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You all are really fast with your CSes! I'm going to just follow this thread for now since I don't want to slow you all down; even if I did think of a character, I'm going on vacation in a week and a half and wouldn't want to disrupt the pace of the RP. When I'm back though, if there's any opportunity to join in, maybe then I'll think of a CS. Either way, I hope you all enjoy the RP!
@Indrajita glad your internet is working! I look forward to reading your post.
I do have some ideas, but I'm not sure if I want to "race" people for a RP slot, so I guess whether or not I submit a CS will depend on how inspired I get to write a CS. I can't blame the GM for not wanting to manage like 10 people at once. That being said, I've been wanting to write in a space RP lately, so it's great that there's so much interest in the genre! I see a lot of talented writers here who I think would do great with this setting, and if not here specifically, than with the genre.

Anyway, whatever ends up happening, I wish all of you good luck with your writing :)
If I can think of an idea and if the posting rate doesn't get messed up by me being on vacation in a few weeks, I might be interested. I'll keep an eye on this thread and see what happens!
@Dark Cloud@ZapdosI was saying earlier in the thread to someone else, I had a discord set up and ready to go, but the first person I sent the link to doesn't have discord. I'd rather not split us all up, so I abandoned the discord idea. Sorry.

If you guys want to chat in discord, I love that please do. Any OOC chemistry and comraderie will only boost the IC chemistry and comraderie. But I'll stay on the forum. And all updates will be here or in PM.

Ah, okay, that's fine. If anyone does want to use Discord for OOC stuff, here's a link to my server: discord.gg/jzAmh3fn

No pressure either way though, it's just an option. Either way, I'm enjoying writing with you all so far!

(It's slower now, but I do use that server for other RPs, so there are people there not in this RP.)
Welcome to the site, again! I hope you enjoy your time here!
@Dark Cloud I'd imagine that's up to @xenon but if it helps at all, I have a server I use for my roleplays that we can use if the GM wants.

Enjoy the tablet! I use my phone for this site, personally.
@Dark Cloud heh, no problem, that sort of thing happens to all of is! (Myself definitely included :P)
@Indrajita my post is up! I hope it is helpful with yours.
As Adam walked towards the wooden gate, he took a moment to wonder if anyone else from the group had even bothered to listen to him. He never felt like he was the best at speeches, but the logic was sound, so that had to help, right? The woman with the long, light-brown hair next to him seemed to want to help somehow with the evacuation, but he didn't know about the rest. Then the man noticed an aura around him that wasn't there before. It wasn't the strangest thing that had happened today, but Adam had to wonder how long it had been there for. Was it some kind of thing that appears when someone decides to fight here? Wherever "here" was, anyway. No, that wasn't right, because the "commander" didn't have one and he-

The thoughts were interrupted by a hand on his shoulder and the words "let's do this." Adam was slightly startled for a moment; he had been too deep within his own mind to expect that, and told himself to be more alert when the fighting started. Looking at the source of those words, he saw a woman who was frankly not bad looking. "Scared easily and my pants are wet, great first impression," the man thought as his cheeks unconsciously turned a light shade of red, "first person who's been nice to me since I died though." Adam smiled at the woman and responded with a sincere "of course." He wanted to talk to her more, but he saw three more people join their ragtag group. It would be good to know everyone he'd be fighting with, plus it'd be rude to just ignore them.

As Arthur, Zell and James introduced themselves, Adam noted the latter's point about his "hocus pocus" and began thinking once again. "One mystery solved, and that's certainly useful. Maybe we all have some kind of power? Best to figure that out after I follow everyone's lead though." "I'm Adam," he said respectfully to everyone, "nice to meet all of you, and thanks for helping." Turning to face the blonde-haired woman again, he continued. "I don't think I got-" Before the man could ask for MacKensie's name, Adam was interrupted by a yell:

"Let's go motherfuckers!"

Caught off guard by Zell's declaration, the non-swearing man reluctantly decided that he could wait on her name. "Uh, I guess we're fighting now. Good luck everyone, and please be careful."
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