Avatar of yoshua171


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Just...drifting along.
6 yrs ago
The Truest and Most Ultimate Showdown has beguneth. Goofykins V.S. SpongeByrne!
1 like
6 yrs ago
Does anyone know where I can figure out how to unfabricate memories? Asking for a friend.
6 yrs ago
Check out our new and improved thread. Just an interest check for now, but oh boy is there so much more to come! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
8 yrs ago
Oh Bleach RP oh Bleach RP where art thou oh quality Bleach RP. Why hast thou forsaken thee? Seriously though, WHY!?!


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Most Recent Posts

Lilliana Merrycure

A pirate’s life for me!
Raelis Vaerkturian

Listening, somewhat intrigued by the creature's nature, though he had not heard of a 'griffon' or this Tharraleos' species before he still found the explanation very helpful, if odd given the circumstances. Then, it, no he, made a rather intriguing proposition. Was that a challenge? "You issue me a challenge Aerasginero?" He asked, a smile coming over his helm-hidden visage. The knight chuckled slightly, but seeing as he had been about ready to fight the creature anyways, this was rather fortuitous. Now he could not be seen as breaking code, which was much appreciated really.

Letting his hand slip down from the pommel of his blade to its handle, he gripped it and then pulled it from the ground, before letting his arm fall to his right side along with the hand that held it. There was a smile in his voice as he took a step forward with his left foot, bent it at the knee, and angled his body mostly sideways, making himself a smaller target. His armored wings remained partially furled behind him as he looked to the great beast, the being Tharraleos. "I shall take you up on that offer then, as a fellow warrior and a Champion of my kind, I would be remiss to turn down such an opportunity to test my mettle. So, let us dance then," he said and as the words left his mouth the Blade of Rhay released a crescendo of light energy, and then the area around Raelis darkened to the same level of ambient light that prevailed elsewhere. The blade however, continued to glow, it was now as a glowing ember of a star, made to take the form of a blade.

Raelis began to circle Tharraleos, sizing the great creature up. It would not do to make the first move if he didn't have to.
Lilliana Merrycure

A pirate’s life for me!
Nin 3.5
Tai 2
Gen .5
Tools 1
Perc 4
Stealth 1
Total(): 12

Shijūkara -

1 huge bird summon that, standing, is her height (5'3), making it mountable, as well as dangerous due to its armor, talons, and ability to listen to commands.

Eight chickadees. Seven of the Eight Chickadees are stored in a seal on the one Chickadee that is with her at all times.
Naruto: Continuum

[url=http://]Int Chck[/url]|Discord


Naruto: Continuum is an alternate universe of the popular Naruto manga and anime. Created with the collaborated ideas of many and a large pool of assistants, this roleplay was designed by yoshua171 to give people a chance to help have a large hand in a Naruto world before it was even created. The "ideal" is not only to create a fantastic roleplay, but to weave a community of like-minded individuals together to create a strong social fabric for the roleplay. Ideas have been bounced around and evolved over time, taking new forms and becoming parts of the roleplay when at first their rough forms may have not as easily fit. This is the true ideal. To sand down any idea and build it back up until it fits perfectly, and create a community that can help in that process. In that sense, the roleplay has thus far been successful, as many new ideas have been and are constantly being incorporated into the roleplay and reviewed by its community.

All players--for a long while--will join a fairly young organization known as Mabiki. It is a place for the angry and the downtrodden. It is an organization formed to revel against the oppressive rule of the Five Nations. You are some of its first shinobi and you will rise up and seize your freedom from the world even if the cost is blood.

Those who fall into this category will be managing the antagonist force and outlying elements of the world in addition to playing in the main organization known as Mabiki. Aside from my own role as GM,

Notable Information:

"Welcome to Naruto: Continuum, If you’ve gotten down to this point and intend to still reading, I’m happy. If you intend to join, even better! Here I will give you some additional information that was not contained in the history above.

The Daimyo, and thus the Land of Iron, exist already. As such the world is separated into the Elemental countries we know so well. They are the Land of Wind, the Land of Lightning, the Land of Fire, and Land of Water, and the Land of Earth respectively. The villages have just begun to take shape and it is up to you to decide what shapes they take.

The map below is primarily for geographical purposes so that we can measure distance and the landmarks of various areas.

I hope you enjoy our RP, and feel free to come to me or my Advisers if you have any questions."

Timeline Notes

>The Sage died three-hundred-eighty-Seven years ago, which was also when the Juubi was split into the nine Bijuu.
>The First Shinobi War lasted 15 years.
>It has been 87 years since the end of the Shinobi War.

The Rules

Banned/Limited Jutsu




Currently, Village and Organization sheets are off limits

Do you have any characters that you would like for me to play?

While we do need people to play prae, it is not strictly required in any way shape or form, so really just find an idea or ideas that you like and we'll do our best to accommodate :)
Just...popping in to say I am indeed still present. Thanks for the tag Merc, it does do to keep track of what's going on in the OOC at least. Just...someone tell me when my writing is needed, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Life is somewhat busy for me at the moment. Preparing for a big move from North Carolina to Florida, so yeah. Got a job and placce set up though so it's really just the shipping my electronics and then taking a flight there and hoping I have the money I need after shipping part that is troubling me. Otherwise I've got other RPs I'm either running or in, but I've always left room for time for the Prophecy since I kind of decided to be in it for the long haul since it's a brilliant, vast, and well fleshed out world with amazing writers. It's hard to find something this good, even if things have slowed down considerably and been stalled. So yeah, that. Gonna stop rambling now.

We sure are @Ineffable

So I tag you back in turn~
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