Lilliana Merrycure

Name: Lilliana Merrycure
Epithet: TBA.
Race: Human.
Age: 21.
Gender: Female.
Appearance: Standing at 5'3 and weighing about 210 lbs due to B-mo, Lilliana is a girl with a bounce in her step and an air of humble confidence about her. She can typically seen wearing a dress or outfit of some kind, preferring a mixture of stylish, pretty, and practical. She likes to move and dance around, hence her usually wearing dresses with plenty of fabric for her to move, or with slits on the side for increased mobility. Perhaps her most prominent physical trait, her eyes sparkle with light and curiosity, and refract light, almost as if made from crystal or glass. Her wings on the other hand are not always visible, instead tending to be retracted into the strange crystal/metallic feathers that drape around her neck and atop her shoulders somewhat. Beyond that Lilliana has a medium bust and athletic legs and derriere. Oh, and orange hair, her hair is orange. Did you see it? Good.
Note: Lilliana is a little sensitive about her weight...even though the extra weight has to do with her, um, symbiotic companion B-mo.
Position: Scientist(Doctor/Engineer hybrid).
Bounty: 0.

Ambition: What with her being an aspiring woman of science, Lilliana really really wants to meet Vegapunk, or at least see as many of his technological marvels as she can, and to do that she must travel the world. Plus, since many of them were commissioned for the government and its marines, she figures that there's no better way to draw them out and crack them open than to join a crew and become enough of a threat to warrant their deployment. She's wild like that. As a side note, she'd also love to build something almost indestructible...and then find someone who can break it.
- Tech of any kind.
- Breaking things.
- Building things.
- 'Mothering' People.
- People Watching.
- Salty things.
- Sweet things.
- Boredom.
- Places where you can't see the sky.
- Coffee.
- Pointless violence.
- Sand on her feet/in between her toes.
- Stingy People.
- Spicy things.
Quirks: Lilliana, Lily, Merry, well, she's mercurial as all hell and when she isn't super honed in on something her emotions and attention are a little all over the place. She can be cutesy, flirty, and curious about everyone in one moment, and then on to the next thing a minute later. She's also has the tendency to act forgetful even though she has nigh perfect memory. Also, don't tell her she has a machine fetish, and don't call her weird for it. SHE'S NOT WEIRD FOR LIKING MACHINES OKAY!
Personality: Lily has an intense fear of getting sand in her toes...also damaging her hands, arms, or wings in any way, but she likes handshakes, and milkshakes mmmn~. She goes absolutely nuts over the wounded, be they a person or an animal or a piece of technology, or a ship treating them like a mother hen treats her chicks. She takes great joy in helping others, even if those 'others' aren't people. She's generally pretty selfless, looking out for her friends, comrades, and feeling responsible when they get hurt—even when they're not strictly her responsibility. She beats herself up emotionally when she can't help, or sees people hurting, feeling as if she should have been there to do something. Of course, perhaps the three most notable traits to keep in mind are as follow:
1.) While Lillian is the sort of person who is very difficult to anger or annoy, tending to laugh instead, she is also the sort that will get angry if her things are broken, stolen, or if those she cares for are hurt. She will go from 0 to 100 real fuckin' quick if someone beats up people who don't deserve it, and/or her friends, which can result from her turning into what many think a somewhat mercurial saint to a vengeful demon. You know what they say, no wrath like a woman.... Shut up, that's the whole quote
2.) She's outright obsessive over advanced technology and her creations. When she is tinkering, mending, or healing someone she is not to be interrupted because she will go ballistic, and then go back to tending to whatever it is. She also can't stand shoddy work, so remember that.
3.) She can get incredibly absorbed in the world around her or her activities, but not both at once, giving her a weird sort of tunnel vision where she can either see the big picture and loses out on the small components, or vice versa. As a result, she can become embroiled in the mechanics of a toaster in one moment, with the rest of the world being dead to her, and then later she can understand the workings of an entire city, but not get the toaster...or the people around her. There's just, some kind of disconnect in her brain it seems.
