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@threetoads you are accepted, of course. You're already in the Discord, so I can't think of anything you need to do!
@Guccicorn glad to have you here! You could've saved some time though, as you only really needed to copy paste one of your posts from the hero RP :P
I like it already! I'm so in!

Outstanding! Please post an application per the directions in my original post (they're near the bottom). Thank you!
@Guccicorn @threetoads @BingTheWing and @Stuzzie I appreciate the interest! I just made an OOC thread, which is located here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/187004-mys…
Edit: if you're reading this, we're still open. Please read what we've written so far to get a feel for the story. If the ideas and tone look like something that interests you, read the rest of this post. Thank you!

Hi there! I am Zapdos and I write on this website here and there. I’m currently GMing a roleplay about Superheroes, but I still want to write more than I am now, so I made this! If you're here from the IC, you can skip down to the section titled "New Information" and read from there.

The writing style of this is a little different than a traditional roleplay on this site. Normally, each person will roleplay a character and they will interact within a setting guided by the GM. In this, all the writers take turn writing the story. Each poster will take turns writing; in the end what will result is cohesive and interesting story. All of the characters, settings and plot are made by all of the writers, each one building upon the work of the people who wrote before them. Here is a short example (obviously the posts would be longer in the actual story):

Poster A:

"Frank was walking down the street on his way to work. It was his last day on the job; he was proud of his 43 years at the Wonderful Wheel Company, but he was looking forward to retirement. He arrived at the old factory, same as ever, except he was surprised to see..."

Poster B:

"that it was decorated with banners! The old factory worker saw banners, balloons and homemade posters celebrating his last day and wishing him well. A hint of a smile showed on the man's face. But the biggest surprise was when he walked into the place..."

Poster C:

"a huge array of tires spelling out "BEST WISHES FRANK" right on the factory floor! What was previously a hint evolved into a full-on grin; the man never expected his coworkers to go through all this trouble. Honestly, he thought they didn't even like him. However..."

And so on. Again, this would be longer if we were actually writing. I'm not looking for big essays here; just at least two or three quality paragraphs per post. If you want to and it makes sense to write longer, cool, but it isn’t necessary. A few advantages of writing this way include:

-If someone loses interest or gets busy with life, the whole story won't grind to a halt.
-Multiple authors can provide multiple perspectives, fleshing out characters in a way one person wouldn’t do and making the story more interesting
-Writing with other people is (at least for me) a good motivator to push yourself to improve your writing. I’ve learned a lot just by reading other people’s work

New Information:

I thought of an idea, and after talking about it with a few people who gave their approval, I decided it would be a good starting point for the story. You can read it below:

The main character wakes up in a small port town in a fantasy setting, with no idea who he is or why he is there. All he has on him are the clothes on his back and a key. He knows the key is important, but remembers nothing besides that. What will he do next?

Of course, I will expand upon this in the first post I make for the story; this is just a good starting point.

Also, here are some rules that will make this more fun for everyone. I'm not looking to micromanage all of you here and if you've ever been in one of my RPs before, this should look familiar.

-We use a Discord server for communication. When your "application" is accepted, I will send you a link to it. You don't need to be online all the time, but it is a great way to get to know the other writers and communicate ideas with them, so I am requiring that you at least join the server.
-This story is in a typical medieval/magical fantasy setting. While we as a group haven't really defined much of the specifics of this, that does mean that someone isn't coming out of a portal from the future shooting lasers from their spaceship.
-Your posts should be consistent with what other people have written. If it has been established that the protagonist’s best friend has been his friend for 30 years, the next post shouldn’t be that person killing the protagonist. Plot twists can be done in an interesting way, of course, just use common sense. If it’s something big, please discuss it with the group first.
-No smut, extremely graphic torture, or gore please. A common-sense PG-13 rating is what I’m going for. If people have sex or something, fade to black. I’m not looking to write an episode of Teletubbies, just use common sense.
-No politics please. This isn’t even taking place on Earth, plus politics is dreary and based on my experience nobody is going to convince anyone else of their views anyway.
-This is an original story; keep people from the real world and pre-existing IP out of this please. George Washington shouldn’t save the day by riding in on a Transformer.
-Writing will take place here on RP Guild.
-Please use proper spelling and grammar. I’m not the grammar police, but it makes writing look so much nicer.
-I'm not looking for big essays here; just two or three quality paragraphs per post. If you want to write longer, cool, but don’t monopolize the story.
-This story will be written by and contributed to by everyone who writes. That being said, please don’t monopolize it. For example: if the story is of a brave knight slaying a dragon and Poster 1 makes a post about the knight starting his journey, the next post shouldn’t be a huge thing involving the knight slaying the dragon, marrying the Princess and becoming king of the realm. As the GM, I will probably set the direction and thus build on the structure of the story more than others, but that is from the perspective of running the game, not running the story.
-I am not a mind reader and I am not perfect. If there's an issue, please let me know!
-Use common sense. I can’t think of every possible scenario here. And if you’re in doubt, please ask a question about it.
-Most importantly: have fun!

