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@Hyde you are next!
A big storm was brewing on the big ocean. Yet, Caleb’s thoughts weren’t on the weather. He was thinking of home, remembering a time when he listened to the Elder Eagle telling him stories in his office.

“…and that, young fledgling, is how Prince Hector and I won our first battle,” the bird said. Not only was the Elder Eagle a title, it was also a descriptor of the storyteller and head of the city; a talking golden eagle named Eldridge who was old. His left wing was cut in half so he could no longer fly, but the bird was highly respected for his service to the Kingdom and for founding Eagletown.

“Cool!” the nine-year old Caleb exclaimed with wide-eyed wonder, “so if that was your first battle, how did you first meet Hector?”

PRINCE Hector, Caleb!” the eagle yelled, loudly scolding the kid.

“Sorry,” Caleb quietly said.

“Thank you,” the bird calmly replied, “and to answer your question, it requires another story.” Caleb’s face indicated that the Elder Eagle had his full attention.

“It was many years ago when I was a young baby in my mother’s nest, long before the Greater Wisdom spell gave me the abilities I have now. At the time, Prince Hector was Captain of the 5th division of the Royal Marauders. They had been sent east into gnoll lands to repel a raiding party that had been planning to hit Northgate while the Eastern Walls were being upgraded. A preventative sort of mission. Of course, I didn’t know any of that at the time, but it’s important for the story. See, just before the Prince’s forces attacked, the gnolls were hunting. Sadly, they got my parents and siblings,” the Elder Eagle said sadly.

“That’s terrible!” was the boy’s response.

“Indeed, but fortunately for me, the humans had attacked as they were about to get me. If they had waited another moment I would not be alive today. The details of the battle aren’t really important, but what is important is that the gnolls lost and ran away. Again, I didn’t know what was going on - just that my family was gone and that a bunch of creatures were fighting. It was scary and I didn’t know if I would live to see the next day.”

“But you did, obviously” Caleb said.

The bird continued speaking. “Yeah. A lot of the men didn’t really care about a baby bird, but the Prince was different. He felt bad. He took the time to be kind and raised me himself. Eventually, we started battling together and, well...you know the rest.”

Back in the present, Caleb smiled. He had never navigated through a thunderstorm before, but he did know how to be kind. He went to the food supply, found the apples and took a few of them with him to the back of the sloop.

Rainbow looked at the boy skeptically. “What, exactly, are you doing?” he asked.

“I’m making a friend,” Caleb happily responded.

This answer did not satisfy Rainbow. “Wh-” he began to speak, but he was interrupted by the boy.

“Hi! Are you alright out there!?” Caleb yelled towards the Hippocampus. “We’re friends! We have food!” The boy held up an apple as he said this. Rainbow just shook his head.

“Caleb, how do you know that it’s friendly? It probably can’t even hear you. This is-“

Once again Rainbow was interrupted, but this time it wasn’t by Caleb. “Thanks for the offer, but I just ate!” The green thing did a double-take as he saw the hippocampus swim next to and talk to Caleb. He sounded maybe half of the boy’s age and had an orange coat that made him look like a mix between a goldfish and a horse with orange fur. “My name is Edward, who are you?”
@Dusty you are the next writer!
@Tiger you as next as Virgil has decided to skip his turn.
@Virgil as you already know, you are the next writer!
@Hyde you are next!
“Glad to hear it,” Rainbow said with a smile, “we should-” but before he could finish his thought, the green thing was interrupted by the sight of something flying towards them. It was Flower and he was carrying the central crystal! It was smaller than Caleb expected. The gull then flew up and dropped the brown gem, breaking it in the process.

“…well, that makes things easier,” Rainbow stated matter-of-factly, “let’s get out of here.” “Yeah,” Caleb agreed. As they both understood it, the crystal was the only thing that kept the spiders awake, so now they would just sleep and starve to death. As the two were talking, Flower flew to Caleb’s sword, grabbed it, and flew to the boy. Dropping the sword, the bird perched itself on Caleb’s shoulder.

The kid smiled, happy to have his blade back, and petted Flower. “Thank you,” Caleb said with a smile, picking up his sword as he walked out of the chamber with Ribbon and Rainbow.

After a little bit of silence as the group walked through the jungle, Rainbow asked “soooo...kid, there’s something I’ve meant to ask you this whole time. Why exactly are you out in the middle of the ocean by yourself?”

“Well, my village is very sick. A ton of people came down with a disease and I can’t let them die, so I left to find a cure.”

Rainbow recoiled, apparently afraid of catching the sickness. “Oh relax,” Caleb lightly chided, “if I had it, my eyes would be solid black and I’d be in no condition to do much. Anyway, our kingdom’s doctors are busy healing soldiers from the front lines, so they just quarantined Eagletown and hoped for the best. The Elder Eagle said not to go, but I had to. I’m not letting them die!” This last part, he loudly declared with determination that startled his green companion.

Rainbow took a moment to take that in, thinking. Then he finally responded with “I’ve been alive many years and have never heard of that. Really, do you even know where you’re going?”

“Not really,” Caleb sheepishly responded, “I just figured I’d find someone out west who would know what to do.”

“Ugh, why am I not surprised,” Rainbow replied with scorn. But he reflected, adding “but this does give me an idea. I never met the guy, but the crew mentioned having a skeleton doctor back home that they’d go to when they were sick. The Captain said he was the best in the city, and I’d trust him with my life. I need to go back there anyway to give Ribbon back to John’s wife, so maybe if we go to Thorn City this doctor can get you your cure?”

“Skeleton?” Caleb asked with a tone of concern.

“Yeah, he’s undead,” Rainbow said, “but don’t worry, kid, the Captain said that Roger’s one of the nicest guys he’s ever met.”

Caleb considered it as they walked. A plan was better than no plan, Ribbon did need to go home, plus Rainbow had saved his life. And if this didn’t work, there were probably other people there who could help him. “Sounds like a plan!” Caleb said with a smile.

Rainbow smiled back at the boy. “Great! Well, here’s our ride,” the green thing stated as they walked up to a wooden sloop. This boat had enough room for a dozen dwarfs plus their god. Thankfully, it was small enough to be piloted by a boy and his green friend, and the process of getting it into the ocean was surprisingly easy. They had built the thing on logs on top of a hill, so with some pushing the boat was in the ocean. What was even more pleasant was that the ship had plenty of supplies; food, water, tools, and even maps that weren’t used for impromptu ship repairs. This part of the trip would hopefully be more comfortable than the last one was.
@Dusty you are the next writer!
@Tiger you are the next writer!
@Virgil you are the next writer!
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