would've been inappropriate anyways, or that he cared about such things when they didn't benefit him.... He was getting distracted.

As such, he did away with the extraneous thought processes and threw two towels at her, one for her hair, and another for the rest of her. There's wash clothes in the bathroom, he said, waving dismissively as he pulled his chair out and then sat down at his desk. He ran a fingers over the surface of his closed laptop in a pattern, and then applied pressure in two places. There was a small click before he opened the device and booted it up. Oh, and your clothes are in there as well, I figured you wouldn't bother to check the weather for today, he glanced away from the screen, typing a series of twenty passwords with one hand as his eyes bored through her, the look pointed, eyebrows slightly lifted, head cocked slightly, all as if to say 'you really ought to be more thoughtful.' She'd catch the meaning, she wasn't an idiot, even if she didn't think too far forwards.

He turned his gaze back to the laptop, finishing the series of passwords before using the touch pad to scan his fingerprints. Following that it finished booting up and he began pulling up various files as well as booting several programs he used to organize, locate, and sort data. He'd coded them himself. Likely as she headed to the bathroom that was connected directly to his room, only sanctioned off by three walls, with a sliding door on it that could latch shut he spoke again, not looking up this time as he began sinking into his work somewhat, dedicating more of his attention to it. If you want to talk while you're in there, I had something of an intercom installed. Feel free to use it, but please do be careful not to use channel three, it broadcasts to the whole area. Avoid channel two as well as it broadcasts through the entire warehouse.

With that said, he opened three documents and plugged in a USB keyboard, typing on both, his movements precise, his eyes locked only on the screen, though his focus on the individual documents and the visual information was periphery in nature.

He had his mind on long term goals, renovations for the warehouse, expansions to others in the city, recruitment, scare tactics, resource and territory acquisition, threat assessment, interpersonal relations and teamwork within his little operation. Skill sets and training for his too--...men. There was the briefest of pauses in his actions before he continued along, focusing on another train of thought.

Potential Allies: Adumbrate(?), unknown quantities.
Allies: Thralls, mercenaries, Fae....

He frowned slightly as he found the train split to a second engine and diverge onto two tracks, one with less on it than the other. Fae....

He'd scheduled time with her today for...what?

His fingers hesitated, then continued. Planning. He wanted to maneuver her, but she was entirely immune to his master power, so he had to ask. It was a little annoying, but to be fair she offered another set of eyes, a different perspective he actually couldn't fracture and build as a simulacrum in his head. An outsider looking in, even if they were pretty involved, in their strange way. It was only sex after all, nothing he really cared about at the end of the day.

He stopped typing, filing away documents, and closing many of the tabs he was using before he opened several more, which he scrolled through with two individual mouses. It was surprising, he thought, that parahumans online still managed to thrive even after something as catastrophic as Golden Morning had occurred. A small smirk played the edge of his lips at the thought and he opened a new tab, accessing a historical archive before finding the document outlining the event.

To have such a power he marveled while he read it over, his eyes and scrolling fast enough that someone who didn't know him would think he was either skimming or just rapidly scrolling down the page looking for some specific spot in the text. To have instantaneous control like that, even with such a limited range... he shook his head before finishing and closing the tab, then exiting out of each tab, and then the browser. When Fae exited the shower there would only be three documents, a record low, open on his laptop and his hands would be steepled on the desk in front of the computer, not typing, but implying that he was focused, or thinking about something in particular. He looked focused, but also pensive in a way, though that was something only she would pick up, after all...to most others his expression would look blank, a deadpan of apathy and disinterest.

It was how he usually looked. Strange that someone with such expressive thoughts and a vast menagerie of perspectives had the tendency of expressing none of it outwardly unless it was to manipulate others.

Such was his way, it appeared. Very few made him break from that path.

Fae was an exception.

The girl responded well, how cooperative of her, she thought, her expression unchanging from the gentle confidence of before. Shaking the young cape's hand before heading off at a walk, the girl following, Adumbrate waited a few moments before responding, A safehouse, she began, her voice cutting through the rain as her movements acted to mitigate any resistance it might reach, We can't go to your house or mine, we're not so close I'd think, but I can at least direct you somewhere you can hideout in costume if you need to. Plus, perhaps we can get to know one another, I've been looking for a partner, and you seem the right sort. She glanced towards Spindle, smiling, You have quite the interesting power, I must say, she commented, her hand running lightly over the surface of the alley wall, tapping in a pattern of sorts—though it was likely to seem random to the girl.

