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@The Man Emperor I appreciate your interest in the roleplay, but I only give out our Discord link to people in the roleplay. I hope you enjoy reading the posts of our talented writers!

Thundercloud, by his nature, was not a deep thinker. Usually applying enough electricity to a problem solved it. And yet, when some random girl walked in and said what he could only guess was a bad attempt at humor, he had to take a moment to figure out what the hell was going on while he finished his chips. No sense letting those go to waste, right?

Apparently someone else disagreed, as he heard some weaboo shout gibberish Asian words before throwing fire at him. Thundercloud thought he heard someone else too, but he didn’t see anyone, so he shrugged it off. The attack had hit his suit and chips, causing a few of the “cotton balls” to lose some of their form as if they absorbed the damage, while the bag of snack food was destroyed entirely. It did hurt a bit, but the villain was more annoyed than in pain. What was with these nuts? Mmm, some salted nuts sounded good right now. After whatever this is was done, he’d have to get some from the machine, Thundercloud thought.

He got up from his chair in time to see some other girl arrive. How in the world did this one get here? Thundercloud had a feeling someone else was here as well; this was confirmed when he heard gunshots and another person entering. He even noticed small plastic bits that made a trail leading to a desk; Thundercloud grinned, as if he was a genius for noticing someone was hiding behind the desk and that somehow there were heroes alive who wanted to stop him.

The smoke had fully cleared by now, giving one of the Storm Troopers easy access to his leader. “Loading’s done. Orders, boss?” he asked.

“Get the truck and move. Have the others come here.” He vaguely gestured to the motley crew of “heroes” as if to illustrate why. He was sure he could kill these things himself, but 11 of his men would be a good backup plan.

The Trooper nodded in response and ran off, ready to fulfill his orders.

Thundercloud was about to speak up again, but he was interrupted by the ding of an elevator.

"It's time for justice, and his name is MidKnight."

The evil man could only roll his eyes as he briefly addressed the relative newcomer. “Whatever, Hot Topic.” Turning back to face Robin, Thundercloud decided to respond in kind. “Hey Chinaman, I can do that too. Ching! Chong! Ping! Pong! Ding! Dong!” With each racist sound, he pushed his palms forward, blasting a burst of electricity at Robin and the heroes near him, including the one hiding behind a desk. That would be enough to kill them, right?

“Told ya,” he concluded, casually shooting a blast of electricity behind him at Kane like he was an afterthought.

Yeah, some nuts sounded good right now.
@Izurich it's too bad you're leaving, but I wish you luck with whatever you do next.
It is an ordinary summer Friday night in Lafayette City, with perfectly temperate summer weather, perfect for relaxing outside or enjoying the night life in the city’s bustling downtown. Or at least it was. The news has spread all over the city; the Precious Metal Vault, located in the basement of the Lafayette Financial Tower, is being robbed! Located in the urban downtown of the city, this treasure trove of gold, silver, and platinum is often a target of crime. However, this time the theft was far from ordinary for a few reasons:

One: this is the first time it happened since all the people with powers died, and
Two: the group responsible for the robbery is the Storm Troopers, a gang led by Thundercloud, a well-known supervillain who should be dead right now.

Thundercloud himself looks like an actual thunder cloud; he is a fat man, weighing in at over 300 pounds, and his clothing is a dark gray jumpsuit that covers his whole body. Oddly enough, there is what looks like matching gray cotton balls attached to the jumpsuit as well, completing his look. Despite his ridiculous costume, he is not one to be trifled with, as he can create and control electricity, among other things. And while his two dozen men don’t have powers, they are capable of holding off the police officers that showed up to create a perimeter around the area while the theft takes place. These Storm Troopers aren’t from a sci-fi film either; they’re dressed in black leather jackets with a yellow lightning bolt on the back, along with matching pants.

As time passed, about half of the thugs were engaged with the authorities, while the other half helped load the metals into the getaway box truck through the tower’s lobby. It is a typical office lobby, with a receptionist’s desk, chairs for waiting business clients, and a vending machine that used to have intact glass. Thundercloud himself relaxed, lounging on a beige cushy chair eating potato chips while supposedly “keeping an eye out for trouble.” He didn’t really expect much; since all of the heroes were dead, who was going to stop him? Even so, it was a good enough reason to eat instead of help, so there he was.

However, unknown to the villain, a local meteor crash awakened powers in several people a week ago. And wherever those people are right now, this is when they decided to help the city and stop the malcontents responsible for this. However, when these heroes arrived in the building’s lobby, they were not expecting to find other people who want to fight these villains as well. At least bypassing the authorities was fairly easy, as they were too distracted by the Storm Troopers to really notice much else.

Will these new heroes be able to prevail against this threat? Why is it suddenly raining downtown right now? And will Thundercloud be able to finish his chips?

The city will soon find out!
@Guccicorn nice work! You are approved, go ahead and post her in the Characters tab and I'll send you the link to the Discord.

