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@zapdos Changes made, blurb complete. Also, I'm not trying to "win" the RP. I'm trying to tell a good story. Don't worry.

Thanks for doing that! The CS looks good, it is approved. When I make the OOC, feel free to put it in the characters tab.

<Snipped quote by Zapdos>

Those are fair assessments!

Yeah~ I had the feeling that she's a bit too strong for a week-old superhero career, but since I had no benchmark to compare her against, I decided to lie on the stronger side then nerf as necessary, instead of the other way around.

Also, I have specific replies to this part of your review:
<Snipped quote>
If we're going by Marvel and/or DC stuff? I don't know... it's pretty wild there, anything goes, a sword that can cut through concrete or steel is even nowhere the strangest thing around.

If we're going by Raiden from MGR, his sword cutting through steel is like 99% of the gameplay, it even has a whole in-combat minigame revolving on how to best cut those steel stuff, just so you have a full context on why I put that in.

Regardless, this is your universe and as the GM, your word is Law. If a supernatural sword in this universe can't cut through steel or concrete, then so it shall be.

Finally, and most importantly, I've made the edits!

Fair point regarding the nerfs.

Regarding the sword in a Marvel, DC or MGR context; I've never paid too much attention to those universes (idk what MGR even stands for lol), my knowledge of stuff like Spiderman is very casual. I know more about the "lore" (if you want to call it that) of a years-old superhero RP on this site than about those things. I just try to keep in mind if the powers seem to have any corresponding weaknesses or gaps in their usage; I admit it might be subjective, but I do the best I can to keep it fun and balanced.

My impression based on what you wrote of the sword was it was more mechanical than mythical, so thanks for letting me know that. I'm not opposed to that aspect of her power "upgrading" (becoming stronger, however you can think to phrase it) to eventually be able to cut through those things as the story progresses.

Anyway, the CS looks good now, so once I post the OOC you can put Camile in the characters tab.

<Snipped quote by Izurich>

God, my character comparatively looks low effort. And isn't nearly as powerful...

Any tips on presentation?

Personally, my formatting tool is Microsoft Word :P Izurich has better formatting than I do though, so go with her methods if you want a fancy CS.
Here it is, @zapdos. Let me know if there's any issues.

Now that we discussed it in PM, the character's powers are much more reasonable than they were originally. A few minor quibbles:

1) There's no way a 20 year old is a librarian (at least in the US); you need a master's degree for that and those jobs are in high demand. Age him up a bit (say 26 at the least) or give him a different profession. Call this me being pedantic if you'd like; my career is in HR so I try to be aware of things like this :P
2) Just write a basic blurb about his personality please. It doesn't need to be extensive and you are welcome to develop it as you write, but a basic idea of what he's like is needed.
3) I don't want to see Robin summon Narumi into a dangerous situation where she's attacked so he can go "dur hur, look its dangerous, go fight now" - like I said in the PMs, the summon is fine as a teacher, not for combat. I don't think that requires much change on the CS, I just wanted you to know this.

Make those two changes and you should be good!

I am interested :D

It is time that I busted out my idea for a Superhero who has a voice related power. Her Superhero name will be The Punisher, and bad jokes are her weapons.

Is it me? Because lots of people say my jokes are bad, even though my puns are great :P

@Zapdos Aaand my CS is up for review!

Alright, so I looked through your CS. I like the effort you put into Camile and her backstory, but her powers are way too strong. These heroes are meant to be rookies, not experts. I think the super strength is fine, but adding in the speed and agility basically make her Mecha Girl Superman, and that's pretty OP (plus another person is making a super speed character). Or she could have enhanced human abilities? Basically, the nanobots allow her to be in peak physical condition, having abilities beyond most humans but without her being Superman (if that makes any sense). I think that plus her research skills and family wealth is pretty impressive as it is.

Also, I'd say Rose Noire would need to be nerfed a little. I'm fine with it cutting through most materials, but a sword shouldn't be able to cut through things like concrete and steel as if they're butter.

