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@Dusty you are next!
@Tiger you are the next writer!
@Hyde you are next! Forgot to do this until now.
Caleb was heartened by John’s optimism. “Can we go now?” Caleb asked, “I’m worried about him.”

“Of course,” John reassured the boy with a smile. “Mother, could you watch Kayden while we’re gone?”

“Sure, son,” Sara responded with only a hint of resentment. Turning to Caleb, she was much more pleasant. “Caleb, before you leave for home, could you bring Rainbow over here? I’d like to meet and thank him.”

Before Caleb could answer, Jake asked Caleb something too. “Actually, could I go with you? I want to thank your friend for getting you here.”

“Yes, to both,” Caleb answered as Edward got up to follow Caleb, “we’ll be back when we can. And thanks again for everything.”

“No, thank you,” Sara replied, “you’ve done a great deal for us. Please, be safe out there.” This last, she said while looking at John. Sara was reluctant to leave Jake in his care, but she had taught the child how to fight, so he could look after himself pretty well.

As the group of four left, the adult members of the family glanced at one another. There were things to discuss that the kids probably shouldn’t hear.

“Mary, it looks like you picked out some nice books today. Why don’t you take the kids inside and read to them?” Roger suggested as he finished treating Flower and set her down on the picnic blanket so she could rest.

“Oh, that sounds like a lovely idea,” Mary responded. “Kayden, Skyla, come with me,” she said as she scooped them up into her arms, “I have some great stories for you. One of them is about a druid named Jack who grows the world’s tallest plant.” Ribbon followed them, carrying the bag of books with her.

Once the kids were out of earshot, Sara spoke again. “Roger, why did you agree to go with that child? I like him too, but Lydia is still trapped! And the letter-“

“Letter?” Marrathew asked. “What letter?”

“It came yesterday by messenger bird while you were at work,” Roger replied with a depressed look on his face, “the mercenaries I hired got caught by the warden. The druid got enslaved, but the others are dead. I really thought they’d save her.”

“That’s awful! First father, now this...” Mattathew shook his head, repressing tears from his eyes.

Sara probed the skeleton further. “Roger, what are you going to do? You can’t just abandon her to slavery.”

“Of course not!” the skeleton yelled, “but Caleb did so much for us and went so far for his people. I can’t just ignore that.”

After spending a few moments deep in thought, Sara spoke with great conviction. “Alright, I’ve decided. I’ll get Lydia, then you can go to Eagletown and help that boy.”

“Sara, you can’t! I just lost two family members, I can’t lose another. And who will look after the kids?” Roger asked.

“You’re not losing anything, ‘cause I’m not going anywhere. You forget how strong I am!”

“Well, yes, but-”

“But nothing. I’m going and that’s all there is to it. You do so much for us, this is the least I can do for you. We’re family, Roger.”

“…thank you, Sara. But again, what about the kids?”

“I’d love to help, but you know how busy the city keeps me with work.” Marrathew replied.

“There’s no way I’m trusting Junior with my grandkids,” Sara added with disgust. More kindly, she continued on. “Roger, I know you want to help Caleb. I do too, but if I’m not here I’ll need someone to watch them. And John’s gone, so I can’t afford to keep the servants. I hate to ask-”

“Yeah, I can stay a little longer. Poor Caleb though, he’s already done so much and-”

“I’ll tell him. Besides, Lydia’s a good doctor too; she can help you with your work.”

After Sara said this, the three came in together for a hug.


Back in the Northern Border District, the two boys and hippocampus were waiting outside of a seedy-looking bar. Apparently it wasn’t a place for kids; Caleb had to wonder what sort of information a supposedly upstanding citizen could get from a place like this. Jake would likely have taken offense to further questions about his uncle though, so the 12-year old simply stayed quiet.

Inside the dark-looking establishment, John was talking to one of his “friends” about Rainbow’s location.

“Rablin? Ne’er heard o’ no Rablin,” a drunk older-looking pantherman said. “But y’should lay low a while. Word’s the council passed a new anti-gang law. They’re coming down hard on ya folks, tell ya what. Gettin’ the army on ya and errything.”

“I appreciate the warning, but don’t worry about me,” John replied with a slick grin on his face, “I’ve got it covered.”
@Dusty you are next again!
Hello there! I am posting this thread to advertise the story that I am writing with a group of people. Normally in a roleplay, each person will roleplay a character (or more) and they will interact within the GM's story. In this story, all the writers take turn writing the story. Each poster will take turns writing; in the end what will result is a (hopefully) cohesive and interesting story. All of the characters, setting and plot are made by all of the writers, each one building upon the work of the people who wrote before them. Here is a short example (obviously the posts would be longer in the actual story):

Poster A:

"Frank was walking down the street on his way to work. It was his last day on the job; he was proud of his 43 years at the Wonderful Wheel Company, but he was looking forward to retirement. He arrived at the old factory, same as ever, except he was surprised to see..."

Poster B:

"that it was decorated with banners! The old factory worker saw banners, balloons and homemade posters celebrating his last day and wishing him well. A hint of a smile showed on the man's face. But the biggest surprise was when he walked into the place..."

Poster C:

"a huge array of tires spelling out "BEST WISHES FRANK" right on the factory floor! What was previously a hint evolved into a full-on grin; the man never expected his coworkers to go through all this trouble. Honestly, he thought they didn't even like him. However..."

And so on. Again, this would be longer if we were actually writing. I'm not looking for big essays here; just two or three quality paragraphs per post. If you want to write longer, cool, but don’t monopolize the story. Ideally, this will have some advantages:

-If someone loses interest or gets busy with life, the whole story won't grind to a halt.
-Multiple authors can provide multiple perspectives, making the story more interesting.