Have you settled on a name? She asked after several moments, using the time to draw in the girl's attention. Her footsteps began to alter ever so slightly and as they did, so too did the pace of the falling rain. It would be imperceptible, but over a period of time the clouds almost sped up as her power bid the storm to pass over their area.

After several minutes they'd covered a good three blocks, with Adumbrate leading her newest companion through alleyways and largely empty streets. Even when people were present, they seemed to look away, enter buildings, or their cars, around the time that the two came into view. It was quite a serendipitous sight, at least for her companion, she figured. To Adumbrate it was normal.

After an additional fifteen minutes of walking they would finally arrive at a building that looked to be a store. Swiftly, she pulled her companion into an alley only for, two minutes later as they rounded a corner and she unlocked a door, for them to hear police sirens race by. Not that it mattered, the PRT was too late, their quarry was already well out of reach.

Entering the building, Adumbrate closed the door behind them before walking out of sight only to come back with four towels. She handed two to Spindle, and used the others on herself, patting herself down and drying out her hair as best she could, using her power all the while. She let it spread from her person, helping her companion dry off as a result. Water would seem to almost move itself out of the fabric of her clothes and the fibers of her hair, pulled into the towel. It was all fairly subtle, but it was likely the girl would notice that she was drier than she ought to be, once she was done with the towels.

Meanwhile, Adumbrate was essentially dry, almost as if she hadn't been in the rain at all. It might strike Spindle as a bit eerie, or it might cause her to fall further into awe and admiration. Either was preferable, as fear could be a wonderful means of control, though adoration was a much more positive and favorable result.

Ceasing the use of her power she walked to a new room, which was fashioned much like the living room of a house. There was a TV, a couch, a table with four chairs, and one visible safe, as well as one or two pictures hung on the wall...and a clock, of course. She took a seat on the couch, laying her towel down length-wise and bidding Spindle do the same before she crossed her legs, relaxed, and spoke. Well, feel free to make yourself comfortable. You can spend as long as you'd like here. I've even got an extra key, she said with a smile, ...if you want it that is. She spun her key around her finger, before throwing it, catching it and then laying her hands on her lap. I'd suggest staying at least an hour. I can leave before you, you can change, and then head home at your leisure, as by that time the PRT and police will have left the area for the most part. What she didn't say, but what was still portrayed, was that she had effectively given Spindle almost assured safe passage, as well as a place she could hole up whenever she wanted to.

Offering hospitality was, of course, the mark of a good host and she considered herself an impeccable one.

Now, since we have time to kill, are you hungry?
Evelyn Chambers

She'd gone to bed early the day before and she'd woken up drowsy anyways, that's what she got for patrolling and practicing with her power too long, she thought as she rose from bed in her typical sleepwear, a biiig soft baggy T-shirt, and undies. She walked drowsily out of her room and to the bathroom, just a door across the hall, rubbing her eyes along the way and closing the bathroom door behind her. She realized she'd forgotten her towel, and so sighed and brushed her teeth instead, taking care of her business, before walking back to her room in a similar, if slightly more awake, state and retrieving a change of clothes and a towel. Then she went back to the bathroom, turned on the shower, set her clothes on the counter and hung her towel up near the standing shower, before disrobing and climbing in to let the war--oh god cold!--water wash over her, shocking her awake. “Wooo,” she exclaimed loudly, before swiftly slapping her hand over her mouth, realizing her parents would still be asleep. However, after a moment, while she swiftly adjusted the heat of the water, she laughed a little at her silliness, as she remembered that her father was off on a business trip, and her mother had told her yesterday that she'd leave her breakfast because she had some early errands to run.

Retrieving her shampoo from the bathroom counter via reaching out of the shower curtain with her dripping wet arm before squirting some onto her hand and rubbing it into her wet purple hair. While she washed her hair she planned out the rest of her day, her brain sufficiently awake after the cold water to allow such. Hmm, I think I'll do half of my homework, then head to HQ to stretch my power and work out a bit before going out on patrol, she thought, only to frown slightly after that point, her hands briefly stopping in their attempt to wash her hair. She didn't have anything to do after that, but she didn't want to patrol all day.... Maybe she'd call one of the other wards and they could hang out? They knew each other by now so it wouldn't be a problem if they met up out of costume, right? She nodded her head before her hands began moving again, finishing her hair before she rinsed out the shampoo and retrieved the body soap to begin that process. Ten minutes of shower-time later she was letting the water run over her, eyes closed, with a smile on her face, before she turned off the water, pushed back the shower curtain, and grabbed her towel, standing on the bathmat while she wrapped it around herself, before realizing that she hadn't brought a second towel in for her hair.