Growing up on a small, little known island in South Blue to Iman and Callie Merrycure, Lilliana came into the world of a happy couple and community both. Her childhood was spent playing with the children of the village, and shadowing her parents when she wasn't, her curiosity driving her ever forwards. Both parents, wanting a bit of a stake in what she did later in life, taught her some of their craft, but it was her mother's that intrigued her most. She loved tinkering, she loved science and technology, finding the toys and inventions her mom made for her and the village absolutely fascinating even at a young age.
She was building her own little devices by the age of 7, and so her mother took her into her shop and taught her traditionally. However, when she wasn't in the shop she was out in the morning playing with kids on the beach. On one unfortunate day her friends and her were swimming and she went a bit too far out. While she did eventually manage to get back to shore, her friends had pulled back to the edge of the forest where the sand ended...and had brought her shoes with them. As a result, the sands of their island—ever littered with metal particulate—seared her feet as she ran to them, getting in her toes. They didn't heal for several weeks, and they only did because of the expertise of her father, who was the village doctor.
She never forgot that terrible burning feeling of sand in her toes and on her feet...and she likely never would.
The next year, at 8, she and her friends ventured into the island's rainforest and explored some of its caves. Being a curious little adventurer, Lilliana made her way deeper than all of her friends, and despite them telling her to come back, she kept on, eventually falling down a hole and landing in a huge chamber oddly filled with blue unnatural light. She wandered through, a little scared, but more curious than anything—her eyes filled with wonder as she looked upon the strange silver tree-lookin' thingies before her. She placed a hand on the trunk of one and found it only faintly warm to the touch. Looking up at it she had wondered what it was.
Then, having heard something fall nearby, she ran in that direction to investigate. What she found was a large seed-shaped metallic object about the size of her two balled fists put together. Kneeling down cautiously, her curiosity overtaking her, she reached out and touched it. Nothing happened. Frowning a bit, hse picked it up and decided to take it back with her. Having brought a backpack, she put it in there and then looked for a way out. She never found it and many hours passed, resulting in her crying herself to sleep, so scared was she that she'd never be found.
When she woke up however, she was out of the cave. She felt different, weird, but wasn't sure why so grateful was she to be out. Running home she was only notified of what had changed when her mother brought her hands over her mouth in shock. Something had attached itself to her neck, shoulders and back...something metallic, and the seed-like object was gone. The next few days were spent trying to remove it, but to no avail, it was integrated too deeply with her body for that.
After some time she found that the thing was helpful, every so often picking things up for her, or forming an arm to catch her when she tripped and fell. She started testing it, trying to make it do things willfully and eventually she succeeded and it became more active and more useful. After two or so years she could use it in her tinkering and sometimes it would help her without her consciously wishing it. She took to calling the creature B-MO as a nickname for what her parents had titled it.
While they had asked her where to find it, and she'd tried to show them, they could never find that cave again...strangely enough.
As Lilliana grew up, becoming an adolescent, she found that her wish to explore and to create only grew and with B-MO on her, most of the people in the village didn't have any interest in...well, her. That or they only had interest in B-MO, which just wasn't acceptable to the teenage girl that she was. She grew frustrated with her small town life, craving adventure.
Worrying after her, her mother decided to show Lily something special, and so took her out to a part of the village she'd never been to. The power plant. A marvel of science, the power plant was like nothing she'd ever seen before. So many moving parts, and it generated power for the entire island. It amazed her. Wondering who had made it, she asked, and lo and behold her mom said “A man named Vegapunk.” Wowed, Lily, in the ensuing days, became obsessed with reading anything she could about the man.
There wasn't much about him, but there was plenty about his inventions and scientific prowess. Her obsession grew into a nerdy little crush, and that crush fed into her want for adventure. So it was that on her 15th birthday she told her mother she wanted to sail the seas. Not terribly surprised, her mom told her that she was to learn medicine from her father first. It took a few days but Lily finally gave in and accepted. Thus the next five years were spent training with her father to learn the medical and biological sciences. After was merely a question of how she would go to sea.
