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The Truest and Most Ultimate Showdown has beguneth. Goofykins V.S. SpongeByrne!
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6 yrs ago
Does anyone know where I can figure out how to unfabricate memories? Asking for a friend.
6 yrs ago
Check out our new and improved thread. Just an interest check for now, but oh boy is there so much more to come! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
8 yrs ago
Oh Bleach RP oh Bleach RP where art thou oh quality Bleach RP. Why hast thou forsaken thee? Seriously though, WHY!?!


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Behold the Rankage(formerly known as the Mizukage). As a note, I can't think of any really good titles for her right now, so if anyone has some actually good suggestions (especially if they translate into japanese well) feel free to share them. Beyond that, I'd like to note that her history gives a pretty good idea of what sort of person she is and that--eventually--I will get around to writing her personality. It's just that I can't figure out how I want to write it right now, and everything else is done. So yeah. Here ya go!

Anzen-sei, Kikuë


He kept up the charade until,

The drive back was absolutely exhausting, in fact it might have been almost more tiring than the mission itself. God did this bastard talk a lot, he was giving him a bad name. It was a little late to change it though—he figured—trying to drown his mind in thought so that he could numb himself to the almost constant droning of the rescued villain.

Eventually, FINALLY, they arrived back at headquarters. He'd made a call a bit before hand and so it was that once they'd exited the vehicle, that it was taken away by someone that wasn't its owner, after which they would take it to two others, one of which who would finally return it to its owner. Meanwhile, Chatterbox and the rest of the Jacks made their way into the building, with Gamble in tow—likely still yammering on about something totally inane and pointless like he'd been doing for...how long now?

He'd lost track of time, but it had honestly felt like eternity.

Entering the space where they'd met their boss they found themselves greeted by him and, if Drake was being honest, this did not please him. At the same time, it was kind of nice because it meant they could immediately hand Gamble over to him.

“Yes, quite thoughtful,” Chatterbox said in response, attempting a small smile even as he nodded back at Gamble, “If I may be so frank, please find a way to shut him up...or I will.” There was an edge to his voice that was not directed at Broker in the least and the implication was that he'd use his power on Gamble, probably while yelling, so as to maximize the effect and save himself the time.

It appeared that the man's constant droning had worn through all but one of Chatterbox's nerves.
Evelyn Chambers – Tulpa

Nervous while she awaited the first move in the fight between their senior and her teammate, she'd been running to help work it off—also because it was good exercise—and then they failed. Her heart sunk and she opened her mouth, anger flashing through her, before it was swiftly replaced by frustration, and then disappointment.

That had been the lesson? He'd felt it was necessary to make her—and maybe the others—feel shame at taking orders from a superior rather than just telling them. The muscles in her jaw tensed and she clenched her hands into fists, even as Protean began walking away she had been gearing up to unleash her own little corner of hell...and then she heard Decoy and her eyes widened and all the anger and frustration fell away. She was worried and devastated, her image of her perfect heroes now properly shattered in more ways than one. Of course, it wasn't like she'd thought they were completely invincible...just mostly.

So it was that when Protean told them to forget everything else, that she had absolutely no problem following orders, as a bit of her earlier anger had switched targets now. As it did, a tiny tendril of her projection's shadow had already extended through the floor and briefly moved through Protean's foot. Due to it having been expanded around her and already touching the ground it probably wouldn't be noticed in the well lit room with everyone likely varying levels of distracted and shocked.

She began following Protean to the interrogation room. She wanted to see who had done this to her childhood idol, to her heroes. To the city's heroes. She wished to know the face of evil so that she might one day wipe it out.

Enjoying the ride—though it was somewhat bumpy, as he had gone with Kyoshi—Jake was quite relieved when they finally arrived. When Kyoshi decided to let him off the ride, so to speak, he would step onto the sidewalk and then—having gotten directions from G4M3R—would start on his way towards the building. He was itching to use his power again if only because the emotional high had worn off and he had been dropped once more into the emotionally dull state that he typically resided in.

