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1. I wrote the backstory keeping that in mind. But for some reason I thought I remembered it being two weeks? I’ll change the times a little, my apologies. (EDIT: It should be corrected) And sorry for posting it in the wrong area.

2. I don’t think it would be easy for a possessed person to force her out. But since she is in contact with them mentally, perhaps a big mental assault would make her leave. Or alternatively, if she tries to make them hurt someone they really care about, perhaps the resistance would be really high. I think we should put the difficulty for “protected” NPCs in trying to possess them in the first place. Like maybe some people have a natural psychic resistance that is difficult for Sarah to overcome. Or maybe superpowered people are altered in some way that makes it hard for her to possess them. (She would require an extended time period to gain control over them, I think. Like if they were already defeated and in prison.) Maybe some people can’t be possessed at all. I’ll leave that up to you. I’ll just handle who she targets and why. But at any rate, injuring the possessed one is going to force her out eventually. Both because she shares the pain and because the body will become less effective.

3. As to the sword thing. Maybe the drawback for item enhancement in general should be related to how much her powers have protected the thing from abuse? So, if she’s a door or something and it is hit by an attack that wouldn’t have affected it to begin with, she’s fine. But if the attack would have broken the door, it puts a strain on her powers to be able to make it resist. If this happens enough, her powers wane and she can’t maintain the possession. I’m essentially suggesting an exertion limit rather than a time limit. Though in the case of Camille’s sword (which presumably would be under constant duress if we are in need of this technique), then there would be an effective time limit for activity.

1) Sounds good! I saw your changes and think they look good.

2) I think requiring an extended time period to gain control over those with superpowers, like if they were already defeated and in prison, or similarly significantly weakened is good. Maybe there will be people who can't be possessed for whatever reason, which I'll try to indicate somehow. Injuring the possessed to boot her is good too.

3) Yeah, endurance/exertion is fine like you said.

Just add that information to your CS and you're approved! I'll go ahead and send you the link to the Discord server.
I'm so close to finished but I'm so tired QwQ I'mma finish the backstory tomorrow, but I wanted to run the powers past you cause I was reading over them and was like ... is this OP? This might be OP.

It doesn't seem OP since she seems to be a "regular person with super speed" who is in fact still vulnerable to being punched hard. I do have a few questions though:

1) If her power only effects Paige, how does she carry anything or keep any clothes on? I doubt she wants to be a nudist :P
2) If gravity is lessened, does she float in the air? Maybe I'm overanalyzing it

That's all I can think of for now, let me know the answers to those questions and let me know when the CS is complete

@Olive Fontaine I like your CS, though you should have posted it here instead of in the Characters tab since it isn't approved yet. I do have a few things that need to be changed:

1) Everyone has had their powers for a week at the most, as the meteor struck a week ago. You mentioned possessing the middle aged guy "a week later" and such. Maybe just condense the timeline of how Sarah got her powers and it should be fine.
2) You mentioned that Sarah is booted from objects when they break. How is she removed from people? Can they force her out at all? Or would they have to be injured to do so? What are your thoughts on this?

With regards to possessing Camile's sword, I think it could be a cool idea, but there'd have to be some kind of drawback so that it isn't OP. Maybe a time limit? Because if Sarah gets removed from an object by it being broken and the sword is super durable, possessing a super strong sword like that removes that limitation.

Let me know your thoughts, thanks!
I would be interested if you are still accepting :)

We are! The link to the OOC is in the first post; please submit your CS there. Glad to have more people here!
Understood and thanks!

I've edited that bio sentence to be more in line with the plot now (please let me know if that works or if you'd like to see something different) and certainly have no intention of making the Kevlar vest overpowered. I just figured if he intended to fight any sort of crime without any protection at all, he'd be insane. As it sits, the majority of his body is unprotected and the kevlar itself is not impenetrable - rifles and any large artillery can shred it and it will only be on as part of his 'super suit' covering his torso.

On the invisibility thing, I'm not even sure if I plan on using it - I'm mostly just offering up paths of evolution for the ability. However, if we did go down the invisibility route, I think it'd be more of a Predator type of invisible where you can see the light bent as long as you're looking for it and any motion would be a dead giveaway.

That all sounds good to me! It sounds like you have a good character here. Your Sparkly Edgelord is approved; you can post him in the Characters tab and I'll send you a link to the Discord server.
For your consideration:

Very good CS! Contrasts are great and you did it well. I think the one thing that I'd change is that for plot reasons, nobody is revealing that they got powers after the meteor hit. As far as the world knows, people with powers are dead to the virus, at least until the night the RP begins. I don't think you'd need to change much with your biography, it's fine otherwise.

I think I'd just be careful with not making the kevlar vest (and invisibility in the future) OP, but that doesn't really require any changes on your CS. Just read the rules and make the change I suggested and you should be good :)
Just for everyone's knowledge, @MagratheanWhale and I discussed his CS via PM and it's already approved.
If it's possible for her character to one day be like that in the far future, do you think my character could be as powerful as I originally had him?