She frowned, and then a brilliant idea struck her and she closed her eyes and focused. Immediately awareness of her projection lit up in her mind, brought to the forefront of her attention, the silver glow of its shadow hovering in her room around her bed in an indistinct shape. She scanned her bed in its entirety: Blankets, sheets, wooden frame, the memory foam of her mattress, and the downy pillows before she had it expand and find the glass of water by her bed. With all that in place she swiftly picked a size and shape, deciding on a diminutive four foot tall imp-like creature. She pushed the idea of 'cuteness' into the projection, then picked the materials it would be made from.

Internal Traits: Wood(hardness)/water(fluidity) for structural traits=flexibility, minor durability and reliability. Bone analogue.
External Traits: Cloth(softness and its other properties), flesh/skin analogue.

For fun she had it scan one of her buttoned shirts and some marbles before continuing.

Eye analogue, marbles. Light refraction, two sets of eyes for larger range of view.

She then made a point of shaping an extension off of its head to create something akin to a hood.

When she was done she opened her eyes, three seconds had passed. She bid her projection to manifest next to her bed. It did so and she commanded it to get her a specific towel. It did so and then opened her door, presumably as she heard it and felt it do so as its location approached hers. It opened the bathroom door and closed it behind itself. That when she got a glimpse of it.

It was adorable in its own weird way. Standing at four feet with a two legs and two arms, it was a little hunched over imp-like figure with the patterns of her blanket over it. Its body was composed almost entirely of cloth, probably stuffed with the down material she'd scanned from her pillows, and its fingers had tiny wooden claws at the end of each finger and its thumb. Its eyes were marbles and it had buttons down its chest, as well as a cloth hood-like construction that extended from its back up over its head and to where a human's eyebrows would be, slightly overshadowing its face. A friendly smile was stitched onto its face as it looked up towards her, holding its short arms up with the towel.

She smiled and giggled, taking the towel from her creation and drying her hair with it, commanding the projection to run on autopilot. Mentally she had already started counting down the minutes to when she'd have to dismiss the projection. She wanted to keep the cute little imp around for a little while. She was certain it'd be helpful somehow, if only for a bit of cuddling while she ate breakfast, or some reassurance while she did her homework.

She was right. After drying her hair she walked to her room with her clothes, deciding to change there as she'd changed her mind a bit on what she wanted to wear, she rifled through her dresser before deciding on her casual wear for the day. Glancing out her window she saw the rain, the sound of it striking the house and the ground quite distinct. She frowned a bit and reassessed her choice in outfits, picking one or two other things, before laying it all out on her bed and staring at it with a slight pout on her lips, her hands on her hips. She sighed, realizing it had already been three minutes and all she'd put on were her underwear.

After another minute she finally settled for pulling on some black tights, a long sleeved very dark blue sweater dress and some knee length jeans—also blue. Turning her shoulders from side to side, and her body in turn, she checked her choice out in the mirror, before smiling a bit and offering a quiet and victorious “Hnm,” at her reflection. She spun a bit, smiling again before looking down at her projection, which had cocked its head to the side at her. It had been five minutes, so it was acting of its own accord now. “Do you like it, Imp?” she asked, bending down as if she were talking to a child. The cloth imp put a finger to its cheek, thinking a moment, before nodding, eliciting a smile from Evelyn, as well as a nuzzle to the projection's cheek.

She then went downstairs, ate the french toast her mother had left her yum~ before asking her projection, nicely, to retrieve her homework from upstairs—it did.

When it returned she checked her phone, noting it had been seven minutes. She began laying her homework out on the now empty dinner table. She'd cleared the table and done the dishes while her imp had gathered the necessary supplies for her schoolwork. Once she had it all laid out she glanced at the imp, kneeled down, gave it a little hug, before speaking “Time for a nap buddy, wouldn't want you getting grouchy on me,” she said with a small smile before standing up and dismissing the projection juuust at the 9 minute mark.

She then sat down to do her homework. It took her about an hour to get through three subjects, which was half of what she had to do. Stretching she began putting the work away, before using her projection to scan the same stuff and take on the same cloth imp form. She bid it to carry the stuff back to her room and arrange it neatly. It did so.