This has been successful so far! We have made a fantasy story that has high stakes while still being optimistic. The story we have written so far includes, among other things:

-A 12 year old trying to save his village
-A little green guy who can cast illusions
-A black and white pointer dog who is the favorite character of one of our writers
-A talking hippocampus who loves stories
-The nicest skeleton doctor you'll ever meet

It's been a lot of fun building these characters and this world with the other members of the group! We operate on a 24 hour time limit for posts and the collaborative style means that the story doesn't grind to a halt if someone leaves. If you're interested in learning more, the OOC is located here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/182175-a-w…

If you have any questions, please let me know. Thanks for reading!
Sara hugged her grandkids as they ran up to her and Ribbon. Sara examined her two grandchildren before settling on the one she didn’t know standing in the distance. The dog seemed to gravitate towards all of them equally, so she probably arrived here with this boy. And this boy knew Rainbow somehow, so the three of them had arrived together. But where was Rainbow and, assuming any of them made it, where were the others?

“Young man,” Sara started to ask Caleb, “do you-“

Before she could finish her sentence though, Roger interrupted. “I have tea and cookies! Come to the backyard, we can share these with Edward.”

“Thanks, Roger!” Caleb responded, grateful for the reprieve from likely having to explain what had happened more than was necessary. He went with the kids and dog to the yard; Sara arched an eyebrow at Roger, who subtly mouthed “ask later” to the old woman.

Edward, who had been relaxing fairly contentedly, perked up when he saw Caleb and the others coming. “Hey guys!” Everyone sat fairly close together; the three kid’s backs were resting on Edward, with Ribbon laying down in front of the children. There was a picnic blanket set up with the promised tea and cookies.

“Hello, Edward,” Roger said as he arrived before sitting down and turning his attention to Sara, who remained standing up. “oh, this is Edward, and that’s Caleb. They came here from...where were you from, exactly?”

An easier question than the one Sara was going to ask, at least. “Oh, I’m from Eagletown, in the Southern-”

“The Southern Kingdom!” Roger exclaimed, “that takes me back. I haven’t been there in over 400 years.”

Edward seemed pretty unfazed by the news, but Caleb had a look of bewilderment on his face. “Four hundred years?!”

Roger stroked his invisible beard, thinking about it a little more before speaking. “Hmm, yeah, 413 if you want to be precise. I was a doctor for the King’s Knights. Did you want to hear the story?”

“Yes!” Edward squealed. Caleb simply nodded as he sat down. Jake didn’t say anything. Having heard the story before, he was watching over his sister, who in turn was paying more attention to Ribbon than to Roger.

The skeleton began his story. “Alright, so in 1268, I had just finished my studies at Thorn City University. Being 24 and restless, I wasn’t really sure what I wanted to do. My parents wanted me to get a prestigious job working for the University or the Roses, but that sounded so boring to me. I wanted to do something exciting!”

“And you did, right?” Edward excitedly asked.

“Oh, it was more than I had ever bargained for,” Roger responded, “but yes. I came upon a poster one day - one of the areas near the Southern Kingdom was offering sign-up bonuses for doctors who would serve with the King’s Knights. Going across the Big Ocean to some faraway land sounded good. My parents even agreed - they wanted me to come back as some big war hero. The voyage there was pretty uneventful. When I arrived, they put me to work immediately. War was brewing with the gnolls and we had to be ready. And sure enough, they invaded the Eastern Walls a week after I arrived. It was bloody, awful fighting - war always is - and my friends were falling left and right. I rushed around, man to man, trying to save as many people as I could. It wasn’t enough though - our position got overran and I was killed.”

“Oh, no!” Edward exclaimed, “how did you make it back here?”

“Well, it wasn’t easy. Next thing I knew, I was surrounded by a bunch of gnolls! They apparently turned me into what I am now so I could heal their injured comrades. It was not pleasant, but I did so for a few weeks before I was able to escape. It was a miracle, but I eventually made it to the Bleak Ocean, where a friendly hippocampus took me all the way back home.”

Edward beamed at the mention of a fellow hippocampus doing a good deed, but Caleb just had a question. “Back to Northgate?”

“No, they would’ve killed me on sight,” Roger responded. Noticing the frown on Caleb’s face, he added “maybe it’s different now, but back then the Southern Kingdom wasn’t a friendly place for undead. Gnolls were necromancers, humans were not. I went back to Thorn City, where I’ve been ever since.”

“I guess that’s fair,” Caleb said.

“I’m glad everything worked out!” Edward then added. “Thanks for the story!”

Roger glanced at the house for a moment - nope, Mary had not arrived yet - before deciding to share more information. At the very least, it would keep Caleb from worrying too much. “Ah, yes, well it did, in the end, at least. When I got back, my parents were less than pleased. They wanted me to be a war hero, not some skeleton they had to hide from their dragon-lover human friends. So they disowned me, right then and there, and I never saw them again.” At this point, Jake was paying attention. Roger had never shared that part of the story with him before.

“I’m sorry, Uncle Roger,” Jake finally spoke up, “that must’ve been hard.”

“Oh, only at first,” was the skeleton’s cheerful reply, “but I made other friends who became a family to me. The world is such a big place and the negativity can be overwhelming, but focusing on the good in life and surrounding yourself with good people is what makes life worth living. I truly believe-”

This time though, Roger was interrupted by a female voice. “Kids? Mom? Uncle? I’m home!”

“Mom!” Jake and Skyla ran for the back door where Mary was waiting for them, home from her job at the library. Caleb just stayed sitting down for a moment longer, mentally preparing himself for what would happen next.
@Dusty you are next!
@Tiger you are the next writer!
@Virgil you are next!

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