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And so he did. After waiting a few hours for the cultists to go to sleep (as there was no way any training could be realistically done in such a small space), the pair went outside where Caleb was trained in the art of illusions. Maneuvering (if you could call it that) in different forms, perceiving what is and isn’t real, and so on. Rainbow wasn’t actually powerful enough to create powerful magic like the mist that enveloped the whole island, but he knew a great deal. If there was an Illusions 101 course at the King’s College back home, Rainbow would be a shoe-in for the professor job there. It also helped that Caleb was a quick learner once the initial shock of it all wore off, plus Rainbow’s illusions wore off once the target knew they weren’t real.

After five hours or so of training, the two took a break back in Rainbow’s home, eating those weird fruits and conversing.

“...so, what you’re saying is that we have to attack tomorrow morning because it’s the one day a month where the cultists rest for their god, so we’ll have the element of surprise?” Caleb asked.

“Yeah Caleb, exactly,” Rainbow responded, “we got lucky. If you had arrived on any other day, we couldn’t have trained out in the open like we did. They’d have been hunting for you like wild dogs. And I don’t wanna risk my meat shield getting killed in the next month.”

“Well it’s good to know you care so much about me,” Caleb retorted sarcastically, “but I do have another question. How did you get here in the first place?”

At this, Rainbow looked genuinely uncomfortable. He sadly looked over at Ribbon - who was still asleep - then back at Caleb as he began his story “Two years ago, back at my home island, we were visited by a merchant ship from Thorn City.”

“Thorn City?” Caleb asked.

“Big city ran by the druids to the west of here across the Big Ocean” was the response.


“Anyway,” Rainbow continued, “I wanted to leave the island because...well, that’s not important right now. But I joined their crew and we set sail east to head to Northgate. That’s the capital city of some backwater human kingdom.”

“I’m from that kingdom,” Caleb replied indignantly, “and our knights are strong. Last year they repelled a force three times as-”

“Jeez jeez, sorry,” Rainbow interrupted, “Let’s move on. Anyway, our ship ran aground on some rocks right by here. We saw an island and thought we could get some materials, fix up the ship and be on our way. Unfortunately, those damned cultists tricked us, and slaughtered almost the entire crew.”

“You were the only survivor?” was the boy’s next question.

“Ribbon also survived, thank you very much,” Rainbow stated with derision, as if it should have been obvious.

“Oh, right,” Caleb responded “But if you were there at the start, why didn’t you see the illusions and warn everybody?”

“Because I wasn’t smart enough!” Rainbow snapped, before settling down. “It took me two years to train myself in illusions, and even now those damned cultists are still ten times better than I am. Caleb, I...I can’t do this by myself,” Rainbow stated sadly, “it took the captain’s dog for me to realize what was going on, but by then it was too late for everyone else. I’d like to get her back to her home to repay her kindness, but I can’t do it without you.”

Caleb nodded, saying with certainty “we can do this, Rainbow. You made a good plan and we have the element of surprise.” Plus, Caleb knew he would be strong.

“Thanks Caleb,” Rainbow said sincerely, “you should get some rest. I’ll wake you up at dawn in time for our attack.”
Sadly @Relin has withdrawn from the roleplay. Again, I wish you luck Relin.

@Tiger you are the next poster!
Oh, okay @Dusty thanks for clarifying.

@Relin you are the next poster!
Not gonna lie @Dusty I'm kinda confused too.

Anyway, at this point it has been more than 24 hours. @Virgil it is your turn to write now.
@Bria The Human we decided to extend the time limit to 24 hours, so if you get back on this site before then, you are welcome to post.
@Virgil I've never actually seen or read either of those. I just thought my post would be an interesting twist and help get the plot moving. It's still a magical fantasy story :P

@Bria The Human since Hyde posted last night, you are the next writer as of about 7 hours ago!
Hello @Dusty I've seen you looking at this a few times :P I hope you're enjoying reading this!
@Hyde I'm sure you already know this, but you are the next writer!
No, this stranger wasn’t human at all. Caleb wasn’t sure what this new thing was, but it certainly wasn’t anything the boy has ever seen, read about or heard of. This new male (his tone of voice was definitely masculine, despite how high-pitched it was) was maybe half as tall as the dog, with a bright lime green humanoid body and bright purple eyes. However, instead of hair, this guy had what looked like a little rabbit ear sticking up perfectly straight from his head. He also wore what looked like a purple jumpsuit, matching his eyes. He couldn’t have weighed more than 20 pounds, but yet he sounded older than Caleb by many years.

After a long pause, Caleb finally asked “wha…what are you?”

“Nono, don’t ask for Ribbon’s name,” the little creature responded disdainfully, adding “that’s the dog, in case you didn't get that. Just...you know what, never mind.” The thing shook his head, “we don’t have time for this.” Shifting to a more matter-of-fact stance, he said “I’m Rainbow. I got shipwrecked on this weird place like you did and now these crazy dwarves-“

“Wait,” Caleb interrupted, “shipwrecked? My boat is fine! And I know these-“

“Ugh, we really don’t have time for this,” the little guy, clearly disdainful of Caleb, butted in, “your current vision here is an illusion created by a magical mist based off of your memories blah blah blah dwarf cultists want to sacrifice us to their stupid fake god blah blah blah.” And with this, the green man made a little finger gun in the boy’s direction using his hands and shot a little bright purple speck of light - not any bigger than a fingernail - at him.

Caleb wasn’t hurt at all, but suddenly and immediately, his perspective changed - they were no longer at his favorite embankment, but on top of a dull brown rock. The wooden pier changed to a rocky shoreline, the Red Twig Orphanage changed into the (derelict looking) Temple of the Almighty Bear, and the mist that had been present disappeared.

Rainbow sighed, turning to a more conciliatory tone as he saw the surprise on Caleb’s face, “I know all of this is new and sudden to you. By sheer luck you found an okay hiding spot, but I’ve been hiding from these nuts for more than two years. We need to work together if we’re going to beat them. Look for yourself,” he said, making another finger gun that caused Caleb’s binoculars to momentarily flash purple as a way to draw attention to them.

Maybe it was the hunger. Maybe it was the newness of it all or maybe he was just dreaming, but the boy did as he was told and grabbed the binoculars and looked around the island. Thankfully they were in a good spot for it. He saw an older lady looking around nearby, but instead of Ms. Ardia it was an unknown elderly dwarf lady with a bear tattoo on her face. From this distance he couldn’t tell what she was saying, but he could tell that she was livid and yelling about something. And instead of his fellow orphans, Caleb saw a number of dwarves with bear tattoos on their faces setting up...something.

Okay, so maybe he wasn’t back home, and that was kind of sad. But Caleb now had the change to be brave. To be strong! He knew he could get through this - whatever “this” was - and resume his search for a cure, but he had a question.

“Okay, Rainbow...so if you can make me see all this and can make stuff glow and stuff, why not just win yourself?”

This question caused Rainbow to become angry again, but this time it was at himself. “Because, kid, while it looks like I can do a lot, I’m really just a novice," he said with a sigh. "What I’ve shown you is the extent of my power. Unlike me, you look like you can actually fight.”

At this, Caleb’s sword flashed purple.

“Follow me,” Rainbow said, mounting onto Ribbon like a human would a horse, “we need to go somewhere safe where we can plan. And besides, I know where your bird is.”
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