She checked outside again, noting that it was still raining, so she had the imp retrieve her raincoat and umbrella before it came back downstairs from her second floor room. Once it arrived she donned the coat, having already put on her shoes. She noticed that it had also grabbed her backpack. She smiled at it and took it, putting it on, before she realized she didn't have her keys.

The imp went and got them, bringing them to her before she dismissed it, opening the door to the pouring rain, before opening her umbrella, locking the door and heading out. It was a bit of a pain walking through the dreary rain to get to HQ. Partway there she stopped in a park, using her projection to expand over a wide area and act as watch. She entered an empty bathroom and changed into her costume. She waited a few minutes, using her projection to notify her as to whether or not there was anyone or anything watching as she exited in costume. She had it scan some nearby things, metal, light fixtures, concrete, as well as taking some traits from her bedroom that she'd scanned before she left, before arranging it into a 12 foot tall figure with an Evelyn sized hollow in its chest. She bid it to manifest in a way that suited for travel, protection against the rain, speed, and comfort for her.

It did so, forming into a massive humanoid construct made of an odd mixture of concrete, metal and cloth. Oddly it didn't make the ground crack as it knelt down, letting her climb into its chest through a hole that sealed behind her. She noticed it had also used glass in its construction, which had apparently been reinforced by other traits. She could see out its chest cavity because of the clear substance. She had her backpack in the spot too, noticing that aside from the glass it was quite comfortable, what with it feeling like a mixture of a pillow and a blanket, plus a water bed. The small chamber was even warm, as it had scanned some electrical components from a nearby camera, which channeled through its body, generating a measure of heat. She smiled a bit and then commanded it to head for headquarters.

It sprang into action, small tendrils of cloth-like material bracing her. While she did bounce a bit with its steps, the trip wasn't really that uncomfortable and she arrived before she had to dismiss the projection. Climbing down and extending her umbrella she waved to her projection, backpack on, before dismissing it, the 12 foot behemoth vanishing, replaced by a dull silver glow that was hardly visible in the rain. She entered the building waving at some of the staff before heading to the observation room that had been set up beneath the PRT building. Sadly, no one was there, causing her to frown. She did notice that the computer said that both Dreamwalker and Chronicle were on patrol. As such she decided to stay at HQ for awhile, using the gym to get some exercise in before it was her shift.

Her shift never came, instead her comms device went off, notifying her of a robbery, apparently committed by a parahuman. She ground her teeth at the mere thought of it. Why would someone use their power to hurt and disadvantage others, especially given the state of the world when they could use it for good. It just didn't make sense to her...and it bothered her more than she liked to admit. Eventually calming down and sighing, she headed back up the elevator and towards the exit to the building. She had already reconfigured her projection when another transmission came through her earpiece. “As a 'teambuilding exercise' Chronicle was wondering if you, and the other Wards, would like to meet at Giorgio's Steakhouse for lunch,” the almost monotone voice of a PRT communication operator informed her. She couldn't help but laugh a little as she pushed the door open, thanking the operator for relaying the message before she switched channels and contacted Chronicle directly.

“Hey Chron, it's Tulpa. I'm pretty hungry actually, I think I'll join you for that 'teambuilding exercise' she said with a smile in her voice. “I'll be over in, uh...” she paused a moment as she glanced at the heads up display she'd asked Cory to integrate into the 'blindfold,' of her costume, using GPS to figure out how long it would take by car to get to Giorgio's. After several seconds she spoke again, tapping her earpiece, “...maybe, like 8 minutes, give or take. Hopefully less than 10,” she said, before she reconfigured her projection, manifested it and figuratively 'buckled up,' for the ride. “See ya in 10!” she said before her projection's now quadrupedal, but nonetheless massive, wolf-lizard form, erupted into action. She'd designed it with horizontally aligned frills, that ended up shielding her from the rain. She obeyed the traffic laws, of course, using her tulpa to get her from point A to B as she tended to do rather often.

It took awhile, but finally, after 11 minutes—she was really pushing it this time—she arrived at the steakhouse. Jumping from her projection's back and unfurling her umbrella almost in the same motion, she dismissed it even as it turned towards a car that had just blared its horn. She shuddered a bit, realizing that it had been growling before it had de-manifested.