She'd soon find out.
She was building her own little devices by the age of 7, and so her mother took her into her shop and taught her traditionally. However, when she wasn't in the shop she was out in the morning playing with kids on the beach. On one unfortunate day her friends and her were swimming and she went a bit too far out. While she did eventually manage to get back to shore, her friends had pulled back to the edge of the forest where the sand ended...and had brought her shoes with them. As a result, the sands of their island—ever littered with metal particulate—seared her feet as she ran to them, getting in her toes. They didn't heal for several weeks, and they only did because of the expertise of her father, who was the village doctor.
She never forgot that terrible burning feeling of sand in her toes and on her feet...and she likely never would.
The next year, at 8, she and her friends ventured into the island's rainforest and explored some of its caves. Being a curious little adventurer, Lilliana made her way deeper than all of her friends, and despite them telling her to come back, she kept on, eventually falling down a hole and landing in a huge chamber oddly filled with blue unnatural light. She wandered through, a little scared, but more curious than anything—her eyes filled with wonder as she looked upon the strange silver tree-lookin' thingies before her. She placed a hand on the trunk of one and found it only faintly warm to the touch. Looking up at it she had wondered what it was.
Then, having heard something fall nearby, she ran in that direction to investigate. What she found was a large seed-shaped metallic object about the size of her two balled fists put together. Kneeling down cautiously, her curiosity overtaking her, she reached out and touched it. Nothing happened. Frowning a bit, hse picked it up and decided to take it back with her. Having brought a backpack, she put it in there and then looked for a way out. She never found it and many hours passed, resulting in her crying herself to sleep, so scared was she that she'd never be found.
When she woke up however, she was out of the cave. She felt different, weird, but wasn't sure why so grateful was she to be out. Running home she was only notified of what had changed when her mother brought her hands over her mouth in shock. Something had attached itself to her neck, shoulders and back...something metallic, and the seed-like object was gone. The next few days were spent trying to remove it, but to no avail, it was integrated too deeply with her body for that.
After some time she found that the thing was helpful, every so often picking things up for her, or forming an arm to catch her when she tripped and fell. She started testing it, trying to make it do things willfully and eventually she succeeded and it became more active and more useful. After two or so years she could use it in her tinkering and sometimes it would help her without her consciously wishing it. She took to calling the creature B-MO as a nickname for what her parents had titled it.
While they had asked her where to find it, and she'd tried to show them, they could never find that cave again...strangely enough.
As Lilliana grew up, becoming an adolescent, she found that her wish to explore and to create only grew and with B-MO on her, most of the people in the village didn't have any interest in...well, her. That or they only had interest in B-MO, which just wasn't acceptable to the teenage girl that she was. She grew frustrated with her small town life, craving adventure.
Worrying after her, her mother decided to show Lily something special, and so took her out to a part of the village she'd never been to. The power plant. A marvel of science, the power plant was like nothing she'd ever seen before. So many moving parts, and it generated power for the entire island. It amazed her. Wondering who had made it, she asked, and lo and behold her mom said “A man named Vegapunk.” Wowed, Lily, in the ensuing days, became obsessed with reading anything she could about the man.
There wasn't much about him, but there was plenty about his inventions and scientific prowess. Her obsession grew into a nerdy little crush, and that crush fed into her want for adventure. So it was that on her 15th birthday she told her mother she wanted to sail the seas. Not terribly surprised, her mom told her that she was to learn medicine from her father first. It took a few days but Lily finally gave in and accepted. Thus the next five years were spent training with her father to learn the medical and biological sciences. After was merely a question of how she would go to sea.
She'd soon find out.
Combat Specialties
Skills and Abilities: Lilliana's most prominent natural ability is her memory, which is almost perfect—though she likes to act like it's not. As a result of this, and her mercurial nature, she has picked up a great many skills, though she is not overly proficient in many of them. They are listed below:
- Sewing.