@Medili I like your CS and it is approved. The only thing I'd say is swap out the gun for a knife or something similar (so the problems aren't all solved by shooting at them) and you're good to go. The Discord link is already sent!
@Medili I appreciate your interest, but I will be making the first post on Thursday night or Friday of this week, so if you could make the CS earlier than Sunday that'd be great. It'll still be early in the roleplay so it'd be fairly easy for you to jump in, but I don't want to delay the roleplay either.
<Snipped quote by Zapdos>

I think it's a fun limitation to work with, not entirely sure where I want to take it yet but I suppose it's something to work out naturally in time? It's usable in combat via the ability to manifest melee weapons, shields, lockpicks...Whatever happens to be useful? I suppose you could argue it's very Green Lantern-y just with a considerable drawback and consequences. Of course she's not trained in martial arts or anything of the kind so at least at the stage where the story begins it would at best be very archaic 'street fighting' if that. But I can also imagine she could fit into some support scenarios by conjuring objects for others though this again, is limited and has drawbacks. Objects that do not have physical contact with her don't stay around for very long unless that's where she focuses her power and even then that's an exceptional 'exertion' at this stage, so something like conjuring pieces of armor for someone else in order to protect them could be life saving but not without risk.

As for recovery it's more of a time based thing. Being unable to sleep means she's somewhat less effective and has to be more useful as a 'competent normal person' as opposed to straight up superhero in the moment. At the same time I view the recovery 'meter' on a sort of 1 to -1 scale. 1 being fully capable and at 'maximum capacity', 0 being in a sleep deprived state where using her abilities starts to be actively risky and -1 being at a point where hallucinations and nightmare manifestations happen, I imagine those as 'rogue powers'. Objects created more on subconscious instinct versus thought out planning. Objects that aren't fully being controlled or less conventional things like tendrils of energy.

In terms of how the usage drainage works I imagine it to be more based on volume and focus currently? (Unless that's too vague?) So to conjure a crate for example that would be fully within her current limit of an object that's about half her size wouldn't result in too much exertion, but to conjure about a house or two worth of crates over the entire day would be quite a lock. Similarly, conjuring and maintaining for example a weapon or two for the entire day wouldn't be very detrimental, but keeping someone else on the team equipped with a set of weapons for the entire day would be far more costly in terms of energy.

Does that help at all?

Hmm, I see. It seems a little limited in my opinion, but if that sounds like something you'd enjoy writing, I'll approve it. Feel free to post your CS in the Characters tab and I'll send you a link to the Discord server.
@threetoads regarding her general aptitude, I think that's fine.

Regarding her powers, I'm not sure if you're limiting yourself here or what, just because it's very unique. How would it be usable in combat? How does she recover from overexerting herself if she can't sleep? And how much or what usage causes her dreams to be limited? Is it based on the size of the object, the utility of it, or something else?

I'm just trying to understand here so I can give the proper feedback.
<Snipped quote by Zapdos>

Yeeey, that's certainly good to hear, and that's what I was going for. I guess I was just worried that the particular min/max way that I'm looking at her powers might have loopholes that could be op. I was tryna walk that line with her being tough against the effects of her powers, but not actually 'tough' tough.

1) Oh, I forgot, I'm renaming her 'The Streaker' lol, no, I don't think she's a nudist, but this was intentional. I think I saw like a clip of the flash where he was talking about having to make a suit that would stand up to the wear and tear of moving so fast, and I really liked that idea, it made him seem more like he had day-to-day problems. I also like that gear can be a way of like leveling her abilities as the story progresses, because she doesn't really know how to homebrew anything better than her current uniform of a racing skin-suit and lightweight running shoes. I also worry that being able to take object along into time dilation is just like a buncha questions and probably op :P This makes me git creative.
2) Nono, you aren't overanything, I was trying to sound fancy with her limitations. Basically I wanted to make it clear that she can't stop time, or if she can, she becomes useless instead of like super OP while doing so, like ant-man going quantum small.

I hope that clears stuff up, I gotta go eat but I'mma try to finish my backstory and post tonight!

No worries! Yeah, I think you did a good job with balancing, super speed is good but by itself it isn't going to beat extremely powerful enemies.

I think the answers to your questions were good for the purposes of addressing my concerns; maybe edit your CS to add that information and that part will be good. I look forward to reading the rest of your CS!

By the way, I'm going to try posting the first post on Thursday night or Friday of this week. I'm not going to close it at that point, but it will be much harder to join after that, as I will have to think of a good way to get your character into the story. So if you have not done so already, I encourage you to get your CS in by Thursday morning so you'll have plenty of time to make changes as needed.
I'm on my phone right now, so apologies in advance for any spelling or grammar errors.

God it's been forever since I did forum RP.

I hope it's acceptable. It really has been a while.

I'm kind of confused by Kestrel's powers. So she dreams of an object and then can create it the next day? And if she uses them too much, she can't sleep and suffers as a result? Also, I'm wondering how this would work in combat as a hero. If she can only create what she saw in dreams, that could leave her with a narrow amount of choices.

This is a very unique power you've chosen, but I just want to be sure it's something that is also usable in practice.

Also, for her skill, can she learn all new things equally quickly? I feel like it would take more effort to learn something like metalworking than, say how to use a new computer program.
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