Realizing she was in costume, Evelyn frowned before walking away from the steakhouse and heading into an isolated area, using the attention the gas station was drawing to slip away. She went a block or two away before, rather scandalously, changing clothes in an alley. She exited the alley and headed back to the steakhouse, entering in her same outfit from earlier. It would draw less attention. She had however, kept her earpiece in. “Nolan, you better have come her out of character. I'd like to eat in peace you know,” she said a few minutes before arriving at the steakhouse. She entered the building to get out of the rain, closing her umbrella, before looking around for Nolan, aka Chronicler.

Where was that boy, she thought, a hand on her hip.
It's as much my fault as yours (if not entirely my fault actually).


Evelyn Chambers – Tulpa

The bloom of light was helpful, the thugs were stunned, but when they managed to recover somewhat they struck, or at least attempted to. In similar time, Eyeblight managed to escape the grasp of her projection. Evelyn frowned, but she kept her focus dedicated primarily to the projection. As thugs moved towards it, attempting to stab and strike it, well, it let them hit. The blades did nothing, the blunt force didn't seem to phase it either, with its form either bending inwards and rippling, a physical show for the kinetic energy being dispersed over a wider surface area. It's flexibility, in both movement and in its make-up, combined with its durability, made their attempts effectively fruitless. That wasn't to say that the tulpa ignored them.

Moving as soon as they'd all gathered around it, the beast suddenly shifted its position, moving forwards and then twisting around, its body almost forming a complete circle, likely knocking all of the thugs attacking it on their asses in one fell swoop. Its echolocation continued to fire out, causing an unpleasant sensation to ring through the bodies of those near it, likely resonating through Eyeblight as well. The longer the thugs remained exposed, the less able to coordinate and focus they would become, and the more apprehensive and uncomfortable they would become.

With the thugs on their asses, the projection moved to the hostages, wrapped some of its tentacles around them, one per hostage, and gently lifted them all up at once. Then it leaned shifted its grip to the tentacles on top of its form. Its remaining tentacles balling up at their ends, the projection struck out, slamming the fist-like ends of the tentacles into the heads of the downed thugs. It had used Eyeblight's breaker ability to temporarily harden the ends just before they hit. The impact would knock the thugs out, reducing the numbers they'd all have to deal with significantly. Following the action the projection's echolocation notified Evelyn of Eyeblight's impending arrival. Focusing, she bid it to move, its body springing swiftly into action, the hostages now fastened to its back via tentacles, with many of the limbs still capable of moving, it ran full tilt, not jostling its passengers at all, towards Sonar's group. Evelyn gave it some final directives, instructing it to circumvent the thugs attacking the group and bound behind them, out of the storm drain where it would deposit the hostages on a sidewalk, unbind their hands, legs, and necks using its claws, before promptly demanifesting. It had been active for about a minute and thirty seconds. The moment it de-manifested, Evelyn started counting down in her head.

As it carried out those actions, she made sure it would attend to its own well-being to a degree and return to her side as soon as it could.

Unbidden, she opened her eyes, abruptly stood up, took her bo staff from its place on her person, and swiftly extended it to its full 5.5 foot length. She narrowed her eyes at Eyeblight as he approached and took a defensive stance, bo staff at an angle, body sideways, one foot back, the other forwards, knee bent slightly. The bo staff's leading end was pointed forwards and upwards, its other end following the angle.

“Messiah, can you absorb heat energy you've applied after you release it?” She asked, taking a stance beside the glowing heroine. Once her projection had de-manifested, it would recall to her person, its form sifting over all of her teammates, the thugs, until its dull silver light focused around her person, and then shifted into a spherical form, its radius being 5 feet. She'd practiced this, it would be alright.

It would be alright, she told herself again as her gaze reached Eyeblight. Involuntarily, she shuddered, swallowing hard. She had to make a conscious effort to steady her breathing, but she made do, instead deciding not to look directly at him, but instead partially unfocus her eyes. The effect lessened slightly. With that, she kept her breathing steady and deep, focusing her senses and attention on her immediate vicinity as well as her own body and the position of her teammates. Her heartbeat slowed down and her breathing stilled. They had 1 minute and 15 seconds till she could manifest her projection again, but she had a feeling they could last at least that long. Hopefully her intuition was correct.