Posting Order:

We will decide on posting order by discussion on the Discord server. I will write the first post, but after that it’s up to you guys. After the first post, the next writer will have 48 hours to make their post or say something. E.g if you know you're going to be busy the next two days, but want to write something on the third day, just let us know. As long as everyone is informed (and we aren't waiting like two weeks for your post), it's a fairly flexible process. The writer after that will have 48 hours from when the previous writer posted for the same thing, and so on. Of course, you can post earlier than that.


Since we’re not making character sheets like in most roleplays, the application will simply be a writing sample. At least 2-3 good paragraphs displaying how you write. You can take it from a roleplay you are or were in, a personal story you are writing, or whatever else you can think of that makes sense in this context. Just keep it PG-13 like this story please. I would not be surprised if you all are better writers than I am; I just want to see that you are capable of writing well enough to contribute to the story. E.g. good spelling and grammar, writing that makes sense, etc. I’m not looking to be a control freak here. If you’ve read all of this post and want to join, please write the phrase “Electric Pokemon” somewhere in your post with the writing sample. (It doesn't have to be in the writing sample though :P)

I look forward to writing with all of you and hope you enjoy the experience!
I'm glad to see that someone took the Borehole idea and is using it. I may or may not make a character sheet for this, but either way I hope this is successful.

Thundercloud was exceedingly confused. No, not by Robin summoning a cat girl. That entirely fit with his Otaku personality. Could he be any more of a stereotype? Whatever; meow mix wasn’t doing much, so she could be ignored.

More confusing, however, was how the weaboo’s girlfriend was smart enough and able to create those “lightning rods” while still being with the Chink. Sure, they didn’t deflect all of the electricity, but they did enough to hamper his plans. Maybe that’s why the other girl was laughing? Also confusing was that he thought he heard metal hit the ground…but somehow his hands had rubber gloves on top of them? And his face somehow got stunned for a moment? Just what the fuck was going on here?

There wasn’t much time to think about it though; suddenly, some kind of black girl appeared from the shadows. And right after that, both of them got hit by a tire! The momentum pushed both of them towards one of the corners of the lobby. The “cotton balls” had shielded Thundercloud from most of the damage, though they were gone now, and the fat man had shielded Rosaria in turn.

Thundercloud was startled to see the shadow girl next to him though, so out of instinct more than anything, he kicked her away. And in the midst of all this nonsense, the villain just now realized his men went outside to fight the police. Sure, killing cops was always funny, but this wasn’t really the time for that.

Now was the time to kill these fuckers once and for all! So he charged up his power, putting a great deal of energy into creating a much stronger wave of electricity than before, and sent it straight at the heroes. At the same time, a burst of real lightning from the sky surged towards them from behind!

Thundercloud grinned; there was no way they could survive all of that.
Hi there! I am Zapdos and I write on this website here and there. I’m currently GMing a roleplay about Superheroes, but I still want to write more than I am now, so I thought I’d make this interest check!

The writing style of this is a little different than a traditional roleplay on this site. Normally, each person will roleplay a character and they will interact within a setting guided by the GM. In this, all the writers take turn writing the story. Each poster will take turns writing; in the end what will result is cohesive and interesting story. All of the characters, settings and plot are made by all of the writers, each one building upon the work of the people who wrote before them. Here is a short example (obviously the posts would be longer in the actual story):

Poster A:

"Frank was walking down the street on his way to work. It was his last day on the job; he was proud of his 43 years at the Wonderful Wheel Company, but he was looking forward to retirement. He arrived at the old factory, same as ever, except he was surprised to see..."