I think you're overemphasizing the importance of power here. In the future the heroes will power up, but writing with other people is the important thing here, and your original CS basically had 10 characters each as powerful as an individual PC. It's not really fun to write if one player does everything and my goal to create a fun environment that people can write in.

I did make the OOC thread; it is located here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/186904-ris…

@Izurichand @AceSorou - feel free to put your CSes in the Characters tab after you read the rules section; as for everyone else, I look forward to seeing your characters! I'm mentioning a ton of people below, so my apologies if I miss anyone.

@Kkushmar @Ken @Guccicorn @Cyrania @threetoads @Olive Fontaine @Vatore
I'm posting here so I can edit it later if needed.
If you're here from the new interest check thread, some of this may be out of date. Please let me know if you have any questions!


You have super powers! Whether it’s the ability to fly, run really fast, or shoot lasers out of your eyes, you have an ability that sets you apart from the rest of humanity. You aren’t a big name hero, though, and you aren’t even some obscure expert with your powers. In fact, you’ve only had your powers for a week at the most.

This is a good thing.

If you had your powers any longer than that, you’d probably be dead.

You see, before you got your abilities, a deadly virus infected everyone with powers. The aptly named Supervirus caused heroes to die like flies while ordinary people were just fine. Some disappeared before their demise, but the result was the same; people with super powers were extinct! That is, until a week ago.

That was when the meteor struck. Despite nobody being injured, the local news covered it extensively since it took place in a local park in your Midwestern hometown. And maybe it was just a coincidence, but soon after this happened, you gained your powers. And for some reason, you haven’t come down with the virus like the others. You’ve decided that you should do something positive with this new ability you have, but you’re not sure what yet.

Now it is an ordinary Friday night in Lafayette City. You hear the news; the Precious Metal Vault is being robbed! People have tried this before, but this was far from ordinary for a few reasons:

One: this is the first time it happened since all the people with powers died, and
Two: the group responsible is led by a well-known supervillain who should be dead from the virus.

Wherever you are right now, this is when you decide you’ll help the city and stop the people responsible for this.

What you don’t know at the time is that this is just the beginning of a greater journey for you, one that will undoubtedly test your resolve and ability to work with other heroes to help stop a villainous plot.

Do you have what it takes to be a hero?


So to summarize the synopsis above, this roleplay is about a group of rookie super heroes who end up teaming up to stop an evil scheme. I don’t want to give away too much of the plot, but I do plan on this being more involved than just “stop the villain of the week.” A CS is here for your use:

New Information:

First, for the sake of having an enjoyable RP experience for everyone, I have some rules that I’m listing below:

1) You are not Superman, Wolverine, or any other hero like that. In fact, these heroes do not exist. If you want to have the ability to fly, that’s cool, but do it in an original way please.
2) Don’t be a jerk. I think this is self-explanatory. Nobody wants to roleplay with jerks.
3) Your hero is not going to be super skilled with their powers right away. Not only is this boring, but part of the point of this is that it’s fun to see your characters grow and face real stakes.
4) That being said, I’m not looking for an excuse to kill everyone off either. That isn’t fun to write.
5) No smut, extremely graphic torture, or gore please. A common-sense PG-13 rating is what I’m going for. If people have sex or something, fade to black. I’m not looking to write an episode of Teletubbies, just use common sense.
6) No politics please. Based on my experience nobody is going to convince anyone else of their views anyway.
7) Please use proper spelling and grammar. I’m not the grammar police, but it makes writing look so much nicer.
8) I'm not looking for big essays here; just two or three quality paragraphs per post. If you want to write longer, cool, but quality beats quantity every time.
9) If you have a concern about the RP, let me know. Remember, I am only human, so I can’t read minds and I will likely make mistakes as well.
10) Please put the phrase “electric Pokemon” somewhere in the post with your CS so I know you’ve read these rules.
11) If you have to leave the RP temporarily or permanently, just let me know and we can work something out. I understand that life can get busy and priorities can shift. It’s easier to be told of this than it is to wonder where someone is for a week.
12) No healing powers please. This is both for plot reasons and because there's less at stake if you can heal your teammate's injuries.
13) Most importantly, have fun! I’m not looking for a bunch of drama here; I want this to be something we all enjoy.

If you have any questions, please let me know. I also plan on making a Discord server for our use; once your CS is accepted, I will send you a link to it. I look forward to writing with you!

I see~ alright, got it. Well, all fictional universes are in essence subjective to the whims of the creator, so it's not a bad thing, as I said with my "Your word is Law as the GM" statement.

MGR is short for Metal Gear Rising, an action hack-and-slash video game developed by Platinum Games and released in 2013. (Wikipedia Article)

Raiden refers to the main protagonist of said game, and his abilities and gimmicks are the main inspiration for Camille, as noted in the Trivia section of her CS.

This video perfectly illustrates my main reference on how Camille fights, and also the fact that steel-cutting slice slice is most of the gameplay:

Or, to be more specific, how she'll eventually become at the peak of her power. She's a rookie now after all!

Ah, I see. That's pretty cool action! Since Camile will be part of a team, she hopefully won't have as much need to slice giant mechs by herself :P
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