Eyes trained on the others, flickering over the scene, he pondered what would come next, and what the man had said--it had been too quiet for him to properly hear from where he'd been. Still, he had to admit that Everest's attack on the Broker had been surprising, though he hadn't stood to act in response. Not his power nor his skillset would have made him terribly useful to the Broker and provided the man had invited the fellow, he had figured that he had something in place to deal with him if things went south--as they had. His thoughts shifting course, Chatterbox glanced over to Headhunter and smiled a moment even as Sofia, like a good little employee, did as the Broker bid her to. It was interesting seeing the blood suddenly shift through the ground. He wondered where it had gone, not that it mattered much.

"Well, that was quite eventful," he said, his power touching none of them as he again tuned it to ignore the group. It was too bad he hadn't been able to stretch the interaction further. Perhaps with several minutes things wouldn't have gotten so...messy. He smiled and glanced towards Lovecraft, listening to the fellow's words. Following their utterance he glanced to the Broker, noticing his incredible shift back to normal if that was his base demeanor. It was hard to say, the two instances of interaction were almost separate people, so different were they in behavior. Then again, people tended not to be so simple, so he'd wait, watch, and play along--profiting all the while.

"Speaking of your intentions, Broker. Do you have anything else in mind for us now that this little...event is over?" He leaned forwards as he said it, the same small smile ever present on his lips. With that, he waited, his attention locked on their boss. What would he say next?

She'd woken up early that morning, looked outside to see the rain, and a smile had played across her face. She had gotten out of bed, brushed her teeth, splashed water on her face to rouse herself just that extra bit. She'd showered, even knowing that she'd have to deal with the rain, and then she'd donned her costume, slipping into the red dress, placing the mask on her face, making sure her hair was in order, her dress without splits, tears, or discolorations. Then, she had sat down on her bed, crossed her legs, and waited.

Thinking back to it was a fun thought. Just knowing that she could make things play out just so by sitting down, closing her eyes, and thinking it brought that same smile she'd had when she woke up to her lips. She ran the idea through her head again, the causal relationship between actions and results. How things rippled out, causing larger and larger changes as time went on and the dominoes fell. It was beautiful imagery, and it was all real, and it was all there in her mind, at her fingertips...so she'd used it.

She'd pulled the strings, adjusting the covers of her bed just so, deciding to water only two of the nineteen plants in her spacious apartment, throwing a rock out the window towards a specific spot on the street. Knocking on each wall of her rooms with juuust the right patterns and then finally...she'd walked up to her door, knocked twice, waited for four long minutes, and walked out. Even her footsteps were measured, exact, the sound of her feet against the floor sometimes louder, sometimes quieter, sometimes sharper or more muffled and dull. It all had to be exact and when it was--which was when she chose to make it so--the result was harmony or discord all dependent on which she decided to sow. In the moment all she wanted to do was keep the flow of the early morning, keep her neighbor Jane Kailey from leaving two minutes early for work, or the man who lived two floors down from leaving when she entered the hall. It was all orchestrated just so she could walk from her apartment room, down several flights of stairs, and out the building, without a single person, or a single camera really seeing her for who she was.

The kicker? The scary reality? It worked, but it didn't end there.

She stepped out into the rain, just on time, her gait elegant and measured all at once, a strange grace to her movements. Her fingers twitched and flowed, as if plucking the strings of an invisible instrument only she was aware of. The tips of two fingers touching a light post, while the pinky of her left hand grazed a specific set of raindrops. Street cameras blinked, lightning flashed, thunder boomed, drawing people's attention, causing lights to flicker and feeds to show static for just several seconds...and she was gone.

Three blocks away and no one had seen her leave the building or walk from point A to point B. The smile graced her lips again, a feeling of joy, of power, filling her chest and spreading outwards into her limbs, touching her fingertips...which were warm despite the rain. In fact, the rain almost seemed not to really touch her. She was wet, but not cold, her hair looked sleek and it shone when light struck it, but it never acted as if it were truly soaked like it should of been. The effect wasn't that limited however, it applied to her clothes too, which didn't droop under the weight of soaked in fluid, but instead was tight and flowed as if not a drop of water had really touched it.

It made her look almost ethereal like she didn't belong in this world, like she wasn't really there even though it would be easy to find out otherwise. All it would take was one touch and you'd know she was just as physical, just as present, as anyone else...but then she'd withdraw and the brief reality would fade away as if it had never been and the ethereal woman would be there again, instead of the human being. It must have been eerie, she thought, to watch her and not really know what was going on like she did.