It sucked. It had always sucked.

However, rather suddenly it occurred to him that he was with a team, and so he ought to act like. So it was that he stopped in his tracks, turned back around, and waited for the rest of them to catch up. Once they had, he spoke, “So, how exactly do we want to approach this? We don't know how many parahumans are in there, so...I'd say enter from different angles if possible. Though, I don't know how easy it will be to do that...since we don't know the layout of the building. Or, I figure we don't at least. Unless any of you can figure that sort of thing out or something,” after all, it wasn't as if he was terribly familiar with any of their powers if he was being entirely honest.

With that said, he waited a moment before adding something else. “Oh yeah, and...in this form I don't have any other powers. You ought to know that. I'm kinda...normal in my human body and my Second Vessel is likely to be too large to fit in any sort of particularly enclosed space. So yeah...maybe we can lure them out into the open somehow?” Then, waiting for their responses, he fell silent.
@Sarcelle Renard you are accepted.
So we got, Vec and Write for sure, myself obviously, and our two GMs. Who else?
<Snipped quote by yoshua171>
Me! But I am always doing that.

You're also a GM, you don't count xD
Hmm, so who's working on a character currently?
@Write you are also formally accepted into the village by me, the Mizukage aka Anzen-sei, Kikue.

That is provided that you first read the Survival Guide to Living in Kirigakure ICly ^_^
Alrighty! :)
Hey folks, I've been snooping around the last few days after the Interest Check hooked me in and I just want to say that this looks like a lot of fun. I've been tossing around a few ideas for a character, but I was hoping that someone would be kind enough to answer a few questions before I really sit down and work it out.

1) I didn't see any real mention in the OOC on how exactly the Prae conquered Ominar. Was it through a overwhelming show of force that ended relatively peacefully or was it more of a drawn out and bloody conflict?

2) Are there such a things as military families in Prae culture? And if there are, would it be unreasonable to think that such a family would have a practice in place wherein each heir receives the previous generation's power?

3) Has an Exeo ever been stripped of the power imparted to them by the God-Queen? And if so, would such an event impair their ability to use magic?

4) I recall seeing some mention of Prae Law somewhere in the lore, but I don't know if I saw it expanded upon. Would anyone be able to point me in the right direction to find that or even briefly explain it to me?

Phew, that's all for now. Thanks for reading through this mess and I truly do appreciate any help you folks can give me with this.

I look forward to working with all of you!

1.) As mentioned by Tuujaimaa, the prae's takeover of Ominar was entirely non-violent, and was also actually legal. Essentially what occurred was that the prae, over a fair period of time, had their various "civilians" (actually the equivalent of diplomats, ambassadors, and politicians, but disguised as civilians) integrate into the various systems in the city (administrative rolls), until eventually the people unknowningly elected a prae as their governor.

From there the established system, which was now essentially controlled by the prae, could overturn the system they were part of and hand the city over to their leaders, in this case an Exeo by the name of Aismael Vea-vartari. So yeah, that's essentially how that happened.

2.) Definitely. There's even someone with a player character who is in such a family ^_^ That player is Vinsanity, and the character's name is Nasagiel. Also, such a practice is not at all out of the question, though usually a prae only imparts their vis when they are near death because doing so usually kills them. Though due to their "imbuement" ability they can technically give a bunch of vis to another prae without killing them. So yes that's totally plausible.

3.) As Celaira said, yes and yes. Although the process of doing so is sure to kill them if it is done by anyone--unless that individual happens to be the God-Queen.

4.) Yeah, we don't really have any expanded lore on Prae Law at current time. At a distant point in the future we may make some, or maybe sooner than that if it is needed, but honestly except on a situational basis, it's not terribly necessary at current time. However, we'd be glad to answer most questions you have about Prae Law, provided they are sufficiently specific ^_^

Also, welcome to the thread!
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