Let me know what you think; I can tell you put some thought into your CS and I'm impressed with how quickly you made it.

This looks really interesting, craving a superhero rp.

Question, I know its a bunch of new heroes but are superheroes a set "profession" in this world? like do heroes wear costumes comic style and what not? Do those who discover they have power want to create a secret identity to protect a semblance of their old life?

Glad to see more interest! Superheroes were a profession and they wore costumes; the virus wiped them all out. If you had powers, you want to have a way of hiding them; super villains existed and powers paint a big target on your back. There is an organization of super heroes in this world, but how it is constituted now that the virus exists will be something to be revealed in story.
<Snipped quote by Zapdos>

Nice! Yes, you answered those two questions nicely.

I'll get to brainstorming my CS now. Right now, I'm thinking of making a cyber-magical girl of sorts (E.g: Nanoha, Symphogear, Busou Shinki. Basically magical girls with mecha-esque powers), but who knows if my creativity takes me elsewhere.

Excited to be here!

Great! I've never seen any of those examples you gave, but it seems like a good concept as long as it isn't too OP for the setting. Do keep in mind that the PCs gain their powers after the meteor strike, so it's not like she'll be able to invent a mecha suit in a week. I'm sure you'll be able to think of something plausible though.

Glad to have you here and I look forward to seeing whatever CS you create!
@zapdos This looks lit, and the fact that we’re all starting on the same playing field is right up my alley!

A couple of the usual questions:
1. How many players are you thinking of taking in?
2. What happens if two PCs have a set of powers that are quite similar in essence?

Great! To answer your questions:

1) I'd like at least 4-5 players, but I don't have an upper limit in mind. I know people do lose interest in RPs or life gets busy, so I want to be prepared for that to be safe.
2) I'd work with the players or have them work with one another to figure out a way to resolve it. Maybe one of them has another idea they can use instead. Of course, if for example Player A posts their laser eyes hero today and Player B posts it five days from now, I'm much more inclined to say Player B should change since they had plenty of "notice" so to speak. In any case, I'll try to be fair and reasonable when working with people.

Does that answer your questions?
@Guccicorn no problem! The CS is already posted, by the way, and is located here: roleplayerguild.com/posts/5306777
@Zapdoslol truth

If you mean that it would have to be a pretty fast emotional journey, I figure she would come to it right after discovering her powers, in the elated 'omg i'm special' phase. She'd like ... kick a ball in slow-mo and it would deflate/deform the goal/burn a hole in something/explode and she would get her first sense of like ... oh I'm special, but I'm also not normal anymore. I can't do normal things without it being unfair at best and dangerous to others at worst.

... OH! Maybe she accidentally hurts someone! Anyway, I think you git what I mean ... ye u git it, we got it, it's got UwU

I was thinking like she notices she's going faster right away, but there's time to think about how you want to go about it. There's probably more than one good way to plan her back story, in any case.
@Zapdos I promise I was joking about wanting to play literal god xD

I was thinking of a recently graduated soccer player taking a gap year before moving out. She develops super speed and starts feeling like it's not fair to continue as an athlete when her abilities are so far outside of the scope of normal human potential, when suddenly the universe presents this biiiig opportunity for direction in her life ... even if it's kind of a reckless direction.

Ah, I see, sometimes you can't tell based off of text.

That could work, just keep in mind that these people have had their powers for only a week at the most, so it'd have to be a pretty quick (pun not intended for once :-P) speed boost. I like the motivation, people having different reasons for why they show up makes this more interesting!
Basically registered just to join this because the premise seems really great. Can't wait for it to start. Time to start hammering away my CS.

That's kinda flattering, actually. I hope this RP lives up to your expectations!

Interested as well.

Pondering between a teleporter, a light manipulator, or a healer.

I'd say stay away from the healer because of plot reasons (which I don't want to spoil yet) and because there's less at stake if any injuries can be healed right away in the middle of combat. To be clear, I'm not saying this so I can kill off your characters; I just think that any victories the team has are more significant this way.