Not that it mattered. Not that knowing would do them any good. It was unlikely they could really use that knowledge against her, after all, they hadn't had any luck yet...had they? She laughed lightly, a chuckle, the sound carrying despite the pouring rain, as if it was bouncing off the water and spreading, instead of being drowned in the sound of pattering rain.

She shifted her focus, her attention to other things, slipping out of the reverie of her power and the thoughts using it brought, and directed the ability elsewhere. She wanted to be somewhere specific, somewhere interesting, a place that something new was happening. She closed her eyes, shifting her head lightly to the side every few seconds, the movement slow, her fingers dancing as she almost rolled her neck to move her head, as if listening to a tune only she could hear. Then she stopped and smiled again as just the right notes cascaded through her thoughts. She hit the notes again, her fingers plucking invisible threads, and then she turned and walked across the street with her eyes closed.

No cars struck her, no one called out to the mysterious red lady J-walking, and all was well, all was just so as it should be, as she wanted it to be...to a degree. As her foot touched the sidewalk, she opened her eyes and turned again, the action sudden, drumming her fingers against the wall in a steady rhythm, before lightly gliding them over, then dragging two fingers, then one, then all five, before she moved them off the building, turned the corner and let the heel of her foot tap that same corner lightly.

She continued on, crossing the city and not seeming to tire in the least. It was almost as if the world was working in her favor so she didn't tire, didn't miss a single step, or trip, or be seen by just the wrong people, or be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Working towards a single goal, the world pushed her on, or maybe she pushed the world around her to do as she bid it? It was hard to say, even for her. Her smiled widened again and she glanced at a store briefly, her eyes lighting up with recognition before she quietly walked past, tapping one edge of the glass before ceasing most of her actions--her fingers going still, her footsteps ceasing their unsteady rhythm and evening out.

To everyone else the shift would be practically imperceptible. The rhythm of the falling rain shifting just a pitch or two in several places, the sound of traffic becoming just the slightest bit more pronounced, the position of a parked car shifting .0001 millimeter to the right, but to her...all the tiniest details were crystal clear. It was as if someone was pointing every single one of them out, and then telling her, clearly, concisely, and with all the detail she desired, how to shift those little variables just a little bit to cause a cascade of events that would not have occurred otherwise. Of course, that was just one side of the spectrum: harmony the other side was...less pleasant, at least for everyone else that was. She laughed quietly to herself at the thought as she settled her back against the wet wall of an alley near the store. She was obscured by the tall dumpster to her left, making her impossible to see from any angle except one from above if you entered from the store.

Her power gave her a sense of completion, so she folded her arms under her chest, closed her eyes, and leaned her head back against the wall. She let water run over her face and through her hair and into her clothes, though not all the way through, just the surface. She needed to look natural, that much she knew. She would wait for only five minutes, minutes that she let herself almost get lost in the sensation of the rain on her skin, the sound of it hitting the ground and the dumpster, resounding somewhat in a constant staccato of sound, as if nature was pounding against the man-made construct of civilization. She enjoyed every minute of it, but the time didn't fly, nor did it drag on for her--it simply was. Then she heard it, she felt it, movement, activity. She opened her eyes and glanced to the street to see a mother pulling her young daughter along as if to escape something, but not in too much of a hurry...as if not to draw too much attention to themselves.

Her fingers began to move, the rain, over the next few minutes, slowed ever so slightly, but only just. She leaned back into her former position, eyes closed, smiling, but now she tilted her chin down, letting the hood shadow her face, the fabric hanging lower from the weight of the rain's constant beating. Those minutes passed and the footsteps came, a feeling of glee almost causing her to laugh as it shot through her, endorphins almost egging her on to do something...anything! She didn't, she waited, the time wasn't right, her power...her passenger wanted her to tap into its other side, but she knew it wasn't time yet. It had to be just right.

Her gaze shifted as the girl stopped in the alley, still not having noticed that she wasn't alone, that someone was watching...that Adumbrate was there. She saw the tears, the fear, she could read it in the girl's posture, her expression, her body language. She could infer it from the loud shots she'd heard...and it finally allowed her the opening, the chance to act.

She stepped out, the movement slow, almost gentle somehow. She didn't move her fingers, instead she twitched her toes and let subtle movements of her body do the work. She flexed her power, letting it radiate outwards, spreading almost like a virus. She didn't close the distance between them, though it was only 2 meters that separated them.

