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<Snipped quote by Zapdos>

Glad for your interest! :D Post length isn't really an issue for me, so long as the post contains enough substance for others to work off of. If I had to put a number to it, I'd say maybe two paragraphs? More is always welcome, of course! As for frequency, I hope once a day is reasonable for most players. If someone can't do that for a time, that's fine! Their character will simply fade into the background, still involved even without the player present!

Once a day seems like a lot for me right now, as I'll be on the other side of the world on vacation and may not have time for that. I'll watch this thread and maybe join after my vacation, if that's okay? I have an idea for a Spinarak character that relies more on poisons and such for combat.
@Indrajita Once you've posted, I'll start the action

They said they were waiting for me to post, so I can do that so they can do so. It may be a bit depending on how the morning goes, but I'll do my best to be prompt.
I enjoy Pokemon, so this interests me, but I did have a few questions:

1) What is the post length requirement? I usually roleplay in the casual section so I don't want to "degrade" the writing standard, so to speak. I tend to write whatever I think is needed, which can range from a few paragraphs to a large block of text.
2) How quickly do you expect people to post? I'm normally good with whatever, but I have a vacation in a few weeks so I want to be sure that I'm not slowing things down.

That's all I have right now. Thank you!
@Indrajita I should probably wait a bit before posting. I don't want to monopolize the story so I'd like to give others time to post. Maybe this evening or tomorrow morning would be a good time for it, but at the same time the stuff I would be writing are interactions with everyone else so it may be a little short if nobody else writes anything. I could end the post with the gate starting to be in sight though for an easier transition to the combat.
I'll post when Zapdos post.

Is there something you need me to set up so you have a good place to write? So far what Adam would be reacting to is MacKenzie, Arthur and James approaching. I wasn't going to write any combat until @xenon set up the battle scene.
After going back and forth a lot, I think it would make more sense for Fenna to go with the villagers to keep them safe. She doesn't have a reason to assume she can figut, but she'll do what she can to keep the evacuating children safe.

Just a suggestion; she sees MacKenzie going off to fight. Seeing the woman's longbow, she thinks she can help too. Of course, it's up to you if you want to use that idea, it's just my two cents.
@Zool I often do the same thing! I kinda thought I was the only one.
@ZapdosLol yeah I'm not the best at making this any kinda realistic. But still, a lot of innocent lives on the line now. Property damage from unruly OP adventurers kinda has to fall off the priority list.

Any players who want to have their character scram, or go with the escort... well, I'm not prepared for it, but I will cook something meaningful up for yall lol

It's fine, GMing is a learning process. I enjoy collaborating with my fellow writers to make a good story, and it seems so far you have that same idea, so I think things will be fine in the end.

With that said, I have posted!
Adam listened as the people next to him tried reasoning with the guards, all without success. At least the Japanese woman was somewhat amusing with her attempt. The yelling from the authorities kept unabated until finally something caused it to stop; a reported invasion from creatures straight out of Dungeons and Dragons. The man listened to the "commander" ask for help before he ran off towards his supposed soldiers.

All of this led Adam to be deep in thought. He wanted to run away, get away from these lunatics with swords and help his fellow prisoners of circumstance be free as well. But the man knew well enough from his brother's D&D games that these ogres weren't going to this town to get their swamp back. These were bad creatures, not Shrek, and that made the proper course of action clear as day.

Adam sighed before speaking. "Assuming any of this is real…we should do the right thing and help these people. But we should be alert, and stay close to each other. These guards will probably turn on us once this is done, and we'll need to work together."

Saying this, the man started walking in the direction of the wooden gate, hoping these fellow coffin arrivals would make a good team. Circumstance had brought them together, but whether that was luck or cruel fate was something Adam did not know.
Such a 180 from the guard lol. Considering the way the guards have been so far, Adam will be wary of fighting alongside them, but will do so to help the citizens (and because running away isn't what the GM planned :P) I'll get to work on my post!
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