The teleporter (assuming it's not like Goku from DBZ-levels of teleporting) or light manipulator ideas are cool though!
Ooooh, this looks pretty lit.

I have two ideas;
Literally God, or a character with super speed. I'd really like your thoughts here.

Superspeed sounds less OP; remember, these aren't going to be professional superheroes right off the bat.

@Zapdos I'm mostly just thinking the power to shrink and wings, and maybe some kind of venom but that's all.

That seems reasonable!


I went ahead and sent a PM. I wanted to hammer anything that might be an issue there before posting it here.

Cool, I saw it and will respond when I can.

@Zapdos - I’m glad you’re okay with the concept. I’ll make sure it’s just possession and not a bunch of other abilities on top of that. I don’t get much of a kick from being OP; it’s more fun to have limited powers and find creative ways to use them.

I’m starting to develop the idea more. Maybe she should be a sort of shut-in, only made worse by her powers. Probably her real body doesn’t leave home very often. She just hops from vessel to vessel to get around. Maybe she is a younger person (a teen), and her “base form” is one of her childhood toys that she possesses and enhances until it’s time to jump again.

Here are some of the drawbacks:

Can only possess one person or thing at a time (with a bucket of sand still counting as one and not thousands)

Can’t manipulate digital information. She can cause objects she possesses to move around mechanically, but it’s too complicated and beyond her skill set to possess a digital device and alter its data

Takes time to recollect her soul when her vessel has been destroyed. If the damage is bad enough, it might just end her power entirely, causing her to wake up in her bed (being removed from the encounter)

I don’t plan to make her a master of her ability to start with either, she’ll be figuring out how to use it effectively over time.

That sounds interesting! It actually works really well for the RP, too, as they'll have a way to gather relevant plot information without me just feeding it to you all.

Anyway, I have made a little CS for everyone's use below if anyone wants to get started in advance of the OOC thread:

If there's anything I missed, let me know. I should note since this is casual, 2-3 paragraphs per post is fine, but if you want to write more feel free. Quality matters more than quantity. This probably shouldn't be anything unexpected, but I felt before anyone works on their CS they should know this just to be safe. Anyway, I'll make the OOC thread in a few days (in part because I have no idea what to call this :-P) - I hope you all look forward to it!
It's nice to see your responses, I'm excited about the interest in this! I'll try to address all of your questions and comments. In any case, I'll probably work on a CS template tomorrow or Monday for your use.

Color me interested. Though I'm wondering if I can use the magical superhero I've posted about before. I've had him for years, and am really eager to play him.
Reference: roleplayerguild.com/topics/186852-i-h…

I'd have to see which creatures he could summon, but I'm not opposed to a summoner. Maybe he tries summoning a powerful minion and ends up with a harmless cat :P

I’m interested. I’m still fiddling with concepts. How would you feel about a superhero whose power was possession? She would be able to take an intangible form and enter objects or defeated bad guys. She can enhance and animate the thing she is possessing to make it capable of more impressive feats (such as possessing a sword and making it extremely sharp/strong, or becoming a walking suit of armor that can take a severe beating.)

While possessing bad guys would give her different options. Like using their body/power for a limited time, or interrogating their minds while possessing their body. Just as a rule I wouldn’t attempt to possess any currently active bad guys unless they were insignificant. Significant bad guys would need to be defeated first to give her enough time to wear away their resistance.

This is a bit morally grey in the best case, so the character will have to deal with the ethical issues arising from her new power.

If you don’t like that idea, I might go for something else. Like control of plants or super-powered eyes. I like super-powered eyes. :D

That seems fine, it doesn't seem OP for a rookie hero since there are defined weaknesses. Just don't give them mind control and super-powered eyes :P

I'm interested in this. I have a character in mind. Kind of like the Wasp from Marvel, but with slightly different powers.

That could be interesting, depending on how the idea is executed. I'm not really familiar with the Wasp, but based on reading a few sentences on Wikipedia, she seems pretty strong, so you'd just have to keep in mind that these heroes are meant to be rookies when you make the CS. The concept could certainly work, anyway.
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