She let the girl's awareness of her sink in, making no move to attack, her posture, her demeanor, all of the little things, telling the girl she meant no harm. She had even averted her eyes from the girl's face, looking instead at the sky, her view of the new cape only peripheral. "It's okay to be afraid you know," she said gently, her voice soft, though it struck through the rain as if unimpeded by the drumming sound. "This life is hard, but it can be rewarding. It can be an escape, and it can be fun, but you've gotta be a little...different to appreciate it," she glanced down at the girl, knowing her mask would once again be donned, and smiled. There was a certain reassurance in her gaze. Provided the girl appeared more secure in the moment, she would extend her hand as an offering of friendship, if brief before she spoke again. "Don't worry though, I can get us out of it. After all, I'm Adumbrate. They haven't caught me yet, so they won't catch either of us today."

With that she would turn, and her fingers would dance, subtly as she walked, not ran, through the alley, hopefully with the girl in tow, heading away from the scene of the crime, the crime of a girl she hoped would become an ally, if not a friend. She had every intention to make it both...and her intentions tended to go through.
Gael, Verens Estrada

The rain drummed against the roof of the warehouse, his men, goons, some thralls, some hired, paced or played cards, but left him alone. The gears of his mind turned, and his pen tapped in time with the rain against the paper of one of his many notebooks. His expression was blank, his costume on, though his hood was back. If he willed it, none of his men would remember his face...no matter how hard they tried, no matter what thinker or master pried into their minds. They had all been his thralls once. Their minds made pliable by his intrusion. It had all taken time, but it had been important, another necessary step in the plan, the grand scheme, the great dance.

He almost smiled, but instead the corner of his mouth merely twitched. A thought came to mind, the hivemind dancing circles before each fragment of a person-made-whole moved into lines and boarded their subsequent trains of thought. His pen twirled between fingers as the trains moved smoothly along their tracks, sometimes altering course as their tracks were shifted.

What came next? Who needed to be leveraged? What players were important now and how could he leverage others later? When would the PRT or the Family notice?

He actually smiled at that last thought, the train speeding up, fueled by the hunger of his ambition.

The pen stopped twirling, his eyelids twitched, and its tip touched paper, he began writing. To everyone else it might look measured, to him it was calculated, halting, methodical. His body was a shell, a machine, a vehicle that his mind operated. It was a tool, but it was his most indispensable tool. If its systems stopped function, so too would his mind, though he hated to admit that. It was the truth, and he valued that, even if the truth could be harsh, brutal, and unpleasant. He was used to those things. They were almost...comfortable to him now.

He glanced down, the page was filled, and the two after it as well, both sides on all of them. He looked it over briefly, then closed the notebook, pushed it into its rightful place, tapped a series of levers and buttons disguised as flaws or normal aspects of his desk, and all of them folded in, hinged on a mechanism. In moments the desk was flat and bare of all except a laptop and a pen. He stood, turning naturally and pushing the chair in as he left it. His hands slipped behind him, the back of one resting against the small of his lower back, before his other hand laid on top of it, grasped loosely by its twin.

His expression blank, he walked out of his personal quarters, turning some attention to the rest of his power, pushing his influence outwards, flexing and shifting the intricate web of his influence as someone else might limber up their muscles before a run. A small smirk slipped onto his lips, before quickly fading as he used one of his minions to check the time, noting that it appeared Fae would be just slightly late. Good enough, he thought as he approached the one of several doors that led into or out of the warehouse.

He moved his arms, raising on horizontally before him, checking his wrist watch, and the moment he knew the time, the knock came. He smiled, a full smile, but on his face it only looked devious, if somewhat charming in its way. Chuckling and shaking his head, before letting the emotions slip slowly away, he stepped forwards, knocked back, and then opened the door.

"Hello, Fae. You're one minute and twenty five seconds late, but that's alright. It will have to do." Those words said he turned, knowing she'd follow, perhaps even hanging off of him as she liked to do...some attempt to bother him, he had figured, and headed in the direction of his quarters. With barely a conscious thought one of his thralls moved to close the door behind her. It really only served to make the warehouse less suspicious...and to keep the sound, and the wetness of the rain where it belonged: outside. Nonetheless, he had better things to do, or well, they had better things to do, he supposed. After all, while he couldn't maneuver her like he did many others, she was still a piece on his board. She was someone he could use, if not as a chess piece in quite the same sense.

She was an asset, he had to admit, in more ways than one. He would have smiled, but that would have been telling, wouldn't it.
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