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Clark agreed with Arthur; they were technically stealing the key, not that Delia really had much right to object after the two had saved her life. The amnesiac had implicitly recognized this theft as well, as he set some of his gold by the statue. However, a sudden noise of metal crashing on metal interrupted their conversation, immediately followed by the scream of the guard of this establishment.


The pair went outside in time to see the man running off along with the cause of the crashing noise. It was Roland, who had impacted the now bloody and unconscious Geoff in his spiked ball form. Based on the fact that Gordon could be seen in the distance running up to them, Arthur deduced that the fat spiked man had been kicked at Geoff like he had experienced earlier.

Roland unfurled himself and wasted no time. “Hand over the key,” he told Arthur in a threatening tone.

“How did you even find us so quickly?” Clark asked, incredulous at the situation unfolding before them.

The small man grinned and responded with two words: “your employer.”


In the basement, while Arthur, Clark and Geoff were heading towards the Hall of Fishmongers, Delia had taken a moment to plan her actions. She was amazed Geoff left like that; she really would have protected him from the chief, but the former city guard was insistent on going. The businesswoman began heading for the exit herself, but she was blocked in the staircase by the man who had answered the door earlier, now armed with a knife. She considered retreating back into the basement, but the voice of Gordon behind her dissuaded the woman from doing so.

“Give me one good reason why we shouldn’t kill you now."

Delia sighed; she knew there was only one way out of this. “I know where one of the keys is.”
@threetoads you are next!
@fusagi you are next!
<Snipped quote by Zapdos>

Don't use ur facts against me >,<

I just know my post was a little all over the place, like most of my posts :P

I'll use facts however I want. One fact I'll use now is...you are next Guccicorn :P
Clark knew that Delia was uncertain of how much she should say, so he decided to focus on reading her mind rather than Geoff’s, who he knew wouldn’t betray them. The man was still firm in his belief he did the right thing despite the Chief’s threat. “Sir Geoff, please watch Roland for us,” the cricket quietly asked. The man simply nodded in response.

“This was supposed to be a routine meeting. Edgar and I discuss some things, the Chief gets his bribe, we get on with our day. I had no idea they were going to attack like that.” Delia said. She was clearly frustrated at herself more than at the fact that she was almost killed.

Clark coughed just after she said that as a way to point out the woman’s failure to listen earlier. “And I’m sorry for that” Delia quickly added.

“And what was the powder for, anyway? I’m not some drug dealer, Delia!” Despite how calm he had managed to be throughout the ordeal, Arthur had a hint of anger in his voice. However he made a living in his forgotten past, he knew it wasn’t through a life like this. It felt wrong.

The woman sighed. Clark could tell she didn’t want to reveal this information, but she felt she had to. “It’s specialized medicine for a skin condition. When I was a teenager, I was pretty sick, and Doctor Smith knew my family was poor. He sold it to us at cost, which helped us a great deal. Eventually, I got better, but I convinced the doctor it was chronic. He kept sending the powder to me and I sold it for a profit. I was able to invest the money, so to speak, and now I have the casino.”

Arthur had more questions for Delia, but Clark spoke up first, and did so surprisingly calmly for someone who just learned his friend had been taken advantage of for years.

“Delia, please pay Arthur and I what we agreed to and ensure the safety of Sir Geoff. Then I would suggest going to your office where you won’t get hurt. We should be on our way.”

Arthur wasn’t sure how Clark could be so calm, but he decided he should trust his friend. The cricket had helped him on the beach, in the city and in this city’s basement, while all Arthur had done was lead him into danger. The amnesiac felt he owed Clark his trust and more. “Right,” he added.

The woman was stunned by Clark’s restraint. “...yes, that sounds good. Geoff will be safe, you have my word. Thank you for your help today, both of you.” As Clark examined the gambling magnate’s mind to confirm she was telling the truth, she gave each of them their 20 gold. “You’re welcome. Good luck, Delia” Clark added as he and Arthur left the basement. Geoff took a moment to look on in astonishment at the situation; if the cricket had took the time to read the likely former guard’s mind at that point, he would’ve known Geoff felt bad for how he suspected him yesterday.

After the pair emerged from the run-down building, the cricket looked around to see if they were being watched. Satisfied that they were not, Clark quietly told Arthur “Delia found where one of those keys is this morning. We can get it first if we hurry. Follow me.”
@threetoads you are next!
<Snipped quote by Zapdos>

"You are next" could be a threat ... depends what happened to the first person OwO

EDIT: Oh ye, i should clarify, the end of my post was clark blurting out that it's an ambush in front of everyone xD

The first person was told to post and they did, and you did the same. I don't consider that a threat :P

I read it as Clark blurting it out really quietly, but I think @Stuzzie got that, as I read his post to be everyone preparing for the ambush in their own way. I could be wrong though?
@fusagi you are next!
@Stuzzie you are next!

"Everyone! ALL IN!"

As if the pain wasn’t enough, now someone (probably the fag) had punched him in the head! This would not do, but Hot Topic was at least close enough for him to attack now. With an electrically-charged punch, Thundercloud haphazardly struck Kain, hitting him on the side of his waist. It wouldn’t be enough to knock him out, but it did knock him back a distance and removed the rainbow stare from the villain’s eyes.

Just as one obstacle was gone, another replaced it; a knife that struck the side of Thundercloud’s chest. His reaction was immediate and loud. “WHAT THE FUCK!” The fat electric user pulled the blade out of him, his face exuding rage like the blood bleeding from his body. Although he was weakened, Thundercloud’s eyes were finally starting to return to normal, so he knew he could finish things. “This bullshit has gone on long enough,” he thought, “now I can finally-”

“This is Captain Louis Bartholomew of the LCPD.” In all the chaotic fighting and retreating, nobody had noticed the older police officer who had stealthily and carefully entered the lobby. He wore a standard policeman’s uniform, had gray hair and was holding a pistol straight at Thundercloud. “Drop the knife and put your hands in the air or I will shoot. You have five seconds.”

As the policeman counted down, the villain’s rage turned to horror as he realized that this was it. His men were probably dead if this pig was here. Those damn supers had weakened him to the point where the pistol could be lethal. There was no chance of winning, only survival. Reluctantly, Thundercloud did what he was told to do, letting go of his knife and assuming the traditional posture of surrender.

Captain Louis Bartholomew, Lafayette City Police Department

It was finally over. The senseless loss of lives was finally over. It seemed the police had some help though, so Louis felt the right thing to do was ensure these people got help as well.

As Kane was the only one of them nearby, the policeman addressed him quickly and quietly. “You and your friends should take care of yourselves. A few blocks west of here on Washington is Jefferson Hospital.” He pointed in the direction he meant as he spoke with one hand while keeping his other hand on his weapon. “Tell them you’re with the League and they’ll take care of you,” he added, casually referring to the well-known superhero organization. “Oh, and thanks” he finished before he turned his attention to a portable radio he had on him, this time speaking at normal volume. “All units, Thundercloud is in my custody. I need the rubber cuffs and holding cell.” The policeman’s instructions continued along those lines, as the man focused his attention on the villain that had killed so many of his fellow officers.
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