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Welcome back, enjoy your time here!
Geez was this a James appreciation day or something? What with this many people coming out of nowhere to thank him, truth be told maybe he could get accustomed to this, it certainly didn't feel bad just embarrassing and awkward... better not ake it a habit then.

FYI, Adam still wants to thank James for the buff, so he isn't done with getting appreciated yet :P
In hello 2 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Welcome to the site, enjoy your time here!
I mostly writte during my lunch hour at work, but because you can't enter with a phone I writte everything with pen and paper

That is impressive! I reference everyone else's posts while writing mine so I'm sure I don't miss anything, so I could not do that. You do a good job writing, Teyao!
Welcome to the site, I hope you have a great day as well!
Welcome to the site, I hope you enjoy your time here!
My intent with my post was to illustrate part of Adam's feelings regarding being sent to this new world while being able to transition to interacting with other characters if it makes sense. Like Zool, it probably wouldn't make sense to arrive where Adam is fishing right now, but the next post would probably be a better place for character interactions.
Welcome to the site! We do have a lot of talented writers here, so I hope you find some you enjoy writing with!

A falcon? How interesting, Adam thought as the creature dive-bombed towards a tree branch, then flew onto Fenna's arm like she had known the bird its entire life. Seeing MacKensie gravitate towards the falcon, the Druid decided not to move closer; he didn't know how comfortable this bird was around crowds of people. This creature, or at least its connection to Fenna, seemed magical and therefore the man had no clue what sort of logic the falcon would possess. Instead, Adam offered a single comment with a smile: "what a lovely creature."


As the group arrived at the camp site the man had chosen, he was pleasantly surprised to find it was better than he hoped. The lack of grass on the hilltop meant that there would be less risk of fire from their activities and there would be protection from the elements as well. One less thing to worry about, the Druid thought. It seemed the team was dividing the camp set up amongst themselves; MacKensie probably went off into the woods to hunt, Fenna's bird was doing the same, and Zell and James were lifting a log to provide seating. Adam couldn't help lightly chuckling at that last task. It would have been much easier for him to move it himself, but the Druid didn't think it was best to interrupt the pair. "Two peas in a pod," he had heard, and figured they were bonding or something.

Instead, Adam set up the fire, arranging some rocks in a circle by where the log was set. He then gathered some kindling, small logs and sticks and arranged them into a nice-looking pile. The Druid then struck two rocks together to create sparks that would light the kindling (and thus the rest of the wood) on fire, creating a nice campfire for the team. It felt easier here than back on Earth for some reason; back there, that sort of method was something his father had taught him for when they didn't have matches in some emergency, but in practice Adam didn't really use it much. Now, there were no matches, and Adam was grateful for his father for teaching him that and so much more. It all just reminded the Druid how much he missed his family. He barely suppressed his emotions for the moment, but the man knew he needed some time alone.

"The fire'll need some wood here and there, but it should be good. I should go fishing." Saying this, Adam left in the direction of the stream, examining his fishing pole as he did so. It looked like a quality piece of equipment, but that wasn't what the man really wanted to think about right now. The Druid purposely chose a spot by the body of water that was as secluded as possible, cast his line, and allowed himself to mourn the loss of his loved ones.
I watched the first season and orange islands parts of the anime, part of the Johto one and a few episodes here and there. My impression of the old show was that the first season actually aged fairly well for what it is (though I could just be being nostalgic), but the show just started recycling plot points and I aged past being the target audience for the show so I stopped watching it.

I probably won't watch the new show, so I can't say much on it, but I noticed in my quick search about it a Captain Pikachu. It seems the show can't go on without the electric mouse :P
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