Poster B:

"that it was decorated with banners! The old factory worker saw banners, balloons and homemade posters celebrating his last day and wishing him well. A hint of a smile showed on the man's face. But the biggest surprise was when he walked into the place..."

Poster C:

"a huge array of tires spelling out "BEST WISHES FRANK" right on the factory floor! What was previously a hint evolved into a full-on grin; the man never expected his coworkers to go through all this trouble. Honestly, he thought they didn't even like him. However..."

And so on. Again, this would be longer if we were actually writing. I'm not looking for big essays here; just at least two or three quality paragraphs per post. If you want to and it makes sense to write longer, cool, but it isn’t necessary. A few advantages of writing this way include:

-If someone loses interest or gets busy with life, the whole story won't grind to a halt.
-Multiple authors can provide multiple perspectives, fleshing out characters in a way one person wouldn’t do and making the story more interesting
-Writing with other people is (at least for me) a good motivator to push yourself to improve your writing. I’ve learned a lot just by reading other people’s work

I’ve written a story this way with a few people on this website and it was a very enjoyable experience, so if this interests you or you have questions, let me know! As for what the genre of the roleplay is, I thought I’d discuss that with anyone interested. The only thing I know I don’t want to write right now is a super hero story because I’m already GMing one of those.

Thanks for reading this and have a good day!
<Snipped quote by Zapdos>

Just looked at this now. I'll be making something... within a few days. Maybe tomorrow.

No rush there. Since the roleplay has started, it will be much harder for me to find a way to insert new characters into the story. There might be a way for me to get you into the roleplay later, but I cannot guarantee this. I'm not saying "no, don't make a CS" but I'm not sure how I'd insert your character into the story at this time.

There is another superhero roleplay open (that I have nothing to do with) that hasn't started if you want to look at it: roleplayerguild.com/topics/186955-the…

“Barriers, huh? It seems the Chink and his girlfriend can do more than speak gibberish,” Thundercloud thought as his electricity and the defenses countered each other. The heroes were safe, but for how long?

"You dare mock the sacred incantations of the Onmyouji?!"

“Never mind. What’s the best way to respond to that?” the villain asked himself. And what did he think of?

“OH, ME SO SOWWY. ME LOVE YOU LONG TIME!” Yeah, that was genius, Thundercloud reflected to himself as a triumphant smile appeared on his face. But then he saw the mannequin reveal itself, followed by the truck heading towards him, two of his troopers turning traitor for some reason, and the punk rocker aiming a gun at him. It was time to focus and end this farce.

First, he yelled at his men, ordering them to “kill the emo like he wants!” as he shot bolts of electricity at the two pun-controlled men, knocking them out cold. “I’ll handle the rest” he added after that. His Storm Troopers obeyed, shooting their guns at MidKnight before he could shoot the villain.

Next, right before the truck hit him, Thundercloud gave it the finger. This wasn’t just because it was funny; the vehicle stopped in its tracks right in front of him, seemingly turning itself off. Whoever or whatever was moving it, they would be horrified as they realized that this was an electric truck. Whatever they tried, they would no longer be able to turn on or control it.

Yeah, this was turning out great. All of his immediate threats were gone and they could always get more meat shields later. Mmm, meat. “Alright, you retards, time to die!” Thundercloud declared as he shot more electricity in the direction of Robin, Olivia, Kestrel, and Paige. However, unlike last time, he was striking in a wider area, hitting the tall lobby windows as well. These were destroyed on impact, similar to the various pillars, pieces of furniture, and other places to hide being hit by lightning with his attacks. If the electricity didn’t kill these heroes, they won’t be able to hide for long, plus at this point the building might not even last long.

As Thundercloud continued his barrage, he noticed the lobby start to feel cold and windy from the weather outside. The rain was falling harder, as it should. Good. He also noticed that one or two of his “cotton balls” had gotten smaller somehow. How did that happen? It probably wasn’t important though. What was important was that these wannabe heroes were gonna die.

Things really were gonna be great.


Besides Paige’s assault, what Thundercloud didn’t notice was that one of his electric strikes happened to hit where Rosaria was hiding. While the attack didn’t damage her directly, the lightning’s light caused the shadow to be erased, ejecting her from it and stunning her.

For Rosaria, things really might not be so great.
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