- Science: Biological/Medical/Electrical/Engineering etc.
- Tinkering/building/disassembling, and understanding machinery.
- Can tell where she is using her memory, but only on land. At sea she's hopelessly lost.
- Singing.
Beyond the above she's studied a little bit of a few martial arts, though she never had a teacher. As a result she just has a technical understanding of combat, rather than a mechanical one meaning that if anything she's a novice or amateur at best. While she has rough housed—much to the chagrin of her parents—with some of the children of the village earning her some bruises here and there over the years, she is in no way an amazing combatant. Still, with the augmentations of B-MO, and the crazy levels of dexterity she possesses from tinkering and her medical work she can be difficult to deal with. The aforementioned augmentations have the result of enhancing her bones considerably and amplifying her lift strength considerably. This makes it difficult to tear her apart, or for her to tear muscles, or for her to break bones though she is otherwise just as vulnerable as they next gal.
As a result of the symbiote B-MO, she can be seen moving objects 2-8 times her own weight, though her striking strength is around twice that of an athletic woman of her size at best. Beyond this, she is denser than most people, making it either easier or harder to make her fall over depending on if she is braced against it or not. It also means she has more weight to throw around than her frame would imply. Lastly, one should note a unique trait she was born with which is as follows:
Oh yeah, and she's like, really good at figuring out how things are put together even without taking them apart. Her understanding gets exponentially more accurate as she breaks something more, or looks inside it.
Devil Fruit: N/A.
Haki: Locked.
B.M.O: Short for Biological Metallic Organism, this creature typically takes the form of a metal/crystalline feather-like scarf around Lilliana's neck and shoulders. The reality is it is an organism that grows deep deep inland of the island she grew up on, and that attached itself to her early in life. As a result the organism has grown into and onto her body, integrating itself into her biological make-up in a symbiotic relationship. As a result, Lilliana's body has been hybridized, making her more physically strong by reinforcing muscle and bone with the strange organism's own material. The creature has few real needs, though it does require to occasionally ingest iron or other materials that would usually be toxic in large quantities. As a result, she is essentially immune to food poisoning, and especially mercury.
The B.M.O, due to connecting directly to her spinal column and brain, basically affords her both a defense and offensive tool, not to mention a pair of limbs she can willfully control. The B.M.O will generally remain complacent to her whims unless it senses that she is in great danger, in which case it will consume a great amount of stored metallic resources in her body, and then form or spherical metal cocoon to defend her. It can also defend her from strikes on its own while she works.
The B.M.O has two states and three forms at current time. It can be a liquid metal—though not hot—or it can be solid, making it resistant even to things such as bullets, swords, or blunt weapons. As to its forms, it can generally become a protective sphere, wings, or it can morph into several pairs of thin spindly arms, with fingers just as spindly. Combinations of these forms are possible, but she's not as good at controlling them. The arms are far stronger than she is.
Lastly it should be noted that while she can't make it take on much else at the moment in terms of forms, that she can have it “melt” into a viscous liquid-like state where she can guide it, and then will it to solidify.
Medical Supplies: This is a bag containing supplies for treating the wounded. Bandages, sewing tools for knitting flesh. Scalpels, ointments, pain killers, that sort of thing. This bag is very orderly.
Tinkering Supplies: Full of various unique materials, and random metal scraps, used for tinkering. She doesn't always carry this. This bag is not orderly, but she tends to know where things are.
Advanced Compass: Works on islands, but does not tell you where other islands are. The Compass adjusts to the local area via a series of advanced dials and the like, allowing the user to tell certain directions, but little else. This mostly prevents going in circles
Multi-tool: Welding, cutting, etc. She uses it for tinkering and measuring. It was a gift from her grandmother.
Locket: A gift from her mother. It holds immense sentimental value. A strange symbol on the outside, a picture of her mom and dad on the inside, and a strange mechanism she hasn't noticed nor figured out yet.
The B.M.O, due to connecting directly to her spinal column and brain, basically affords her both a defense and offensive tool, not to mention a pair of limbs she can willfully control. The B.M.O will generally remain complacent to her whims unless it senses that she is in great danger, in which case it will consume a great amount of stored metallic resources in her body, and then form or spherical metal cocoon to defend her. It can also defend her from strikes on its own while she works.
The B.M.O has two states and three forms at current time. It can be a liquid metal—though not hot—or it can be solid, making it resistant even to things such as bullets, swords, or blunt weapons. As to its forms, it can generally become a protective sphere, wings, or it can morph into several pairs of thin spindly arms, with fingers just as spindly. Combinations of these forms are possible, but she's not as good at controlling them. The arms are far stronger than she is.
Lastly it should be noted that while she can't make it take on much else at the moment in terms of forms, that she can have it “melt” into a viscous liquid-like state where she can guide it, and then will it to solidify.
Medical Supplies: This is a bag containing supplies for treating the wounded. Bandages, sewing tools for knitting flesh. Scalpels, ointments, pain killers, that sort of thing. This bag is very orderly.
Tinkering Supplies: Full of various unique materials, and random metal scraps, used for tinkering. She doesn't always carry this. This bag is not orderly, but she tends to know where things are.
Advanced Compass: Works on islands, but does not tell you where other islands are. The Compass adjusts to the local area via a series of advanced dials and the like, allowing the user to tell certain directions, but little else. This mostly prevents going in circles
Multi-tool: Welding, cutting, etc. She uses it for tinkering and measuring. It was a gift from her grandmother.
Locket: A gift from her mother. It holds immense sentimental value. A strange symbol on the outside, a picture of her mom and dad on the inside, and a strange mechanism she hasn't noticed nor figured out yet.
Fighting Style: She prefers to fight either wildly or defensively as her combat style mirrors her personality in some ways. However, usually she fights with a plan, breaking her opponent's behavior and abilities down in her head, and then putting them back together to create as accurate a model as she can, after which she finds a way to break the model and then her adversary. She usually fights in defense of others, but she will defend herself and her creations if and when necessary. She tends to be a close range combatant, relying heavily on B-MO as her primary weapon and tool.
Melty Arms: A defensive technique, Lillian wills B-mo to become a liquid, then lets it coat her arms, after which point she solidifies it in sections or when necessary essentially armoring her arms without limiting her movements.
FIST!: A simple technique used only after she's used Melty Arms, Lily winds back her arm, and then slams her biometal coated fist right into something, or someone. Has enough force behind it to send light-medium sized/weight objects a few meters, to make someone stagger, and/or to knock the air out of someone or stun them briefly. The attack is very fast, but is easy to predict if you've seen it before or know combat better than her. The technique has variations such as UPPERCUT!
Syringer!: She throws a loaded syringe at someone in need of the heals. The syringe depressed upon sinking into skin, giving that good healing medicines! Useful for on the field medical help, but is usually just a temporary fix, as it's mostly an adrenaline and painkiller shot. Conversely she can use this on enemies, as it will give them a power boost, and then once it wears off they'll be exhausted. Plus any injuries they gain while affected by the drug will seem less severe than they really are.
B-mo's Defense: A last ditch defense that can only be initiated by B-mo. This will occur only if she is in such danger that she feels she can't defend herself. When activated her wings will liquify, metal will seep from her pores rapidly, and then solidify into a sphere of metal encasing her body. Until her fear or weakness subside, or someone comes to her rescue, this sphere will remain in place. Still, the ability has limited defensive properties, as while she can get air whilst in it, she is very vulnerable to—say—being dropped into the water where she will not float. Additionally the biometal is not an ultimate defense as it can be drilled through, broken, or melted with sufficient force or heat. Also, sending her flying into something hard/with great force, will still affect her while she's within as the force will still transfer through, likely doing damage while she is inside the sphere.
Crewmate Name: TBA.
A pirate’s life for me!